Baseball stats

Alvin (Alvin Ralph) Dark

nickname: Blackie,The Swamp Fox

Birthday: January 07, 1922 Comanche (Oklahoma) USA

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Managed teams
Year Team League Matches Wins Lose
1977San Diego Padres NL 113 48 65
1975Oakland Athletics AL 162 98 64
1974Oakland Athletics AL 162 90 72
1971Cleveland Indians AL 103 42 61
1970Cleveland Indians AL 162 76 86
1969Cleveland Indians AL 161 62 99
1968Cleveland Indians AL 162 86 75
1967Kansas City Athletics AL 121 52 69
1966Kansas City Athletics AL 160 74 86
1964San Francisco Giants NL 162 90 72
1963San Francisco Giants NL 162 88 74
1962San Francisco Giants NL 165 103 62
1961San Francisco Giants NL 155 85 69