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I have a 1995 Jetta with gauge cluster that is made by...


Question by swappy
Submitted on 12/2/2003
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this question: Vote
I have a 1995 Jetta with gauge cluster that is made by VDO-Yazaki, and it is acting funny. Last winter the temp gauge would spike on occasion, I would tap the acrylic cover and it would go back to normal. This year it is the spedo and the tach, they seem to want to work when they want to, but when they don't work, they both don't work. They seem to work better when the car is cold, but not after it is warmmed up. When the car is running and the gauge decides to work, it works until I shut the car off, then it doesn't work on restart. I have noticed that the tach sometimes flutters when it is not working. Any ideas as to what is wrong with it?

Answer by nikivw66
Submitted on 2/19/2004
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i have the same problem!!!! now though, my car cuts off when i turn the key and once while i was driving. it started the same way with the gauges coming on and off along with my oil light going off when nothing is wrong. i would like to also know if the cluster controls the starting of the car.


Answer by kearney99
Submitted on 1/22/2005
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Had speedo fuel gauge problems.. same symptoms.. replaced the cluster with an eBay unit and problem fixed.



Answer by Mikhail
Submitted on 5/31/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
yeah...its a piece of Sh*T. I have the same problem and i have no idea what the hell is going on.


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