FAQ Maintainers Mailing List
Re: [faq-maintainers] The Future of FAQ Posting


From: William Bagwell (rb211@nelson.tds.net)
Date: Sun Nov 12 2000 - 19:23:25 CST

On Sun, 12 Nov 2000 10:24:01 -0500, Charles MacDonald > wrote:
(sorry for the separate e-mail, was not my intention)
>In the interest of reducing the time commitment needed in the future,
>would it be posible for the curently learning maintainers group to
>consider publishing a manual (even a FAQ!) of how the curent sustem
>works (passwords and such ommited of course)

And for current problem, would it be possible for at least _part_ of
the training to be done en mass? Barring this, is there someone
willing to step forward and be the training moderator? Seems to me
that there is at least one person with a honking big clue, who could
learn all that's needed in far less than 20 hours...

Just some thoughts from a peon, frustrated with a possible one year
plus delay. No need for a long winded explanation...

William Bagwell

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