Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ Previous Document: 5.7.9 How do I display all active Internet (TCP and UDP) connections? Next Document: 5.7.11 How can I enable the LAN interface on a 700? See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Updated: 11/18/01 ifalias ======= On 10.x, a patch can be installed that adds a new command called ifalias, allowing one to add multiple IP addresses on one interface without having to buy MC/ServiceGuard: o For 10.20: PHNE_12492 o For 10.10: PHNE_7108 o For 10.01: PHNE_7107 0 For 10.00: not available After installing the patch, see the ifalias(1M) manpage. The command's syntax is very straightforward: # ifalias lanX add <address_list> where X is the interface number, and <address_list> is the list of IP addresses you wish to alias. It is also a good idea to install the latest ARPA Transport patch: o For 10.20: PHNE_22507 o For 10.10: PHNE_19935 o For 10.01: PHNE_20188 o For 10.00: PHNE_13474 ifconfig ======== On 11.x, no additional patches are required, and one does not use the ifalias command. The functionality is part of the ifconfig(1M) command. For additional aliases on the same physical interface, one would do: # ifconfig lanX:0 ... # ifconfig lanX:1 ... ... # ifconfig lanX:N ... where X is the interface number. Note, 'lanX' is equivalent to 'lanX:0'. To persist the configuration, modify /etc/rc.config.d/netconf. The format should resemble the following: INTERFACE_NAME[0]="lan0" IP_ADDRESS[0]= SUBNET_MASK[0]= BROADCAST_ADDRESS[0]="" INTERFACE_STATE[0]="" DHCP_ENABLE[0]=0 INTERFACE_NAME[1]="lan0:1" IP_ADDRESS[1]= SUBNET_MASK[1]= BROADCAST_ADDRESS[1]="" INTERFACE_STATE[1]="" DHCP_ENABLE[1]=0 Again, it is a good idea to install the latest ARPA Transport patch: o For 11.11: PHNE_27063 o For 11.00: PHNE_27886 cmmodnet ======== HP's MC/ServiceGuard product also allows you to configure multiple IP addresses on one interface, using the cmmodnet command which adds IP addresses to existing interfaces. For example: # cmmodnet -a -i 15.13.143 Where -a is add, -i is the IP address to add, and 15.13.143 is the subnet on which to add it. The cmmodnet command (via the ioctl()s) then figures out which interface the subnet is currently on and adds the new IP address to that interface. VIF === Similar functionality for HP-UX 9.x can be obtained using the VIF kernel driver by Steinar Haug <>. For more info, see: o <> User Contributions:Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ Previous Document: 5.7.9 How do I display all active Internet (TCP and UDP) connections? Next Document: 5.7.11 How can I enable the LAN interface on a 700? Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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