> Whenever I used a referer log, I found it was infiniately more
> interesting to see which personal pages were linking to my FAQ than
> to know that 100s of people were coming from Yahoo or wherever. I
> know what context Yahoo has my FAQ in; but I'm more
> interested in what context other people place it in. Am I a
> "Favorite Place"? Do I "Suck"? Am I a "requred reading?" etc.
One trick is to use the Link search in altavista. Unless thay have
changed it you can do a search like "link:www.achilles.net/~cmacd/" and
it will show you all the pages that have a link to that url. I recall
that it was smart enough to inclule the sub links like
www.achilles.net/~cmacd/marine.html and so on.
Charles MacDonald Stittsville Ontario cmacd@achilles.net
--- Just beyond the fringe ---
<a href="http://www.achilles.net/~cmacd/">homepage</a>
Canada is good! - SOMEONE should stand up for it!