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The assimilation of the Aegean state of Macedonia into a...

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Question by yannis
Submitted on 10/4/2003
Related FAQ: [soc.culture.greek] Macedonia FAQ
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The assimilation of the Aegean state of Macedonia into a Greek state firstly recognizer as 'The New Territory' which was acquired by the Greek government as a result of the treaty of Bucharest 1913, which partitioned the Macedonian country, caused the massacre of many Macedonians which were oppressed and whom seeked freedom from the Greek oppression, this heartless slaughter caused interference by the red cross, whom helped children escape the borders of their Greek confinement, the deca begalci are children whom recently were gratefully allowed into their home land, i am a descendant of one of these refugees, my father and mother both escaped to Romania, i want to express my concern on the handling and bias of this topic, your argument is not only misleading but also twists the truth to fit in your misconception of history, my grandparents were forced at gun point to sign documents to legally say they are Greek, their names were changed but not the blood that flows through them they had to stop speaking their mother tongue which was Macedonian or would be jailed and they were for 12 years, why did the Greek government go to such extreme lengths to change a nationality, culture and identity of a area of land, replace all its inhabitants with Greek settlers and pontian refugees and then state that Macedonia is the most homogeneous part of Greece, i wish that the lies would stop and that the truth be known, i was indeed wondering whether you yourself Mr Karageorgiou, was of true Macedonian decent not Greek but of a different distinct identity and there is one way you can find out, read the facts, and remember 'knowledge is power'soread books on the topic but not by subjective historians which might be of Greek decent but English, French and Australian historians. Macedonia is a distinct nation and should be recognized as so.

Answer by Intopen
Submitted on 9/17/2004
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ante gamhsou malaka kai gw ntopios eimai, imakedonia einai elliniki, makedonija e grcski!!!!


Answer by barajiakoush
Submitted on 12/27/2004
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Hey you got my heart strings weeping with your sob story. Put away the Clarinets. Any Makedonas worth his salt has a similarly miserable story to tell. If you took the time to listen to your own advise, that is read a little more(I would recommend you stay away from the Australian stuff), you'd know that the question isn't about whether your culture is unique or not it's really about whether or not you can claim exclusivity over a culture and a name that pre-existed before the language you speak was even introduced into the region. Nobody can deny that your ancestors when they came to settle in my lands were welcomed into our Christian brotherhood, Mount Athos is testament to that........ Funny how there is no Makedonian monastery there? That's because there was no Makedoni. Imagine you've conquered the Greeks, then you set off to conquer the rest of the known world. Why do you spread Greek culture and not Makedonian culture? Why are all the recent archaeological discoveries made in Alexandria today written in Greek, the Rosetta stone, Greek, Ptolemy, Cleopatra etc. etc. Why when the Greeks (Makedonian Ruled) fell to the Romans did it become the Graeco-Roman Empire and not the Maco-Roman Empire? You see the whole premise to your brain-washed Balkan Myopia is founded on the unsupportable notion that you represent the uninterrupted line direct from Alexander's time. WRONG! I apologise for those brute Greeks, and I do agree you get too much lip from the Pontians, however I represent the Greek Makedonians, and we were always here and we always spoke Greek and we always want to be identified with Greece just like Alexander. I'm glad to hear your story has a happy ending and they let you return to Greece.


Answer by Philip II of Macedon
Submitted on 7/17/2007
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