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Comp.os.research: Frequently answered questions [2/3: l/m 13 Aug 1996]

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		Answers to frequently asked questions
		  for comp.os.research: part 2 of 3

		       Copyright (C) 1993--1996
			   Bryan O'Sullivan


1.     Available software
1.1.   Where can I find Unix process checkpointing and restoration packages?
1.2.   What threads packages are available for me to use?
1.3.   Can I use distributed shared memory on my Unix system?
1.4.   Where can I find operating systems distributions?
1.4.1. Distributed systems and microkernels
1.4.2. Unix lookalikes
1.4.3. Others

2.     Performance and workload studies
2.1.   TCP internetwork traffic characteristics
2.2.   File system traces
2.3.   Modern Unix file and block sizes
2.3.1. File sizes
2.3.2. Block sizes
2.3.3. Inode ratios

3.     Papers, reports, and bibliographies
3.1.   From where are papers for distributed systems available?
3.2.   Where can I find other papers?
3.3.   Where can I find bibliographies?

4.     General Internet-accessible resources
4.1.   Wide Area Information Service (WAIS) and World-Wide Web (WWW) servers
4.2.   Refdbms---a distributed bibliographic database system
4.3.   Willow -- the information looker-upper
4.4.   Computer science bibliographies and technical reports
4.5.   The comp.os.research archive
4.6.   Miscellaneous resources

5.     Disclaimer and copyright

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