Archive-name: running-faq/part7
Last-modified: 10 March 2003 Posting-Frequency: 14 days See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge =========================================================== Answers to REC.RUNNING FAQ and Interesting Information This posting contains answers to frequently asked questions posted to rec.running plus interesting & useful information for runners. If known, author's name/email address are given. Send me Ozzie Gontang <> any corrections,updates, suggestions, or proper info of sources or holder's of copyright. Running and Pregnancy. Paula Vanzant-Hardick <> I have been running for oh, about 11 or 12 years now and have run all the way through all of my pregnancies. I feel like it has made them healthier for both of us. I have never had any kind of a problem with low iron, high blood pressure or any real pregnancy related maladies. I also believe that had I not run, my recovery time after each baby was born would have been significantly longer than they were. Even after my second one (the C section, I could walk a couple of miles within about 10 days after delivery). Running is a FABULOUS form of stress management. Now to my diet, I just really maintained my normal diet, the only thing is I may have been a little heavier on the fresh fruits (trying to avoid that refined sugar you know) and I usually drink at least 10 8oz glasses of water a day (you notice I say at least). The water I think also helps to keep the yuckies away. I am planning to continue my training regime as usual with this pregnancy as I have with the others. I guess the only thing that I may do a bit differently during pregnancy is if I really feel like I need to walk during any of my runs, I will, it may only be a few feet or it may be 1/2 mile but if I have a feeling that I don't think should be there I don't hesitate to walk it off. Any of these other women who have run while pregnant may have other suggestions but I guess my biggest thing is to just really do what feels best for the person. And one last note, there were times during each of my pregnancies that I would have rather had a nap, but instead would drag myself out for a run, I would not only feel better after I had run, I would have TONS more energy (and the second, third and now fourth time that is VERY important.) Thanks for asking and giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts! Paula (and the thundering herd--Tom, Shaun, Alexa, Erin and #4) excerpted by Paula from UK version of Runner's World May 1995 "Running for Two" (subtitle Good News- running during pregnancy can make you and your baby healthier!) By Joe Dunbar "There are two main issued: how will training affect the baby, and how will pregnancy affect running performance?....In General, the running you do when pregnant should be aimed at maintaining rather than developing fitness. The main danger to the fetus (that British spelling), according to Dr. Richard Budgett 0f the British Olympic Medical Centre, is from an increase in body temperature. The main effect of too great an increase in body temperature is damage to the fetus's central nervous system. The danger is especially great in the first three months, but you should be careful throughout the pregnancy. Budgett recommends that you limit the increase in body temperature to 38.9 Degree C (102 F). You are also generally recommended not to exceed a rate of 140-150bpm, but individuals vary enormously in their resting , maximum and training heart rates. Remember too that one effect of endurance training is that your body can control temperature rises more effectively ,so a runner who is highly trained before pregnancy should be in a slightly better position. Drinking plenty of fluids is essential to avoid dehydration and hyperthermia. This will also help to limit the temperature increase, so get into the habit of drinking regularly during training it's equally important to avoid hypoglycemia during and after exercise carbo drinks will help to replace [carbohydrates] both during and after exercise, provided that they aren't too concentrated. One recent project that followed two groups of 462 suburban women through their pregnancies found that women who had burned more calories per week (as a result of greater exercise levels) tend to give birth to slightly heavier babies than women who had exercised less. ...the bottom line? Although each individual will differ, you should bear in mind the following guidelines on pregnancy and running: o It is safe to continue moderate training throughout your pregnancy, although individual complications may cause limitations. o Listen to your body and run as you feel. o There is no need to switch to other forms of exercise unless you have specific problems. o Use your heart rate and check your temperature during training. Stick to sensible levels to avoid hyperthermia. o Take plenty of fluids to limit the risk of dehydration and assist cooling. o You can reduce lower back pain by strengthening the abdominal & hip flexor muscles, & stretching the muscles around the pelvis and spine. o Try to avoid explosive exercise during pregnancy. o Try water-running sessions: they are specific to running but have far less impact, and water helps to avert hyperthermia." As I said, I found this article very interesting, and the parts that I have included are verbatim, unless in parentheses. Hope you find this interesting and of some use to all those expectant mom's who don't want to give up their running. A Mindful Way of Dealing with Out of Control People from Ozzie Gontang THE EMPTY BOAT from The Way of Chuang Tzu by Thomas Merton, 1965 New Direction Publishing Corporation If a man is crossing a river And an empty boat collides with his own skiff, Even though he be a bad-tempered man He will not become very angry. But if he sees a man in the boat, He will shout at him to steer clear. If the shout is not heard, he will shout again, And yet again, and begin cursing. And all because there is somebody in the boat. Yet if the boat were empty, He would not be shouting and not angry. If you can empty your own boat Crossing the river of the world, No one will oppose you, No one will seek to harm you.... When I confronted by reckless drivers, speeding skaters or bikers, I simply avoid them and say to myself, "Empty boat." Over the years, those two words have saved me from feeding anger, aggression and violence-both mine and theirs. Hints for the Success of the Four Hour Marathoner (Super-Fours) These Hints are from a brochure for Super-Fours, i.e. those running over 4 hours in the Marathon. It was subtitled: "A Short Guide to the Care and Support of Four-Hour Marathoners, The Physically Distressed and Mentally Distracted Sub-Fours and The First Time Marathoner-Who Only Wants To finish" It was originally published by the International Association of Marathoners (IAM and pronounced "I AM") in 1988. The last 6 to 8 miles of the Marathon will test an individual physically but most of all mentally. No matter how well prepared on may be, the unknown of how one will be or how the weather conditions will be leaves one with some sense of discovery or travelling unfamiliar territoroes of mind/body. It is often for the righteous and well-trained that the fall from grace is the hardest. IAM Aware: Know that you will tell others your verbal time: "About 4 hours." Know that you will harbor a desired time: "I THINK I can do it, if all goes perfect, 15 to 30 minutes faster." Know that you will have an ideal or fantasized time: "Wouldn't it be great to break 3:30 in my first marathon." Acknowledge your desired time and Fantasy Time verbally to yourself, otherwise they will influence you finish time for the worse. Super-Four Success One: Set your time with a standard deviation (SD) of 15 minutes. The SD+/- (Verbal Time + 5 minutes). The mind/body message goes from a single second in time to a window of 30 minutes and respects the mind, the body and the conditions of the day. Super-Four Success Two: Starting a marathon 30 seconds to 60 seconds per mile faster than your race plan for the first 3 to 5 miles can slow your finish time from 20 minutes to 90 minutes. That speed will burn off several times more glycogen in the first 3 to 5 miles than needed. You are fueled with energy from minimal running the 6 days before the marathon. You have also stored extra energy from eating and hydrating well the last three days before the marathon. Know your game plan and stick to it for the first 3 to 5 miles when you are so full of energy. That energy can easily give you the power to run those first few miles at that 30 second to 60 second per mile faster...and not even realize it. It will remember somewhere between miles 18 and 26. Super-Four Success Three: The jitteriness you feel the morning of the race and the day before are from your body being fueled and needing to expend energy. You can identify it as fear, or nervousness, or worry. Just remember you haven't run more than 2 to 4 miles in 3 days. You body is ready to do something-Run A Marathon. You now feel what it's like not to run a few days...or the feelings 3 days after injuring yourself. To walk and sightsee 5 to 10 miles the day before the marathon is 500 to 1000 calories of energy plus the water to store the glycogen. You may not be able to replenish it by race time. Super-Four Success Four: In the past 6 months if you have moved, bought a house, changed jobs, started or ended a relationship, had a child (or fathered a child), have trouble at work or home that costs you mental energby, there is a good likelihood you will finish 30 to 60 minutes slower than you had planned. Super-Four Success Five: When you feel tired or unable to go on, should your mind go to the finish line, bring it back to the present. If your mind is at the finish, so is your body...even though it has 1 to 6 more miles jto go. Bring the mind to the present by saying, "I am at Mile ___ and am being drawn by a magnet to the finish. I hold my body up and erect and I am being pulled steadily to the finish." Super-Four Success Six: The last 10 miles push the crown of your head up and look to the horizon. By holding the head erect you save your shoulder muscles and balance not only the weight of your 12 to 14 pound head but also your breathing. Super-Four Success Seven: The last 6 miles run out from the pack and away from the curbside. You are in a trance state by mile 18. You will be open to and picking up visual and non-verbal cues of runners around you. If you are away from the curb and can see 200 to 300 yards in front of you, you will be running your own race. Should someone stop dead in f ront of you, do not give them any of your energy by getting angry or upset. Simply say as you pass them, "Don't lose your form. Even if you walk keep your good running form." Super-Four Success Eight: When someone running with you starts to speed up or to fall behind, or you start to pick up your pace or fall behind; in your mind, picture a pair of scissors in your hand cutting the cord between you and the other runner. Otherwise, you will be carrying that person in your mind...and it will only slow you down...or wear you out if they are in front of you. You can only be in one place physically, and that is directly above the space upon which you feet are running. Cutting that cord allows you to cut loose from a slower runner or free your mind from attempting to keep up with a faster runner. Super-Four Success Nine: When you run with someone, run shoulder to shoulder. If you run slightly behind, the mind often feels like it is having to catch up. If your image is that of being pulled or towed by the runner in front of you, then running behind is okay...unless the runner complains. Super-Four Success Ten: In a marathon to catch someone, wind them in over a mile to three miles. that way you waste no energy required to finish the last 1 to 6 miles. If you want to share your thoughts, suggestions, ideas, mantras, anecdotes, and your own Super-Four Success hints, please send e-mail them or send them to: International Association of Marathoners (IAM) Attn. Ozzie Gontang 2903 29th Street San Diego, CA 92104 e-mail: Ozzie Gontang <> ph. 619-281-7447 fax 619-281-9468 Mindful Running: User Contributions: |
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