Re: Counter & Statistics


Jeff Knapp (
Wed, 13 Aug 1997 15:17:26 -0400

On 13 Aug 97 at 13:30, Pamela Greene wrote:

> As for counting referring sites, that could be done without loss of
> privacy by only counting search engines and major directories: "26
> hits from Yahoo, 19 from Webcrawler, 37 from the Virtual Library,
> ..., and 35 from other sources".

Whenever I used a referer log, I found it was infiniately more
interesting to see which personal pages were linking to my FAQ than
to know that 100s of people were coming from Yahoo or wherever. I
know what context Yahoo has my FAQ in; but I'm more
interested in what context other people place it in. Am I a
"Favorite Place"? Do I "Suck"? Am I a "requred reading?" etc.


Jeff Knapp

Something funny, I hope...
You can't have everything; where would you put it.