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Section - 2.031 Avoid stress

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As odd as it may seem, typically the most beneficial program is for the pat=
ient to avoid
stress and to get lots of rest. This is usually the most effective regimen,=
 among others
that might also be undertaken. Stress does not merely mean unpleasant exper=
but rather any biological stressors, physical or emotional, which prompt a =
reaction in the body and which may alter physiologic equilibrium ("homeosta=
(Read the discussion about stress under question 2.04.) Failure to avoid st=
ress often
leads to short-term and long-term set-backs which may be serious. Many pati=
believe that if they had done more to avoid stress in the early phases of t=
he illness, they
would not have become nearly so disabled later on. The correlation between =
stress and
the progress of this illness appears to be strong.

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Top Document: FAQ: CFS FAQ
Previous Document: 2.03 What are the specific treatments available for CFS?
Next Document: 2.032 Medications

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM