Top Document: PDP-8 Frequently Asked Questions (posted every other month) Previous Document: What operating systems were written for the PDP-8? Next Document: Where can I get PDP-8 software? See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge The PAL family of assembly languages, particularly PAL III and PAL8 are as close to a standard assembly language as can be found for the PDP-8; these are included with all OS/8 distributions. They produce absolute object code and there are versions of PAL for minimally configured machines, although these have severe symbol table limitations. Cross assemblers that are somewhat compatable with PAL can be obtained from: MACRO-8 was DEC's first macro assembly language for the PDP-8, but it was rarely used outside the paper-tape environment. MACREL and SABR are assembly languages that produce relocatable output. SABR is the final pass for the ALICS II FORTRAN compiler (developed by ICS); it is included with the standard OS/8 software distributions. Source for these is available from: MACREL was developed in (unfulfilled) anticipation of similar use. MACREL was heavily used by the DECmate group at DEC. MACREL is available from: RALF, the relocatable assembler supporting RTPS FORTRAN is also included in OS/8 standard distributions. FLAP, an absolute assembler, was derived from RALF. Both SABR and RALF/FALP are assemblers that handle their intended applications but have quirky and incompatible syntax. A subset of FORTRAN was supported on both the PDP-5 and the original PDP-8. Surviving documentation describes a DEC compiler written in 1964 by Larry Portner, nicknamed "Fivetran", and a compiler written by Information Control Systems from 1968. The latter, ALICS II FORTRAN, was originally a paper tape based compiler, but it forms the basis of the OS/8 8K FORTRAN compiler, and was also adapted to the Disk Monitor System (the latter version had overlay support that was never carried forward into more modern systems). RTPS FORTRAN required 8K and a floating point processor; it had real-time extensions and was a full implementation of FORTRAN IV (also known as ANSI FORTRAN 66). OS/8 F4 is RTPS FORTRAN stripped of the requirement for hardware floating point (if the hardware is missing, it uses software emulation). Versions of FORTRAN is available from FOCAL, an interpretive language comparable to BASIC, was available on all models of the family, including the PDP-5 and PDP-8/S. Versions of FOCAL run under OS/8, P?S/8 and other systems, and there were many special purpose overlays for FOCAL developed by DEC and by various users. DEC's later FOCAL releases for the PDP-8 included code to deliberately introduce subtle bugs when run on a DCC 112 computer! Various versions of FOCAL are available from: Many versions of BASIC were also available, from DEC and other sources. DEC BASIC was widely used on PDP-8 systems sold under the EduSystem marketing program. A paper-tape version was available that ran in 4K and was compatible with disk based systems, versions distributed with OS/8 and TSS-8, an 8K stand-alone time-sharing version was available, and there were others. EduSystem 25 Basic is available from: The source code for TSS-8 Basic is available from DIBOL was DEC's attempt at competing with COBOL in the commercial arena. It was originally implemented under MS/8 but most versions were sold to run under the COS operating system. Algol was available from a fairly early date. One version is available from: At least two Pascal compilers were developed for the PDP-8. One was a Pascal-S interpreter, written in assembler, the other was a Pascal-P compiler with a P-code interpreter written in assembler. A Pascal S interpreter, requiring a 28K PDP-8/E configuration, is available from: Another OS/8 Pascal system, the source code for which was rescued by Larwrence LeMay, is available from: A LISP interpreters was written for the PDP-8; the original version ran in 4K (originally written in Germany?); a disassembled and commented version of this was the basis of expanded versions that eventually could utilize up to 16K. One version of LISP is available from: POLY SNOBOL was a version of SNOBOL that was somewhere between Griswold's definitions of SNOBOL 3 and SNOBOL 4. TECO, the text editor, was included in the standard OS/8 distributions and is a general purpose language (the Emacs editor began as a set of TECO macros!). The story of TECO on the PDP-8 is convoluted. Russ Hamm implemented TECO under his OS8 (without a slash) system, and then gave a listing to Don Baccus at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) who, along with Barry Smith ported it to PS/8. This was the beginning of what became Oregon Software, later famous for OMSI Pascal. Richard F. Lary and Stan Rabinowitz made OS/8 TECO more compatible with other versions of TECO, and the result of this work is the version distributed by DECUS (catalog number 110450 is the manual). RT-11 TECO for the PDP-11 is a port of this code. DECUS also lists the PAGE8 language (catalog numbers 800936), the VISTA editor (catalog number 800938), and the ICE text editor (catalog number 800939). User Contributions:Top Document: PDP-8 Frequently Asked Questions (posted every other month) Previous Document: What operating systems were written for the PDP-8? Next Document: Where can I get PDP-8 software? 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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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