Re: Dealing with requests for faq by e-mail


Tim Pierce (
Wed, 25 Jan 95 20:04:54 CST

> > I used to reply to these, but now I just ignore them. I've put a note
> > in the FAQ to the effect of "I am not a mailserver" and a pointer to
> > FTP and rtfm, and that seems to have done the trick.
> Oh my, what's the problem with that? I've set up my system in a way that
> replying with the FAQ needs a minimum of three mouse clicks and one keystroke.

I think that the problem with that is that many of us find
it unwise to coddle newcomers too much in their approach to
the net. If they're not told the right method of doing
things, how are they to learn? If they learn, hopefully
they will not continue to bother busy people once they know
how to retrieve the information they need automatically.

YMMV; I suspect that the place where most will disagree on
this issue is where to draw the line at which to stop
helping. For example: I don't know how to drive. Can you
tell me how? I suspect your response will be negative if at
all, but does that not violate the mythic Spirit Of The Net?

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