I vote NO to the email idea. I would much rather have a WWW page
which presents basic stats for my FAQ (either using a CGI script for
up-to-the-minute stats, or just compiled nightly). I could go and
look at it whenever I'm curious, but I'm not required to bother about
it at all; likewise, Kent, you don't have to deal with email
What stats? Depends on what your server collects. Total number of
hits, sure. Hourly breakdown of hits? Probably not worth the time to
compile it. Breakdown by browser type? Could be interesting. As for
counting referring sites, that could be done without loss of privacy
by only counting search engines and major directories: "26 hits from
Yahoo, 19 from Webcrawler, 37 from the Virtual Library, ..., and 35
from other sources".
-- - Pam Greene Ferret Central <http://www.optics.rochester.edu:8080/users/pgreene/> or ftp://ftp.optics.rochester.edu/pub/pgreene/ or send INDEX FERRET in email to <listserv@cunyvm.cuny.edu>