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Comp.os.research: Frequently answered questions [3/3: l/m 13 Aug 1996]

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		Answers to frequently asked questions
		  for comp.os.research: part 3 of 3

		       Copyright (C) 1994--1996
			   Bryan O'Sullivan


1.     Distributed systems
1.1.   What is the current status of the (insert name) project?
1.2.   How do approaches to load balancing differ?
1.3.   Fault tolerance in distributed systems
1.4.   Naming in distributed systems
1.5.   Distributed shared memory
1.5.1. Data consistency Strictly consistent systems Relaxing consistency Application-specific coherence
1.5.2. Access synchronisation
1.5.3. Transfer and caching granularity
1.5.4. Address space structure
1.5.5. Fault tolerance
1.5.6. A brief bibliography on distributed shared memory
1.6.   What have we learned?

2.     Needful things

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