FAQ Maintainers Mailing List
Re: [faq-maintainers] FAQ problems


From: Edward Reid (edward@paleo.org)
Date: Fri Dec 15 2000 - 09:22:05 CST

At 11:37 AM +0000 12/15/00, Craig Cockburn wrote:
>My FAQ at
>is hopelessly out of date. I've posted it numerous times since then,
>most recently being 30-Nov-2000. Why is your copy not being updated?

Well, to my eyes there are only three significant changes:

   1) You now have quoted-printable MIME in the body.
   3) You changed your email address.
   3) The size is now over 600K.

I don't know of any reason that rtfm would exclude a posting based on
either of these.

Quoted-printable MIME in a Usenet FAQ is a real bad idea, since many
newsreaders won't interpret it and will display the raw codes instead.
You really should get rid of it. However, it's not affecting the
headers, and there's no reason I know of that rtfm should care about it
in the body.

Changing your email address, as I've pointed out repeatedly, doesn't
require prior approval. However, I speculate that perhaps rejects the
article unless the approved From address matches the article, and that
the change hasn't been made because of the moderation backlog. I didn't
check the LoPIP to see if the email address has been changed there.
Perhaps someone who has changed email addresses recently can say
whether they see a similar problem.

It *is* entirely possible that some news server in the path from demon
to rtfm has implemented a limit on the size of text postings, or that
it already had a limit in the 600K range. This is a really huge
single-posting FAQ at a time when many of us are still concerned
whether we should let individual postings exceed 100K. Servers and
newsreaders *should* handle postings this large, but practical problems
arise nonetheless. It would be useful to know what other single
postings in FAQs are this large and whether they are making it to rtfm
-- I don't know of any easy way to search for them.

Edward Reid

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