Top Document: alt.polyamory Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Previous Document: 6). Are there rules for being polyamorous? Next Document: 8). Why do some posts talk about Hot Bi Babes? See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge This is the most often asked question in panel discussions of polyamory, making some polyfolk wonder why sex is more interesting than the emotional and other intimacies of polyamorous life. The answer is that the people involved decide, and they decide *how* they decide, too. Some people have conferences and divide up the week, some people all pile happily into one big bed, and for all I know some people spin a big wheel with blinking lights on it each evening....and some people can love one another, have no sex, and choose to live in separate homes if that is most comfortable for them. The answer usually evolves out of discussion, empathy and practice, which makes it a lot like good lovemaking. As jack says: "The thing to remember is that the sexuality of a relationship is not the most important aspect of it. The best thing I can do for either of my partners is meet them at the door with a buttered biscuit and a smile." User Contributions:Top Document: alt.polyamory Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Previous Document: 6). Are there rules for being polyamorous? Next Document: 8). Why do some posts talk about Hot Bi Babes? Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Elise Matthesen)
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM
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