Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Vendors and Developers Previous Document: P Next Document: S See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Werner Raetz 12/09 See also: WASEO Postfach 16 40 D-75006 Bretten Germany Telefon: 07252/4827 or 07252/3058 Telefax: 07252/85565 Publisher: developed by WASEO: Der WASEO Publisher, Die WASEO-Publisher-Designer-Diskette, Die WASEO Trilogy-Diskette, Das WASEO Grafinoptikum, Das WASEO Labouratorium, Das WASEO Practoscope, WASEO Demo Disk, WASEO BASIC Hits, WASEO DISK-LINE disk magazine issues 1-50. also publisher of: ATARImagazin (back issues available?) Burkhard Rau (HCRBurk) 5/06 Germany Developer: SUBMON 4.1D (Atari), ATARI FileManagement (AFM) 1.7 0002 (WIN 95/98/NT/2000/XP) raz0red 2/09 Developer: WiiXL v0.1 (port of Atari800 emulator for Nintendo Wii) Ready Magazin (Sascha Leidel) 2/07 Germany Publisher: READY. Magazine. Atari part: 100%, only Atari. 2.60 euro per magazine. 6 magazines per year Special lower prize for ABBUC members available. READY Technologies (Thomas Smailus) 5/06 254 Nelson Dr Apt U Baton Rouge LA 70808-5059 USA Fax: (225) 578-5263 Developer: design, layout, and manufacture of electonic analog and digital hardware systems; design, development, and production of software systems; software: Olympics, Word Processor for the Blind, Blip, Putzman, Saturn Lander, Menu Master, DOS 17; Data storage and media conversion; Engineering, Consulting Red's Retro Computing (redrumloa) 8/09 USA or Developer: Competition Pro Retro Joystick (by Speed-Link), Micromys V3 Mouse Adapter (allows the use of modern mice on the Atari) RETRO magazine 2/07 See: CSW-Verlag Rewindgames (Fred Meijer) 4/06 See also: Mirage Interactive See also: Sikor Soft The Netherlands Vendor: new and used hardware, new and used commercial software including all Sikor Soft titles (new in box), exclusive distribution of (new in box) ANG titles, and (new in box) Mirage titles. ANG/Mirage titles: Bang! Bank!, Basicdup, Eureka, Hack Picture Program II, Mines, Operation Blood, Operation Blood for the lightgun, Problem Jasia (Johny's problem), Sh*t!!, Simple Minds, Tanks, T-34 the Battle, Thinker, Thinx, Tron, Whooops! 2, Zebuland Utility Disk Thomas Richter 11/09 Germany Developer: Atari++ Emulator (800/XL/XE/5200 emulator for Unix/Linux/ Solaris/Irix) Stable Release 1.58, CVS Snapshot 1.58, atari++ 1.58 for win32 Markus Roemer / R.I.K. of Kaisersoft 10/06 An der Roehr 6a 55606 Hochstetten-Dhaun Germany Publisher: Top Magazin 2006 Pawel Rosowski 4/05 Poland Developer: IK+ C64 to Atari 8-bit Conversion Project (game) version 0103 (March 2005) RTS Software / BBK Enterprises (Bryan P. Schappel and Barry Kolbe) 7/05 USA or Developer: Utilities: ANALOG Database, BCALC, BCOPY (SuperCopy), BBK Artist, BBK C.P., BBK Monitor, Debug+, Disk Enchanter, Disk Master, Personal Spell Checker, T:EDIT. Atari 8-bit Games: Capital, Clash of Kings, ROBOX, Snow Plow, Snow Plow Editor User Contributions:Top Document: Atari 8-Bit Computers: Vendors and Developers Previous Document: P Next Document: S Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: Michael Current <>
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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