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[faq-maintainers] [Fwd: I'm about ready to change my FAQ...]


From: John O. Kopf (kopfj@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Wed Aug 22 2001 - 19:28:00 CDT

I've recently joined this list, and see NO traffic thereon.

I originally sentthe following to news-answers-request@mit.edu nearly a
month ago, and have as yet received no reply (in the past, I'd
immediately get back an automatic response saying how big the queue was.

Is there ANYONE there?

Can anyone answer the questions I originally asked?

John Kopf


attached mail follows:

I have been posting the Ship Model FAQ for nearly 10 years now - during
that time, it has grown from one part to 25 parts. I have since also
replicated a browser version, and - nowthat browsers are the norm - am
about ready to drop the full 25-part FAQ (which I currently only post
quarterly because of the complaints about its size) in favor of a small
1-part messae describing where to find the browser version.

I currently use the following commands:

UPDATE *PW* ship-models-faq/part* ==> to change a part

FORCE *PW* ship-models-faq/part01 ==> to force the posting
ADD *PW* ship-models-faq/part01 ==> to add yet another part.

I have downlaoded the latest "help" response, and believe that I need to
do the following:

DELETE *PW* ship-models-faq ==> to delete ALL parts and free
                                        up the space
ADD *PW* ship-models-faq 7 ==> installs new FAQ pointer with
                                        a 7 day repeat period.

.......I then continue to use:

UPDATE *PW* ship-models-faq/part* ==> to change the (single) part

......and no longer need to use FOERCE.

Please advise if I've gotten it right.

John O. Kopf

P.S. When I first started posting, I got a number of complaints because
I didn't have an:

Expires: Fri, December 28, 2001 00:00:00 GMT

.....field. I now maintain this, but am wondering if such a field is
added automatically if I don't provide one.

Here is the complete set of headers I currently use (for part 1) - tell
me if any of these can be dropped when I go to automatic posting:

From: "John O. Kopf" <kopfj@worldnet.att.net>
Reply-To: kopfj@worldnet.att.net
X-Complaints-To: abuse@worldnet.att.net
Distribution: world
Newsgroups: rec.models.scale,rec.answers,news.answers
Followup-To: rec.models.scale
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Organization: none
Subject: Ship Modeling FAQ, Part 01/25 (Contents, where is FAQ: 20K)
Keywords: shipmodel
Summary: This posting contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions
        (and their answers) about Ship Modeling.
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU

Archive-name: ship-models-faq/part01
Rec-models-scale-archive-name: Ship_Modeling_FAQ/part01
Posting-Frequency: quarterly
Expires: Fri, December 28, 2001 00:00:00 GMT
Last-modified: 22 June 2001

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