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Hi, i cant gain weight. I have tried all kinds of stuff, but...

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Question by Brandon
Submitted on 7/6/2003
Related FAQ: Hardgainer Bodybuilding & Weightlifting FAQ
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Hi, i cant gain weight. I have tried all kinds of stuff, but still cant gain. Iv been working out for about 3 years. I am somewhat cut, but id rather have that bulk. What can i do?

Answer by Beth
Submitted on 7/24/2003
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Hey. I have the same problem. As much as chubby people want to lose weight.. thats how much I want to gain weight. Losing weight is not that hard if you watch what you eat and exercise a little bit. But how is one to gain weight when they have fast metabolism?


Answer by RoRo
Submitted on 7/25/2003
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I Need to know how can I gain weight an fast?


Answer by Mariosan16
Submitted on 7/30/2003
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I have the same problem sometimes I eat like a pig but my metabolism is so fast that I weigh 130 lbs. and I am 5'9. Please Help Out This guy because I need it too


Answer by Tammy
Submitted on 7/30/2003
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gain weight by adding on a few more calories to your daily eatings and you should be able to put on a pound or two a week. anything more than that amount is too dangerous so just take it slowly and you should be able to gain between 6 to 9 pounds a month. also if you want a little muscle you can do weightlifting or other workouts as long as you stay on the program!


Answer by Silkk
Submitted on 8/4/2003
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  What up my names javar and Im 6ft6 184 pounds and my goal is to gain at least 20 pounds in 2 months what type of product should I buy.  


Answer by me
Submitted on 8/5/2003
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in most cases women who were on the pill gained weight I know I'm 15 and i started it and i now have to watch my weight when i used to be able to pig out

just a suggestion

for men i would check the nearest GMC for something


Answer by Re re
Submitted on 8/7/2003
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i am 17 and i have not gained one pound in 3 years. i have tried everything. is there anything to gain weight other then for men?


Answer by carol
Submitted on 8/8/2003
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I just lost 30lbs and do not put on weight even if I eat chocolates. My doctor diagnosed an abnormally active thyroid gland. My thyroxine level was 4 times the normal. I am on medication and am now putting on lost weight. Do you folks have rapid heartbeat as well as feeling hot and sweaty? See a doctor if you do.


Answer by Aussie
Submitted on 8/10/2003
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I am 15 going on 16 and every girl I know has a nice plump figure. I am 5'8 and I weigh only 120lbs. Imagine!! People think I starve myself. I get mad when my 163lb friends want to lose weight when I am here trying to gain. I don't want to use a pill I just want to gain naturally. I eat a lot more now but I only go up to 123lbs then go back down to 120 when I go to sleep. It is easy to lose but hard to gain. The whole world helps fat people lose weight when there are thin people out there who want to where a skirt and not look like a Q-tip. Any suggestions???


Answer by Aussie
Submitted on 8/12/2003
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Weight Gain

1) Count how many calories you eat in a normal day. Don't change anything, just eat like you normally would and count how many calories you consumed. This is an extremely important step, so try to be as exact as possible. Also, weigh yourself. 2) Starting the day after you counted calories, eat 500 calories MORE then you normally do. So, lets pretend that the day you counted calories you counted 2000. For the rest of the week, you would now eat 2500 calories a day. Instead of eating 3 big meals a day or eating all day all the time, spread those calories out over 5-6 smaller meals. Eat one meal every 2 and a half to 3 hours. To get big, you have to eat big! Remember that. 3) Weightlifting! Get in the gym and lift! This is another important step to how to gain weight, so make sure you are doing it correctly. For more information on weightlifting workout routines and splits, read the workout routines and splits section. 4) At the end of that week, weigh yourself. You'll notice your gaining just after one week! Now, don't expect to see a 10lb increase. Gaining anymore then 1 or 2 pounds a week is unhealthy and means your putting on way to much fat. So look for 1 or 2 pound gains at the end of the week. Don't sound like much? You can be gaining 5-8 pounds a month! 5) Heres an important one. At some point, you will stop seeing weight gain. At this point, you will have to eat even more. So, when you stop gaining for at least 2 weeks, it means it is time to start eating an extra 250 calories a day. Every time you see you haven't gained weight for at least 2 weeks, add an extra 250 calories. More tips for how to gain weight (extremely important!) - Stay away from fat! Eventhough weight gain is your goal, you don't want to be gaining fat. Get rid of the chips and candy. No more fast food, nothing fried. Stick to high protein low fat foods like tuna fish (and other seafood), chicken breast, turkey, lean meats, fruits and vegetables etc. (For more information, read the diet and nutrition section. - WATER! Drink water! Drink around a half gallon a day, more if you can. Yes thats alot of water, but its that water that will give you the energy you need to gain that weight! - Sleep! YES! Sleep! The easiest, yet most over looked step. Get atleast 8 hours of sleep a night. Your gonna need it! Now the concern some people have about how to gain weight, is how to do it without putting on extra fat. Let me tell you how, YOU CAN'T! Unless you are using steroids, it is basically impossible to gain weight without putting on a little bit of extra fat. But hey, you want to see some weight gain right? Well then who cares about the little bit of extra fat you might put on while gaining. You will be able to burn that off later on, right now gaining is your main concern, so that is all you need to worry about.

For more info go to www.IntenseWorkout.com
lets keep eachother updated


Answer by Stevie
Submitted on 8/12/2003
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i am 5 foot 3 and 96 lbs. yes its crazy. so can someone tell me how to gain more weight?! and even get taller??!


Answer by angelique
Submitted on 8/13/2003
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i am 23 and 5'4 i weigh a measly 110 punds

can someone please tell me how to gain weight
i want to gain at least 10 pounds


Answer by Jezebelle
Submitted on 8/13/2003
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Girls, try vitamin B-12 supplements, I bought some at Trader Joe's it makes me more hungry, so I have gained some weight. Best thing to do to gain weight is by food rather than powders or pills..


Answer by J. Perez
Submitted on 8/18/2003
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I know the feeling of not being able to put on any kind of weight, even while stuffing yourself until you vomit and taking every supplement imaginable.
I'm a Firefighter in Cleveland, Oh. I've put up a web site dedicated to teaching anyone how to put on some serious muscular weight, without counting calories, without supplements, and without eating every 2 to 3 hours.
I, personally, went from 147 to 190 pounds, all muscle!
Please check out the site at WWW.MUSCLE-WEIGHT-GAIN.COM

J. Perez
Cleveland Firefighter / EMT / Haz-Mat Tech


Answer by BeeZaa
Submitted on 8/24/2003
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Ok, i am like most of you im a senior in high school and im 5'3-4 and 95 pounds, me and my sister both experianced this she is now 21. i would love to thank my doctor for recomending a shake called ScandiShake. it taste like a McDonalds shake and i have put on 30 lb'sin 2 months and i have grown to 5'5. it used to cost almost 200 a case and they have now went down to 67$, trust me guys i know what its like to be smaller than 3/4 of the girls in your senior class. people look at us like we starve ourselves and think we are young kids. i just couldnt take it anymore the abuse and harassment was getting to me. GL guys and i hope you all can one day enjoy your bodies


Answer by Danielle
Submitted on 8/24/2003
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Drink lots of beer and smoke some marijuana, I bet you will gain some weight and quickly too for beer is fattening, and marijuana makes you EAT and a lot. I know this is an off the wall solution, but let me tell you, i can't gain anything. I was 113 at 5 ft 6 when i got pregnant with my first daughter. Now, a second baby later I am 110. Most women put on permanent pounds when having kids, not me, I am 3 lbs lighter and a full bra size smaller (and I was small to begin with so that isn't a good thing). If anyone can come up with a natural way to gain weight I am all ears, i don't want to take any weight gainers. I am already on vitamins and other health related pills such as fiber and such. I eat like a cow, and still manage to look like a toothpick. I am really starting to feel desperate.


Answer by stormchaser807
Submitted on 8/28/2003
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Hi Gang!
I am 35 years old and still can't seem to gain weight.Please be careful of all those powders and weight gain crap,most of them do not work! Right now I am trying the "Snapple meal replacement drink" on top of my regular eating. They taste great and I m giving it a try,the more meals the better!
If anyone tried something thats working please let me know!


Answer by abear
Submitted on 9/1/2003
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most weight gainers are nothing but tubs of sugar. the way to go is to make your own.

grind up some oatmeal, then add milk and natty pb. thats one simple recipie.


Answer by joop
Submitted on 9/1/2003
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i also eat a lot and its mostly fatty, greasy foods and i cant gain a bit of weight so people always persume im anerexic or dont eat


Answer by Aubietigr14
Submitted on 9/2/2003
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i cant gain weight no matter what i do, i hate it, people call me skinny and they say I'm anerxic i will do anything to gain weight, if anyone has any advice PLEASE let me know i am getting so tired of being skinny


Answer by viper2003
Submitted on 9/2/2003
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I am 6ft and weigh only 120 I am 23 years old. Can anybody tell me what to eat ?
There is lot of products for people to loose weight but there is nothing for people who want to gain weight.  Thats sad.


Answer by Smyrfette
Submitted on 9/2/2003
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I am checking out weight gain for my husband who has cancer since I'm trying to step it up a few more notches to get him strong enough to go through more chemotherapy.

One thing I've had success with are milkshakes in our smoothie machine with 1/2cup of ice cream being approx. 140+ calories plus milk and a package of carnation instead breakfast(220cals with fat free milk..I use whole milk)..vanilla works best to be able to add flavored syrups like black cherry,marachino cherry,peach or chocolate....At one count of calories I had a 16oz shake at 700 calories or more.

One thing for sure he likes these better than a boost.


Answer by Danielle
Submitted on 9/3/2003
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Hi again. I just thought of something. Maybe by eating our regular 3 meals a day, AND drink those milk shakes meals as a bonus meal 3 times a day. To make our food intake 6 times a day? Would that be okay or would that be unhealthy? Do vitamins help at all in gaining weight? I agree with you guys, just this week I went to visit family i haven't seen in 2 yrs. They assumed I would be bigger since I had another baby and when they saw me I got lectured and stares the whole weekend> Everyone watched me eat and kept saying I was either anorexic or bulimic. It was so upsetting, I left there in tears. My aunt said to me "Do you ever eat? You look like a toothpick", I turned to her and said "My god, do you ever stop eating? You've gained like 100 pounds!!!"   The look on her face was priceless!!


Answer by Jessa
Submitted on 9/3/2003
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I am 21 years old and I have always been "too thin".  Although I ate all of the time, i still  never gained any weight.  I love food but i would still get called anorexic and around the people i did eat in front of it was "bulimia".  After not finding any answers on how to gain weight besides eating more, I gave up.  Decided that I'd just have to be too thin forever.Until now.  I normally weigh 107 lbs.  Have been for years.  In April of this year I developed a swallowing problem (dysphagia) and I started losing weight...the exact opposite of what I wanted.  I dropped down to 98lbs before I decide that it was critical that I find something fast. Now, 5 months later I have gained 15 lbs and still gaining.  Ensure helped me out alot, you can get Ensure Plus with 350 calories in each can.  And Ensure nutrition bars.  Everywhere you go you see shakes and drinks like Slimfast to lose weight.  This is the only drink, besides Carnation, that I have found that is to gain weight  while having most of your daily vitamins.   They also have nutritional bars.  Well that is as much as I know..It helped me out hopefully it can help you out too.


Answer by Kim
Submitted on 9/3/2003
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hi im kim ive been trying to gain weight over the past two years ive only gained 15lbs thats good im now 110 nice shape and all i only need to gain 15 or 10 more lbs and im ok for all the persons out there who wants to gain weight just wait on your time it will happen


Answer by janet
Submitted on 9/3/2003
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hey im 19 ,5'8 and i only weigh 110 pounds when i was younger i used to eat alot but from stress and depression my eating habits have slowed down alot and as much as i want to gain atleast 20 more pounds i cant eat as often as i want .Is there anything that will make me want to eat more often and make me hungry faster ? please !!!!! i need someones help


Answer by Selina
Submitted on 9/3/2003
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I'm 19 yrs old and I have Cystic fibrosis. and I am 5'3 and I weigh 89lbs What can I do to gain weight. I use to drink boost but it dont  help. you can e-mail me at selinastevens@alltel.net & tell me what u think.



Answer by Lisa
Submitted on 9/3/2003
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hi, i'm13 and i'm80 pounds..this is really scary cuz i eat like a pig and i'veseen 3 year old babies who r 80 pounds. how do i become fat!?!?! i'vetried everything but the only thing that seems to work is eatting every three hours but then the problem with that is if you stop eatting everything 3 hours and if you eat in the middle you lose weight!! i can't do anything anymore i'vegiven up. none of my pants fit me without a belt because i'mthis skinny and ppl in my school call me 'stick'. thats just scary!


Answer by Lisa
Submitted on 9/3/2003
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hi,dun worry guyz after u read how much i weigh ur not gonna feel that bad hopefully... i'm13 and i'm80 pounds..this is really scary cuz i eat like a pig and i'veseen 3 year old babies who r 80 pounds. how do i become fat!?!?! i'vetried everything but the only thing that seems to work is eatting every three hours but then the problem with that is if you stop eatting everything 3 hours and if you eat in the middle you lose weight!! i can't do anything anymore i'vegiven up. none of my pants fit me without a belt because i'mthis skinny and ppl in my school call me 'stick'. thats just scary!


Answer by Draggin
Submitted on 9/3/2003
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Hi, I am 26 male and am only 5'5" tall and weigh only 115lbs.  I know it's unbelievable!

My brother who is only 17 is already 5'10".  My sister who is 19 is 5'7".  I am the only one in the family that has this short height problem.  Can anyone suggest anything for me.  I don't mind being skinny, but standing at only 5'5" is so embarrasing, especially for a male.  Help me!!


Answer by Rina
Submitted on 9/5/2003
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Yes,I know how you all feel I want to gain weight but I can't seem to I try to count my calories and get as much as I can but since I had a baby I don't have an appetite like I used to. I'm 5'6 and weigh 110lbs. When I was pregnant I was happy I got up to 156lbs and i thought I would keep some of the weight, I was so wrong. If anybody knows anything I can do please help me.


Answer by Dee
Submitted on 9/5/2003
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Wow-I thought I was the only one to be made fun of for being too skinny.  I am 19 and for two years I have been 113 pounds and I am like 5'7''- I hate it.  I eat all of the time.  People have been making comments since i have been in 5th grade- they think I am anorexic- I can't even count how many people have embarrassed me and how low I feel about my body. I wish I could gain 10 pounds.


Answer by Mike
Submitted on 9/5/2003
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I can relate... I'm 21 years old, 5'8, and weigh 126 pounds. My weight is a joke for many people, but they don't realize how difficult it is to gain weight for some. I am clueless as what to do.


Answer by j0nb0y
Submitted on 9/5/2003
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I know exactly what u guys mean, there are so many programs available for people trying to lose weight yet we are completely on our own. When i visited my doctor she simply told me to 'eat more' YES FOR GODS SAKE BUT THERES ONLY SO MUCH I CAN FORCE DOWN MY NECK WITHOUT EXPLODING. Oh and she is massively overweight :S She obviously doesnt understand what its like.


Answer by Bubbles
Submitted on 9/5/2003
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Isn't it strange that people make remarks about us being thin, when it's considered rude to amke remarks about those who are overweight?  They don't understand that it hurts us.  However, I think it's important to chill out & accept ourselves they way we are, because I think if you get anxious about it, or the way you look, it actually makes it worse.  We have to learn to enjoy the way we are.  That way people see US and not our shape so much.

Some thoughts - In all the world there is nobody like me.  I'm special & unique and there is enormous value in that.  The need for me to imitate anyone else is absolutely wrong.  I'm special and it's no accident that I am.  God made me for a special purpose.  He has a job for me that nobody else can do as well.  Out of the billions of applicants only one is qualified.  Only one has the right combination of what it takes and that one is ME!

Get a modern Bible and check out Psalm 139 verses 13-18, and 1 Samuel 16 verse 7.  God looks at the heart of a person, not the way they look on the outside.  God can make us look fantastic on the inside - clean us out.  Then the real us will shine out.


Answer by Rachel
Submitted on 9/5/2003
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I am so relieve that so many other people have my problem, i thought i was the only one! I am 15, I am 5'6" and i weight 100 pounds! I think it's hard to look at myself in the mirror. I don't think its fair that fat people can tell skinny people how they are "skinny as a rail" but skinny people can't tell fat people, "your as fat as a cow!" I get mad when my friends with perfect bodies are trying to get rid of weight by dieting and everything, i would switch problems with them anyday! I have been trying to gain weight for about a year, and nothing works!!! I need some help, if you have any suggestions email me at sapphiererachel420@yahoo.com Thanks


Answer by tod
Submitted on 9/6/2003
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I have always had a problem with gaining weight.The best way i found out how to gain those extra pounds is to use a weight gaining supplement such as weigh protein or protein bars.If you are wanting to gain serious muscle mass try by using a supplement such as creatine.The best and most healthiest type of creatine on the market is creatine monohydrate try ti.I use to weight 145 now im weighing in at around 200 pounds.go ahead try those supplements.


Answer by nomagean
Submitted on 9/6/2003
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you'll should think africans are starved but this is the place with all the eats and i for one panish food as if it did not deserve to be here.amaizingly i am still skinny.wonder why??better for you to wonder but i am the owner of this very body but i dont know why.can someone make something for us too


Answer by Hedder bug
Submitted on 9/6/2003
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hi, i am 14 years old and only weigh 80lbs and would like to gain weight. i have tried everything but for some odd reason nothing helps....can anybody out there help me?? if so please email me at HedderBug14@aol.com

                     thank you,


Answer by sweet_angel2236
Submitted on 9/6/2003
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Hi, I have the same problem. I'm 24. And 5"7" and I weigh between 105 and 110. I figured after I had two pregnancies, that I would gain some more weight. But that didn't work. I didn't exercise, except to tone up. And I still went back down. I went up two sizes from a 00 to a 1. I'm guessing high metabolism. It is so hard to find clothes that fit. Because the pants are always too short, because they don't have any talls in smaller sizes hardly anywhere. And I can't wear dresses, because I'm big chested, but they've always been like that. Since I was a teenager. I just want to even it out. Without the weight gain just going to one spot. I'm afraid to take pills because I'm scared that I'll keep gaining, and gaining. Has anyone ever tried any, if so what product. I could use some opinions, if anyone has any. Thanks a bunch


Answer by twistedsunbeams
Submitted on 9/7/2003
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Hello.  I also have the same problem as everyone else. I'm 18 and only weigh about 80lbs. I don't know for sure because weighing myself just depresses me.  When i don't eat a lot people presume i must be starving myself,BUT it doesn't take a lot of food to satisfy a small person. I constantly have to deal with ridicule. SO if anybody finds anything that works PLEASE write me at twistedsunbeams@aol.com


Answer by Taylor
Submitted on 9/7/2003
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Hello for those out there trying to gain massive weight one of the ways on how to gain those pounds is to eat lots of peanut butter.ITs very high in sodium and patassium and protein all the essencial needs for building healthy muscle mass.


Answer by Ahmad
Submitted on 9/7/2003
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i think its almost impossible to gain weight...
if some one is their who can help all of use
then do email me at ahmad82pkn@hotmail.com
because i m also suffering from low weight:S


Answer by Jeff
Submitted on 9/7/2003
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hi,i am only 12 but i need to gain weight for football season what do I do


Answer by Kimberly
Submitted on 9/8/2003
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I'm 25, 5'3" and 95lbs.   I've had two kids and at one point (in May) made a relatively stable weight at 112.   I was thrilled-- for the first time nobody was remarking about my scrawniness.  I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroid disorder and put on synthroid.   I've since lost 10 pounds and have had no success in regaining the weight.   I need the pills but with every one I take, I feel like I'm shrinking myself.   The other problem is that my cholesterol is 315.   Any time I try to eat something that is a bit higher in fat content, I have to worry that I'm going to clog my arteries completely.   I've tried the Scandishake (it has something like 600 calories)in the past (when I was 88 pounds) and it did help a bit but is high in cholesterol.   Exercise used to help me at least gain muscle in the past but now it seems to just help the shrinking process.   My appetite is way down from before the medicine but I will force feed myself if necessary.   Has anyone had a success story eating healthy food and still gaining weight?   Most of the diets that have been suggested sound similar to the weight loss programs that I've read.   Is it just a matter of eating more of the same healthy food?   My stomach just isn't that big.   Any suggestions?   write me at picard19@yahoo.com.   Thanks.


Answer by Jazz
Submitted on 9/8/2003
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Look as far as I am concerned all this stuff about eating and gaining weight is false. I am 15 and have weighed 52kg for the last 4 years now come on that is bad I am approximately 163cm tall and it is impossible to gain weight, I find it really depressing I have incredibly skinny wrists, ankles well everything, but the thing I find the worst is that I have hip bones that pock out and I hate it people look at me like I am bulimic cause I eat heaps but I don’t gain weight I am all ways complaining about it but all of my friends and family just tell me to stop complaining I am lucky or that I will grow out of it but I know I wont…………


Answer by Bubbles
Submitted on 9/8/2003
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There are plenty of methods on the net for putting on weight.  But you don't know what works until you've tried it out for yourself.  Be aware that some advice might be suspect. I think if you're really concerned, it's a good idea to go to the doctor, who can put you on to a specialist or dietician.  Also, there might be another reason for not being able to gain weight.  It's probably good to get checked out.


Answer by Althaf
Submitted on 9/9/2003
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Need to gain weight. I am very thin
I weight about 50kg
Any solution please help


Answer by Tacarra
Submitted on 9/9/2003
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Answer by hannibalette
Submitted on 9/10/2003
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i need to know how to gain weight and fast also. i am 16. 160 cm;s and i weigh 40kg. HELP i am desperate!!!!
email me at emma_nesbitt@hotmail.com


Answer by likwidsage
Submitted on 9/12/2003
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Hi everyone. I've been sharing the same problem all my life. I'm 5' 9" and weight 140 lbs. I was down at 125 lbs 3 months ago. I started gaining weight when my girlfriend told me I was so skinny. Yeah, it hurt, but that's what made me wanna gain weight. So I worked out for 3 months, tried eating as much as I could and voila. But the problem is that everything that you fake that you, disappears at one time or another. And that's what happened. I stopped working out, and Can't seem to be gaining weight anymore. I know what I'm doing wrong. I just posted to tell others that there many people around the world with this problem. I was really happy to see that there were so many people who could relate to me.


Submitted on 9/12/2003
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HI.im a male 17 umm i got big arms but.. my chest is FLAT i do lots of bench press stuff but its so flat should i chane my diet or something any help is good thanks djrom717@hotmail.com


Answer by nathan
Submitted on 9/13/2003
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to gain weight change wat u eat. Add at least 1000 calories a day Go out and buy whey protein and drink 3 times a day work out hard every other day. An easy weigh to add at least 500 cals. is to drink milk instead of water.


Answer by Arif
Submitted on 9/15/2003
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Hi my name is arif
i'm 25 years old and i'm very very serious skinny, even 27 sized blue jeans doesn't stuck in my waist (terrible isn't it?, i bet you don't wanna hear what the store keeper said to me!!!!)
i've tried so many way in gaining some weight,once i tried to eat chocholate every our for a month but what do i get, NOTHING!!
i'm very desperate now.
if anyone of you know how to gain some weight please let me know at


Answer by Ashley
Submitted on 9/15/2003
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Hi, I'm 14 years old and I'm 5"8, and weigh 105 pounds. I eat like a pig but I cant seem to gain any weight. My family members think I'm just going through a faze where I think my body has to be perfect. But I'm not. Kids at school call me anorexic or bulimic or they say "wow your really skinny" And every time someone makes those hurtful comments I just feel even worse about myself. If any-one can tell me how to gain weight please email me at SugarRush506@aol.com I would really appreciate it.


Answer by kacey
Submitted on 9/16/2003
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Answer by saara
Submitted on 9/16/2003
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I do a carnation instant breakfast with every meal.  Be sure to combine your carbs with protein to keep balance.
good luck!


Answer by susanna
Submitted on 9/16/2003
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hello. i'm28, i'm5 foot 2 inches and weigh between 85-90 lbs. i've always been this skinny. i hate it. i have tried a lot of different things. i am finding new info from my chiropractor that shocked me. if someone has a mis-alignment in their back (scoliosis, etc) it could be cutting off the nerves needed to properly supply the digestive system. not to say that everyone w/ a back problem and gets adjusted will gain weight, but for some people this could be the solution. also my advice to all of you is this: 1: learn to love yourself. it took me until i was 26 to do this. 2: get advice from a certified nutrionalist that doesn't depend on the food pyramid (the food pyramid is bologna). and don't always try to pop the magic pill from a "doctor" who wants to prescribe stuff. yuck yuck. meds will often not make it better. a lot of the time it's just a lack of proper absorption. if you are eating too many foods at once. take for example, fruit, vegetabels, meat, and dairy all at once; your body just can't produce all the necessary digestive enzymes to digest the whole meal. so most of your meal is going out the shoot if you know what i mean. it's best to educate yourself about proper food combining. i am finding that this is helping. i am slowly gaining weight. good luck to all of you!!! i know it's hard. being rail thin and being made fun of for "puking up your food" when you don't, well it sucks. people always assume i threw up my meals. they just don't get that being skinny sucks as much as being fat. but, hey, once you start to love yourself, it all begins to fall into place.


Answer by dan
Submitted on 9/16/2003
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for all of u people complaining about being under weight when there 15 and under don't worry about it, chances are your not done puberty yet and the weight will come as you grow, i also no how to gain weight quickly and easily. you have to eat PROTEIN!! yes all meat, increase your meal servings to 6 times a day. remember PROTEIN= WEIGHT!!!


Answer by mandy77
Submitted on 9/17/2003
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Hi i am 26 a mother of 2 small boys and i too am TOO DAMN SKINNY!!I have been like this all my life and even after 2 boys only managed to keep on a few extra pounds .I am 5 feet 8 inches tall and about 115 and i hate it.I want to go to police academy but i,m afraid what everyone will think like shes too small,she cant possibly do this.But i have talked to people and i,m going to try protein shakes and drinking alot of milk like a gallon  a day and working out with weights and we,ll see what happens!!Hang in there everyone.Mandy


Answer by Chlor
Submitted on 9/17/2003
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Hi everyone, I'm a 16 year old girl and 5'10", everyone says I look like a model but I couldn't hate my figure more, I'm sick of being told that I'm too thin-as if I don't know! I know I'm asking the same as everyone else but please, if anyone can help me to put on a bit of weight, email me at sweet_sweeney87@hotmail.com


Answer by Tommy from UK
Submitted on 9/17/2003
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Hi im from England and i am 14 years of age and only weigh 35 lbs i cant put on any weight at all, please please tell me what to do!


Answer by iHATEbeingSOskinny
Submitted on 9/17/2003
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Hi! By reading all our your answers, I have found that there are many of us out there who are sick and tired of being skinny and teased for something that cannot be helped. So to all of you out there who have made fun of us in the past, you're probably a fat pig right now. Oh yeah, overeating is not a good thing. I've tried it a million times and I've felt like a balloon after each meal. It only takes a little to feed a little person. People need to realize this. Don't tease us because we are smaller than you fat people.


Answer by twisted sunbeams
Submitted on 9/17/2003
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thank you!!!!  People say "no wonder why you so skinny, you don't eat that much."  Well guess what porky, it doesn't take much to fill up a skinny person!!  


Answer by tafish
Submitted on 9/18/2003
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hi guys ... cant think of anything u guys dint say already ... 2 many programs to lose weight but very few to gain some ... i'm 18 and i'm 130 , 5'8 ... my mum , just like my doctor ( my dad ) tell me : son, u gotta eat more ... son ! ur 2 skinny 2 be human ... son ! your not eating .... and i was like ok thx u solved my problem ... case closed ... im sick of people telling me give it more time or try to gain weight naturally ... today its the 17 th ... i got to get BIGGER before the 3rd of october ... dont ask me why before that specific date coz i dont know but ... i gotta get bigger before the 3rd of oct ! any suggestions ? hehe its funny ... me asking suggestions from people who are skinny like me ... like : U DOG IF WE GOT ANY SUGGESTIONS WE WOULDNT Be HERE WRITING ABOUT this  PROBLEM ... later


Answer by thin man
Submitted on 9/18/2003
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still no solution?????


Answer by sammi
Submitted on 9/18/2003
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i cant gain weight you can see my bones no one looks at me and think phof and i can get into any good clothes


Answer by ashleigh
Submitted on 9/18/2003
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I'm 19 5'3 and weigh 86lbs. For the last two weeks I have been workingout 3 times a week and drinking ensure with every meal and have gained about 4 pounds but I want to gain faster any ideas would be helpful thankx


Answer by Leena
Submitted on 9/18/2003
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Well, pretty much I'm going through the same thing everyone else is. Today at school this girl made a comment saying that my leg was as big as her arm and it kinda hurt my feelings. I'm 5'4 and weigh 100lbs. I need to know of some ways to gain weight w/in the next 9months. any suggestions????


Answer by twisted sunbeams
Submitted on 9/20/2003
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Has anybody ever tried asking a doctor?


Answer by twisted sunbeams
Submitted on 9/20/2003
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Ashleigh..i have the exact same situation except that I'm one inch taller.  I'm gonna start using Ensure but i hope to gain more than just 4lbs.


Answer by mcv23
Submitted on 9/21/2003
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hey guys! after trying on some clothes this afternoon and being completely disgusted with the way my clothes fit i decided to check the Internet for weight gain or appetite increasing supplements. i stumbled upon this page. all of your comments gave me a real sense of community...we are NOT alone! much luv to all the skinny people out there. God Bless!


Answer by joey_girl
Submitted on 9/21/2003
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I always complained about being too skinny as a kid, and my parents always told me that as soon as I was in highschool I'd gain weight and have a killer body...well now I'm 20 and I'm 5'6 and 100lbs.  Then I went to college and I was really looking forward to gaining my freahman 15, well guess what, didn't happen.  I went to a doctor when I was away from home regarding my BC pill, and he commented on my weight, when I said it was genetic, he didn't beleive me!, He gave me a lecture on anorexia and bulemia, and told me to come back when I was confortable enough to talk about it!!!...I don't understand how people are so open to criticize skinny people, but it's so horrible to criticize a fat person.  And I hate sitting through those speeches in school that my classmates make on how stars how are so unhealthy and waaaay too skinny, and give people a bad impression.  It's like I'm being criticized in front of the entire classroom! I think as long as you eat normal and are healthy, that should be all that matters, just because you are skinny doesn't mean you are sick, it means you are just not fat.


Answer by Unlucky
Submitted on 9/22/2003
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I have the same problem as all you guys and girls. I'm 19, and I am really very attractive, but my problem is that I can't gain weight. I am tall, and have wide shoulders, but I am skinny for my age and. Sometimes I do gain about 5 pounds but they are easily gone in a few days, if I don't eat enough. I mostly blame myself for the way I eat. So now I try to eat more everyday.

Here is a few hints from my own experience.

1. If you like computers, DO NOT spend hours playing or chatting or doing whatever, so take a break after some time, and during that time find something to eat.

2. Motion is life.  You gotta run every morning or evening and do some physical exercises. Runnings is not just for fat people, you gotta run if you want to be healthy, and it will help your lungs grow and will enlarge your rib cage.

3. Eat lots of bread and other products that are made of flour, drink milk and other dairy products.


Answer by mcv23
Submitted on 9/23/2003
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i know there was some brief mention about seeing a doctor...has anyone been? what types of things are you hearing from your physicians? thyroid problems? hormone imbalance? are your experiences positive or negative? i have had some negative and unpleasant things said to me by plenty of people but somehow you think that doctors would have a little more tact and class but that is not the case. keep ur heads up!


Answer by stormy
Submitted on 9/23/2003
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I'm 21 years old and weigh 118 lbs--and going down--I had a child and gained 50 lbs with her but I lost all my weight,plus due to post pardem depression. I am very skinny and need to put on some weight because I work in a jail and need a little more size to me.I have tried the ensure nutrition shakes but cant seem to choke down those or the gnc weight gainers. any suggestions??


Answer by stormy
Submitted on 9/24/2003
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hey mandy you go girl! I made it to through the police academy at 5 9 118..of course it didnt help that my partner was like  6 9 275 lbs but hey if you can take that beating you can work on the road


Answer by tiger too
Submitted on 9/24/2003
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I'm 14 and I play football. I am one of the hardest hitting guys on the team. I think if I gain weight I WILL be the hardest hitting guy. I am 6 foot tall and 145 pounds. I play basketball too and a little weight would help me out a lot too.  Can you tell me how to gain at least 20 pounds fast?


Answer by Sammy Berretta
Submitted on 9/28/2003
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yea i thought i was the only one with this problem, i look at my hands and feel so ashamed, in the mirror i look at the mirror and feel ashamed. 17 years old, 5'11 and 120 lbs..pple say i need to gain weight, ur skinny this skinny that. im annoyed i try eatin til my stomach hurts n nuthin is happening. help...


Answer by baun21
Submitted on 9/29/2003
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When I was in my teens I was 6'4" and only 150lbs. I tried weight gaining solutions as well as lifting weights but nothing seemed to help. I was drafted into the army during the Viet Nam war and when I got out I still only weighed 175 lbs. People always remarked  about how skinny I was. When I got to my late 20s my metabolism slowed down and suddenly I found myself at 212 lbs. I'm now 54 years old and weigh 200 lbs. My friends all are envious as they point to my flat stomach and compare it to their enormous pot bellies that they have acquired over the years. I guess I'm just trying to say that in the end it worked out better for me and I ended up having the last laugh on all those who tormented me in my youth.  


Answer by flacita
Submitted on 9/29/2003
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has anyone tried prescription drugs? if you have please post a message about your experience.


Answer by aaron
Submitted on 9/29/2003
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Answer by Sunny
Submitted on 10/1/2003
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Hey there.Man I eat like 5 cows a day, like after 2-3 hours of a full meal, I can feel that I need to eat again. It really gets on my nerves, coz I cant go anywhere without having all that food in my bag. And the thing is that I still lose weight...grrr...I think that it is so annoying how I have to eat all the time lol.And I dont dare buy any lowfat food coz then Ill lose way too much weight. Lol, its rediculous.


Answer by Gizmo
Submitted on 10/1/2003
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I feel ya guys, i'm 20, 5'6, and only weigh 105 lbs! i eat like a pig, ALL day lone, and do nothing but sit around the house all day! and i never gain a single pound, it bugs me!


Answer by Dawn
Submitted on 10/1/2003
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hello everyone. it's nice to hear other people having the same problem as me. If anyone has come up with a solution please email me I would greatly appreciate it. You would like be being in my mid 20's I would have this problem anymore. lil_lena@yahoo.com.. share ur info


Answer by Weight gain master
Submitted on 10/1/2003
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Metabolism is the answer.  How can two people eat the same amount and differ by weight?  3 meals a day, one is 150 the other is 300lbs.  Pure genitics.  You have to alter your physiology. skinny people simply cant absobe the calories, there built that way.

I don't fit in with my skinny family anymore.  Here is what I did to crash my metabolism and almost double my size and strength.

Weight gainer 2200 just before bed, gains occure the most at night, while sleeping. eat three large meals a day and binge!  I know you have tried before, but the high calorie shake just before your sleep does it on top of a high calorie day.  2000 calories + sleep = gains.  Don't run, bike and do anything aerobic, but do lift hard. cycle on and off high calorie weeks.  Rest for a few days, catch up.  You will notice digestive problems, blood sugar spikes, and headaches for months.  Your body is adjusting to a feeding and growing machine.  I went from a rail to 250lbs of stocky strenth in about 2 years and I keep it on.  

Please keep in mind that doing this is irreverible... I have the weight for ever now, and possible future complications.


Answer by Aaron
Submitted on 10/2/2003
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I feel like giving up!  :(


Answer by twisted sunbeams
Submitted on 10/2/2003
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Answer by Aaron
Submitted on 10/3/2003
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Man.......we need a WORKING SOLUTION!!


Answer by Princess
Submitted on 10/4/2003
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WOW THERES MORE PPL THEN JUST ME WHOS SKINNY i'm16 and weigh 90 lbs i'm5'2...I CAN NEVER FIND JEANS THAT FIT ME...and eveyone calls me skinny and anorexic...on top of that i have NO BREASTS WHAT SO EVER....so i'mskinny and flat...no one can beat that!!!!


Answer by help
Submitted on 10/5/2003
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I know this is the same as everyone else but i am 16 years old, 118 lbs and 5'6. I look like a pole and everyone is always teasing me.Everyone tells me I don't eat enough or I am making myself throw up. NEGATIVE, I eat all the time but the thing is that I am a VERY active person. I have Volleyball until late everyday and so I am always running or jumping or something. I really wish that I could gain weight but it seems to be impossible! Keep your head up though and if you have any suggestions just post it I will read it later. Does anyone else feel as if they are going to become very irritable because of this?


Answer by boy20
Submitted on 10/5/2003
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If you eat more than you need, you will gain weight.  If you eat less than you need, you will lose weight.  You gain more from food you have chewed longer.  If you exercise too little, you will need more food than if you exercise more.  Weigh yourself with a digital weight at the same time every single day, and log the results together with a list of what you ate and how much you exercised.


Answer by twisted sunbeams
Submitted on 10/5/2003
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Hey Princess!! i beat you cause I'm older than you and weigh 5lbs less, AND, I'm 2 inches taller than you. Did i mention i was also flat.  Its crazy when its time to go bra shopping.  I don't have a REAL problem finding pants because i know a couple of stores that cater to smaller people.   I tried that Ensure but it tastes terrible and has a funny aftertaste.  
     Its terrible how ill-mannered people are.  Either they have no home training  or are just flat out rude people.  I don't see how a person can be so cruel and just make fun of someone else, especially someone they don't even know, and not feel bad.  I have to put up with this S**t everyday and I'm tired of it. I don't even like walking in front of people cause i know its the first thing they look at. I get so depressed.  The other day i cried while i was in the shower because of the way i looked.


Answer by skinny
Submitted on 10/6/2003
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and you also got to remember that i am reall tall and real skinny i cant find any pants that fit they are either to sshort or to big in the waist and i am made fun of constantly in school.....


Answer by TuFF DUDE
Submitted on 10/7/2003
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you should wear a belt too!  duh.


Answer by odessey
Submitted on 10/7/2003
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yes i am one of the skinny gurls that cant gain a pound and im 5'5 and i weigh 120 well really iz really a good size size for me but i want to be more thicker than what i am but i eat like all day everyday all the time and it is hard because in school we eat lunch at 1:30 and that is a long time u know and i cant wait along time to eat so i just bring snacks n class because i really do be hungry so the teacher cant see me well anyway my point is i want to gain more weight i want to be at least 135 i mean i do have thick thighs lol well thats about it thats fat on me but anyway i keep eatin and eatin i eat like every 4 hours i sometimes eat then overnight while im sleep i lose the weight that i am currently gaining i get so mad so can u help me please to gain weight so anyway get at me on my email address iz:caramel_cutie17@msn.com send me a response or u can add me to your messenger list if u have messenger


Answer by J-dizzle
Submitted on 10/8/2003
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im 14 5'11-6 ft i weight 132 im just a eating machine. but i gain no weight. so i started eating every thing i can get my hands on. and guess what it worked! now in just a month i weight 163 thats like 30 pounds. all i have to do now is work out to get some muscles. to bad for you guys. so sad :)  :) hah hah


Answer by skinny miny
Submitted on 10/8/2003
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Hey everyone.I finally find people like me. i am in the 9 grade. i am 5.3 and 105lb and a 32A. For the summer vacation i gain 15lb, my breast size was a 32B because i did not go anywhere so i just sit watch t.v and eat. when school was going to start i just drop 13lb. Now i am gym class which make you run everyday so i can't gain weight anymore. Luckily i don't get tease a lot since my best friends are also skinny but bigger than me. i use to run track but i quit since almost i was losing to much pound. My legs are not skinny. I have thick thighs but my problem is from waist and up. i work- out sometimes but i can't build any muscle in my arm. Now i am trying to drink ensure plus and eat a lot but since i have too much work to do i sometimes forget to eat. any idea everyone


Answer by eeekugh
Submitted on 10/9/2003
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ugh i totally agree with everyone... i really thought i was the only one that felt this way! im 5'7... 110 pounds and i totally hate it mostly cuz my hip bones still out when i wear jeans and its so gross!! i also hate it when you can see my ribs a little big in a bikini :S you get bad looks! i dont wanna get on the pill or take any shakes or gross stuff like that... any miracle ideas?? im desperate!


Answer by Tina
Submitted on 10/10/2003
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The solution according my experience is one...a WELL BALANCED DIET.
Well balanced diet means meals that combine all nutrients, proteins,vitamins,
fibers,sugars. not just a single food in excess.and no way JUNK, PROCESSED OR PRE-FRIED FOODS
like chips, hamburgers etc these foods after all the processed they pass they re
completely DEAD n useless for the body. The only thing u can do with these
is to get a tone of salt n put ur health in danger.
By eating chocolates also for example in excess u do nothing again because
the body needs all kind of vitamins combined together to be able to absorb the nutrients..
one vitamin interacts with another and one helps the other to get absorbed better from
the body.Besides that by abusing sugar also there is the danger to elevate
ur glucose levels so high.

I made the mistake becuz of luck of time for cooking, and turned to all these junk foods..
the result was to lose 20 pounds in 6 months n now trying to gain them back.

The only way is COOKED meals of fresh ingedients..for example meat cooked with vegetables
n tomato and olive oil.Olive oil is the healthiest oil around and the highest in calories.
Im from Mediterranean country n we use this oil in all our foods.
Another example is fresh meat or chicken combined with rice or pasta and a salad.
After the meal a desert is good idea also to cover the need of sugar as well.
Orange juice helps alot also..(real one made at home) :)
In a few words , RICH N ALIVE FOODS.
Hope u got the idea.

take care all


Answer by Temara
Submitted on 10/10/2003
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Im 12 years old and i weigh 80-84 pounds that meaning i can gain weight the loose it because i have a fast metabolism :( im sick of everyone calling me skinny at school and i go to my school and i see all those girls with the figures and getting all the attention i get attention too but i want what they have ya'know i know that im not the only one out there who is going through what i am going through with but if anyone can give me recipies that are REALLY FATTENING or tell me what foods make you fat or have the most calories i'd really appreciate it thanx!~


Answer by twisted
Submitted on 10/10/2003
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there is a cookbook out there called "eat up" that i seen on the Internet.  It supposively has recipes to help you gain weight.


Answer by rather not tell
Submitted on 10/14/2003
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i need to gain weight i am 11 and wiegh 70 pound please help


Answer by Betty
Submitted on 10/15/2003
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I know what all of you are going through...I'm 18, 5'0", and 87lbs.  My "ideal" weight is 105-115lbs.  So I'm incredibly small (height AND weight). My comment is: DON'T GIVE UP!
My question is, can anyone think of a good comeback when people put you down for your weight? I don't want to be nasty or anything, but I'd like to know what to say to let them know--back off!! Usually "explaining" yourself (like "I'm genetically small" or "I eat all the time") doesn't satisfy people.  The one time I felt that I responded best was when someone said "You're really skinny" I just said "Yeah" like I was really disinterested, and that seemed to surprize them.  Anyways, just wondering if anyone has any other techniques that have worked for them. Thanks.


Answer by twisted
Submitted on 10/15/2003
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I say "yeah i know" or agreed with them almost to the part of sarcasm. Like when they say your skinny be like "i know huh" or "yeah i really am". They want you to get upset but just act like it doesn't effect you.


Answer by stormy
Submitted on 10/16/2003
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hey people- i am still trying to get the weight on. i have a goal of 20 lbs to put on.-i am trying to gain about 2 lbs a week so far in 2 weeks i have put on 3 so i hope to continue and get some of my curves back. oh how i miss my post baby butt and chest.


Answer by lei lei
Submitted on 10/16/2003
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i have the same problem as all of u. what i suggest is to drink ensure even though it doesn't taste that great. also try eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before u go to bed at night. this worked for me, i've gained six pounds in two weeks.


Answer by mike 5410
Submitted on 10/17/2003
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eat lots or raisens ans ull gain lota of weight 1 cup or rasins have 79 grams of carbs u need to get as much carbs as posable to gain weight. Also u must go to the gymto turn those carbs into muscle . Muscle weights way more than fat so ull put the pounds on like crazy


Answer by 2323
Submitted on 10/18/2003
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This is the website for the medication i mentioned in my previous entry. check it out!!

Good luck!


Answer by Carmen
Submitted on 10/19/2003
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Hey yaw'll. WoW there are loads of peeps just like me! I'm 14, 5 ft. 6 in. and 98 lbs. I act sing and dance 4 a company so I'm really active, and I eat pretty good. The only thing that gets  me buy is that I dont wear very skin tight clothes, I wear 1 or 3's witch I can do cuz I have hips and pretty good size butt. I can wear shorts cuz I have muscular legs, so my advice is to be really active (lift weights, run, ect.) and dont worry so much about ur weight, cuz u will never gain like that! I used 2 cry bout my wieght and all it did was make me depressed. Its just like the saying "the watch pot never boils" dont worry u'll gain. Instead work on ur confidence and build ur spirt up, even though we do get pick on just smile and say thanks, and be thankful that ur "model size" and can make money cuz of ur weight and height not "fat" and have to worry loads about ur health and wont get paid.
ttyl~ Car


Answer by MIkey B
Submitted on 10/20/2003
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hey wassap all.  My name is Michael and im 6'2 and wieght only 130 lbs.  im 20 this sucks because i am tall...    for all you youngsters out there ur time will come and if ur still skiny when ur my age u need to do somethign.   I have tried everything..still nothing to show for it.  Im really cut up six pack and all...need the bulk. a whole lot of it.  was thinking about steriods...im headed in the wrong direction..lol


Answer by kgh133
Submitted on 10/20/2003
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Hi my names Kristi and I am 15 and way only 101 pounds i am 5'9" and am desperately trying to gain weight.If any one wants to contact me to help my email is gangsta_gurl_4@hotmail.com Ty for your time.


Answer by strider
Submitted on 10/20/2003
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Hey, I'm 6'1 and 133 pounds. Its terrible when people call ya bulimic or anorexic. They just don't understand. I'm glad there are others out there in the same situation as me. Don't worry guys and girls we're overcome, we're great people not for the way we look but for the way we are on the inside. Your messages have really inspired me, knowing that I'm not alone in this is going to make me work extra hard and gain the much deserved weight. I'll share my secret with the whole world when I get. Thanks this site has helped a bunch.


Answer by MikeyB
Submitted on 10/21/2003
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hey wassap peoples. I would recommend protien/weight gainer 2000 shakes.  Along with your daily meals drink these shakes and u will see an improvement.  I gained a couple of lbs here and there.  So might as well what u got to lose except weight itself. lol..ok no that wasnt a good one...goodluck every1...i will keep posted if i gain more.  =)


Answer by callipepper
Submitted on 10/21/2003
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Try this, peanut butter, lots of milk, chocolate or strawberry is fine, whatever will help you drink more.  snack on nuts, eat bananas.... TONS of bananas (when i went to enlist in the army, they told me to put on weight as i was too small....)  snack a lot, as much as you can possibly manage.  STOP SMOKING.  drink lots of water, and maybe even squeeze lemon in it to make you stay thirsty.  deviled eggs are good for you and are weight gainers.  cottage cheese, and any cheeses really.  eat wheat bread instead of white.  salads loaded up with meat cheeses dressing etc, and milk to go with it.  all these will help you add good weight.  if you exercise, walk instead of run.  its less stressful and works better.  you'll notice your calves and back getting larger first, thighs and butt after.  stop walking every so often, go into a store and get a chocolate milk and even salad.  eat then walk more.  i went from 98 to 120 this way and felt better than i ever did before. unfortunately, after i had a child, i lost it all, and the only thing i really changed was the walking and milk.  so now am stuck at 102 and I'm5'6", but am getting back into the milk diet (also trying to quit smoking)  wish me luck, but i know it can be done, as i have done it.  one last thing, eat a breakfast, every morning.  if you skip any meal, don't let it be breakfast, as you burn up calories at night and need to replace them asap.  even if its only toast and milk, EAT BREAKFAST.
good luck to all of ya'lland wish me a little too.  


Answer by Preciosa
Submitted on 10/22/2003
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Okay everyone. i have the same problem as most of you. I eat and can never gain weight. Well I read in a magazine that to gain weight you have to eat and eat a lot. I'm saying eat stuff like meats and dairy. Try not to eat candy and chips. Basically stay away from munchies. Also try to eat lot of calories. I hope this help cause I'm trying it and it help a least gain one pound a week. Well good luck!


Answer by hbluvmw
Submitted on 10/23/2003
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I have the same problem as everyone else and i went to my doctor and she told me that she is not worried about it. I am 20 years old am 5'0 and weigh 93 lbs.  I would like to be able to fit into clothing that other people me age are wearing.  I have been drink the boost plus and so far it has not worked.   Has it worked for anyone else?  If anyone has any answers please help!!!!


Answer by Olive Oil
Submitted on 10/23/2003
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Hey I'm Nicole aka Olive Oil lol... I am 5'8 and 106 pounds.  Before my prom I ate and ate to gain weight and I gained about 7 pounds..but I play Volleyball, track and Im also a cheerleader so my success did not last for long...if anybody knows a way I can gain weight e-mail me at Britslilangel@aol.com thanks guys...and it just goes to show you that not only heavy people can be self-conscience of their weight, but thin people as well...


Answer by stick
Submitted on 10/25/2003
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i try and try to gain weight and when i grain 3 or 4 pounds, its gone the next day


Answer by Sticks
Submitted on 10/25/2003
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Answer by Dana
Submitted on 10/26/2003
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Hey! I'm not sure how often people read these, but I, too, am TINY. I'm 21 years old 5'7" and 106. You'd think with all the beer I've been drinking in college, i'dbe a little heavier, I am changing my diet around and couting calories. You have to find your resting calorie burning power and then add atleast 500 calories to that every day. Plus, it helps to get in the gym and lift weights cuz muscle=pounds. Hope this helps!


Answer by Brandon
Submitted on 10/28/2003
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Hello Everyone,
I am so shocked to find out I am not the only one out there. I am 21 year old guy, 6' and only 120. Its drives me crazy that I have to work so hard to gain weight. I tried the whole gym ordeal but in the end I was exhausted and didn’t have much luck. At one point I even sat around for months at a time watching TV and hitting keys on the computer but if anything I would lose a few more pounds. My ideal weight is about 140. I suppose my main problem now in life is the fact that I don’t take the time. I tend to live a very fast paced life with little time to spare yet alone make time to sleep for 8 hours a night and go to the gym and work. But after reading everyone’s comments about there situations as well as the support others have provided I realize I am not the only one. I plan on putting more effort towards my health and gain the extra weight I always wanted. Thank you everyone.


Answer by gogo
Submitted on 10/30/2003
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I am married women having 3 little kids. But my weight is still 120lbs at a height of 5ft 6inches. can you guide me how can I gain my weight


Answer by Lizzie Li
Submitted on 10/31/2003
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hey, people!
I'm glad i found out about this place. I always thought i wuz the only one trying to put on weight! I'm 15, and guess what? I only weight 32 kg! It's terrible because i used to weight 42kg at 14 and i thought i wuz too fat then.Now, i regret trying to lose weight!The problem is now i can't gain weight....it's just so hard! It's 10 times easier to lose weight than gain weight.I'm going to a dietitian now, but i hope i can gain my weight back to 40kg.I look like a sick freak now and all my relatives keep on askin me whether i'm on a diet, I feel like dying when they ask that silly question! Who wants to diet when i'm trying my best to put some weight.Please HELP me!!


Answer by ghettogurl
Submitted on 11/1/2003
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whats up ya? i understand how ya feel.i am 13 yrs old and i weigh only 70 pound!! my mom tells me to stop worrying and that i will gain weight later when i develop but she just doesn't understand. nobody teases her because she is too thin. i am so glad that i am not the only skinny gurl cause all you see on the street are fat people.even my sister who is younger than me by a year weighs 20 more pounds than me. i hate going to shop for clothes.i can never find anything that fits me and if i do they are always all loose. why cant they make clothes in smaller sizes?


Answer by cyril
Submitted on 11/3/2003
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This drives me nuts. All my friends are very athletic, and they seem to eat as much as I do, but still I can't gain weight. I'm 19 yo 6'2" and I only weigh 135 pounds. My face doesn't look skinny, so when I wear a coat and wide jeans, I look normal. This really bothers me alot, plus I keep hearing these complements from my relatives, that I'm skinny and I'm the skinniest person they've ever seen. And that really brings me down. My mother told me that the reason why I'm so skinny is because I went through alot of surgeries when I was a baby. The doctors said that I was going to die, but I lived. I heard alot of stories that I shouldn't worry much, and that I'm going to have a normal body at the age of 30. And my dad keeps telling me to work out more often. But even though I do work out almost everyday, I still look how I looked a year ago. I don't know, maybe I just have fast metabolism, and  I have to eat more. And my doctor couldn't recommend anything except for workout.


Answer by MG
Submitted on 11/3/2003
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Same story here.  I have an ultra-high metabolism that burns whatever I put into it almost immediately.  I've been diagnosed as "hypoglycemic", which means that my blood sugars run low.  I am supposed to eat high-protein meals, keep away from sugars, and eat every 4 hours.  It keeps me feeling healthy, but I'm still quite scrawny.  I'm wondering just exactly what makes a metabolism run high.  What is the chemistry going on?  If we could figure that out, we could better find ways to gain weight when we wanted to.  


Answer by Reenie
Submitted on 11/4/2003
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Is it disguisting to be a 18, soon to be 19 year old college student who weighs only 90 pounds? I've gained 10 pounds since the 8th grade. i eat like a pig, but it doesn't apply to my body for some reason, and i don't even exercise or anything. I'm thinking of trying the ensure drinks, but they're very expensive. the GNC drink weight gainer doesn't help much unless you drink a gallon of that a day. but does the vitamin pills really work?


Answer by Skinny Minnie
Submitted on 11/6/2003
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Hey hey YES I am 15 and desperately want to gain weight. I am telling you I have 3 sisters. All of whom are VERY thin. YEt I can eat a million things a day and not gain a pound ( unfortunately). I try to get some sympathy from my friends but they say I'm bragging and need to get a life. You know what? Christina aguilera used to be VERY thin. One album later, she is at least 50 pounds heavier. There must be some secret.Everyone calls me crazy when I tell them I want to gain weight. But really its just like being  "fatass". I'm a "SKINNY_ ASS" people are always making remarks about how I am a toothpick.! its just as rude as I calling them fat which I don't but.... u know. Someone advice. I am not taking drugs though. Natural herbs? Remedies? Anything/


Answer by Ken
Submitted on 11/7/2003
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For the high schoolers who want to gain weight, once you go off to college you'll gain 5-15 pounds.  You'll discover bad eating habits with all the fast food and quick snacks between studying and classes.  People who commute in cars will find the most weight gain, believe me, when I was in high school at 5'10, I was steady at 140 lbs.  Now in college, with a car and eating a lot of fast foods, I've found myself at 160.  Here is what I learned from my nutrition class: You have to consume more in your calorie intake, if you don't, then your body will start burning fat, when the fat reserves are gone, your body will then start using protein from your muscles to fuel cellular respiration.  At first, when you exercise, you'll be burning muscle and be losing weight, but if you continue calorie and protein intake that's adaquate for your needs, then you'll start gaining muscle density.  The amount of protein you need to intake is 0.8 grams of protein for ever kilogram you weigh.  Eating more protein than you are using will just go to waste, your kidneys will filter them out and it'll go down the toilet in your urine.  Believe me, this is what I learned in my Nutrition for Health Professions course.  


Answer by A little Happier :>
Submitted on 11/8/2003
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hey hey Skinnie Minie here lol. It's only been about 3 days since I began STUFFING myself and I may not look any heavier, but I checked the scales. I've gained 1 pound and I FEEL so much more "filled"? If anyone knows please comment on this- I was wondering, normally I just ate when I was hungry until I was full, a very healthy and happy diet, but now I eat whenever I feel I can without being sick and EAT until I seriously cannot eat anymore. NOT so that I feel sick to my stomach, but definately way more than I used to. If i continue this habit, will I naturally develop a larger appetite? Or will I always be eating uncomfortably alot? I'm definately continuing this eating A LOT diet. Whenever I think of food, I RUN to the kitchen to chomp down on something. I weigh 110 pounds and I am 15 at about 5'6. I relaly wish I was thicker, but when I think about it, It's a blessing us skinny folk can eat whatever the HELL WE WANT!!! WOOHOO! lol ok I'll keep u guys updated but yes if anyone knows the follwing question, write back ;-)!
If i continue this habit ( EATING MORE THAN I WOULD NORMALLY EAT), will I naturally develop a larger appetite? Or will I always be eating uncomfortably alot?


Answer by Snake
Submitted on 11/9/2003
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Thank heaven I found this site! I'm another skinny guy who's been trying to gain some weight for years!! I'm 6' and weigh 130lbs!I've been skinny all my life and I've been trying lots of different ways to gain weight without success. It feels so depressing coz sometimes I'm seen as a freak and get remarks about my appearance really often. I've not found a way to solve this problem yet but its good to know so many others are trying so hard with me.I'll never stop trying and will come back to share with you guys if I found a way.


Answer by little bit
Submitted on 11/10/2003
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I am 26 and weigh 105. I get called names all the time. Most people mistake me for a teenager. I want to gain at leas 15pounds. Can anyone help me. mstnjones@sbcglobal.net


Answer by mystikalangel26
Submitted on 11/10/2003
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I know exactly how you all feel. I am 28 and a mother of two. I only gained up to 114 and lost it all. I am fighting to gain weight myself. I feel that it is all calorie intake and exercise.I am on a hormone replacement for menopause due to surgury. now the meds I'm on help me gain but not where i want to be. I would just add up on the calories and see what happens from there.


Answer by lucious
Submitted on 11/10/2003
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I'm27 years old and want the figure that i see in all the girls in the video's I'mfinally found a solution to gain the weight i eat 4 peanut butter sandwiches a day drink milk a do sit up a long with my regular daily foods to keep a toned stomach i was weighing 110 and now 3 months later i weigh 130 looking good a made my butt a lot bigger i love my chicken, penutbutter, and jelly and my pizza you will see results within the first two weeks


Answer by karna
Submitted on 11/11/2003
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I am really interested to see so many people struggling with this problem... and yes, it is a problem.  I am 30 years old, and was told by my doctor that I had to gain weight (I'm 5'6" and barely 108) or I would be unlikely to get pregnant or have a healthy baby.  Unfortunately, I have the same issues that all of you have had.  But tonight, browsing on the Internet, I found an interesting site that might be helpful to some people.  It is located at http://ibw.dietitian.com, and there is a section on weight gain and a "healthy body calculator."   It lets you calculate your body's needs, and tells you how much you need to be eating to reach your goal...  Once you fill out the questionnaire, it gives you a 4 page personalized summary that you can print out.  I'm going to try to catalog everything I eat for a while to see where I am.  Just looking at today, I am way below where I should be.  Anyway, good luck, and I'll keep checking back to see what y'all think about that site.


Answer by Skinny me
Submitted on 11/11/2003
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Hey hey me again. It really has given me a more positive outlook on eating having seen all the people who are strugling with me. I really is very hard to achieve. You know what I find? like 15 years ago, media was often portaying an ideal  body image - being very thin. Of course most of the population isn't " IDEALLY THIN" so many girls developed poor outlooks on their own body image - eating disorders, low self esteem. ok so now in videos, all the girls aren't very big, but are thin with flat stomachs but have BIG boobs and BIG butts and this is fine EXEPT now whenever ppl are talking about body image, they portray skinny people as " unreal" " they are always annorexic or take lots of dieting drugs or have endless eating disorders or are airbrushed etc. The list goes on and on. What the media really needs to do is not go from one extreme
" Skinny people being the ideal" or " skinny people being unreal" or " big people have a problem, themselves being "fat" REALLY the media needs to point out that everyone's different and they shouldn't pick on a certain body image to make the opposite feel better. I'm thin still. Struggling to gain weight. I'll keep you guys informed. I need to get a scale to monitor my weight. Good luck to all of you!


Answer by Freddy
Submitted on 11/12/2003
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Would like to gain some weight. I`m 5`4 and weigh 123 pounds. What should i eat....


Answer by Danielle
Submitted on 11/12/2003
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Help. Im desparate and depressed.  Im 23, 5'3 and 99lbs. My collar bone and hip bones stick out so badly. I've tried all sorts of shakes and pills and nothing works.  Im at the point that I want to kill myself already. Im really down on myself because I get picked on all the time and people always analyze everything I eat.  Please help me. I dont want to die.  You can email me suggestions at Harleylover915@yahoo.com


Answer by lilly
Submitted on 11/15/2003
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Okay people my name is Lilly ever since I was growing up, i'vealways been under weight, just about 3 months ago I weighed 94lb yes i'm 19 years old and i'm 5'3. Well anyways i had a friend tell me about a medicine she once took to help her gain weight it's called Megestrol Actate.  I decided to take the medicine, and in a period of two in a half months i went from 94lb to 115lb.  Yes that is a great increase.  But here is the catch this medicine could only be perscribed.....oouch that hurts dosen't it.  Anyways i gained my weight but I never exercised so i had flabby fat which really is not what you want.  So if you can find a way to convince your doctor to give you this medicine, because they just don't prescribed it to anyone, it will work.  I guarantee it. But the only thing i would recommend is to exercise alot.  Okay here is the down fall its been about 2 months since i took that medicine, and I've been loosing my weight because i'm not eating as much which will happen to you to, so like i suggested exercise to turn that fat in to muscle. I'm now 104 pounds i managed to keep on 10 pounds which is good, but i'm going to try to take it one more time with exercising.  If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at WWW.LILLY2210@netzero.net  Good Luck!!


Answer by Hardgainer
Submitted on 11/16/2003
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Guys and Gals don't despair, I feel your pain.  I am 24 6ft and only 140lbs, I too could use some advice if anyone has got some out there.  I wanna get to 170-180lbs, is this possible and safe if done naturally?  If so how??


Answer by Manders
Submitted on 11/19/2003
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Hi, I have a problem, since I got chronic e-coli poisoning 8 months ago it made me sick to my stomach, which decreased my desire to eat. I have lost so much weight and I can't gain anything back. How can I get an appetite back? I used to eat soo much and never have this problem? Help!


Answer by risa
Submitted on 11/20/2003
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hi, i'm 13 yrs. old and i can't gain weight
how do i gain weight?


Answer by Tha man
Submitted on 11/21/2003
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to gain weight the simple answer is this: eat. a lot. all the time. a more in depth answer is this: basically, you need to be (comfortably) full all the time since your body needs a constant supply of energy (carbs), which is burned away faster than 'normal' people. imo, it doesn't matter what you eat, just so long as you get enough protein, (you should get at LEAST 1g of protein per lb. of body weight every day to gain.) and lots of carbs.
Calories: you need to get more calories per day to gain anything.
Eating Times: you should eat every 2 hours or so. Don't eat so much that you can't eat every 2-3 hours. just take what you can handle, and it'll get easier over time. Try to eat something calorie/protein/carb heavy right before bed, like oatmeal, or a bagel and tuna, etc.
Supplements: like the name says, these are supplemental to your diet. their use is to give you an extra supply of carbs, protein, and calories per day. i usually have a shake to replace one of my feeding times.
Training: working out can definitly help turn the fat into muscle, and its reccommended, for health's sake.
**Note: NONE of this will work for gaining if you DON'T stick with the program!!!** gaining is a 24 hr. thing. everyday. thats especially true for weight-training also.
hopefully this helps you all out a bit, i know its not very organized.
also, i can't say i really reccommend this to anyone under 16, simply because you still have an opportunity to grow. anyways, hope this helps some. peace.


Answer by underweight
Submitted on 11/24/2003
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hello im 15 and weigh 95 pounds. i usually eat excessively but my mom says that wont work because of my "high metabolism" i hate being so skinny because people ask if im anorexic. or they say u should eat. but i do! i eat sooo much but it doesnt work. im a cheerleader and i exercise a lot. im not sure if that does anything? i REALLY need to gain if u kno what i can do or eat to help me gain weight without using please email me at hottstufcumnthru@yahoo.com thanks.


Answer by Jenn
Submitted on 11/25/2003
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Hi All,
I am a 31 year old female and I weigh 93lbs.  I am 5"6'.  I have been thin my whole life and have just excepted it as who I am. I backpack with my husband for days carrying a 30lb pack with no problem I am just small. Yup I got all the crap from kids at school and from family about being too thin & anorexic.  Bottom line.  I eat good food take care of myself have a very happy life and love myself for who I am.  We are thin because we are thin.  As long as you eat healthy and don't force anything on yourself you are fine.    


Answer by Brent
Submitted on 11/27/2003
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One method that has been proven millions and millions of times over is uncle sams method people, When I went to boot camp for 7 weeks, I went from 135lbs to 170lbs, in boot camp, if you are skinny, you gain weight, if you are fat, you lose weight, all on the exact same diet and workout. the main highlights of that are 1) eat 3 meals a day EVERY day, DONT miss a meal, and eat them at the exact same time everyday. 2)exercize regularly. get in shape, just because you are skinny does NOT mean you are in shape. situps, pushups and jogging..   those simple 3 things work for millions..  You may find one method that has worked for 10 firefighters in cleveland, or one method that worked for 50 people in California, but Uncle Sams method works for MILLIONS of people.   Get in a routine. eat steady, excercize steady. cut out the laziness, and the garbage foods (fast foods, candy bars, chips..) just eat normal 4 food group meals, and do it as regular as possible.


Answer by habib
Submitted on 11/30/2003
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aite im 15 5'7 and im 105 Ibs!! i just wanna get chubby so i can turn that lil bit of fat into muscle do u think thats a good idea.. i dunt wanna lift cuz i wann b taller and i dunt want weight lifitng to stop my growth spurt


Answer by Adrian
Submitted on 11/30/2003
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Hey im 14 and im 5'7 and about 110 pounds, and ive been wanting to gain some weight for a long time, i cant tell you how many whole pizza's ive eaten for snacks and how many 2 liters ive chugged down with it since i discovered i could eat so much in the 5th grade, and you would think i would gain some pounds from all this food but no, i stay the same, i was about 5'3 when 8th grade ended...but this summer i had a growth spurt and now im at 5'7 and im as tall as my mother now but it feels like i havnt gained anything, and i hate my body, i hate how my elbows pop out and how this bone on my wrist pop out...im to ashamed to even raise my hand in the classroom w/o wearing long sleeve shirts to cover up my arms, and i didnt talk to any girls in middle school for fear of being rejected or something, but now in high school, there are so many girls who like me but when i see them i always see fat or something that just makes me wanna hide, and i just cant take it anymore cuz im so skinny, and i enjoy sports and im very good even for a skinny person but when it comes to exposing arms.....i just vanish..unless im with friends....i just wish my metabolism would give me a break and give me back my fat!


Answer by tatysbaby
Submitted on 12/2/2003
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Hey i was 8 stone have been for a while,but ive lost 1st due and most of my musscle due to 2 major operations i was bed ridden for 3 months and ive lost my figure,has n e body got n e ideas how i can get it back??


Answer by noreen
Submitted on 12/3/2003
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hi, i have the same problem as everyone else. im 18 and weigh about 107 pounds. Like everyone else I eat like a pig, and after i eat with friends or something and go to the bathroom i feel like they think im vomiting or something. I'm sick of it all!!! I need to gain some weight but i have a thyroid problem that skrews with my metabolism anyways...... does anyone have the same problem or a solution?


Answer by Sk8Chic0388
Submitted on 12/3/2003
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Hi am in the 10th grade and all of my life people always are asking me if I am anorexic and it if so frustrating! I am 15 am 5'4" and weigh only 100lb. I have always wanted to gain weight and muscle because I am SOOO weak but I just can't. I need help and if someone knows how to help me please..I really need it.  LOVE SAM


Answer by JJ304
Submitted on 12/4/2003
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Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am 15 years old and have been under 100 lbs. for as long as i can remember. It has effected a lot of my life including school. I cannot participate in gym because i am too weak. I can jog with them but not to play any games or activities. If you have any suggestions for me please contact me. Thanks a lot!!


Answer by 829PB
Submitted on 12/4/2003
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Hi! I have the same problem as eveyone else, or maybe worst. I am 19, 5'1 and weigh(you wouldn'dimagine)72 lbs. YEP!
I know!!! all my ffriends are like 5 times the size of me and i eat like a pig. my best friend (who weighs 165) said that i'ma fat girl hiding in a skinny body. i'ma senior and every body thinks i'ma freshman. there are times that i don't eat at all because well, sometimes i dont have time to eat, i'mdepressed or i just don't feel like eting b-coz i know i wont gain any.


Answer by Pam
Submitted on 12/4/2003
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I've Never Heard a Bunch Of Mess In My Life.....DON'T GO TO DOCTORS...YOUR ONLY WASTING YOUR MONEY AND THEIR TIME...THE KEY IS TO ALWAY LOOK GOOD BY BEING SKINNY AND EAT WHAT YOU CAN DON'T FORCE FEED YOURSELF. You see, I too, am underweight I've been 80lbs 5'0ft since the age of 13 and I am now 28 years old and I still gain the same weight and height but I can never remember being called any names. I have the best looking closet with all the latest fashion name brand clothes and shoes, jewelry perfume, etc.. and everything fits me and NO, I don't shop at the kiddy section...I take my time to look good with what body I have...If I can't be fat then Dam'it am gonna look good being skinny and I have no problems with that because My friends Envy me...(the ones that can't fit into my clothes, that is) and it's a good feeling because no matter what they do..They can never be me.  YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY because I'm Pam and I will alway be Pam ...At this Age I'm still  considered "cute" to everyone and that's ok with me cuz not everyone can be cute. I'm Skinny but I love who I am. Growing Up I got all the guys and my friends where left in the cold because people fell in love with my charm and personality not because I had no ass I was smart and funny and people always love those qualities in someone. Everyone I know Loves being around me...THE PROBLEM IS YOU.. STOP THE MADNESSSSS...EVERYONE ONCE TO BE BEAUTIFUL BUT I KNOW I ALREADY AM SKINNY AND ALL. I'VE GIVEN UP THE PROCESS OF WEIGHT GAIN A LONG TIME AGO....AND I COULDN'T BE MORE HAPPY...WORK WITH YOUR BODY. MAKE THINGS HAPPEN FOR YOU...AM MARRIED AND STILL PULLING GUYS, NOT BECAUSE I WANT TO BUT BECAUSE I CAN..SSSSHHHH...I WON'T TELL IF YOU DON'T. ANYWAY, I ADMIRE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU FOR BEING SO BRAVE. IF YOU NEED ME....


Answer by Melissa
Submitted on 12/7/2003
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Answer by Haily
Submitted on 12/8/2003
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hello well I am 23 5ft1 and weight 100 lbs I am desperate to again weight. I have just overcome bulimia. Now I am trying got gain the weight . I want to get up to 110-120 lbs quickly. Were can I get weight gainer pills for low or no cost? Pleas respond asap. to HGreer24@hotmail.com


Answer by JoeJoe-da-monkey
Submitted on 12/9/2003
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The only thing that works, like others said, is to eat (protein) and to work out (heavy weights).  You must eat ,multiple times a day, and count calories.  There are a couple over the counter supplements that may work for u. 1. B-12 vitiman. 2. Alfalfa. 3. Thistle. and 4. Devils Claw.  There are also Prescribed Meds that a Doctor may prescribe that will assist in gaining weight 1.) Megace, 2. Marinol, and 3. Remerol.  You can check all of these out via the net.  Good Luck


Answer by Hottchick_18
Submitted on 12/9/2003
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omg!!!! finally i found a website jus for the skinny peeps!! i'm 18 5'4 and i weigh 100 pounds, and i'm soo flat chested!! i hate it!! i want to gain atleast 10 pounds if anyone has advice for me pllleeeease don't hestitate to give it!!! at Hottchick_181985@yahoo.com


Answer by 0006
Submitted on 12/10/2003
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Answer by Elsbet
Submitted on 12/10/2003
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Oh, thank God, I thought I was the only one in the world.
So do the shakes work, or no, and how much do you have to drink?
And yes, I've been generally ignored by physicians and a fat nurse who thought I was lying about not being anorexic.


Answer by Nica25
Submitted on 12/10/2003
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I can definitely relate to most of you. I'm a female 25yrs old, and I've been skinny all my life. Doctors also say I have a fast metabolism and that I may never gain weight until I have a child. Doctors in my eyes seems to think I don't want to gain weight, but that has been on my mind for ever. I am 5'1 and only weigh 85 pounds. It is ridiculous. When I walk the street sometimes I feel like people are thinking that I'm anorexic. I get nice comments at times about my size, seems like most people are jealous, on the other hand, they make mean statements like I look like a pencil, yet I can't respond cause I would hurt the person's feelings. I would like to gain weight, but fast. Some of the answers I found here today will be very helpful to me.


Answer by Brit
Submitted on 12/10/2003
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Hey!  It seems like to me that yall need some Ectoplan...and Shape Shift and Femimore!


Submitted on 12/10/2003
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Hi! guys. well i have all the same problems as you all...i been trying since the 9th grade. i gained some, however you cant tell....what i did was weight lift....this makes muscle and then eat like cray for a while with out weightlifting and all the muscle will turn into FAT....tahts how i did it...


Answer by Comment: Skinnyfyde
Submitted on 12/11/2003
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wassup yall.....its great to hear that i am not alone in this lonely world.....i thought i was the only person who couldn't’t gain weight...i mean i too have been tormented by people....with their rude comments...."your too skinny" "Why are you so Skinny" "girl you need to gain weight" i mean whoa is that all they have to say to us....i mean I been through so much in my life...and if i had one wish it would to have a perfect body....however, I don’t….through all of my experiences I have realized that family will always be there for me…and all the people who comment constantly  on my body type aren't’t my true friends either…..I mean even my so called best friend has put me down….which is sad…..so now when people have a rude comment I just put them down….something they hate about their self….then I tell them that’s hella mean right what I said….they be like yes….then I am like well now you know how I feel each and everyday…..this method only works when they realize it hurts us too when they make comments….I argue you to try it…  


Answer by Danzo
Submitted on 12/11/2003
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hi i am 5' 6' and weigh 50 kg i can't seem to gain weight i eat absolutely loads and the doctor says i will just fill out in time but in time is not good enough i need to gain now! Christmas is coming in 14 days and i have a celebration i want 2 wear a skirt without looking like there is a pair of matchsticks sticking out of the bottom HELP ME!


Answer by vonny232
Submitted on 12/11/2003
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I Am from the UK, I weigh 119 pounds and I hate it.
I am 21 years old, pale and skinny, it has given me a pretty big complex recently.
Nothing works, ive tried those milkshakes, chocolate, etc and its all in vain.
I resent even my freinds just because they have bigger arms and fit jeans better (this is not muscle weight, just pure weight generally) I hate it and reading these comments dont fill me with optomism, some people have tried harder than me to gain and to no effect.

One word, dont take any drugs while still growing (pills, speed etc). I think the main reason why I am so underdeveloped now is because I took lots of drugs for a year or two (when most teenagers were filling out, I didnt gain due to messed up eating patterns because  drug comedowns put you off food).

Dont get me wrong, drugs are find but make sure you replenish any lost energy (even if the thought of food makes you sick)

If your fat, take a few dabs of speed a day, that will definitely make you lose weight (though make sure you still eat somthing)


Answer by Mitch L.
Submitted on 12/11/2003
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I'm 28, 6'1" and 160 pounds. I have tried quit abit of things to gain weight. I literally eat as many fattening things as I can. No joke, I'll eat a pound of bacon at one sitting, along with butter drenched eggs and bread. I also eat a lot of carbohydrates such as bread, pasta and pizzas. I eat a ton of red meat being I'm from Nebraska. I'm begging for help, seems like no one ever puts thought into the peoples need for gain. Thanks!


Answer by smokey
Submitted on 12/12/2003
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I'm 16 years old and i feel like the runt of everyone at school i feel like i cant even get any girls cause i have no self esteem what should i do? I've tried working out and going on high protein shakes and all of that i just cant get the weight and bulk i want please help me find the right answers for whats right thank you


Answer by Mizz A
Submitted on 12/12/2003
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i am 14 and i weigh 100 pounds. i'mso tired of being called skinny and stick and all that crap. sure some people tell me i can be a model just to make m feel better. but i want to add about 15 pounds to my weight. I'vebeen eating, praying to god and everything else but it don't work. plz help me out!


Answer by hopeless
Submitted on 12/12/2003
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I am soo glad there's more people out there with the same problems as me.  i'm soo sick of everybody sayin "oh your so lucky to be that thin" i hate it!! i wanna put some meat on my bones!! i've tried everthing and nothing works. i'm 17 going on 18 and i wanna gain atleast 15 pounds. i haven't gained any weight since i was 14 or 15. it's sooo depressing. if any one has any advice for me please give it.thanks.


Answer by megha
Submitted on 12/13/2003
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hi all, i am megha.. i am 23 years old. even i am so glad to know that i m not the only one who is underweight there are many more....... well, i would like to gain weight in a short period, is it possible?? if so pls anyone advise me... but my problem is i am very busy all day and dont get time to eat proper meal.... i was 50kgs 3years back but now i have come down to 41kgs.. i want to gain another 8kgs more pls advise what do i do??
bye folks.... all the best to you all and to me toooooooooo........


Answer by abrar
Submitted on 12/14/2003
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hi, i'm from india, and i also want to gain weight no,i've tried everything no,, but no use no,,.. =(
but i remeber once in the summer no, i gained 4 kg in 1 month no... but i forgot how i gained them no..
one good thing no,, cream cramel,, very good no


Answer by noorah "5alo"
Submitted on 12/14/2003
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hi everyone... i have the same problem here,,,.. i really want to gain weight,, i've tried everything,, and took many kinds of medicines...
but if u really want to gain weight all u have to do,, is eat well,, and very important,.. SPORT..

guys help me... my boyfriend said if i dont gain weight in 1 month he'll brak up with me :(:(:(:(



Answer by Shelly
Submitted on 12/14/2003
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Hello, my name's Michelle, and I am just balancing between 95-99lbs I am 5'6" and I'm17 years old.  My doctor TOLD me I HAVE TO GAIN 10-15lbs by the next time I have an appointment with her. Everyone picks on me for being skinny, they think that I'm bulimic or anorexic and all these other sickly thing, but I eat all the time but nothing helps me gain ANY weight at all. please help me I told want to be made fun of no longer, it makes me fell like crap.  thank you very much!

Email me at Shelly8605@aol.com



Answer by David
Submitted on 12/15/2003
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I personally gained 28 Lbs in 12 weeks on a weight gain program.  It was $79 but well worth it.  I had tried all kind of things before it and they never worked. now i feel great and i am really proud of my body.  i can now go swimming!



Answer by Val
Submitted on 12/18/2003
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Yeah guys, I know what it feels like to be skinny. I'm 5'8" and weigh about 106 lbs as of now. I lost some weight after I went on the birth control pill (weird huh) and can't gain it since then.  But anyways, none of you should stress over people calling you anorexic or bulimic.  Most of those bullies are just jealous anyway! They wish they could eat anything they wanted and still stay slim!  Being thin is desirable in our society.  If you are still a teenager, you most likely will gain weight when you are in your twenties, if you are older and still have this problem then you should see a doctor so he can help you to develop a healthy weight gain program.
Anyways, I still believe that being skinny is way better then being obese. So stay positive and good luck with your weight gain program. Hopefully i will succeed in that as well.


Answer by sam
Submitted on 12/21/2003
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hey i need help too.. i am a male. 108 pounds, standing at 6 feet 1 inch tall. i can't gain weight at all. i eat about 2500-3000 calories per day and try to work out.. people make fun of me calling me stick and stuff. i NEED help fast


Answer by V
Submitted on 12/22/2003
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I need to gain 10LB in a WEEK! i don't care if it's fat or lead balls in my stomach i need to PASS the test.!!!
any help.


Answer by Mando
Submitted on 12/22/2003
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Yo im 5'5 and like 117, is  that really skinny, i do just like every one else here want to gaing weight, but it is really hard i know, im going to try the supplements Ensure, i hope they work


Answer by infamous
Submitted on 12/23/2003
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Wow, I didn't know so many people had this problem, I can relate to many of you out there. Im 18 and about 6'0 and only weight 117. Ive been so skinny my whole life, I eat quite a bit considering im only 117. Lately ive been eating about 5-6 full meals a day, stuff like mcdonalds, home made junk, burger king, and so on, and i cant gain a pound!!! After a full day i might gain about 2 pounds, and loose it when i go to sleep, same thing the next day, and so on. Nothing is really helping me, im eating like a fat guy at a all you can eat restaurant... Anyone who can really help, that would be great


Answer by chopstick
Submitted on 12/25/2003
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hie evryone, gosh finally found a site that is for the skinny ones. i'm160 cm but wieght only 34kg , i look like ruler (most ppl said), i'mtired and heart broken each and everyday that ppl kept telling me that im way too skinny, i told them in return that i do eat but doesn't gain weight in return, i think i'min serious problem suffering both mental and physical , i'mtoo obsessed and concern about my body that sometimes i just burst out crying alone with no one there to understand or comfort me , now that i know there are more ppl out ther like me, i'mhappy :) but still sad coz there are no solid solutions to those skinny ppl like us , it's unfair , ppl invent or create diets to lose weight but not gaining it. im desperate, and asking help from someone here that would like to help me out to gain some weight.....email me : babybunny__98@yahoo.com


Answer by dude
Submitted on 12/26/2003
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hey look take atleast 6 meals a day drink water lots of water take a good sleep atleast 8 hrs of sleep.


Answer by LittleOme
Submitted on 12/26/2003
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okay.. you guys think that you have problems? I am 18 with one child.. I weigh 87 lbs.. no joke! and i am not laughing at it! I want to gain weight but as much as I eat.. I lose. If there is anyone out there with a diet that can out run my metabolism.. let me know.. fast!


Answer by Fv55
Submitted on 12/27/2003
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I just need help like everyone in here, I am 14 and I am 5feet and 80lbs. People don't make fun of me like some of you but some want to be me and others say you're lucky cause i am fat. I would like to be 130 pound but I guess that won't happen cause I start high school in 8 months, so some body email me and help me at sweethoneyrock55@aol.com  


Answer by ProBlumz
Submitted on 12/27/2003
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yea, i have the problem most of u girls here have. I'm 5'8 and a half feet tall, I'm about 122 pounds, and I'm skinny. I'm far from being anorexic, in fact,  probably eat more than fat people. but none of it seems to be storing in my body. its bad enough having to b tall, but to b skinny to, its horrible. u see all these good looking people like jlo who have the best bodies b/c they aren't fat, but they aren't bony either.Does anyone no of a way to get, "thicker" shall i say. and maybe anyways to shrink in height? lol


Answer by graham stoots
Submitted on 12/28/2003
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same story here; 23, 6 ft at 58kg (128lb), i'vrtried the weights and excessive eating it does work, but any lapse will bring me down to the original weight. i once put on 8kg in a month by doing weights and eating anything edible, and i actually had a bit of a gut! it was strange seeing fat on my body. then having a busy phase dropped it all, and i weigh less then when i started. so a complete change in lifestyle is needed to maintain the 'ideal weight'.


Answer by Mia
Submitted on 12/29/2003
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I understand what all'yall are saying, & it feels good to know that I ain't alone.
It makes me feel bad to look in the mirror after I see what all other girls look like.
When I went to this party 1time, this girl introduced me to this guy and told him I am 16(which I am). And ya know what his reply was!!!!! "YOU LOOK LIKE 12, YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT"
Ya know what that felt like!! I nearly kicked him in his *****
I eat like a damned animal but still weight 110lbs.

If anoyne has an answer, please write to me at idaresitu@yahoo.com


Answer by Subject2Change
Submitted on 12/29/2003
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I am a 17yr old 6'4" male that only weighs 165. i have tried eating all the time and staying up late too and eating then too, it doesnt work. I have a very fast metabolism. my next step is going to be drink alot more water and eat a bigger breakfast even if I am on the run.


Answer by cutie
Submitted on 12/29/2003
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wats up guys, i hate being skinny i seriously canot stand it...well heres my sad story, im 15 5'5 and only 97 pounds! I eat as much as i can, and i dont gain a pound...i used to be fatter, but god knows wat happend. Anyways, my friends and family think i dont eat, but they dont understand how hard it is for such a skinny person with a small stomach to stuff herself!!! u guys understnad, but fat ppl dont! well does any1 know how i can gain weight? thanks...anyways...c ya guys!!


Answer by elijah
Submitted on 12/29/2003
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creatine and weight gainer powder along with a weight-lifting program.


Answer by Brooke
Submitted on 12/30/2003
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It feels so great to know that I'm not the only one out there that has problems gaining weight.  I am 21 and have never weighed over 100 lbs.  I have weighed 95 lbs for over 5 years.  I am only 5'4 so it isn't as bad, but I feel depressed trying to shop for clothes.  An XS is too big for me.  That is so sad.  I am keeping my head up and taking some of the advice on this page.  Maybe my future will be brighter.


Answer by ThinguyinNYC
Submitted on 12/31/2003
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So guys I have been thin all my life and have gone to a doctor...I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel, let me tell you it sucks...I try the weight gaining shakes, the creatine, the working out, the eating, but there is only so much a guy can put in his stomach, at times I still eat more than what people around me eat and I stay the same weight...I'm 6'2 and I weight 140, I want to be about 175 or 190...it sucks because I'm a model/actor and I feel I dont get as far as I want because of my thinness...I was teased and taunted and I feel I have to like eat all my food or people look at me like I'm anorexic or what not, friends have actually called help before..I did the Ensure thing and that seemed to help, but once I gained weight I got sick and lost it all...at this point I am basically left with a feeling of "My body is my own worst enemy" so hearing your stories does inspire me not to give up and I appreciate that...for you guys that are little and petite, I say embrace that, because as you get older that is one of the cutest looks right now....as long as your healthy...it is unhealthy for me to be 140 and 6'2...any help?


Answer by Subject2Change
Submitted on 12/31/2003
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ThinGuyInNYC I feel for you, I am 6'4" 160 I want to weight atleast 200. I am going to a doctor in a few weeks and we will see how it goes. I am not sure if its really fast metabolism or what. I try eating all the time and lifting but nothing seems to work. I am in HS and teased by some of these big guys but it doesnt get to me.


Answer by Michelle
Submitted on 1/1/2004
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I've been small frame all my life, and have tried to gain weight. Before I got pregnant in 1997, I use to wear a size 9/10, and now I'm down to 3/4. I only weigh 110, and have tried tog gain weight,but I can't. I don't get picked on, because people just say that they wish they were my size. I want to gain at least 20 pounds, and wear a size 11/12. I tried Weight Gainer 2200, and plus Boost, I may have gain weight, but I can't really tell. My doctor said it could be my thyroids, but I've had it tested before.


Answer by slimchick
Submitted on 1/1/2004
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I'm 5'4 and 97lbs. It's really concerning me and I'd love to weigh 115lbs or more. Does anyone know what the daily calorie needs for a 21 year old are? My lifestyle is sedentary too b/c I am disabled with no appetite. I'd really like to look normal, I've suffered with this forever. Help?


Answer by peaches
Submitted on 1/1/2004
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I am 5'7" and a 110lbs.  I am 27 years old and know exactly what all of you are talking about.  For a long time I hated being skinny.  But then I realized I liked myself the way I am.  I was not going to let what other people think of me affect me.  The only reason people make fun of skinny people is because they are jealous.  If you are healthy then why mess with the gift that every fat person dreams of and  Love yourself the way you are.  


Answer by Toothpick
Submitted on 1/2/2004
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Hello, please help me I am 15 yrs. old and I weigh 75 pounds my 5 yr. cousin even weighs more than me! I am 5ft. and 1 1/2 in. I NEED to GAIN some weight. Everyone in high school makes fun of me. I haven't gained a pound since fourth grade! No one has ever asked me out, you people no why, because i'm too thin, and because i don't have a body.All my friends do! When i'm with my friends and they are talking to boys they never pay attention to me. I HATE this please. I can't even get a job. My parents make fun of me, my whole family does. I do eat alot I eat more than normal people usually eat I'm a pig put don't gain any pounds. Guys also think i'm just a little 10 year old! Please, HELP ME, I want to gain weight By March 2004 Please help Me. I never go out anywhere any more i'm too embarrased and this girl my dad knew was taken away from her parents because the goverment thought her parents were starving her and i don't want that to happen to me. PLEASE HELP ME I'M DESPERATE.


Answer by cutie
Submitted on 1/3/2004
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hey guys, my friend said that she used to be realy skinny so she ate 10 of those protien chocolate bar things everyday after each meal she would have and stuff, and she gained 6 pounds in a month! so i dont know if that would work...wat do u guys think?


Answer by ProBlumz
Submitted on 1/3/2004
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i'i will those shakes and stuff but i don't no if they will work cuz usually milky stuff like that just passes right thru me, (if u know what i mean).   And about the work out thing. It seems like it works temporarily for some ppl. wut the thing is, i don't want to be buff or anything cuz I'm a girl, i just want to gain weight. how does weightlifting and excersise help u gain weight?


Answer by billyhutto
Submitted on 1/4/2004
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Look everyone, I hate to say this, but all this about eating more... well it's true, BUT it's all about what you eat and how often you eat. If you snack all day on junk and fast food, but have a fast metabolism, don't expect to gain much weight, if any.  Guys if you're looking to gain lean mass, YOU HAVE TO EAT HEALTHY FOODS.  Try a diet of 40% protein, 30% carbs, and 30% fat (unsaturated).  Yes, hear it it again.  Eat more often, like 5 or 6 smaller than normal meals a day.  Workout 2-3 times a week, not exercising a body part or muscle group more than once per week at a minimum.  REST is what really helps muscles recover, which in turn adds mass.  For everyone who hasn't done this for atleast 3-4 weeks without missing a meal or workout, you need to atleast try it.  CONSISTENCY is the biggest key to gaining weight.  You can't expect to gain weight if you try it for just a few days or even a week or two.  You have to give your body enough time.  In America today, when people want something they want it right then.  Well, it doesn't really work like that with gaining weight.  Your body naturally has a weight that it is, shall I say "programmed to stay around, or a weight that I likes to stay around.  Sometimes it takes a couple of weeks to break your body of that.  Same thing with after you've gained the weight you desire, if you just end your diet and workout abruptly your body will naturally over time tend to go back to programmed weight that it likes.  Depending on your body-type, it takes about 3 weeks or so to break (or establish a new "programmed" weight) your body of that programmed weight.  That's why for everyone who's worked so hard to gain that 5 or 10 pounds, they lose it so quickly and usually go back to the weight they were before they gained the weight, if not smaller.  Like everyone, I've always been skinny.  I'm 5' 11'' and 120lbs.  I started eating 5-6 times a day, doing the 40/30/30 diet I talked about earlier, working out no more than 3x a week, getting plenty of sleep at night and, most importantly, being PATIENT, and even more important, being CONSISTENT.  I gained 9 lbs my first month.  9 lbs doesn't seem that much, but for the body it's a lot of weight to put on that quick.  For everyone out there looking to put on 10 lbs in a week, the only way you're going to do that is illegally, or by putting on iron shackles before you get on the scale.  Give your body time, be consistent.  If you're looking to put on lean mass you might want to check out www.skinnyguy.net.  It has a lot of really good information especially for really skinny people out there who want to gain lean mass.  I tried their program and it worked for me and I was extremely skinny for my height and age.  Will it work for everyone?  I don't know know.  Everyone is different.  It worked for me.  It might work for some other people also.  Do what works for you.  Questions?  email me:  billyhutto@sbcglobal.net



Answer by linzi
Submitted on 1/5/2004
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hey ppl. i am so depressed. i am 18rs old and weigh 7st. i want to put weight on bad and fast, without powders or pills. i eat like a pig and have seen a specilist but they dont know whats wrong with me. i want to look plump in clothes, i am a pretty girl but being skinny lets me down.
somebody help fast.


Answer by Skinnyguy from OZ
Submitted on 1/5/2004
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Hi everyone, like all of you ive had the same problem for a while now. Almost 2 yrs ago I weighed 121 pounds. Sick and tired of what people told me i decided to try and put on weight. I now weigh 158.5 pounds. My goal is to get to 176 pounds. By the way I am 6ft and 22 yrs old.

In my opinion i believe the mind has as much to do with it, as well as eating and exercise.

Heres how i did it:

first of all i needed something to motivate me. I needed a reason to do it. You need to motivate yourself as much as you can. Sitting there thinking it cant be done, wont get you anywhere. Beleive me ive been through that stage myself. It doesnt help. You need to think positive. Secondly you need to eat, eat and eat. I wasnt the type of person to eat alot. So what i used to do is have a normal meal, and instead of having water or any sort of drink with my meal, id have a protein shake right after it. So id fool myself into thinking the protein shake is just a drink, when in actual fact it is a replacement meal in itself. So effectively im having 2 meals at once. Do this 3 times a day. You'll be eating twice as much as you normally eat. Well thats how i see it. Im no expert but this worked for me, it may also work for you.

Eventually my body could handle the extra load so i cut back on the shakes and just ate more food, im not a gym junkie either. I stopped trying to lift weights for a long time and managed to keep my weight consistent without going to the gym at all. What i did was weigh myself day by day and make sure i maintain what i put on. You will find a pattern, i found that i usually lose 2 pounds during a night of sleep. So before i go to bed i make sure i drink, eat etc to make up for that. You need to find your bodys habits and patterns then just adjust the extra weight to it accordingly.

The hardest step is the first one. But believe me all it takes is to see 1 small positive result and that will set you up to keep going. work towards a small goal, lets say 2.2 pounds (which is roughly 1 kg - im from australia). give yourself a week or two to put on that weight, and track yourself day by day. Once you see that extra weight then make another goal of 2.2 poudns for the next 2 weeks. Everybody says think big, eat big etc, This is true but you need to take small steps while doing it.

Believe me i understand where you are all coming from. I was called skinny, etc all the names and i still am getting called names. You just have to try and try hard. Its not impossible, its just hard. People told me you cant put on weight but I still did it. You need to have a positive mind and you should not be expecting quick results. It takes time, but you need to be consistent with what you do. You cant put on weight over night. It doesnt happen, but you can do it gradually. Stay focused and just be positive. You can do it but you gotta motivate yourself enough. One of the things that was motivating me was the thought of packing on the weight and meeting up with ppl i havent seen in a while and shocking them with my growth. And it has happened. Or increasing my weight and getting complements from people. It worked for me. I know its not the best reason, most importantly you do it for yourself but it just adds that extra touch when others notice it too.

Weigh yourself in the morning, after each meal and before you sleep. You will begin to catch on to your body's pattern and you will see how it fluctuates. Then you gotta learn to keep the weight steady. Like i said earlier, if you know you are going to lose weight while sleeping, pack the weight on before you sleep, so when u wake up in the morning you stay constant.

Im no medical expert. But this worked for me. I didnt concentrate on any special food groups, i ate anything and everything, the only thing i concentrated on was the shakes at first. I made sure they were high in protein and carbs.

Take care and good luck. You can all do it, stay positive and work towards your goal. Dont forget, your mental state is just as important as your physical state when trying to achieve results for your body. Think of it as a game - play it smart and you're set to win.

By the way for those of you who have gained but have also lost, it would be easier to put the weight back on. Its happened to me. I've asked my friends who are heavily into the gym and my brother who is the complete opposite of me (can put on weight easily), they tell me that your body has memory which makes it easier the second time. Ive dropped a few kilos but put it back within a few days. But ive never increased my weight to a new level over a few days. It takes about a week or so for me.

Anyway if you try this let me know if it worked for you.

Bye !


Answer by unknown
Submitted on 1/5/2004
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Drink lots of water.  Your muscles are 70% water.  And you need carbohydrates to give you energy when you work-out.  If you don't eat that many carbohydrates, than your body will then start to use the protein in your body for energy that you need for gaining weight.


Answer by cutie
Submitted on 1/5/2004
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Hey! great answer, but what kind of protien shakes did u use?


Answer by Skinnyguy from OZ
Submitted on 1/5/2004
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I drank musashi LP1 at first, and it worked. I did forget to mention water too. It is important if you work out!


Answer by LynnEB
Submitted on 1/7/2004
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One good method is to, like experts say is to eat three meals a day!Also eat a peanut butter sandwich three times a day too. It worked for me I gained about four pound in two weeks. Oh yeah and drink Ensure


Answer by cutie
Submitted on 1/7/2004
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ok so u used musashi LP1 ...well i dont think they sell it here where i live...edmonton, alberta...so do u think boost or someting like that would work?or just those regular protien shakes?...does it have to be the one u used?


Answer by Skinnyguy from OZ
Submitted on 1/8/2004
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hi again! it doesnt have to be exactly the same as LP1. LP1 is actually a meal replacement milkshake. The reason why i chose it is because its high in carbohydrates and protein. Use any shake thats high in carbs and protein, and is also classified as a meal replacement. Talk to your local health food store, theyll be able to help you


Answer by slimchick
Submitted on 1/8/2004
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Hi, I found this great journal to keep track of calories and such at www.memoryminder.com. I'm going to start using that. I've found a tip for those that cannot eat much is to eat 6 small meals to equal 3 and incorporate snacks, shakes, or whatever else to add the 500 additional calories to gain a pound or so each week. Okay, let's get started...


Answer by asailorscutie
Submitted on 1/8/2004
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Well i'min the same boat as everyone else. I am 18 almost 19yrs old. I weight between 73, and 82Lbs weight like that since just about 6th grade and I graduated from high school this past December. I wear size 0 or 1 pants, but they have to be stretch to fit me right. I get teased a lot  about being skinny. My best friend says that I don't eat anything, but in fact I eat ALOT. Ya and I had problems with guys not wanting to go out with me because i'm skinny and have small breast, but now I have a great BF that likes me the way I am. It helps to have loved ones support you and what you decided to do. Also my BF is in the Navy and on deployment now and will be back in a few months. It would be nice if I could gain a few pounds before he gets back. I don't know much about gaining weight, so I hope you can help me some. Peace out there to all the skinny people!!!!!


Answer by sweetpudentang
Submitted on 1/9/2004
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Answer by gi
Submitted on 1/9/2004
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hey, I'll be 16 in april and I still haven't got my period! I'm 5'6''and 108lb'sI figured gaining weight might help, god I just want have a figure and look my age not 11. If you have any suggestions email me at honeyeyedgretta@missoula.com.


Answer by Andrea
Submitted on 1/9/2004
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Well, Loved reading everyones comments. It is very nice to know that I'm not the only person in the world who gets do to you eat?, and your to skinny.. bull crap. But I think to myself there has to be something wrong with me. I mean I am 5'7" and weight only 100 pounds. I almost don't blame the people who make fun of me because I know I look horrible. I just wish that there was something I could do. Beside all these guy weight gainers, are'nt those only for muscles? If anyone has some good advice please write me at Aphrodrea722@yahoo.com


Answer by BlueEydPhoenix
Submitted on 1/10/2004
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I am so glad I came across this board.  I'm 35 years old and have had 3 children and for the past 9 years I've had a hard keeping weight on.  I've tried everything I can think of and for every inch of progress I make, I get set back foot soon after. For example:  I had finally started to gain some weight this past fall when I noticed my depression coming back.  The doc put me back on Wellbutrin and I've lost weight again.  

People don't understand how frustrating it is to go shopping and have everything geared towards the chubby crowd.  I buy clothes in the smallest size I can find and they are still to loose.  All I want is to get back to 120 lbs.  

Does any one have any ideas of how I can eat more without causing my daughters to become over eaters?  I have one who is eating me out of house and home as it is.  She's not fat - she's solid.  Her shape is different from mine.  I do my best to help both of them keep a good self image and so far so good.  But its hard to encourage them when I feel so ugly.


Answer by Angel
Submitted on 1/11/2004
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I'm 17 and havent gained much weight in the last few years I actually keep losing it...I eat about 2500 calories a day.I am 5ft5 inches tall and I weigh 85 pounds.I've seen a few doctors and ruled outany health condition including hypothryroidism.No I'd like to gain alast  pounds in the next 4-6 months...healthy or not i dont care I have to do something.I'm to tall to wear girls clothing and its hard to find 00 in juniors clothing...help


Answer by BlueEyd Phoenix
Submitted on 1/11/2004
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Hello again.

I did something thinking after I posted last night.  Alot of you (and professional advice givers) recommend drinking protein shakes with meals and right before going to bed.  I can't do that.  A protein shake leaves me feeling to full and makes me sluggish.  If I eat after 9 at night, I either don't sleep or sleep restless making me feel even worse.  I've tried drinking Ensure between meals, but since I work a 40 hour week and am not a morning person, it takes all I have to get out the door on time, let alone remember to take all those "extras" with me to work and hope I have time to snack.  

I am also a person who can get so busy I don't notice its time for lunch until later in the afternoon.  Since I don't want to be to full to eat supper, I end up waiting and having no lunch.  I'm not a clock watcher, calorie counter or even junk food person.  I just want to gain 20 lbs and be healthy and healthy looking again.  

All these ideas thrown out are good, but what about those of us who don't have the extra $$ to throw away experimenting on protein bars, shakes and other gimmicks?  I just want to gain 20 lbs and be healthy the rest of my life, not spend the rest of it struggling to make ends meet like I have the past 10 years (which is a lot of my stress problem contributing to the weight loss).


Answer by Hottchick_18
Submitted on 1/11/2004
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first of all i want to say all the advice that ppl have given on this is very helpful, and i'll sure give it a try. i haven't gain any weight yet,but hopefully with you ppls advice i will. i eat all the time, and it still doesn't seem to have any effect on me. for a while i was eating mainly junk foods and didn't get anywhere doing that. i'm eating healthier now, and drinking lots more water. i don't really have the money to go and buy all those protein shakes, and other products, so if theres any other ways to gain weight without those products i'd like to know
thanks :)


Answer by justin04
Submitted on 1/12/2004
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Im 17 yr old male. 6ft. 105 pounds, yes,105 pounds! Almost 5 weeks later ive gained 10 pounds! I work out 1 or 2 times a day. take 3 nutrishakes + normal meals. EAT. Eat lots of bread.


Answer by Kellie
Submitted on 1/12/2004
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Hello. My name is Kellie and I'm starting on the weight plan today. I have read all the comments and I think I have come up with my very own sulution. I strongly believe you need a PERSONAL REASON to gain weight. What I mean by that is find something within yourself that motovates you to gaining weight. Put aside all the comments that people around you have said about you and focus on how YOU want yourself to lool. (Easier Said Than Done. That would be the hardest part. Also I believe you should focus on what you really want. Do you want to be FLABBIER and  do you want to gain weight with muscle. You will have to eat but don't hurt yourself in the process. I'm not going to tell you a specific amount you should eat each day because it all depends on your own body and how much you can handle. Good luck


Answer by Jenn
Submitted on 1/14/2004
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Ok well I'm 14 and 105 and 5'8! I work at Mcdonalds so I eat there alot...I can't stand people saying stuff about me. Yeah I have a butt..but no chest...which is embarassing. I wish I could get a chest and at least be 130..PLLLEEASSSEE help



Answer by stormchaser807@att.net
Submitted on 1/14/2004
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Protein is definitely needed to gain weight. I was using liquid protein,about 20 grams a day and was doing the NAVY SEAL WORKOUT,Its awesome. Little by little I was gaining weight. I since moved to Florida and slacked off but back on it.Liquid protein and workouts along with anything you want to eat through out the day. The Navy seals workout tape is great! Its takes work to gain weight and I m tired of all the junk thats out there,its doesn't work! look it up,protein is needed to gain muscle and it will help you gain weight,its a food supplement,don't take more than you should.20 grams is enough for me.

Good luck everyone!


Answer by Weight Gain
Submitted on 1/14/2004
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Check out <a href="http://www.weightgainplus.com">Weight Gain Plus</a>


Answer by ginger
Submitted on 1/14/2004
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Hey everyone!
I'm glad to see that there are other people that feel the same way I do about being skinny!  It sucks how so many people make fun of us, but then at the same time say we are so lucky!  It's not fun at all!  


Answer by Lyndsay
Submitted on 1/15/2004
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Hey everyone...i really appreciate knowing i am not the only one out there....I am nearly 15, 5' 5" and like 93 lbs....it really sux to go to school and hear " OH I WISH I WAS THAT SKINNY" and then five min later hear....."WOW, ARE YOU LIKE...BELIMIC???" UGH...it is so old by now.....ppl really don't realize how awful it feels to be UNDERweight, i am gonna try the protein shake idea and maybe some other techniques, I'llkeep y'allposted!!!


Answer by Mikey
Submitted on 1/16/2004
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To all those trying to gain weight:
I was 125 pounds standing 5'11", very thin. I now weight 175lbs and still gaining, the secret lies in WHAT you are eating. Stay away from unhealthy foods, go after things that are high in proteins and calories. Get yourself into a routine of exercising or working out. It won't happen over night, be consistant, that is the biggest key. Keep at it and be consistant, eat the right types of foods. Seperate your meals, eat more like 6 smaller meals/day rather than 3 equal ones. At the end of the day you will have taken in more calories. Allowing your body to process the food slower also works in your benifit, rather than asking it to process it all in one big lunge. If anyone has any questions, ask for me by name and I will be glad to help.


Answer by reiko
Submitted on 1/18/2004
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Hey everyone its good to see so many good suggestions and advice about gaining weight. I was also once underweight. 5'11 and 140lbs, now on 190lbs of muscle. I was abused verbally and physically in high school because of my weight and got so fed up I had to do something. now I have got back at those who bullied me and you know what it really feels great not having to worry about being called names or being bullied. anyhow I followed pretty much very similar info to whats on this site to achieve my goal. I have been lifting for 2 years now and have learnt a lot in that time. Being on a minimum wage meant I couldnt throw out money on supplements either but most dont work anyhow.. As for protein shakes you dont have to buy them you can make them on your own. for example 6 egg whites, 1 liter of milk, 2 tablespoons peanut butter makes a great protein shake and believe me it works just as good as a shake you buy. Also make sure you eat lots of oats or cornflakes or rice to get lots of carbs into you. eating before bedtime can be useful as your metabolism slows down when you sleep but its not neccessary. If you have a stressful lifestyle like me its crucial you get atleast 8 hours good sleep a night and make a protein shake to take to work with you if you dont have much break time. Weight training for us guys is the easiest way to put on muscle but there are some tricks involved. for example you may train with weights and notice an increase in weight and strength for a period of 5 weeks and then bang you hiot a plateau. You think to yourself why have i stoped gaining? am i not eating enough? and this is when i thought about giving up many times but the trick is you must change your preogram if you get to this point as your muscles are becoming too used to the exercises you perform. These a just a few pointers i have for people choosing to gain weight using a weight lifting program.

As for you girls trying to gain weight believe it or not I know enough girls at the local gym with very nice bodys and you know what they do? well they also pump weights. A lot of girls think they will gain too much muscle pumping weights but this is not true unless you are lifting heavy weights. You will gain some muscle obviously but trust me you wont notice it and its much harder to notice muscle gains on girls than guys. A weight program using light weights will definately be a good way to go to shape up and add on additional weight plus try to eat healthy foods such as plenty iof fruit and vegies and as frequently as possible.
One last note...Be PATIENT! Its they biggest key element and seperates those who succeed from those that never get anywhere. Expect to have to weight 3 weeks or even up to 5 weeks to gain weight even on a good diet and weight program. I know some people make gains in just a few weeks but not everyone is like that. It took me around 5 weeks to notice any changes in me and just as i thought about throwing in the towel i noticed i was starting to gain weight. once you are in that weight gain mode and see your first gains your body usually continues to build up for weeks until you must change your program due to no further weight increases.


Answer by Debbie
Submitted on 1/19/2004
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Well, i have the excact same problem, and i am like the lightest person in my grade, but not the smallest. im in middle school, and i weigh less than 70 pounds. is it bad??


Answer by scanman
Submitted on 1/19/2004
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i am fat


Answer by Tricia
Submitted on 1/19/2004
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I am 26 yrs old and right now I weigh 124 lbs and am 5'6". This is not the first time I have been below my average weight. After I had my 2nd child I dropped to 118. One suggestion is to drink things like slim fast but still stay on a regular diet. It works for some people but not others. It worked for a friend of mine but not me. I know only to well how it feels to be made fun of because you are to skinny. If anyone has any other suggestions please feel free to let me know.


Answer by Rockzand
Submitted on 1/19/2004
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Answer by Rockzand
Submitted on 1/19/2004
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Answer by Krayziebaby2004
Submitted on 1/19/2004
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hey guys I am a 17 year old female. I am a senior in High School and i've always had trouble gaining weight. 4 weeks ago i weighed 104 now i weight 110. I still want to gain 10 mo lbs. if anyone has advice please email me babiegurlll04@aol.com


Answer by gazz
Submitted on 1/21/2004
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hi im 18 yr old male and live in england.Truth is i am depressed at the minute about the way i look i am 8 and a half stone and supposedly a great looking guy but i cant see that i am cause i have a thin neck a bony back and my hips stick out half a mile.

i havent a job or future prospects and i think i am losing weight cause of my depression i sleep through half the day and go to bed about four in the morning. its gettin me down and really want to gain weight i have thought about buying weight gain but am not sure if it works i dont really wanna spend £30 and find out it does nothing i need help really bad so if any one could advise me that would be very much appreciated cheers


Answer by Aussiegirl
Submitted on 1/22/2004
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Hi everyone, well it sounds like there's a lot of us in the same boat!!! But I have a suggestion which I hope might help some of you!! - I've just been diagnosed with COELIAC DISEASE which is a condition described as "the inability to digest gluten, which often results in bowel symptoms, weight loss or failure to gain weight, and lack of certain vitamins and minerals with consequential problems such as anaemia and osteoporosis". Unfortunately if you have this condition it means controlling your intake of wheat and gluten products (but don't do this without first consulting your doctor!!) For more info see -http://www.medinfo.co.uk/conditions/coeliac.html
It's really difficult to diagnose and so quite often it goes unnoticed so I suggest talking to your doctor about it!!! Hope this helps!!! Goodluck!!!


Answer by Recipe
Submitted on 1/23/2004
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i gained 8 pounds with this recipe drink 4 times a day

4 cups milk
1 cup powdered milk
8 tbsp. Nestles Quik powder
1 can evaporated milk
Mix in the blender and refrigerate


Answer by SuGaR
Submitted on 1/26/2004
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hi guys.. i am on the same boat as most of u here.. i found this site.. but haven't used it yet.. check it out, it does sound healthy


Answer by Stephanie
Submitted on 1/26/2004
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Before reading all of this information. I never thought people related to me. I'm 21 5'6 and weigh 111. I've always tried gaining weight for about 5, 6 yrs. now off and on. Sometimes i give up because it is very hard. I tried drinking ensure plus and eating more than i usually do, but that doesnt work. I tried drinking weight gainers vitamin drink from GNC, that didnt work.
But it good to know that they are people out there than can relate to what your going through. They should have a program for underweight people as they do for overweight people. They would probably laugh at people like us. This is a serious problem because i feel sad and depressed sometimes. People make fun of you and call you anorexic and all types of names. But you dont even starve yourself, you eat as much as someone else eats at your same age. We just have a harder enough time gaining weight. Well I want to thank all of you guys for your help.


Answer by cutie
Submitted on 1/26/2004
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hey how long did it take u to gain 8 pounds with that recipe??


Answer by Tameeka
Submitted on 1/27/2004
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Hey peeps, I've been clocking this page for a few weeks now, and I must say, it's good to have finally found people who are on the same boat as me, don't let the comments get you down, I know it's hard, but you gotta keep on moving, I've been eating how-carb recipes like pasta, cereals and so on, and yes I put on weight, 4 pounds in 2 weeks (YIPPEE! lol), but this morning I weighed myself and went DOWN a pound, I know it's very hard, but you can do it, keep pushing yourself, and if you're wondering my stats 5'3" and (7.5 stones) 106lb and I wanna get up to 120lb. The only problems I am having is with exercise, I walk a lot is this good? I know people who want to LOOSE weight do this, but I don't want to use weight, which I told my pharmacist, but the b*tch still wasn't getting it, so what exercises can I do?


Answer by cutie
Submitted on 1/27/2004
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hey guys! im starting a new plan, eating 500 more calories each day b4 i go to bed. I think its working...i feel heavier, but my weight hasnt changed since ive been doing this for only 2 days! Ill keep yah guys updated.


Answer by Alex
Submitted on 1/27/2004
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Your weight should go down at first cause it is a shock to your body.  You must eat more but when exercising, remember not to overdo it.  All you need is 20 to 30 minutes a day.  You must not exercise on consecutive days and you must get a good nights sleep because your muscles only gain mass when they are resting.  If you feel sore the next day you have lifted for too long.  Be sure to drink lots too.  You will also loose between 1 and 3 lbs per night.


Answer by Dandiiii
Submitted on 1/28/2004
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oh give me a break. most of you have nothing to worry about. I get a kick out of the 13 year olds who worry about their weight. Listen to this. Im 21, 5'11'' and my weight varies between 110-115. I HAVE a little weight problem. Ive always been super thin since I can remember. Saw my doctor, had tests done. Turned out normal. He told me to take weight gain powders. They're too expensive and only add an extra 100 calories or so. I burn 100 calories in the process of breathing! It does me no good. Yep, Ive done it all - stuffed myself just before bedtime, lifted weights at gym nearly everyday for a semester, took powder supplements, nothing has any affect. Anyone read Stephen King's book "Thinner"? I feel like him.


Answer by georgiiboi
Submitted on 1/29/2004
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Guys there is one thing that will DEFINATELY make you gain weight...

STOP SMOKING! smoking cuts your appetite and makes you want to eat less...

after a few weeks being stopped smoking you will have gained up to 20 pounds thats even if you dont change your diet because of all the sh!t in cigarettes. Plus you will be healthier too! so stop smoking you'll gain.


Answer by Aussiegirl
Submitted on 1/29/2004
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Hello everyone=) I was watching this tv program the other night about Sports drinks and it said that they are really high in calories and are the equivalent of half a meal....for those of you who were thinking of trying those powered bulk drinks but feel that they are maybe to expensive, maybe you could try sports drinks instead...they probably taste better too!!! I'm gonna see how they work.... I think eating a lot before going to sleep is also a pretty good idea since you lose weight during the night...I've been doing that and last week I put on 2kg in 2 days.


Answer by tsp1208
Submitted on 1/31/2004
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hey people it feels good to know that there other people out there like me. i have two little girls 4 and 1 and i'm21 and weight 108lbs and im 5'3 so i would like to gain at least 15-15 pounds so my husband can have something to grab....!!!!!!!!!


Answer by joe
Submitted on 2/6/2004
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Hello everyone,
    I am a 6' 28 year old male that has been batttling with weight problems my whole life. I hover around 147-150 pounds. This is too skinny for someone my height, although my doctor sais that I am healthy. I have tried everything from Weight gainer to eating fast food every day, and sure i put on weight, but then I loose it gradually If I dont keep up this pace. I feel conscious every day. Because of the double standards I  encounter remarks weekly, about how I am "stick thin", "I need to fatten up", and "What do you weigh, a 100 pounds?" I mostly muscle, and cut for someone my size. I think there is more pressure for a man to put on weight, (to fit this macho image), that a woman. But what do I do if even if I eat 4000 calories a day, I still have trouble putting on weight. I probably burn more calories sitting on my couch then most people running. I need help!!!!!!


Answer by joe
Submitted on 2/6/2004
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I have also been picked on most through highschool as well. I still remember being turned down by numerous girls because they sais I was too thin. Or my ex-girlfriend seeing me again, and saying "How much weight did you loose", when I didnt loose anything. I remember they used to ask me all the time in highschool class if I broke both of my legs, and had casts on them, because they were so skinny. I never wore shorts after that for years, even in the summer time. I also used to wear a few layers of boxers underneath my clothes to ty to fit in. Now, being older and 28, I dress normally, wear shorts, and I am more confident with my body. But I still want to gain weight, and I still will never loose the effects all those years had on my self esteem.


Answer by Rachel
Submitted on 2/7/2004
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wow i myself am exactly like everyone of u.. im 14 5'5" and 95 lbs.   It sux!!!!  This being my first year of highschool is especially the hardest.  Considering all the girl sare starting to put on weight and get nice curvees.. when me on the other hand i've been acused of having an eating disorder and make it a point to NEVER refuse food around others.  I will eat til i explode and nothing happens.  It's horrible I disgust myself.  One of my closest friends told me to get a way from her because the size of my wrists "disgusted her".  I will do all that i can to gain weight.  ANYTHING!!!!


Answer by Aussiegirl
Submitted on 2/8/2004
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In response to Rachel's msg- the so-called friend who told you to get away from her because the size of your wrists "disgusted her", my god, does she really expect you to call her a friend if she can be so UNfriendly!!! People who are what we underweight people would call the "perfect" size need to learn some manners, tact, and how to be a friend to someone no matter what they look like!! After all, no one is ever perfect!! (even if they think they are!!!)


Answer by reiko
Submitted on 2/8/2004
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Hey people hows it all going with the weight gain. Thought i'd check up the forum and I see there's quite a lot of new posts from people looking to gain weight but hey i'm certain all the advice being given on here will do everyone a world of good:). If anyone would like any more help on a weight gain diet feel free to send me an email at erikhoeflinger@hotmail.com. I still have my mass gaining diet and a few workout programs i used to gain weight which I would be happy to pass on to someone willing to give it a try. I have my diet based around a busy lifestyle so it consists of 6 meals a day but the first 3 meals i have are rather small and quick to consume as I dont have much break time at work and I'm sure i'm not the only one here with a busy lifestyle. I dont have time to sit there and stuff myself with food all day.


Answer by Beckster
Submitted on 2/9/2004
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Wow! It is really sad to think that there are so many thin people out there and no decent websites with good diets on them. I do suggest that you avoid supplements and shakes, loads of peeps loose the weight again straight away when they stop taking them. Just remember, drink loads of water and eat healthily. What ever that means. And exercise, what ever you do, don't loose hope, just cos ur skinny don't mean that you're horrible or really bad looking, it just means that ur different from others, and just imagine how bad it would be to be identical to every one around you. Be an individual and be happy!


Answer by KiMmY b
Submitted on 2/9/2004
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Hey ppl i am not underweight and dont want to gain weight but i no ppl that r and do. The only advise i can give about weight gain is exercise and plenty of water. just all of you remember that being underweight doesnt make you any less appreciated than any other human being, everybody is unique and you shud b proud of who you are. always b happy and dont let others put u down! dont loose sight of who you r inside! luv kimmy


Answer by Anonymous
Submitted on 2/9/2004
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I'm 18, 117lb and around 5'7. People always tell me I'm skinny. I'd love to put on some weight but, like everything everybody has said, nothing works. Both my parents and my older brother were skinner than me (height-weight relative) at this age. Actually my brother is still skinner than me. I think it has a lot to do with your metabolism - so anything to change it would be sincerely appreciated.

But then again, don't let it get to you! There are other things in life. I feel bad about being skinny and I hate it when people comment on it~~ but then I always look onto the big achievements that they will never be able to accomplish.

So what am I saying? I know I'm skinny. I'm trying to put on some weight SO GET OVER IT TO THOSE BUNCH OF $%^&*(ERS who like to comment on it. AT THE END I will come out on top of all of them financially and politically




Answer by Dee
Submitted on 2/9/2004
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Hi people,I am 5ft 5 in and was 105 lbs . Since the 15th of Jan 2004, I started drinking SupliMed Substi-meal. Its a weight gainer with 650 calories per serving(8 oz). I drink 4(8oz) a day and eat whenever I am hungry.For the 3weeks I have gained  7lbs.Presently I am 112lbs. my goal is 130lbs.Good luck and remember "be patient"


Answer by JohnIII
Submitted on 2/10/2004
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I've tried lots of things to gain weight. Years ago I even went to the doctor, all she did was give me pills to increase my appetite, but if you don't have the time to eat, you can't eat. I've tried the different disgusting weight gainers, and mixing it with milk made me lose more weight because I'm lactose intolerant. I know lots of you have heard of Tommy (Hitman) Hearns. His former trainer Emmanuel Stewart said that to make Tommy gain weight, he had him eat 3 times a day with a big dinner just before bedtime.
What I noticed that did increase my weight was eating regularly, 3 times a day, drinking Ensure, and NO exercise.
Preferably eating a nice dinner just before bedtime.
Ensure costs $9 for 6 cans or bottles, but it did work. I drank at least 2 a day as often as I could buy it. It wasn't a massive increase, but over the past few years, I've gone from 140 to 165 and still gaining. I've added working out too, I now do 200 pushups a day and starting to do at least 100 sit-ups, but that's to build muscle, if that isn't your goal, just eat, drink the Ensure and don't help your already fast metabolism by exercising.
If any of you do try the weight gainers, research them first. I've read anything promising over 350 calories in a serving is garbage.


Answer by Thin man
Submitted on 2/10/2004
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I found a lot of advise from people that have never suffered from our malady, Inspired of ignorance and of little use.
However: the testimonials and advise from those few that have successfully gained weight have been inspiring and greatly appreciated. And I thank you from the bottom of my skinny little heart.


Answer by lollypop
Submitted on 2/11/2004
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i am 14 and i want 2 gain weight i hate it when i hear my friends say there fat when there is nothing wrong with them.how could i get their figure?


Answer by Ronnesha
Submitted on 2/11/2004
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I want to know what you have to do to gain weight for skinny girls like me i weight like 107 pounds....


Answer by FAT A$$
Submitted on 2/11/2004
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IM NOT FAT!!!!!!!! ¡Ï¡Ï¡×¡Ï☺☺¡×¡×☻☻¢¾☺¢À¢¼♦ DAMN IM FAT (CRY) o_0 => @_@ $_$ *_* ~_~ #_#


Answer by Aussiegirl
Submitted on 2/12/2004
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I've been working my guts out to put on weight over the last 3 months and I seem to have finally put on a bit of weight, only 3kgs but thats something. I eat until I'm completely stuffed (and try and eat right up until I go to sleep) but if it works then its worth it...one day I'll be able to go out and buy the clothes I like rather than those which hide my thin legs!!!:) I'm aiming to weigh 64 kgsso I have 7 to go but it'll happen!!! Everybody keep trying and you'll get there too!!!;)


Answer by Day
Submitted on 2/13/2004
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I think I was the thinnest guy weighing only 114.5 and being 6ft Tall. I have tried to find people who is thinner like me but I cant find any. Is there anybody out there thinner like me ? I mean my height and weight.
But hey. I started a deit program and weight traning program, after a went through extensive research on how our body gains weight and about proper nutrituion.

In 3 weeks now I weight 120 Pounds, I cant belive I did it, I am 23 and I think I am the person with fastest metabolism in the world. I am working on this program, my goal is to be 140 pounds in 16 weeks. If I do t his then I will set a goal for 180 pounds.

Guys you gotta weight lift and eat a lot. I am eating like I never eaten before. More calories, complex car and protien.

I will be writing a weight gain book after I finish my program, so you can e-mail me at day_maker@hotmail.com if you need any updates on how I am doing.

I feel good to share with skinny people like me.

Yah if there is any one out there skinny like me then do holler at me. Would love to hear from you.


Answer by Casey L.
Submitted on 2/15/2004
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I was a 120lbs while I was in high school standing 5'7. My height was never a problem. It was my weight. I thought I would never gain weight and be forever skinny. Until I increase the amount of proteins (meats) and carbs (bread/pasta) I ate. Now that I am in college, I weigh 135 and I am still going up the scale. Let me tell you guys and girls if you wanna gain weight eat more and exercise. I can finally fill out my clothes with my nice figure and look great. That's one advantage of gaining weight while being skinny, you are not to big and not to small. Just right!!


Answer by Maria
Submitted on 2/15/2004
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Hi, my name is Maria I am 19years old 5 foot even and only weigh 98 lbs. I hate it because all my friends have nice bodies and I have a body of a little kid, I have 2 daughters and not even after I had them did I put on any weight, my natural weight has always been 98lbs. I wish I could gain weight my family members are all "plump" and they make fun of me because I am a "stick" as they call me they are constantly putting me down because of my weight, and that lowers my self esteem even more, so if their is anybody who can help me with my problem, please e-mail me at OjeRb@aol.com. I would greatly appreciate it, thank you.


Answer by Nicole
Submitted on 2/16/2004
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hey guys i really feel for all of u guys im about 95 pounds and in my first year of high school! i really really really want to gane weight .. i absolutly hate being skinny i jsut wish my legs and arms woudlbe fatter i realy do wish that! pleas please please help me what should i do??? what can help me gain weight or muscle in my legs and arms..please help thanks guys


Answer by Mayu
Submitted on 2/16/2004
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i'm a 25 yr old woman, 5'5'' and i only weight 105lbs.  sometimes i can eat so much and i still don't gain weight.  i don't want to look like a weight lifter or something.. so i don't know about all that advice about body-building ways of gaining weight.  i don't want to have buldging muscles or something geez.  i just want baby fat or something.


Answer by wee _lynne
Submitted on 2/17/2004
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hey i'm14 and i'vealways been badly under weight and now i really want to put it on i will be 15 soon and when i'm16 i'mplaning to get married to my long term b/f and have kid's but with my weight it will be hard for me to have kid's i'monly 5 stone and loseing it fast the doctors can find anything wrong with me and i eat constantly i really need help and if anyone know'sa way i can gain weight fast please email me on
I will be very greatful with any advise so pleas email me if you have to know my height i'm5'0.33


Answer by Allyx
Submitted on 2/18/2004
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I am 15 and I only weigh 90 lbs.  I have not gained weight for a couple of years.  I eat all the time and I eat what ever I want to.  I do get made fun of for being too skinny.  Even some of my friends think that I have a eating disorder.  I can't help it so I tried my best to fix it.  I have started the contraceptive patch and I have gained weight and it helps for other things too like cramps.  So it may help you.


Answer by tina chatterji
Submitted on 2/20/2004
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i ve tried to gain weight but failed..even though i increased the amount of calories i should consume per day ..but tht dint help i hog like anyhtin..
but no change seem to take place..


Answer by deligirl
Submitted on 2/20/2004
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I quit smoking and coffee and gained 6 pounds in a month. I will now try Ensure before bed time.I'm 31 years old with two kids and people think i am bulimic because I weight 106lbs.


Answer by nick
Submitted on 2/22/2004
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Hey everyone. Im a 15 yr old male, and 6ft 140 lbs. Im desperately trying to gain weight. Ive tried protein whey powder, creatine pills, and just about any fancy diet and workout program you can think of, and none of them have worked.  If you have any information, please email me at lsaucier@cableone.net


Answer by Erik
Submitted on 2/25/2004
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It freakin sucks to have everyone jealous of ur skinny body, but i dont wanna be THIS skinny. i eat SOOOO much and gain no weight. Im 14 and weigh only 95 lbs....Im gonna try to use some ideas i got, thanks guys...and if u have anymore good info or tips PLEASE email me at beachboi04@yahoo.com


Answer by Adele
Submitted on 2/25/2004
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ugh...i am so happy that i'm not alone with all this. i'm 14, 5'7" and 110 lbs. since i was 11 i've been made fun of and  tormented about my weight. i've had even my closest friends go behind my back and say stuff about my weight. EVEN MY OWN MOTHER! i wish people would stop calling me anorexic because i eat 6 meals a day, and  i'm never quite full. i want to gain 20 pounds...i'm trying very very hard. gimme some more tips!


Answer by Robin
Submitted on 2/27/2004
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Hey people!

I was YEARS with the same issue, my advise is try something called ShapeShift, you can order from http://www.keltan.net/Amazonas or from http://mailmaster.mailgenius.com/GSS. I got it three months ago and it was my long waited for answer! I am going on the shape I always wanted. If it works for everyone? Don't know, for me it did. Thought I should share...


Answer by skinnygyrl
Submitted on 2/28/2004
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hi eveyone im about to turn 16 in a couple of days. im a little over 5'3 and weigh 90 pounds. i've been skinny my whole life. i didn't notice it until i got to the 9th grade when i realized that everyone of my friends was bigger than me. I'm really not interested in gaining any weight except in my butt and breast. i'm just tired of everyone looking down on me because i'm skinny including the teachers. i also think that if i were bigger people at my school would look at me for me instead of just this skinny girl who everyone thinks has an eating disorder . PLEASE any thing that can help me gain weight before i go to the 11th grade would help me. you can email me at ohhgyrl3488@blackplanet.com


Answer by king
Submitted on 3/1/2004
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yes, i have same problem, a fat person says to me, god yer toooo skinny. my other friend saysm u need to eat. etc,,, i say i eat more than u, and its pretty much true. i ask alot of people what they eat, even the fat people, i eat more than them all.

Im 19 years of age (male) 5'11 or 6' and weigh ONLY 123 lbs.. i use to weigh 129 until i got hit by pickup and the hospital starved me.
I eat a big bowl of cereal in morning @ 4am, and at work i order 2 big BF tacos total of over a pound on tacos with a soda @ 9am. then at lunch, i order chicken plate or beef fjeta plate, has spanish rice and beans and free soda @ 12pm.. then for another break, i eat stuff in vending machines, @ 3:15 PM.. then when i get home from work, i eat more than everyone. usually by a plate or 2..

anyone can help me out? im tired of Everyone calling me "the tall skinny guy" or somthin worse. i somtimes feel like  a hermit, "alone" cuz everyone else is bigger than me.

heres my email for to help me


Answer by Blaze
Submitted on 3/1/2004
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This is a great site, glad to know i'mnot alone. A few points:

1)i'mannoyed when people make jokes about me being thin as if i shouldn't be offended, yet when i make remarks about them being fat they go beserk. lol
2)The simple solution is not to eat and eat as this will just make you feel bloated and go to the toilet more.
3) I believe what has helped me gain weight is to treat breakfast as a proper meal. Instead of just having tea and cereal cook something! bacon, eggs toast etc will boost calories while not over loading you.


Answer by Sabra
Submitted on 3/5/2004
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I'm really glad I found this site, because now I know I'm not the only one who is tired of being skinny. I'm 24 years old 5'7" and weigh 100 lb. When I had my two children, I thought I would surely gain some weight. But, no of course not. I eat all the time. And still nothing. I don't care if I have to drink certain drinks or take certain vitamins/pills or exercise. I just want to know some way to gain weight. I just want to weigh at least 120 lb. That would be great. And no, as one person says beer does not help! When you have a high metabolism, it is extremely hard to gain. I just get so sick of people always saying, oh it must be great to be so thin. God! Shut the hell up. When I do gain, the only place I gain is in my boobs. Which that is fine. But I need the rest of my body bigger to equal out my big boobs! Help!


Answer by nikki
Submitted on 3/6/2004
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I'm 14 and weigh 100 pounds i know that might sound OK to some people but not to me. I mean i go to school all my friends are THICK AND have thighs and stuff. I mean i wish i could have those legs or thighs that my friend have. I wish i was shaped like a coke bottle. like the rest of my friends. I don't want any muscles just to gain some pounds. just to be thick.



Answer by sungam
Submitted on 3/8/2004
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i hate to sound like im advertising something but this is just something that has changed my life so much i feel compelled to tell everyone about it. i was about 115 lbs at 5'7''. not extreme but still really skinny nonetheless. now im on the brink of 150 lbs and this is all in a span on less than a year. i got to 125 lbs on my own just working out to no specific routine and eating pretty much nothing other than wendy's and chocolate whole milk. those two things still are some of my favorite weight gaining secrets but it's nothing compared to what i found out later on. i was doing a google search on creatine when i came across www.musclegaintips.com , it is a weight gaining program targeted towards skinny people. of course its generally targeted towards people who want to gain weight via MUSCLE weight. anyway, i was reading through the website and the guys story sounded all too familiar to my own. so using leftover birthday money i bought t he program. its a 240 page manual describing every facet of gaining weight. for me it's become almost like what a bible is to a priest. and then it comes with workbooks to track your progress and strength and weight gains as well as plot out specific diets. you get access to a members only site, which has a very fun and educational forum for all the members to participate in. you get the authors personal e-mail address to ask him any question you want or ask for advice on your diet and whatnot. his name is Anthony Ellis. very smart and nice, eager to help. he also holds weekly chat sessions for everyone to participate in. i admit, it comes at a price of 80 bucks. but i must say it is probably the best 80 bucks ive ever spent. just on the knowledge i've gained is worth it all. i know that many of you are probably not willing to fork out 80 bucks for something that a random guy like me suggested, so if you all have any questions i'll help as i feel i have a lot of insight into gaining weight. one thing i strongly stand by is weight gaining powders.actually just one in specific. most weight gainers are just sugar and hardly any protein. the one i use that i have had the best results with is prolab N-Large 2. plenty of calories from both carbohydrates and protein. you have to find a good balance. i use it as a meal replacement mostly. i try to eat around 6 meals a day and the weight gainer makes it a much more realistic possibility to accomplish.i also eat a WHOLE LOT of chicken, hard boiled eggs, and wheat bread/toast. the key to gaining weight is building a routine. i usually ate the same 6 meals every day. not that all six meals in each day were the same, but it was the same meals i would eat every day. you get tired of eating the same things but its all a matter of what you want. if you want it bad enough you wont mind it. i feel like im rambling... well it is 4 in the morning right now and i just stumbled on this forum. ah well, here are some pics of my change from 125-145 at http://www.geocities.com/gyroni/davey_dude
the before pictures are actually after i had been working out for a couple months already...and the after pictures are about 6 months later. soo, if you have any questions... just ask.


Answer by shyna
Submitted on 3/8/2004
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i bet alot of u are lying about how thin u are. ur so patetic. i try to eat righ tand exersize and am gainig weight. how do u stay slim. i cant even sit at a 90 ddegree angle because my tummy hits my huge thighs


Answer by sungam
Submitted on 3/9/2004
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then you obviously have no idea what it is like to be in our situation. not only did i eat right i had to eat 4,100 calories on non-workout days and then 4,500 calories on days i did workout. ALL THAT just to gain one or two pounds a week if i was lucky. try that sometime and see how easy it is. especially when the RDA of calories for the average person is less than half of what i usually eat. you're pathetic for being so ignorant.


Answer by Anna
Submitted on 3/12/2004
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HEY! I totally know how it feels to be skinny. I have the same problem, letting people get to me, and it was always the ghETTO fat ugly ass looking ones that always had negative comments to say about me, I get so many modeling agencies after me, but here I am being depressed over these low metabolism bastards, I went to the doc, and he prescribed me to drink Ensure , so I started yesterday and im drinkin it twice a day ..So whoever tried it already, Let a sista know ! Advice to you skinny hunnies: DONT LET PEOPLE PUT YOU DOWN!LOOK AT PARIS HILTON! SHE'S SKINNY AND SHE'S CONFIDENT ABOUT HER THINNESS!! Bye.


Answer by MOnica
Submitted on 3/14/2004
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I thought I was the only one out there.  I get comments all the time on how skinny I am, Just as bad as people want to lose weight I want to gain weight. People think that all because you're skinny that you don't have feelings, like it's OK to comment "You know that you're skinny" but when it comes to a chubby person, they wouldn't dare to say "oh you look like you gained a couple pounds" NO WAY they would keep it to themselves. I'm 5'7 and weigh 118. Some people tell me in time you'll gain, but I want to gain now, I'm 21 and i wear jeans everyday, My arms and legs are so twiggy, I hate it.  If anyone can help me out, my email address is Angeleyez0525@aol.com


Answer by Chris
Submitted on 3/15/2004
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I don't know if I feel better or worse by finding this board cause everyone else here seems to be female. I just found out today that many people CANT gain weight surfin the net. I thought it was just me or I wasn't eating enough. I don't eat that much all the time but I can down a whole medium pizza and gain NOTHING (a large if I'm extra hungry)! I'm 20, 5'9 and weigh 120. I look like I'm 14!!! I hate wearing t-shirt and shorts cause I look like a stick! I'm always wearin jeans and baggy shirts or hooded sweaters--makes me look bigger. I never thought Id see GIRLS complainin about this cause they're supposed to be small (ok not that small but... I didn't think they'd mind) I'm a guy and I'm supposed be big!! The police could arrest me and I could squeeze my way out of jail. I hate going out in public and I'm not much of a social person anyway so that doesn't help. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one but... it seems harder to gain weight than to lose it. Eat like a pig, work out, lose the extra fat you gained once you get fat... this sucks.


Answer by Rachel
Submitted on 3/15/2004
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I'm 15yrs old, about 5'5, 108lbs.....n to top it off I'm a ghost. i cant seem to gain weight anywhere else except my stomach. i eat so much, and i cant stand the look of my legs. its so hard to find jeans that fit me.....

can someone help with gaining weight in my legs and butt??


Answer by JME
Submitted on 3/16/2004
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To all those young ladies out their desperately trying to gain weight... have patience.  It is not going to happen over night.  As for what other people think and say about being bulimic and anorexic, you know that you're not, that is all that matters.  I am 5'5" 115lbs and I used to always try to gain weight.  I still put up with slurs and stereotypes to this day.  People that do that are just jealous.  At least we are not FAT!!!  You will gain weight when the time is right.  I found by eating high calorie foods such as pasta's helped me put on a lil more pounds.  Try working out and drinking lots of milk shakes.  Ad 500 calories to your diet each week.  But don't stress it.  That is another reason it is so hard to gain weight.  Stress causes ALOT of health problems.  Just be yourself and be thankful for what god gave you.  At least you are healthy and are not over weight.  Keep ya heads up.  I feel ya!  But it's all good.  It is who we are!!


Answer by FLGirl
Submitted on 3/17/2004
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I am so happy to find this site with so many people just like me! It would have been nice to have something like this when I was going through puberty. I'm 24 years old, 5'5/115 lbs. & I've struggled to gain weight since I can remember. Same as everyone I got hurtful comments from everyone from family members to friends,even if it was unintentional. I am growing to accept & love my body. As I age, my metabolism seems to be slowing. Over the last 6 mos. I went from 110 to 120, but I've gone back down to 115 just from eating normally. You may never reach your ideal weight, so just eat when you're hungry, eat till you're full, and BE HAPPY! I would much rather be skinny than obese. I'm active & I love food. Cutting carbs & sugar or not being able to move around easily sounds like my worst nightmare! There are so many worse things than being skinny! Don't let anybody convince you otherwise. By the way, my fiancee is 5'9, 145 lbs. but for the both of us it's ALL GOOD!!  


Answer by Anne
Submitted on 3/18/2004
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Hi, I'm 24 and 5 foot 3. Most people gain weight while on the pill, I lost big time. I started the pill 4 years ago and weighed 132 pounds, now I am down to 98. I have started adding extra calories to my meals and drinking Ensure plus. After 2 weeks I am up to 104. My advise is that your see your doctor if your on the pill. My dosage was changed and I have begun to gain weight.  But it took three years before the doctor could figure out what was causing my weight loss.


Answer by Chopstick
Submitted on 3/18/2004
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Has anyone try VITA SALVEO? Does it work?Iam am 30 5'6" and 110lbs since 16.Any suggestion what kinda pills to increase my appetite?HELP HELP!!!!!!!


Answer by Nate
Submitted on 3/19/2004
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I'm 26, 5'9", 115lbs.  I've got one of those scales that tells you your body fat %, and it's saying I'm at 4%.  This, "Skinny Guy," stuff is really starting to get to me.  I try and eat right.  I workout on a regular basis and still the same.  How many times have you all heard somone say, "If I could take some of my fat and put it on you, I would."?  I wish it were that easy.  I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels the way I do.  I'm gonna have to read through some more of these posts and give some ideas a try.  Don't give up.  We'll get there someday.


Answer by jen28
Submitted on 3/19/2004
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Robin, please give more info about shapeshift or femimore.  Thanks!


Answer by aj
Submitted on 3/19/2004
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hey guys I used to be the same way as all of you in here but i gained 60 lbs in the last 4 months. I went from 165 lbs to 225 lbs. All i did was eat anything and everything I could get my hands on and I started doing 3 sets of 20 squats, deadlifting 3 sets of 10 twice a week (drop back to 1 time a week if ur back starts hurting) and benching 2 sets of 12 and 1 to failure along with high rep Dumbbell presses, lat pulls, tricep ext. bicep curls and leg curls on monday and friday and do military press and incline bench and any should work out u like on wed. The first month i did this I gained 30 lbs. People accuse me of being on steroids and my friends call me the Hulk now. THE KEY IS TO EAT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! and go as hard as u can on squatsand deadlift. Start at 200 lbs below ur max even if it is embarrassing at first go up 10 to 20 lbs per work out on squats and go up 5 lbs a work out on bench unless u get 15 or more reps on ur failure then go up 10. Deadlifting and squating are proven to release huge amounts of testosterone which is what makes u big. Start out small and work ur way up in small increments


Answer by skinnychic
Submitted on 3/20/2004
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Hello I'm12 and I never ever had a boyfriend or somebody who had a crush on me ever.All the boys like big butts and breasts they don't even wantto hang out with skinny people .Will someone help me!


Answer by tiny
Submitted on 3/21/2004
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I am 16, 5'3 and weight 92 lbs. I used to weight 105 and out of no where i lost a 13 lbs. I went to the doctor and they said there was nothing wrong with me, I'm tired of being called "anorexic and bulimic" because i am not. I would love to gain at least 10-15lbs more than anything in the world. If anyone has any suggestion please let me know.


Answer by wild_one1989@yahoo.com
Submitted on 3/21/2004
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the best way to add weight is to up your intake of calories.  adding some type of whey protein helps alot, but some people can't stomach it.  the best all around thing is to make a weekly planner for meals, and split your meals into 5 small meals over the course of the day.  protein is the building blocks for muscle.  happy gaining!!


Answer by sugar
Submitted on 3/22/2004
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I just found this on e-bay and I was wondering if anyone know something about it.  It's called Ecoplan. It's supposed to be all-natural.  By the way, I used to weight 102 lbs., but then I bought a book called Quick-Weight Gain program and it helped me gained 10 pounds in about 2 months (although I still need about 10 lbs. more).  I quited because I just didn't thought it was too healthy (it was mainly an overload of fat).  Anyways, anybody used Ecoplan? It's not that expensive, so I'm thinking of giving it a try. I just want other ppl'sopinion.


Answer by jen28
Submitted on 3/23/2004
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Hey There Sugar! I have heard of Ectoplan, infact, I'm planning on trying it too!  The thing is a very, very long time ago I remember ordering something like it and if I'm not mistaken it's the same product and I remember sending it back because I didn't like the taste!!  If it's the same pill, it taste really bad!  Funny, I've been on sites where people have tried it and no one has ever said anything about the taste.  They did mention that it works so give it a try.  Let me know what you think of the taste if you decide to order it, ok?   Email me at jnichs62866@yahoo.com......looking forward to hearing from you.  There's some other weight gain stuff that I'd like to share with ya, just don't have anymore time.  :-)


Answer by flan
Submitted on 3/25/2004
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I'm 14 and i weigh just 5stone2. I desperately need to gain weight and muscle..help me. am i just a late developer?


Answer by Samantha
Submitted on 3/27/2004
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hi..i'm sam. I am 14 years old and weigh 89 pounds. i am really tall as well so i look like a toot pick. and trust me people assure me of that...i eat EVERYTHING and NEVER gain a pound. PLEASE give me an idea of something i can do to change that. =/



Answer by cutie
Submitted on 3/28/2004
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do u guys wonder why ppl are always insulting us? is it bcuz their jelous...cuz usually when some1 keeps making remarks about a person that means their just jelous. wat do u guys think?


Answer by Depressed Neena
Submitted on 3/30/2004
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Hello everyone. Im also under weight n it kills me, i feel so ugly n unattractive. Im skinny with a gut, n i wanna lose my gut but gain some weight in my legs, arms, chest, n, mainly on my butt. im 5'2" n weigh 101lbs, i lost 11lbs due to stress. Anyone have any suggestions? Oh n my b/f n i juss broke up n i am heart broken, dat also put a lot of stress on me, n had no appetite, until recently. please help.


Answer by ammo
Submitted on 3/31/2004
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hi im 15 and im 6'1 and i weigh 65 kgs i dont know how many lbs or whateva but i do kickboxing aswell so i have muscle but i need to gain weight ive tried all these things like whey protein drinks and i workout often i eat and eat till there is no food left and yet i cant put on weight its annoying i need ideas. but putting on weight dusnt help strength like bruce lee was skinny yet he was extremely fast and powerful mayb i can be like him. email me or add me   ammunition30@hotmail.com


Answer by keelley
Submitted on 3/31/2004
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ive just come onto this site and it is comforting to know other ppl have the same problem as me. everyone i know tells me how ive such a great figure but id love to be bigger and wear skirts without showing chicken legs. ive tried high carb diets and stuffing out but nothing works im 17 and a size 6 to 8 and can still fit in 14 years old clothes. big is beautiful and i wish they'd realise that its not attention seeking and ppl really do want to be bigger!


Answer by Annonimous
Submitted on 4/1/2004
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I was also wondering about this Ectoplan, that people are talking about.
My doctor said that after i have a baby, i'll gain weight, well i just had a baby not so long ago, and am back to my weight.It's very frustrating. I eat everything, and about 5 times a day, and nothing helps.
ANY suggestions???


Answer by akavirus
Submitted on 4/3/2004
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i had the same problem no matter what i ate i got nothing in return then i learned some facts: learn how many calories you eat in a day say you eat 2300 a day then you gotta increase it eat 2500 a day add around 200 calories for the first week then increase it and with that you should be eating 1250 calories of protein & 1000 carbs and drinking around gallon of water a day i kid you not now you gotta break that all down into 6 meals so say for breakfast you eat 416 cals 208 cals of protein 167 of carbs and so on for another 5 meals eatclose to every 3 hours you can use meal replacement shakes to help you do this.you get best results if you work out with very heavy weights and only do 3 sets of 4-6 reps thats it. its gotta hurt make sure you can handle 4-6 reps if you can do 8 reps increase it if you can only do 2reps decrease it but make sure you have protein and carbs right after else your wasting your time and before you go bed make sure you take some protein maybe even a protein shake but make sure you do because your body burns it while your sleeping so reduce its chances.you can gain weight ive done it you just have to give it time its worked on me dont exspect to see 10pounds in 1 week thats stupid 2-3pounds a week is good and healthy i mean thats 12 pounds a month and that month you are complaining your to thin you could have gained 12 pounds.so dont give up i didnt.  


Answer by vnora87
Submitted on 4/5/2004
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I love this because i never thought there were so many people with my problem. I'm 17 and i'm 90 pounds. I hate it. Now i gained weight last summer by drinking ensure everyday and eating and watching TV as much as i could. But then school started which meant activity. So i'm back to looking anarexic. My prom is coming up and i want to look good. I want to weigh 115. What should i do, someone post what they thought worked. I hate looking like this.


Answer by kiki29827
Submitted on 4/7/2004
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hi I'm16 years old and my whole life i was picked at for being skinny.the bad part about it is I'm5'11 and weigh only 115 pounds. i don't wear skirts and shorts because my legs look so terrible in them. most girls my age have nice shapes and look good in whatever they wear but not me. when i go to the stores my pants are too big and then high water. i only wear capris because they're the only thing that i can actually fit. i want to be a model because i feel that that's the only place where my height and weight will be acceptive. someone please give me some realistic ideals to gain weight. thanks


Answer by Tameeka
Submitted on 4/13/2004
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Eating a BALANCED DIET, meaning dairy products, this means BREAKFAST IN THE MORNING, excersing, eat three meals a day, eat carbohydrates, (pasta, bread, potatoes, bananas) a lot of fruits contain carbohydrates, when shopping look at the nutritional information.


Answer by StaceyLeigh
Submitted on 4/13/2004
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I am 17, going on 18 myself, I weigh 105 pounds and am nearly 5'7", I can't seem to put on weight, and even if I do, it's gone in hours, I have a fast metabolism, and I don't know what to do.  I've tried eating the fattiest of fatty foods, it doesn't work though.


Answer by Lisa
Submitted on 4/14/2004
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I want to gain weight. I am 115lbs now and I want to gain at least twenty pounds again.  I am in the gym and take Mass 1000 supplement.  I find that I am not putting on the weight fast enough. What can I do again?


Answer by aaron
Submitted on 4/15/2004
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wow, amazing so many people looking to gain weight. i dont see the logic, in how having a fast metabolism, and being able to eat whatever you want, whenever you want, and as much as you want, seems like such a curse to you. i would love to be able to eat chocolate cake for dinner, and not gain weight. guess what, i come from a family who puts weight on easily. i am not fat, im a mesomorph mainly, but i have a wickedly slow metabolism. i eat very healthy, balanced, and am fit only because i swim four to five hours a week, and bike ride an hour a week, and wieght lift three hours a week. i build muscle easily. but big deal. what do you think would happen, if i ate even 1 slice of pizza. id gain fat in a heartbeat. i have trouble keeping weight down, even after eating two or three apples. i feel like i have to fight off half a sandwich. if i could eat all i wanted, and not gain weight, i would be very happy. gaining wieght easily is no blessing, and looking buff dont make a huge difference. id rather eat a large pizza, and sit down and be lazy all day, but i cant. believe me, enjoy your gift. many others who eat right, excercise religiously, find themselves gaining weight, and obtaining diseases like diabetes. things that kill them. they arent happy, believe me. my mom for instance, eats only 1200 calories a day at the most (which is very low). she cant lose weight. she is vegetarian. she excercises daily. she is more likely to die of heart attack, than anyone on this board. is that any more fair, than not being able to "gain weight". wow, poor you. lol. well anyways, just my two cents from a disgruntled point of view lol.


Answer by Skinnyboyhere
Submitted on 4/18/2004
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HI im 20 and i also am verry skinny im 5'8 and i only weigh 125 and for the people out there telling me how lucky i got it because i can get away with what ever i eat it's not what you think, who cares that i can eat what ever i want when it comes to geting a girl i cant why? because im skinny no girls out there want a skinny guy they only want the bigger dudes wich makes me sick so for the dudes that have a problem it is better to have a problem of a lot of weight than no weight because for us ector type people with are ecto type bodies we cant gain anything untill we are like 30years+ i have not seen anything that works for me yet if you have any comments on what i have said or if you think you could help me my email is hostup@hotmail.com thanks.


Answer by Nick
Submitted on 4/19/2004
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For years I had stuggled with weight gain.  I would even eat over 4,000 calories a day! At that time I was 5 foot 9 inches and 110lbs. Now I weigh 145lbs and am still climbing.  The answer to my problem was to lift weights the right way.  My advice find someone who will push you in the weight room and make it a compitition like I did.  By doing this you get more focus because all of you know that when competing you focus more and this makes all the difference.


Answer by latisha
Submitted on 4/19/2004
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i am 13 years old and i weigh 79 pounds.
If any one was any ideas please let me know real soon i would do any thing to get into the 90S in pounds please please help me


Answer by Emmy
Submitted on 4/20/2004
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Hi guys,
Its amazing reading all of your comments... At last people in the same predicament as me.  Up until a few weeks ago, i thought it was just a 'thing' and that one day i would wake up and by magic will have had curves in all the right places.  But a few weeks ago i had an argument with my boyfriend and he said some stuff which really upset me- mainly to do with my weight.  I'm 22, 5"2 and weigh 90 pounds.  When we met just over a year ago I was about 105 pounds give or take a few.  The weight just came off (and not through puking up or starving myself as everyone kept saying!) and before i knew it i was looking like a stick.  The argument made me realize that i wanted my boyfriend to find me attractive again, and that is now my motivation.  But i'm not just doing it for him though.  I just needed a kick start to make me realize that i need to reassess my diet and not eat junk when i feel hungry but nutritious food.  Although my boyfriend was being a pig at the time in making me feel horrible, i know that he had to be cruel to be kind and that he didn't really mean it in a bad way, and for that and other reasons i love him.  Support from loved ones is a blessing!  Good luck to all who are trying with this misunderstood problem! x


Answer by erika
Submitted on 4/21/2004
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im 14,almost 15. 85 lbs and 5'5. i know how hard it is being skinny...always being called anorexic and a toothpick. kids use to pinch me in the hallway at school and then say "dont break her". reading all of your stories have really inspired me! <3 im glad i'm not alone. if anyone ever wants to talk and help each other out e-mail me at Pinkflamingo0524@aol.com i would love to talk to all of you even on AIM.a lot of u say you cant find pants..which is the exact prob i have. try the brand DKNY! i love them. and the legs and butt run really skinny. also try eating a bagel or two every night before you go to bed. i always though bagels were healthy, well, there not! lol and make sure to eat as much as you can. when people say "youre too skinny" just say..."this is the way God mad me so youre just gonna have to deal with it!" i hate walking down the hallway at school knowing everyones looking at me in disgust. everyones rudeness has made me a very depressed person. just remember i think u all are beutiful and perfect!


Answer by Jen
Submitted on 4/23/2004
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You know something?  You can take your disgruntled point of view and shove it!!  I mean seriously, who do you think you are coming on here telling us how "lucky" we are for not being able to gain?!  "F" you, you know why?  All these people are on here voicing our concerns and looking for ideas on how to gain so we don't need you coming on here saying "poor you" and laughing at us. You gotta lot of damn nerve and if I sound angry, I am...not just for me but for everyone on here who have the same problem and we don't need people like you making fun of us you jerk!  

This board isn't for you moron, since it's so "easy" for you to gain!  You come on here saying stuff like "wish i could eat a pizza and be lazy all day", come on dude!  Get outta here with that sh**t!  People like you make me sick, really!  Stay off this board, you're NOT welcomed here!  Since you gain so easily, go gain 500lbs and stay away from here!  Hope you get really big one day and NEVER lose the weight!  Your comments aren't helping us so go to hell!!!!


Answer by babygirl
Submitted on 4/26/2004
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I've tried so hard to gain weight but i cant seem o gain any, and i need to know what type of food i should be buying and how many meals i need to eat a day. I've also herd that birth control would help you gain weight but I'm not to sure if it true  i would like to know if it is?


Answer by karla
Submitted on 4/27/2004
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hey i am 16 girl and i weight 93 pounds. I went to the doctor and she recomended this drink called boost. It has liek 360 a can. i have to drink two. She also told me abouth the calories stuff. but the think is that sometimes i want to  eat but i have no appetite. I dont ko wwat else to do.


Answer by Shonnette
Submitted on 4/28/2004
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hey i am 21 and i weight 110 lBS i have tried everything to gain weight but it never seem to go on. i have eaten all sorts of food and nothing happens i never gain weight.Can birth control make you gain weight?


Answer by erik/thornykins
Submitted on 4/28/2004
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Sometimes I feel so skinny it's like I don't even exist. I live in FLORIDA and I still wear long pants and a sweater in the summer because I’m so insecure about it. It’s not only me that notices, whenever I don’t hide my body, people ALWAYS have to comment on my skinny figure.

I’m male, 15, 5’9, and I weigh 110 pounds. Genetics have imposed this upon me (reasons to hate your mother..) and I’ve seen pictures of my mom when she was younger and she looked awfully malnutritioned, though she was not.

I’ve been trying for a very long time (around half a year) to gain weight. I have carnation’s instant breakfast often, and I make an effort to eat a lot of bread because I’ve heard it can help you put on weight. I make sure to eat a LOT of food, but I used to overeat which would make me nauseous. It has not worked one bit. I find that a lot of those programs to gain weight (6 meals a day, counting calories, so on) and they become way too inconvenient and it’s very hard to keep it up. Is there not a moderately easy way to gain weight? Only until recently I have begun lifting weights, so I’m going to see how that goes. Can anyone help me?

Oh, and I read the post about mis-alignment in the back. I have a very slight case of scoliosis, so I’ll be getting that checked out. Thanks.

Yeah, people don’t understand that underweight people have body issues like those who are overweight. “Do you eat?!” is a comment I get the most often. Recently someone in my class did a presentation on how the media causes the perfect body image to be unrealistic. She had pictures of normal/skinny people and said that they are unhealthy and unnatural, that these people starve themselves to have that figure. She basically criticized people with those body types that were better of than ME. So many people have no idea what they’re talking about.

Um... This turned out long. Ahah. Sorry, I'm venting.


Answer by hondagurly
Submitted on 4/28/2004
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Hi I'm 17 and I am 5"7 and I only weigh 98lbs. I hate the way i look. I can't even find pants that will fit me. I had a baby even and I had gotten skinnier after I had her when i should have gained well I lost. It really depresses me a lot. I just don't know what to do? If anyone knows Plese feel free to tell me.


Answer by hi
Submitted on 5/2/2004
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hey im 17 and i weigh 97 pounds i want to be atleast 115 how do i gain it


Answer by Denise
Submitted on 5/2/2004
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Hi guys. my case isn't as extreme as some.. but still none the less.. its something that really  bothers me.  i'm 5'4 and 112 pounds but i am all muscle so i look like im about 90lb's at most.. i want a way to gain weight.  I eat like a pig..... more than some guys.. i run to keep in shape.. and i used to lift wheni had access to the gym at my school.. i have been trying to gain weight for years and can't. I have been at the same weight for 5 years.. andi can't take it anymore.. anyone with advice that might actually help me..please email me angelgemini18@yahoo.com


Answer by Kelly12345
Submitted on 5/3/2004
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Im in the 8th grad,I am really short and way 88 pounds.I eat lot everyday.I eat like 9 times a day not including at night.I still look like a tooth pick.People at school call me a tooth pick.I want to gain weight without pill's.And I dont ant to get to fat.Im very short but my legs and arms look so long because im so skinny.I dod not make cheerleading because to them my legs and arms looked funny,I wish I could get alittle bigger,Because kids at my school think im sick looking,They think I have a disease.I dont and they should not say it cause I try to gain weight but when i sleep im really skinny and hungry and I eat like I always do 9times aday.
What should I do?


Answer by ieasha
Submitted on 5/3/2004
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your stupid you need to stop eating you fat pigs


Answer by joe
Submitted on 5/5/2004
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Fast Update!!!

It has been almost 3 months, and I have put on a good 15-17 pounds. Most of them are muscle, which is a good thing, since I wont lose it. Some people are starting to notice a difference, depending on what i wear. I was even accused of using steroids. This is how I did it.. 2 SIMPLE THINGS.



Thats it. It just takes a lot of time and commitment even if it takes forcing down food when your not really hungry. I found that the creatine also helped in getting in those extra reps at the gym.

Right now i am at 164 pounds. I started at 146. I have found I hit a certain "weight lifters" plateau, so i will have to increase the amount of calories and weight training by a bit.

I will keep you updated in another month.
Good luck everyone.

I also will answer any questions.


Answer by britt
Submitted on 5/6/2004
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hi i am 13 and weigh 83 im in the eighth grade and i am so tired of being called 'toothpick' and being called names i am seriously SICK of it i was fat as a baby and now i am just SKINNY i really want to gain weight i am even scared to wear shorts because of my weight so i wear pants IN THE SUMMER TIME i really need help i mean my arms...you could probably break them in two..if you could help me i would really appreciate it!!


Answer by pat
Submitted on 5/9/2004
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Hi. I am 11 years old, 5'1", but I only weigh 145 pounds. I want to weigh at least 175, because all my freinds are fat. Do you have any suggestions, i would like to gain at least 30 pounds in 2 months.


Answer by rup
Submitted on 5/11/2004
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Hi guyz.Im 21 and weigh 50 kilos (100 lb).Ive been as thin as a stick all my life.Always used to think id grow fatter as the years went by.But that didnt happen.It was a pleasant surprise that so many people out there had my predicament!Maybe we will see the light so time soon.Take care...


Answer by sweet_vicky
Submitted on 5/11/2004
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hey i really really cant put on weight, i have tried everything. someone please help me (chillvickie@hotmail.com)


Answer by Rob
Submitted on 5/13/2004
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When I left school, I stood about 6ft and weighted approximately 140 pounds. I'm now at 180 pounds. It has taken medium weights, three years and an awesome amount of carbohydrates for the gain.  My metabolism is far higher than it was back then so this is not just age kicking in. What I'm trying to communicate is that it takes time and you have to work at weight gain.  Never let yourself get hungry, concentrate on wholesome foods and working out really work.  There is no quick-fix.  


Answer by Matt
Submitted on 5/13/2004
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For all those people saying water will GIVE you energy to lose weight, you are dead wrong.  

There is no "energy" in water.  The reason it makes you seem more energetic is because it is used in the body with glucose and oxygen to produce energy and carbon dioxide.  It is also used to "flush" wastes out of the body which would otherwise accumulate and make you sick.  

I think everyone needs to understand that weight gain needs to be gradual not instant otherwise it is really unhealthy.  Excercise is also important as it will stimulate your stomach and should enable you to extract nutrients from your food better.  

DO go and see a doctor.   If they say just to eat more ask (or insist) to be referred to a dietician or nutritionist.  These people know better than a doctor what your body needs.


Answer by ONEwho needs help
Submitted on 5/17/2004
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Hi im 14 weighing 105 size 32-A, i hate being skinny, i feel like my true problem are my arms, they are so skinny, i really need help in gaining weight, i want to at least be 110, hopefully more, Im so desperate to gain weight, even though ppl compliment me and say that im fine the way i am, i still want to gain some weight. I hate going to school and all most of these girls being nice and fit. I need to gain weight, maybe that way i could maybe hopefully gain a bra size , You guys all know how it fells, i ve been trying to gain weight since i can remember, and i couldnt possibly eat more. PLEASE i beg of anyone to help gain weight in a healthy way  PLEASe!!!! email me at jenny26103@hotmail.com. PLEASE


Answer by Rosey3543
Submitted on 5/17/2004
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I'm glad i'm not alone. I'm only 11 years old and i hardly weigh 76 pounds. I want to gain weight but I don't want to do it by eating saturated fat and junk food i want to gain weight without hurting my health. People tell me get extercise but I do, I go to dance class 2 days a week and run every other day. I don;t know what to do i'm confused and I need help. If you know ways to help me feel free to e-mail me at Rosey3543@aol.com or im me at Rosey3543. And remember to believe in yourself and know that you are not alone.


Answer by Amani
Submitted on 5/18/2004
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I'm 5'7 and 125lbs. According to medical charts I'm in my perfect weight for my height. But everybody keeps telling me how skinny I am and its making me self concious, I don't really feel I'm skinny sometimes I think I look fat specially around my waist. Is there any method to gain weight in certain parts and not all over?


Answer by LilGuy
Submitted on 5/18/2004
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I wish i could gain weight...Im 15 almost 16. 5'4 and only 101 lbs. It takes me like 6 months just to gain 1-2 pounds...its sooo frusrating!!


Answer by kris
Submitted on 5/20/2004
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HI im 15 5'11''and weigh 120lbs. people at my school call me slelaton! i need help gaining weight


Answer by jasmine
Submitted on 5/22/2004
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Hi I don't know if this happens to anyone else here but I would like to know, when you guys eat and/or drink supplement do you need to use the washroom after about 2 or 3 hours?

Well for me this is a HUGE problem. When I eat nothing stays down, it's like it goes in and comes right back out. I could eat the whole day and and still soon after it comes right back out. I don't know that to do. I think it's may fast metabolism. I feel so frustrated and helpless.  I try to stuff myself but it won't stay down. I don't know if I have problem or not.


…I will literally do ANYTHING surgery, medications, ANYTHING!!! I can’t take another summer NOT wearing shorts, or skirts and hiding behind closed doors ANYMORE!!! Or looking at my terrible self in the mirror anymore. I feel like killing myself. I can’t take this anymore. There are thousands of thing to LOOSE weight… even surgery if all falls, but almost NOTHING to gain it. Were like left in the dark! And nobody feels pity for US! Nobody understands not even doctors. I am soo relived to have found this board. At least to know I’m NOT the only like society is telling me ‘skinny is what we all want to be’. I’m 5’7 19 years old and 79 pounds! I don’t know if I’ll continue to live anymore if I don’t gain weight this summer. Especially knowing NOTHING stays down! No matter how hard I try.


would like to know does this happen to anyone else here?
Does anyone know how slow your metabolism down?
Does anyone know how or WHAT to use to gain weight?
…I will literally do ANYTHING surgery, medications, ANYTHING!!! I can’t take another summer NOT wearing shorts, or skirts and hiding behind closed doors ANYMORE!!! Or looking at my terrible self in the mirror anymore. I feel like killing myself. I can’t take this anymore. There are thousands of thing to LOOSE weight… even surgery if all falls, but almost NOTHING to gain it. Were like left in the dark! And nobody feels pity for US! Nobody understands not even doctors. I am soo relived to have found this board. At least to know I’m NOT the only like society is telling me ‘skinny is what we all want to be’. I’m 5’7 19 years old and 79 pounds! I don’t know if I’ll continue to live anymore if I don’t gain weight this summer. Especially knowing NOTHING stays down! No matter how hard I try.


Answer by hates it.
Submitted on 5/23/2004
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Hi, I am 14 years old. I stand at 5'2'' and weight only about 80-85lbs. I HATE it. I stuff my face. I tried a grueling 9 day stuffing plan which I ate probably three courses with at each meal and at least 3 diff desserts to go with it. I gained a few lbs but not enough:( My goal this summer is to gain at least 10. My ideal weight it 105


Answer by Ed_UK
Submitted on 5/24/2004
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Hi people, I'm really glad I found this page, it's great to share your problems with other people with the same predicament. I'm 21, 6'4 and about 145lb, and I would like nothing more than to put on some weight. I can't even remember the last time i went swimming, and I never wear T-shirts, I'm just too self conscious. If my friends invite me to the beach I would just make excuses not to go.

Saying that, I am lucky I guess in the fact I have never been bullied or been depressed about my weight. People make comments, but you shouldn't take it to heart (Easier said than done I know).

What I do is usually just make fun of myself and my skinniness when I'm around my friends, make a joke of it, and be confident with people I don't know. If you act confidently people will see you for the person you are and won't notice you are skinny.

I think some of the advice for gaining weight here is excellent and I think if we follow it there is no doubt we can gain.
I realise now, there's no overnight solution, just pure determination and hard work.
Would be interesting to talk to some of you guys. My msn mssgr address is edbarrett@NOSPAMlycos.co.uk (take out the nospam)

Remember all you skinny people you aren't alone!


Answer by JOE
Submitted on 5/24/2004
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Hello everyone, I just wanted to chime in with another update. I am know up to a solid 166 pounds. I put on another 2-3 pounds, but it has been tough. I started out at 147 3 months ago. Here are a few things I encountered that should help you out.

Eat less meals but huge meals. Try to eat as much as you can, even after you feel full. Also it is important to eat right before you go to bed. Your metabolism is slowest while you are sleeping.

Try to mix in some weight training, if you want to put on muscle, otherwise it will be all fat. Out of the 19 pounds that I've gained, probably only 10 or so are muscle. You can't have a six pack and put on weight at the same time, if your starting off skinny.

The reason that some of you can't keep your meals "down" is because your metabolism burns as faster than most peoples. Meaning that you burn as much calories sitting down as other people running or walking.

Finally, Eat Eat Eat.. Try to mix in some healthy meals. You don't want to put on weight but wind up dying because of a heart attack.

Right now I am hitting a "wall" with my weight gain. It has forced me to up my calories to at least 4000 calories a day. It is tough, and time consuming. Not to mention very expensive. Ill let you know how im doing in a couple weeks. I shoot for about 1-2 pounds a week.


Answer by WINSTON
Submitted on 5/25/2004
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Answer by Concerned Parent
Submitted on 5/26/2004
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I'd like to comment on one thing....there's a big difference between someone who's been thin their whole life and someone who has recently lost a significant amount of weight to where they look unhealthy and emaciated.....that is the reason people will assume it's an eating disorder.  I know it must hurt when people say "you look anorexic" but it is usually said out of concern and fear of what's happening to a loved one.  If you have lost a lot of weight and people are showing concern for you please take it seriously and get professional help....don't try to treat yourself because it could be related to a disease, depression, hormonal imbalance, a radical change in eating (vegan, etc.).  Start from square one and talk to people who are trained in this sort of thing.  Do it asap and the odds are in your favor that you can reverse it.  


Answer by ALLENS
Submitted on 5/27/2004
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ECTOPLAN to gain wieght!!!


Answer by nicole
Submitted on 5/28/2004
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Answer by jean
Submitted on 5/29/2004
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I'd like to know has anyone tried ECTOPLAN? or supplimed?


Answer by natalia
Submitted on 5/30/2004
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Answer by meghanin
Submitted on 5/30/2004
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I know how you all feel.  I am 14, I'm 5'9" and I only weigh about 100 lbs.  I read somewhere that if you eat a half a cup of cashews and a bananna every day on top of your normal diet then you should gain weight.  I'm starting that today hopefully it will work.  I also heard milkshakes help but I never think of having them.  I'll start that again too.  Thanks for all the suggestions everyone.


Answer by mandi
Submitted on 5/30/2004
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Answer by Tasha
Submitted on 5/31/2004
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well, I gained a lot of weight over the summer of 2003, I weigh about 115, and I got up to 127-130, all I did really was intake more calories..I ate more...I didn't really exercise, just walked every day and stretched a little about every other day...it seemed to work out pretty well. Like one of the women up there were saying, you just need to intake more calories.. that's the key step. Well it was good to put my insight in. Hope you find what you're looking for.


Answer by beaner
Submitted on 5/31/2004
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I'm 16...female,was 98lbs...5'6". wanted to gain weight so badly, but i didn't have an appetite. My Doctor put me on 'Periactin', it's an antihistamine.They give it to anorexic folk. I'm not anorexic...i just wasn't hungry. i got up to 120 in 3mo. i was always hungry, even if i just ate a gigantic meal. my doc took me off of it, went back down to 103. Put me back on it,now at 117. My goal is 130 or 135. I really homade peanut butter milkshakes. Also a snickers or hersheys bar has 280 calories in it. it's alot of sugar but o, well. whole milk might balance it out. thanks, bean


Answer by SADGuys
Submitted on 6/1/2004
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Hello i am 21 year old guys with 5'3 and 100 lbs.  i want to gain atleast 20 lbs. I have been worked out for 1 years but i still can't gain. what can i do ?


Answer by Jennefer
Submitted on 6/2/2004
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I would like to Gain weight 24 years old and weight 89 pounds and i have tried everything to gain weight i just need some help please


Answer by Perez8434@yahoo.com
Submitted on 6/3/2004
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guys i won because i used to weight 80 pounds and measure 6.0". i stated working out and i went from 80 to 125 in 8 months. now i still look skiny but i worked out 5 weeks now and i weight 125 pounds. i guess if u work out and put pressure on your muscle for like 3 months with patience and not looking at u eve day u will notice some changes. it only takes 3 months to gain about 10 to 13 pound eating normal. please do this and if u got more questions email me that i can show u a picture of what i used to weight 8 months and 5 weeks ago. and now. I may still look skinny but i know im progressing. by i guess i have to go exercise.


Answer by Jeffrey
Submitted on 6/5/2004
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I think its hilarious how some people react to this problem. they told me "its all about calories". I am 6ft 125 lbs. i tried working out for two solid years. i got alot stronger, and lost weight, so i stopped. then i went to a doctor, and i had to basically curse him out to get any help, he just kept telling me "yeah alot of us would like your problem." he had me overload my calories, so i drank like 6 of the strongest boost shakes a day and only ate the highest calorie foods. i basically consumed the most calories that a human being can with the available products on the market. when i went back in 4 months later, i had gained one pound. then i remembered my shoes were still on, kicked them off, and it turns out i lost a pound. the doctor wasn't willing to help me any further, so he told me to continue my diet (basically telling me he wanted nothing to do with it). I'm thinking of taking up marijuana, illegally. i am desperate. don't pretend like this is a simple combination of diet and supplements. if i could get my hands on some marinol or megace i would overdose on it. i could always lose the weight later, and more than likely would.


Answer by = )
Submitted on 6/5/2004
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For those of you who have gained weight by increasing calorie intake, did you gain it proportionally?  Has it been a problem for anyone where they only gain in the stomach?? This frustrates me. I know other people have mentioned this, but I just started drinking suplimed supli-meal. It doesn't taste too bad.


Answer by jessed71
Submitted on 6/6/2004
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  I am a 33 yr old active male. 6' tall and 154lbs with a 30'' waist. The way i look makes people think i am a 21 yr old kid.  My goal is to be 175-180 with a 32''-34'' waist but no matter how much i eat i cant gain. My doctor says i am fine with no thyroid problems or illnesses so he wont give me anything to help. i have tried every powder, pill and high calorie diet with no results.  I have also tried eating 2500 calories or more a day making sure to eat "allot" before bed time. All it did was make me slow and tired and sometimes sick. My stomach isn't big enough to eat that much in one day. I did all this while using a low impact high weight workout schedule as well for almost 1 year.  i still look the same!!
       Does anyone have a list of foods to eat per day to get results?
       should I keep trying the powders?
       Is there something my doctor "can" give me to help?



Answer by Stan
Submitted on 6/6/2004
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I am 18 yr old male, 5'9", and 130lbs. I have been between 125-and 130 pounds for the past 5 years!!!!! No matter how much I eat I can't gain weight. My mom says, "you look like a human toothpick" in front of other people!! My girlfriend always says "oh u are so small" or she calls me little guy, I guess she don't want to say "skinny". A friend of mines once said I look like one of the starving kids in Africa that they often show on tv.
Why does everyone think it's ok to say these things to a skinny person but you can't tell a fat person that he/she is fat?


Answer by bannana
Submitted on 6/7/2004
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Im 14 and weigh 101 pounds and i really wanna gain some weight i live in houston and its "FAT" city and everyone here calls me skinny or annorexic and my science teacher always asks if i eat. and i do i probly eat more than any of them.other people are always saying things like my science teacher too..and it makes me feel really bad bout my body..this summer id like to gain some weight before i go into high school.HELP


Answer by luni
Submitted on 6/7/2004
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hello im tim and i am 5'6'' 112...
i have found a soulution to gain 2 pounds a week...this involves nothing out of the ordinary, it will make your body look more fit and you will have the musle all the girls want to see...

i eat my normal foods no increase or decrease...eat what u want and when u want...
i started off at 108...and have been doing this for 2 weeks now...

first step is workout 2 times a day, you dont even have go to a gym...use at home stuff.. i do sit, push, and pull -ups...i do 100 of each when i wake up...and 100 of each b4 i go to bed...it might seem like alot but i am joining the army so i do more when i workout for them....

step 2: jog on a weekly bases...it might seem wrong to jog or run at all when trying to gain weight, but u want ur lower body to be sizable with ur upper body

step 3: sleep, sleep like a normal person would..and no sleeping a few hours...even if ur not sleepy take a nap for an hour or 2...sleeping is resting ur body and you dont burn many calories doing this...

the method i have said works for me and might not work for u. it wont be fat, but pure muscle mass gain...hey its still weight

the good things about this is, 1, ur in shape, 2, you look and feel health, and 3 women and men like a tone looking body


Answer by em
Submitted on 6/8/2004
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i know how you all feel i'm15 5'6'' and only 100 lbs. everyone thinks im anorexic but i eat a ton and i can't gain any weight


Answer by Loca_Y_Que
Submitted on 6/8/2004
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Hey People!
I'm 14 years old and right now I way 87lbs.
This past school year I was known as 'stick'
it was really painfull. I promised myself that this summer I would gain at least 20lbs. I don't know how to do this.

I just don't want to go to high school looking like this. I have trouble finding pants. I'm 5'3 and I fit perfectly in size 0 pants.

The thing is that they're too short for me.
My waist isn't the problem - I have huge hips. Some pants sizes that fit my waist are: 0,1,3,5,7. The thing that sucks is my thighs are so little. I see these 9,10,11 year old girls who have a better body then me and I feel like crying.

I feel so left out because I'm like the only girl in my grade who's like this. All the girls are developed and they mistreat their bodies.

I know that looks shouldn't matter - but since my self confidence isn't that high

please if you can help me - email me @


Answer by vanie
Submitted on 6/9/2004
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I've always been skinny. Ever since i was little i have always had this 'problem'. During middle school when all the girls started developing i was like okay its gotta be my turn now. But that never really happened. Now i am 15 1/2 , 5'6, and weigh 106 pounds. I weigh 2 pounds more than i did exactly last year. I'm going into my junior year in high school and although i have not had any problems with dating i still think i could get more guys if i had a bit fuller figure. I want to gain at least 20 pounds over the summer. everyone always says how pretty i am and how i can be a model. I know that if i could make this happen at least i think i will be perfect. Can someone help me??


Answer by steph lyons
Submitted on 6/11/2004
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hi i am 16 years old.i weight 97lbs and stand 5"3.for the last past 2 years i been doing all kinds of things to gain weight but they dont seem to work.if thier is anyone out thier that has any useful information i would really appreciate it.thanx  s/n is hollabac5thst@aol.com


Answer by Sweet P
Submitted on 6/11/2004
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well hello i am 5'6 and i weight 118lbs i am 17 years old for next year 2005 i want to gain at least 20lbs cause i will b a senior i want at least have a body or nice shape i am not self conscience i just need some pointers on what to really to do i don t have problems making friends with boys i just want to have a little more booty,arms,and legs than i am a1 all the way i just want people to stop calling me olive oil and start calling me sweet p this is 06-11-04


Answer by taisha
Submitted on 6/12/2004
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eat a Baby Ruth chocolate bar every night , right before you go to bed and drink lots of water. that's something i'm trying


Answer by HAZEL
Submitted on 6/14/2004
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i think that it's good to know that there are people like me out there looking for the same thing. yeah, i'm still going through the abuse and stuff from people, but i'm still trying to deal. it hurts! so i'm really glad i've found people i can relate to. i hope that we all get what we're looking for or at least get to the weight we want...


Answer by drifter
Submitted on 6/14/2004
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Here is my experience: if your dad is thin too it might be more difficult to gain. If not (or just your mum is thin) you will make it. I have witnessed many cases. My closest friend gained nearly 40 pounds in 6 months. The key is here is he can eat a lot and work out very hard. Sometimes after his working out he could not move his legs. Now he is quite hansom without practicing hardly every day. So, it worked for him and many others I know. If I remember right there are 6 of them. You have my word for it.Sadly its not my case. My dad is thin too and I found its very difficult to gain. I am 5'8 and 120pounds :(. I am so despaired. My only hope is to wait until gene therapy is available.Dont know, just wait. Probably at that time I must have been old. Will try to enjoy the rest little time of life then.
Peace for all of us


Answer by the one and only
Submitted on 6/14/2004
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I don't really know how tall i am but i'mnot short. I weight about 107 and i'm16 years old. This year i will be a senior in high school and I really want to gain weight. I have been skinny practically all my life. I've been skinny my 3 years I've been in high school and I don't want to be my last year. Everyone laughs and joke about how skinny I am. My boyfriend doesn't seem to have a problem with it, but I do. My sisters and mom joke about how skinny I am. When I was younger my doctor put me on medication called periactive. It seemed to work for a while but my mom made me stopped talking it because it was really working and she was scared that if i kept taking it i would continue to gain weight non-stop. That was the worst mistake she ever made. Right now I can't seem to gain weight. I intensionally wake up during the night to eat and I drink Ensure. It doesn't seem to be working for me. I don't want to look the same my senior year as i did the other years. This year I have to get into bathing suits in front of all my classmates at the senior picnic. I need help and quick. If anyone has a solution please tell me.


Answer by the 1 and only
Submitted on 6/14/2004
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I have come to a conclusion on what I'm going to do. I see it as I have about 2 months until school starts again, I'm desperate and nobody's ideas tend to work. I'll stop sleeping late and eat early in the mornings. Every time i feel i can eat a little I'll stuff my face. Continue to drink ensure, eat lots of bread and jelly, drink water and milk, and every now and then eat a spoon full of mayonaise. Then at night before going to sleep I eat. That's the only thing i could think of that might possibly work. I'm too young to try pills.


Answer by Girl next door
Submitted on 6/14/2004
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Let me take you back a bit.
All throughout my childhood I was the fat girl. It was awful, all my friends were thin and they got all the male attention. I hit rock bottom with my self esteem around age 13. The heaviest i got was around 160lbs. It was then that i cut back on everything i ate. I read the 'nutritional facts' on everything before i ate it so i could give myself an idea of how much exerscize i would need to get after i ate. I am now 15, about 5'4-5'6, and i weigh about 115-120 lbs. I have become a long distance runner, (3000m and the 1500m) basketball player, and anything else to get all the excersize i can get in a day to burn all the calries i can. I try very hard to keep my weight down, but ive also attracted alot of attention with my weight loss. My mother and her friends wonder if i am bulimic or anorexic, but the truth is...im both. My confidence has gone up, and i look like my friends now. I feel comfortable in my clothing and hanging out with them, but it is a pain to keep counting calories. Someone please let me know a natural way to keep my weight down, a matabolism booster, or somethign so i dont have to worry as much any more.


Answer by NICOLE
Submitted on 6/16/2004
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Answer by kmakemo
Submitted on 6/16/2004
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i just want to gain weight.i have tried every thing ,what shall i do ?
all my friends call me skinny ,now i don't like meet any one.
please help me if u can.
thanks any way.bay


Answer by Sarah - UK
Submitted on 6/17/2004
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Hi I'm 17, 5'5 and 98lbs. i've benn skinny all my life and i hate it. people don't seem to think i mind when they say 'god sarah your so skinny, look at the size of you!' but i do. it would be different if i was to say that to a fat person.
anyway, i've been trying to gain weight for a while now coz i'm so self consious but i can't really find anything that works. i eat like a horse but any weight i do gain has gone by the next morning. i tried having at least 4 pieces of peanut butter and jam on toast as well as my normal meals each day and it kinda worked a bit but i just lost the weight whenever i did anything that involved burning calories.
i've decided to try and build up some small muscles to see if that has any effect.
i'll keep lookin on this site for anyones new ideas


Answer by Brenda
Submitted on 6/18/2004
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I used to be anorexic and gaining weight fast is never the answer because that's what I did and it all went to my butt and I caused a lot of stretch marks and now I can't even wear a bikini without it being shorts because they show so much.  


Answer by me
Submitted on 6/18/2004
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guys i feel so skinny even on this website!! i really need to gain some weight-please help! i am 13 yrs old, 4'11 and weigh 66 lbs.


Answer by skinnybones
Submitted on 6/22/2004
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i'm14 and 68 pounds. i know the frustration everyone is talking about when they say how they hate everyone saying you're anorexic or bulemic. it gets really annoying and old after a while.  i eat more than all my friends.  i eat eat eat eat and eat but everyday on the scale it's the same! it's really embarrasing cuz you're just skin and bones and that's just really.. kinda.. gross. but i read in a magazine if you eat a half a cup of cashews and one banana a day, you'll gain 1 pound a week, about. WOW that was exciting so i'mstarting THAT. =D i feel at home here lol


Answer by :-(skinny
Submitted on 6/22/2004
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wow this is cool there's a lot of people like me! haha... but yeah.

i'm 14 under 70lb, fourth graders have a better figure than me, and it takes hours and hours to find just one pair of jeans that after just a bit of sewing and touching up, i can wear. it's so annoying and exasperating when people call me anorexic and tease me about things like that. i look like a fifth grader. if ANYONE has any advice that hasn't been suggested before (i've already copied and pasted everything from above *blush*) please email me at arosewilted@yahoo.com


Answer by :-(skinny
Submitted on 6/22/2004
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anyone anyone who wants to talk about their "skinny problems" :9 please email me at arosewilted@yahoo.com...

when i went to my doctor the sad thing was my weight wasn't on the chart for my height. he just told me that i was too hyper. *eyebrow raise* cough ... i really didn't like that answer. he didn't give me any suggestions on how to gain weight or anything. and this is a TOUGH TOUGH ordeal. but from reading ALL of these entries, i'd say just up your calorie amount. i mean, calories from healthy foods. like fruits, vegetables, and nuts. not a candy bar or french fries.

i'm just starting this new diet today, and my goal is not to look like a completely unattractive coat rack by the end of the summer. i hate looking like this. i always end up crying when i think about how i look like  :


and other healthy girls are out there tra-la-ling along, taking their awesome bodies for granted.

i'm really ]glad i found this site, and i'll update on my new diet later on in the summer! email me!


Answer by honeybee
Submitted on 6/23/2004
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oh my gosh, i am so lucky i found this side,it's great to feel like you are not the only one...i am 16 years old, i'm5'7 and i weight like 105, maybe less. it feels horrible when people make fun of me... when they say anything, i pretend is funny, but inside, it really hurts me.  i wish i was a little bit fatter, but it's in my genes to be skinny. but i don't want to be skinny. i know my boyfriend doesn't really like it, even if he doesn't say anything. i'mtaking birth control pills, i heard it makes you gain weight, but i am still the same. i hate it!!! my self esteem is so low!!! i just need people like me to talk to.  (girls please), i want to share my thoguhts to someone that can understand me, and help each other out. maybe even try togain weight together.  so if there is anygirls, interested, please contact me at pily14run@hotmail.com
i know how everybody feels...


Answer by TarZaN
Submitted on 6/24/2004
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Hi everyone i see all these problems and all you have to do is..EAT eat EAT and pack in those calories. and the time to eat has to be around the same time everyday! to ensure the cycle is consistent! <~important! and the last thing, work out from situps to iron mikes to pushups and some jogging/jump rope'neither everyday or split all ur workouts into two sets and rotate throughout the week! inoe you're prolly think'ndamn thats alot..well(1)its a comitment however you spell it hehe and (2) you'll feel great after you're done. this is what we do in the army and that workout only takes about 45min to an hour and is done in the morning b4 we even wash our faces exe. so i'mspeaking from experience.b4 i joined the army i was about 115lbz and skinny. trust me i had chicken legz. now i seriously wouldn't even care if i was wawlking around in my briefs lol. so i hope this info helps yall out alittle. Oh if your gonna jog/jump rope do it in the morning cause the air is alot fresher(makes it easier on the lungs)unless you smoke:\ don't even bother.


Answer by Jen
Submitted on 6/24/2004
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Seriously, I know how you all feel.  And there has to be some sort of secret out there, but why aren't people sharing it??  How did Christina Aguilera gain all that wait?  Not just because she was "growing up", and why isn't she sharing it with the rest of the skinny people?? She's probably embarressed about it.


Answer by TarZaN a tip for NICOLE : ]
Submitted on 6/24/2004
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Oh yeah and for ur thighs, iron mikes. thats all i have to say. if you dunnoe wat thats is well ok (1) yah have to be standing(2)both hands behind ur kneck(3)one step forwards kneel but don't let ur knee touch the ground cause you might f*k ur knee(4)you can do this standing in one place but the most effective is to go in circles/move around a yard/room watevers. ur thighs ass will thank you in the morning wen ur TRY'nto get down/up those stairs lol. trust. i found this out the hard way ofcourse by getting in trouble and have'ndo the iron mike around the formation area for 25-35 minutes. the results i felt like  my legs just fell asleep everytime i used the stairs for about 4-6 days. but the results were Great. trust me this works! once a day for about 25 minutes, no slacking off.


Answer by jen
Submitted on 6/24/2004
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Hey, what is Ectoplan, Shape Shift and Femimore????


Answer by TarZaN
Submitted on 6/24/2004
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Ok ok inoe i'vesaid alot already and for that mahbad im just try'nnto help :] Look im just gonna say this, im a hard gainer like all of you are. its all about being consistant. think about what time your gonna eat your meals and keep it thatway everyday! between meals are fine i guess, i dont dot aht alot. pack the calories! Atleast! 2500 a day! im 5'5" and 2000 is ideal a day but too gain weight i'madding 500- 1000 more. Now with all that comes the daily workout. atleast jog/jump rope if anything! everything i posted has been done and works for me and it took about 2-3 months so don't quit. its the simple things that work! like dont stress  cause its alot harder to gain weight when stressed.


Answer by TarZaN
Submitted on 6/24/2004
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(sorrie left the caps on :)


Answer by skinny minnie
Submitted on 6/24/2004
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OMG i know exactly how you all feel, i'm 14 and 79.5 lbs, it sucks. liek seriously, and i'm short too, readign these things make me feel way better, and i've gotten some good suggestions, i really good friend of mine once told me she had to stop eatign peanut butter and apples, because it made her gain like 7 pounds. I don't really liek how they taste together but i love peanut butter,i'm just not commited. It's kinda wierd beign in a family with my parents on a diet an dme tryign to gain weight but w/e i'll live an dso will you, so keep trying!!


Answer by rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 6/24/2004
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I have been skinny my whole life.  I am now 32 years old.  I wish I could tell you something from years of wisdom or whatever, but I can't.  I am STILL skinny after having 2 kids.  I actually LOST weight after they were born.  I am 5'3" and used to weigh on average 95-96 lbs.  I dropped down to 92 lbs after the babies.  I am now suffering from anxiety disorder and because of it have lost 6 lbs.  I think we all know how much fun that is going to be to try and recover...I just started eating normal again this week.  I lost those 6 lbs in only 3 weeks.  Scary.  I went to the Dr and and begged for a medicine that increases appetite.  He said he wasn't willing to give it to me.  

Girls I have been that skinny girl in school.  Picked on.  Looked at funny.  Asked the "Do you ever eat" question about a billion times.  (It doesn't stop when you get older...grown women ask.  I have resorted to mimicking their tone and saying "Do you stop?" and proceed to explain to them it is just as rude for them to comment on my weight as it is for me to comment on theirs...definitely a double standard in mentioning weight to fat people).  I CAN tell you this.  I have been married twice.  Two awesome men who loved my weight and loved me (Both Hotties too!).  (Divorced the first one because he was an alcoholic down the road, but a good man who loved me).

Don't spend your time hating yourself.  You are who you are (I know it is no consolation).  You can TRY and change it (I would never tell you not to try), but realize you are not ever going to be any less loved in life because you are the weight you are.  Not everyone will find you undesireable.  I know how it can be from experience.  Chances are likely that (like in my case) you ARE skinny, but you don't have the emaciated look like an anorexic.  You are just tiny.  There really isn't anything wrong with it.  General public now days seems to think skinny=anorexic.  Mostly because 70% or so of Americans are overweight and don't want to face it.  Much easier to say that someone a bit below what is described as healthy weight is Anorexic than someone a bit (or a lot) above healthy weight is Chronically Fat in our society because it is a numbers game.  Surely because they are tipping the scales at 200+ we have an eating disorder because we don't like them is their thinking.

I propose we all work on thinking a bit more positively and sharing our ideas and successes.  I know how easy it is to be negative.  It was just last week when my weight was spiraling downward that I cried in my husbands arms that I didn't want to die from weight loss on my 2 beautiful babies.  They needed their Mommy.  I wasn't eating enough to keep a bird alive (much less a skinny woman in her early 30's).  This week it is getting better as I am adapting a positive outlook.  I may not gain it fast, but I will TRY to eat enough to gain at least 1 pound every 2 weeks.  I am setting my goals low and realistic for my track record.  Much easier to be ecstatic about gaining faster than depressed about not gaining enough.  It is unrealistic for most of us to expect 20 lbs in 2 months.  Set your goals to be attainable and work at it slowly.  I think we can all do it with encouragement.  You can email me at the "nickname" address above if you feel the need.  (No fat people criticizing please!)

God Bless and Good Luck to Us all.


Answer by Matthew
Submitted on 6/24/2004
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I am starting Skandishake today and although I haven't see n any results since it's the first day I will say it is the first weight gain shake I ever drank that tasted good.  Most of them make me gag. I will check back and give results in a few weeks.


Answer by jesalyn
Submitted on 6/25/2004
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It's great to know that there are so many people out there that understand.  I am 5'6" and about 110 lbs.  I would love to gain at least 10 lbs and be able to have more muscular legs, since mine are twigs.  I've tried doing exercises such as lunges, squats, toe raises with weights, but they don't seem to help.  i don't know if running will help, but I'mafraid to try because i don't want to lose any weight!  


Answer by TarZan
Submitted on 6/25/2004
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Oh i just remembered something and wanted to post b4 i forget. if your gonna use supplements of any kind always look out for any kind of acid thats in it and avoid it completely. my friend whose a weight lifter juss told me that most weight gain products out there have some kind of acid in it so research b4 you commit.


Answer by NICOLE
Submitted on 6/25/2004
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Answer by HOPE
Submitted on 6/25/2004
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Answer by rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 6/25/2004
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Where do you get Skandishake from????  I wanna try!!!


Answer by DamnyouAtkins
Submitted on 6/25/2004
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Hey, nowadays i feel it's harder than ever for anyone to be skinny.  It seems like the entire world is against us with all these damn low-carb low-calorie diets.  We never see any tv commercials advertising weight gain diet programs or anything of that nature.  Im 18 6'1 and 135lbs.  I've been trying to gain weight since i was 12.  thats 6 years ago and all i've seen is failure.  So much money has been wasted on all kinds of foods, exercise equipment, and supplements. I cant STAND it when these people tell you "oh, it's so simple all you have to do is start exercising and eat more" no, it may work for you because that's your body type but the majority of us were not blessed like you.  every single day i look for people who are as skinny as me and i see no one.  It is so depressing.  Im not anorexic, im not bulimic ive just always been underweight no matter what.  I've become so desperate lately because i want to gain weight for college next year.  As far as advice i can give to you all (even though i have not yet been sucessful) is to never give up.  Try different things, experiment.  right now im only eating mcdonalds for a week and hopefully ill gain some weight.  Good luck to all of you :)


Answer by Heather32
Submitted on 6/25/2004
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Hi all yes I am having problems gaining weight also. I am a mom of a 4 and an 8 year old. Am 5'2 and weigh 109lbs. I am drinking ensure after breakfast and dinner I just started this so I will let you know how it goes. I also went to the doctor to have my thyroid checked and be checked for hperglycemia. Just a blood test. Just did that yesterday. Have not heard back yet. The thyroid is really important to get checked as it controls your metabolism.

I get tired of the comments too. I want my butt back..:) Some people just roll their eyes and say "Gee what a problem to have" Yes it is when ya have to buy jeans in the junior section. Hope this helps. Will let ya know what the doc says.


Answer by skandishakes
Submitted on 6/25/2004
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here it's really cheap!:


its like $10... but i have a question is it healthy and like.. ok to eat? or does it have negative effects? (skandishakes)


Answer by skandishake
Submitted on 6/25/2004
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Scandishake Chocolate 6x85g  (Reference #SCA168C)
SCANDISHAKE® calorie-rich supplement is designed to assist medically challenged patients who need to maintain or gain weight. Individuals diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, cancer and HIV/AIDS are particularly at risk to suffer from undesired weight loss, or wasting. SCANDISHAKE®, a great tasting milk shake, is available in vanilla, chocolate and strawberry flavours. It contains 600 calories when mixed with eight ounces of whole milk. Taste tests conducted with over 2000 physicians, nurses, and nutritionists show SCANDISHAKE® to be the overwhelming favourite when compared to other commercial brands. Lactose-free and Sweetened-with-Aspartame formulas are available in vanilla and chocolate flavours. SCANDISHAKE® is gluten-free for people with Celiac Disease. can be easily mixed into yoghurts, rice pudding, fruit juice or jelly to increase the protein and calorie content.

um... we're not like diseased though-- we just have fast metabolisms! are u sure it's healthy for just like.. normal people?


Answer by frustrated
Submitted on 6/25/2004
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grump. i know what everyone is talking about. obese people are just like yeah. but they can help that. they can just stop eating at  mcdonalds everyday and excercise! but it's natural for us just to vanish all the food we eat. and it is a problem. it definitely is. the crowd is just like ew. she's so skinny it's so gross. and yeah it kinda is cuz it's like a walking , unattractive, skeleton. hello! so it is a problem why don't they think about it . we do everything that normal people do, but it definitely doesn't show it. gahhhh so annoying i have no figure, i'm just a stick and i'm a teenager >.<

not anorexic
not bulemic
just a really annoying body


Answer by rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 6/26/2004
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did a search on "Scandishakes" to find out what people are saying.  As a supplement to normal eating it is safe.  It will just pack on the calories and fat which we desperately need.
I am going to see a Dr on Monday so I will verify this, but I feel confident enough about it that I have already ordered some.


Answer by Free
Submitted on 6/26/2004
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Everyone's Posting their problems but no solutions. So here's some solutions that might help, I'm trying all, No more fooling around:

1)Weight gain pills, the website is
www.weightgainplus.com, This slows down your metabolism and gives you an appitite.

2)A protien suppliment called Pro-stat 101.
It is a form of protien used on sick patients
that need to gain weight. It provides 15grams of protien in only 2 tablespoons.
You can order it at www.pro-stat.info

3)N-Large2, The best protien shake on the market. It provides 52 grams of protien per serving.I tried it and saw results immediately and it tastes great too.

4)I would recommened going to the doctor to check your thyroid. So if you have a fast metabloism, this may help. An all natural herbal suppliment, that slows down your metabloism. It's called Thyro-H, your can order it from Herbal Doctor Remedies. Look
for it on the web, here's the number to order. 1(800)600-0808

5) Do heavy free weights 3 times/week while taking creatine, get your rest and drink lots of water.

6) Eat,Eat and Eat. Carbs, meats and protien.

Your HAVE to gain some weight with this information. Just be consistent, That's my biggest problem. But when you start seeing results, you'll be motivated. Pray to God, to stay motivated, because it is hard. God is always close to the brokenhearted.

Free, God bless you all


Answer by DamnYouAtkins
Submitted on 6/26/2004
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im trying those weight gain capsules (www.weightgainplus.com) they came yesterday morning so i used them for all 3 meals yesterday.  I didn't really notice much of a change in appetite but since it was so expensive im not just gonna throw it out now.  Im gonna to keep using them and if i see any improvement i'll let everyone know.


Answer by heather32
Submitted on 6/26/2004
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Hi all. Eating my second peanut butter and jelly sandwich today had an ensure. Boy that stuff is expensive. I got the ensure plus so it actually tastes pretty good. On my 3rd day. Need to get a scale. Still waiting for the doctor to call hopefully monday. If its not my Thyroid or Hyperglycemia then I will have to fiqure it out on my own. Maybe its just anxiety. glad I found this board. Take care all..Heather :)


Answer by reesola
Submitted on 6/27/2004
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Answer by heather32
Submitted on 6/27/2004
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Hi all I have found that powerbars have alot of carbs and vitamins. 68g of total carbs. They are a lil hard to get down as they are really chewy. I think eating like half with a meal will help..Just thought I would share that with you. Happy gaining. Heather


Answer by nici
Submitted on 6/27/2004
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hi everyone, i too have the same problem.  I'm 14 and weigh approx. 70lbs.  Yes everyone thinks that cos i'monly 14 i'llgrow into my body and put on weight.  But they are wrong!  I hate the way i look and my legs and arms are the worst, i permanently wear long sleeved shirts and never wear anything shorter than trousers cos i hate my legs so much.  Someone at school said to me the other day that i'mso thin i might as well live in a forest and this really hurt my feelings.  I try to talk to my parents about it but they just laugh at me and tell me to go away, i talk to my friends about it n they just say my body is fine and i shouldn't care what other people think...but how can i not when i'mgetting rude comments everyday...i don't know what to do i hate being this thin, i look seriously ill even though i'mnot...please help me


Answer by kookaburra
Submitted on 6/27/2004
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hey, my problem is that i have a ballet body. i have pretty nice legs, but the rest of me is skinny and bony and gross...
Is there some kind of way to make me gain weight in some place other then my tummy? (which seems to be the only place that i gain)


Answer by Jamie22
Submitted on 6/27/2004
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Answer by Matthew
Submitted on 6/27/2004
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I don't mean to over excite you people but I have weighed the same weight since I was 14 years old.  I am the guy that posted about Skandishake let me tell you this stuff really works.  I tried almost everything out there this shake isn't like sticking a tire in your belly I can even eat after I drink it.  I HAVE ALREADY GAINED FIVE POUNDS!!!! And us skinny people know that gaining 5 pounds is like losing 20 pounds for an overweight person.  I am going to the gym staying active and maybe I am imagining things but I feel like I look better already. It is very expensive but wow it works!


Answer by Rose0672@aol.com - Congrats Matt
Submitted on 6/28/2004
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YAY on your weight gain Matthew.  We all need encouragement here!  I am putting in my Scandishake order.  I read about a woman ordering it for her father who couldn't get in enough calories as a cancer patient and it literally saved his life.  
Thanks for posting your success and giving us all hope.  It's what we need.  I personally am not willing to try any kind of pill because I think they are too dangerous as most of that stuff is unregulated by the FDA and I think Dr's should be prescribing that kind of med, but remember that is only my personal opinion.  I just worry about 14 & 15 year old girls taking WAY more than the recommended dosage or that even the ingredients in general are bad for a girl going through puberty.  Please check with your Doctor before embarking on anything like that.  They may tell you go ahead and that would be awesome...just make sure!!!


Answer by skandishake
Submitted on 6/28/2004
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so let me get this straight skandishake is 100% completely ok healthy and safe for us "normal" kids?


Answer by Jovanie
Submitted on 6/28/2004
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For what period of time will we need to drink the skandishake for? What if we reach our desired weight and stop drinking them, will we loose weight?


Answer by rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 6/28/2004
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That is what I am told.  Like a Boost Nutritional Drink with More Calories.


Answer by rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 6/28/2004
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Found this article on the web that might interest some of us:

Are there any over-the-counter products to help me gain weight?  


Some people use high-calorie powdered or liquid dietary supplements to gain weight. Examples include Scandishake, Boost, Ensure, and Sustacal. These products are all about equally effective. They come in many flavors and usually taste best when served very cold. Products sold in liquid form generally have fewer calories than powdered mixes.

Also, there are many high-protein powdered or liquid dietary supplements on the market that are claimed to increase muscle mass. They include Weider Muscle Builder, Naturade, and Champion Nutrition Pro-Score 100. These supplements contain large amounts of protein, but are generally low in calories. Many also contain vitamins and herbs. Studies haven't proven that protein drinks help increase body weight or muscle mass in most people. There's no medical research showing that any specific protein product is best for weight gain. Nor is there much information available about the effectiveness or safety of the vitamins and herbal ingredients in these products.

Here are a few basic tips to keep in mind if you need to increase your body weight. Eat a healthy, balanced diet while increasing the number of calories you consume. To gain one pound, you need to eat an additional 3,500 calories over what your body normally needs. Adding high-calorie foods such as nuts, honey, and ice cream to your diet is an easy way to boost your calories. Calories from carbohydrates, protein, and fat all work equally well in the body for weight gain. Exercise can also help because exercise tends to build heavier muscle mass.

Talk with your doctor for help designing a healthy weight-gain plan. Also talk with your doctor before trying any weight-gain products.


Answer by scandishake
Submitted on 6/29/2004
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yay! thanks =D


Answer by question
Submitted on 6/29/2004
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do they sell scandishake at regular grocery stores like giant or do you have to order them online?


Answer by Heather32
Submitted on 6/29/2004
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Hey all just a lil humor for the day. The next time someone says."Your too skinny". Just say "No, I am keeping up with the trend, I am just 1/2 the carbs!"..Hope this puts a smile on your faces..Have a good day. Heather


Answer by banana0anna
Submitted on 6/29/2004
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Totally know how all of you feel! I'm 16 years old. I'm 5'8 and 120 lbs. Oh yeah! I'm flat-chested. It sucks being thin sometimes. And I tottally know what its like to have fat people tell me how skinny I am, yet I can't comment on how large they are! I do get comments sometimes, or people tell me they wish they were as thin as me, but I still want to gain weight! At least 10 lbs.


Answer by Scandishake Question - Rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 6/29/2004
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So far I think you have to order it online.  I haven't found a pharmacy near me that carries it.  

Got my Scandishake order today.  Man was it expensive.  $50.07 (that includes the shipping) for 24 packets.  You can get 4 packets for about $1.75 each plus shipping.  Going to try it before bed tonight.  Will let everyone know what I think.

I called the 800# on the packet to ask questions that people have been asking here and the woman said:

Scandishake is safe for anyone trying to gain weight no matter their medical condition.  So, yes, Scandishake is safe if you do not have Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis or HIV.  Its purpose is to pack on calories for people who want to gain or maintain weight.

Second, it is NOT recommended that you use Scandishake as a source of Vitamin Supplement like you would use Boost or Ensure for.  You would still need to eat your normal diet or take your Vitamin Supplement you currently take.  Also, do not use it as your sole source of nutrition.  Not made for that.  Just calories and weight gain or maintenance.

Hope that helps!



Answer by NICOLE
Submitted on 6/30/2004
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Answer by rose0672@aol.com to JOVANIE
Submitted on 6/30/2004
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If you stop Scandishake at your desired wieght you will not lose weight unless you eat less than normal.  Kind of like a fat person reaching their desired weight on a diet.  They only gain it back if they eat an excess of food.  Scandishake gets you there.  You maintain it :)


Answer by damnyouatkins
Submitted on 6/30/2004
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I'm taking the weight gain plus now.  Its been about a week of taking them and I havent seen any results but your supposed to wait a month.  I'll let everyone know if i see some progress.


Answer by =D
Submitted on 6/30/2004
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yay thanks everyone on scandishakes info (especially rose) and i wish u all the best of luck!!!


Answer by Rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 6/30/2004
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The weight calculation I read about worked!!!!
Took my weight at this time last week.  86lbs. and multiplied it by 12 (for low activity)...you can use 14 or 16 if your activity levels are higher.  Came up with something like 1100 calories.  Not a whole lot really :)  SOOOO, I started writing a "Nutrition Journal".  I wrote down everything I ate with the calories on the labels next to it. (went to websites of McDonalds for when I ate that for calorie content...  When I hit 1100 calories I knew I was going to gain with anything I ate after that, my goal was 1500 calories a day...which I pretty much was able to do.  I would add a Boost or a high calorie Snack or 2 on top of it and Bingo guys!!!  I gained 2 lbs in 1 week.  That is BEFORE Scandishake that I just got yesterday!!!  Imagine the possibilities for next week with Scandishake on my side!  
Now I need to take 88 lbs and multiply it by 12 and do the same thing this week.  YAY ME!  See if it works for you guys too.  Can't hurt!


Answer by SindeeBabez
Submitted on 6/30/2004
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I am 19 yrs old and i only weight 90 pounds its ridiculous i eat soo much i dont know what to do my 16 yr old sister weighs more than me and i have a baby and i'mstill skinny people think i starve myself its so annoying help!!!!1


Answer by Nikki
Submitted on 7/1/2004
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Hi guys!  I cant tell you how happy I am that I found this forum!  I have been skinny my whole life and have had to hear about it from others.  Like I dont already know!  Thats the part that makes me the maddest.  When youre in a public place and someone decides that they are going to enlighten you with this "new" information that you are skinny. Its so rude!  I am 30 yrs old and 5'4 and just at 100 pds.  I have struggled with trying to gain weight my whole life.  Thats probably what makes being skinny hard for most of us.  We are TRYING to gain.  Its not like we WANT to be this skinny!!! Sorry, I just had to vent! Anyways, I saw that some of you had or were thinking of trying ECTOPLAN.  I ordered some a few days ago and am waiting to get it.  Has anyone gotten any results with it?  My husband has suggested a high protien diet and lots of excersise.  Hopefully it'll work.  This time I am putting my mind to it because I am so tired of hearing such negative things from others and seeing their stares.  If anyone has tried that ECTOPLAN please email me and let me know what kind of results you got from it provost16@yahoo.com.  I'll keep checking this site just to see how we all are comming along and to let you all know how I am too.  Good luck to ALL of us and just remember that we all ROCK!!!


Answer by er..
Submitted on 7/1/2004
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is anyone else who posted their email on this site getting really weird virusy looking emails with suspicious attachments? if so, i recommend for people to be careful with giving out their email on these sites


Answer by rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 7/1/2004
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Nah, no bad email here.  Got a great virus program I update constantly.  Not to mention, I don't open email with attachments from anyone who isn't family or close friend.  This is just my catch-all email anyway.  I think it is good to post it so you can converse with others about our issue.  It really is a rare one.


Answer by arosewilted@yahoo
Submitted on 7/1/2004
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lol yeah it IS really rare cuz i know no one who's in my situation, but look at all these people! wow i never knew that there were so many people out here like me xD it's good to know and quite comforting


Answer by Heather30
Submitted on 7/1/2004
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I ordered skandishakes 10 days ago, over the internet. They are pretty good. I had vanilla ice cream,fruit and milk for added calories. I have gained 3 pounds so far. Also, I just noticed that marie calenders frozen dinner fettecini Alfredo has 880 calories and 51 grams of fat!!!! eat it for dinner or lunch once a day and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! work out with light weights! you will see a difference if your consistent! good luck!!


Answer by rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 7/2/2004
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Ok, looking for a name...need ideas.  So far these are available.

Like any?  Any others you think I should check?


Answer by Nikki
Submitted on 7/2/2004
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So, how much of the Scandishake have you ordered at once.  I saw some on a website and they came in like a packet of 4 for like 8.99 or something like that.  Anyone know a good website to order them from for pretty cheap?  I know its gonna cost a lot though! lol  I'm going to try the Ectoplan when I get it.  It has this 30 day money back guarantee.  We'll see about that!  Great to see that some of you are well on the way to gaining!  I hope to be soon!


Answer by rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 7/2/2004
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Hey Heather 32  what did the Dr say about your tests for thyroid, etc???


Answer by :(
Submitted on 7/2/2004
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GAHhhhh. my parents won't let me order scandishake even though it's COMPLETELY HARMLESS!!! they claim it's unhealthy. anyone got a website proving that wrong?


Answer by rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 7/2/2004
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Only the actual company (Scandishake) website that you order it from.  They can also call the 1-800 # to ask questions.  I'm a breastfeeding mom and it is safe for me with my baby and I wouldn't even take pain medicine after a cesarean section I worry so much about that sort of thing and the health of my baby.  I just endured it for her.
If they will let you buy Boost or Ensure in a grocery store they should let you.

BUT then again...If you can not pacify their beliefs, as a Mother, I know the best thing my child could do is follow my wishes and wait till 18.  They are your parents and have that say for now.  They only want what is best.  If you can give them actual solid information on the product that would help.  

I have a suggestion I just though of while typing this.  MOST nutritionists recommend this regularly.  Look in your yellow pages in your area under physicians and look for a nutritionist and give them a call. Tell them your dilemma and do they have any literature or information they could forward to your parents OR call your regular Doctors office and do the same thing.  If a Doctor would recommend it...your parents would be more inclined to give it to you as it sounds like they are under the false impression that it is an internet order only thing and quite possibly like a gimmick or scam.  This is a medical product they use in hospitals as well.

Hope that helps, but in the end no matter what happens...ALWAYS obey your parents wishes.  They love you and really do want what is best.



Answer by Michelle
Submitted on 7/3/2004
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Hey guys! I know how you all feel. I'm 19, 5'3, 90 lbs. Yes, I too get told how skinny I am and asked if I eat. I've been wanting to gain for about 5 years now and nothing seems to work. I've tried Ensure and that didn't do anything for me, I've had my thyroid checked and it was completely normal. I have been using Ectoplan for about 2 months now and haven't noticed any major differences but I did notice that my boobs got a little bigger! Ectoplan gives you a list of meals to eat to help you gain but being a busy college student I don't have the time to commit to them. I have to eat out a lot, can anyone recommend any certain foods to order from fast food restaurants to help gain? Thanks and good luck to everyone!!!


Answer by rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 7/3/2004
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McDonald's Cheeseburgers if you have a small appetite like mine have a lot of calories.  Go to the fast food websites and they will list calorie content of their foods :)


Answer by Brittany
Submitted on 7/3/2004
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Hey Rose,

How long does the four servings box of Scandishake last? and which one do I get if I wanna gain like 8 or more pounds?


Answer by rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 7/4/2004
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well, if you want 1 a day then you are going to need a lot more than a box of 4 because the 4 serving box would only be 4 days ;)
I would do the 24 box and see where that gets me on the weight gain before I ordered another.  Hope that helps & Good Luck!!!



Answer by Nikki
Submitted on 7/5/2004
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Partice- I think its a great idea to have a forum for us. Its a great support system thats going on here.  Let us all know if you get it set up!  So far my favorite name wannagainweight.com cuz we do. :-)  Anyways I weighed myself yesterday on a scale in the mall (GNC) and I am 106.7.  Last time I weighed myself was on a scale at the house wich is very likely to have a different weight because its a home scale.  I decided once a week to go to GNC to weigh myself and track my progress.  I still havent gotten my Ectoplan but if they will help me get boobs then I'll be happy! lol


Answer by Kaiti
Submitted on 7/6/2004
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Hi Im 16 and bout 105 pounds and 5'3. I understand wheat everyone is goin through always bein called skinny and all. I have been tryin 2 gain weight for a while I was fine until I had mono and ecoli at the same time I dropped 2 93 pounds and now am back up. If all of u have tried everythin u might wanna check with ur doc about Celiac disease..its an allergy to wheat and what happens is that if u eat anythin with it in it then it blocks your body from absorbing nutrients from everything else. That causes weight loss. I had blood tests done and I eat alot but was still found like almost malnutritioned cuz my body wasnt absorbing the food. So thats one thing to check into. Any other ways to gain weight Im gainin it but not quick enough. I am very active in sportz and drink alot of water. Im just sick of people from my team even ones that are my size sayin how small i am.


Answer by rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 7/6/2004
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Boobs?  I wish!!!  I used to be a 32C on my stick frame...then I had 2 babies.  34A :(  So Sad!  
Looking into the forum stuff and website today.
I weigh myself every week at the same grocery store.  I LOST weight this week!  Crap.
(Then again I haven't had a Scandi shake in like 4 days...so busy with the babies I forget to do stuff for myself).  I am back down to 87 lbs.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...



Answer by Nikki
Submitted on 7/6/2004
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Yeah, I never had them anyways(boobs)! Then after my 2 babies they were even more non existant than before! lol!  I know how it is to not be able to focus on yourself when you have kids.  They sure do demand a lot of time but as you know they are definatly worth it.
How much have you lost?  I do that same thing.  I jsut lose focus sometimes and it becomes this thing where you feel like your whole life is consumed with the gaining. At least thats what its been like at my house.  My husband wants me to take it slow and do it right.  I want to do it right but at the same time I just want to get there.  My goal 115 pds.  I think thats reachable IF I can focus on it.  I just hate feeling STUFFED ALL the time!  Oh, well!  At least I have found you guys!  :-)  


Answer by rose0672@aol.com - to Nikki
Submitted on 7/6/2004
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I only lost 1 lb this week, but that seems like it takes forever to gain back, you know?  My healthiest feeling weight and top weight I have ever been at was 97/98 lbs.  It seems almost like the unattainable goal for me to get that back.  3 years ago before the kids I was 93/94 and that wasn't too bad (I realize my arms will always look like sticks)...when I got pregnant with the morning sickness and all is when I dropped down into the upper 80's..after the babies stayed at around 92...then I ended up with severe anxiety and post partum and could not eat at all.  Lost it down to 86.  Just gained the pound (actually 2, a week ago and lost it the same week, probably was just water weight the day I weighed).  I'm on the tough upward climb.  Calorie measuring in a journal.

I forget to eat all of the time because I get too busy or wrapped up in something.  Then my body tells me by giving me a dizzy spell or something...then I remember...Oh yeah, haven't eaten today and I have been up for at least 4 hours.  

My husband wants me to work out right now too.  Mostly to relieve stress from the kids, but to make certain the weight I gain isn't flabby weight (you skinny people can be flabby too!!!).  I am afraid it will just make me lose or stay stagnant.

Agh!  I loathe it....

Thank Goodness for people who understand and are living it too.



Answer by DamnYouAtkins
Submitted on 7/6/2004
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Don't worry that if you exercise you'll lose weight.  You most likely will not.  Since I started to work out last week I gained nearly 5 pounds.  Some days it actually did seem like i lost weight but i guess i might have weighed myself too soon before eating anything that day, but ultimately i've seen nothing but gains.  If you do exercise you may feel hungrier so keep eating as heavy as you can.  For some reason I find it is both more satisfying and easier to gain weight with exercise.  Whatever your method, good luck


Answer by Rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 7/7/2004
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Hmmmm, Thank you for the info and the insight from a fellow skinny....
Ok, I will try the workout Friday.  my days are filled with Dr appts until then.  Will let you know how it goes :)



Answer by Nikki
Submitted on 7/7/2004
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Got my Ectoplan pills today along with the suggested diet that goes with it.  To anyone who did receive these pills and looked at what the suggested diet is... isnt it crazy??? There is no possible way I can eat that much in one sitting.  Just a suggested meal consists of 2 sandwiches 2-3 glasses of milk, an apple AND bannana.That is way too much!  Anyways, I am sticking to my way which is to eat every 3 hours or so.  Trying to keep myself full.  I have a very small appitite which probably accounts for my size.  I am going to take the Ectoplan pills however.  I figure they cant hurt.  Also I have bought Ensure Plus and am drinking one a day. Figure that cant hurt either!


Answer by NICOLE
Submitted on 7/8/2004
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Answer by ghettoguh
Submitted on 7/8/2004
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hi guys im 15 125pounds and o yeah 6'1.! yall havent seen skinny but i also run track and cross country. im the beanpole. people might not know my name but they know the tall black girl. my biggest problems are pants lengths and my booty. i know i wear a three and i refuse to wear high waters so i order from alloy magazine they have 37" inseams! but im always told i look good but dont have a booty. im gonna work on gaining weight and still run and keep what booty i have if not make it bigger.


Answer by natasha
Submitted on 7/10/2004
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Hi, Nikki thanks for writing and telling us about the eating plan for Ectoplan, IT HELPED A LOT! After hearing that I am definitely having second plans about ordering that, “Just a suggested meal consists of 2 sandwiches 2-3 glasses of milk, an apple AND banana” DAMN! That’s CRAZZZY!!! I could never eat all that. I knew there was some kind if trick to it…actually TO all these weight gainer pills and supplements! You have to eat a ton and there’s just not enough time I’m already having problems feeding my appetite already, I eat sooo much and I can’t even gain a pound. It’s crazy, it’s like you spend a fortune on weight gainer pills and supplements then you have to BUY these special foods to go with it!

I ‘m definitely thinking about buying shapeshift, it’s about 2-3000$ US though, it will be more for me cause I’m in Canada, I don’t care because I am just SOOO desperate. I tried everything and I truly think this is my last stop. I just hope they don’t have some secret eating plan to go with it cause I can’t afford to spend any more money. Yes, you have to eat while taking these supplements an pills but their ‘suggested eating plan’ is just waay to ridiculous and expensive…I mean who has time to sit at home a stuff their face all day! Plus, I’ll have to grocery shop every week or couple of days.

Does anyone know of any other weight gainer supplements pills etcetera…to help gain weight and NOT have to eat a ton?

I also really believe in suplimed. But, does anyone know anything that will help slow down my metabolism? Sometimes I think it’s useless buying weight gainers with this super fast metabolic rate I have. What’s the point. It’s just a waste of money.


Answer by Natasha
Submitted on 7/10/2004
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Hi, Nikki thanks for writing and telling us about the eating plan for Ectoplan, IT HELPED A LOT! After hearing that I am definitely having second plans about ordering that, “Just a suggested meal consists of 2 sandwiches 2-3 glasses of milk, an apple AND banana” DAMN! That’s CRAZZZY!!! I could never eat all that. I knew there was some kind if trick to it…actually TO all these weight gainer pills and supplements! You have to eat a ton and there’s just not enough time I’m already having problems feeding my appetite already, I eat sooo much and I can’t even gain a pound. It’s crazy, it’s like you spend a fortune on weight gainer pills and supplements then you have to BUY these special foods to go with it!

I ‘m definitely thinking about buying shapeshift, it’s about 2-3000$ US though, it will be more for me cause I’m in Canada, I don’t care because I am just SOOO desperate. I tried everything and I truly think this is my last stop. I just hope they don’t have some secret eating plan to go with it cause I can’t afford to spend any more money. Yes, you have to eat while taking these supplements an pills but their ‘suggested eating plan’ is just waay to ridiculous and expensive…I mean who has time to sit at home a stuff their face all day! Plus, I’ll have to grocery shop every week or couple of days.

Does anyone know of any other weight gainer supplements pills etcetera…to help gain weight and NOT have to eat a ton?

I also really believe in suplimed. But, does anyone know anything that will help slow down my metabolism? Sometimes I think it’s useless buying weight gainers with this super fast metabolic rate I have. What’s the point. It’s just a waste of money.


Answer by anonomys
Submitted on 7/11/2004
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Hey it is hard to gain weight if your digestive system will not allow you to keep food in it.First thing first.Hope you either have the support or money to help you afford to gain weight.
For hard gainers you need:1. a personal trainer(if you dont have a knowledgeable work out partner)Warning! Make sure your personal trainer is right for you. Different trainers work you out differently and not always to your satisfaction.
2.Hire a registered dietician. note: you will be eating 6-8 meals and/or taking supplements throughout the day so I hope you have the support or money to do so.
Now let's review. You will need a personal trainer that ensure that you train properly to be able to feed your digestive system. 2. You will meet with the registered dietician to ensure that you add pounds and eat the right foods and supplements in the process.


Answer by Nikki
Submitted on 7/11/2004
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Natasha - Glad that my info helped you!  Like I said before I'm not going to totally discount the Ectoplan but I cannot follow the diet.  Anyways, weighed myself a couple days ago and I was 105.5 which is a bit over a pd loss from the week prior.  A bit of a disappointment but not too discouraging since I have started working out 3 days a week.  Only for about 15-20 mins and only min workouts.  I do crunches because as Patrice said even us skinnys can have flab and after kids I definitely have flab! I also am doing pushups to work on the strings that come out of my shirt..oops I mean my arms! Anyways some days it seems more possible than others.  


Answer by DamnYouAtkins
Submitted on 7/11/2004
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Found this somewhere, i think it's a good tip:
Avoid weighing yourself on a daily basis, all you are doing is measuring fluctuations in your bodies water and glycogen content.


Answer by Drea
Submitted on 7/12/2004
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Maybe you guys can help me. I am 5'10", 120 lbs medium frame 20 year old female. I would like to gain 10-15 lbs but I have problems eating. I can only eat a little bit of homecooked food before feeling nausous. The weird thing is that I can eat out no problem but I can't afford to keep doing that. Any help that doesn't involve force feeding myself would be awesome because I hate being so bony. Thanks.


Answer by bruff
Submitted on 7/12/2004
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Im 6'3 153 pounds and i wanna get up to 200 pounds. Then start lifting weights  to get even heavier. Will foods like peanut butter make u gain weight?


Answer by celtic.spirit
Submitted on 7/13/2004
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Hi everyone!

Well, it's definitely comforting to know that there are others out there who experience the same problem as me.  I'm 18 and from Scotland..I weigh roughly 98 pounds.  I've tried to look up info on the Internet, but most weight gain sites are for men who want to be body builders!  That's not practical for me.  There certainly is some good advice on here.  

Oh, and I totally agree with the person who said that people don't see it as rude to make jibes about out how "skinny" we are, when it would be rude for us to say someone is fat.  In fact - does anyone ever get the feeling we're meant to apologise for being so skinny and are made to feel bad by others who are overweight, or average even, even though we can't help it and don't even like being this size!  

I would love to make some friends who are skinnies like me, so if anyone would like to email me I'd love to hear from them and be friends with some like minded individuals!  My email is claire@thain85.fsworld.co.uk . :)

Good luck with the weight gain everyone.

Love Claire


Answer by Christian
Submitted on 7/13/2004
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I am a mother of a 2yr old and 6month old.
I am 24yrs old, my whole life I have never been over 100lbs. Of course until I Started to have children,I thought it was great I was 126lbs w/ my first son, I was in heaven I thought i would be able to keep the weight on. To my suprise w/in 2months I was back down to 95lbs. Of course every one thought I was not eating, however I was I tried eating peanutbutter and drinking milk through a straw before bed and some other crazy things, but nothing worked.I am tired of all the comments from others, like don't you eat. Or when I am eating my response from others is I cant belive you are eating.After a while these comments tend to take a toll on a person.  What people don't under stand is when they say look how skinny you are don't you ever eat, to me that is upsetting. I don't look at Fat people and say wow you look the good year blimp.  I am tired of others acusations about how thin I am, and how I got that way. With me It is natural. So I guess my question is how can I least gain 20lbs. I would love to eat a candy bar and have it go to my but.I don't think that people understand being a thin person and not being able to have control over it. Is very much like being an over weight person and having no control over your weight.So is anything I can do to add a few pounds,If I was able to do so I think my I would feel better about my self and probally have higher self esteam
Please help
Skinny in Alabama Christina


Answer by Costa
Submitted on 7/13/2004
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Hey I was thin most of my childhood at around 150lbs at 15. Basically if you eat untill you're full, then eat some more, it expands the stomach so you can eat more next time. Eat a small breakfast, and excersize BEFORE meals and nap after. This decreases your metabolism. I did this for 4 years, and now, at 18 1/2 I am 330lbs and still growing! You may not want to get that fat, but thats what worked for me, so I thought it might help.


Answer by Jessie
Submitted on 7/14/2004
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I'm 16 years old and 95 pounds at 5 feet tall.I am so glad that i am not the only one who feels too thin. I know Exactly how you feel because i get called twiggy and skinny all the time.  My mom says that I'mlucky to be thin but i want to feel healthy. I've tried eating more but I just feel stuffed.  If anyone knows something to help, email me at cracky@hotmail.com  thank you all for understanding.


Answer by KayKay
Submitted on 7/14/2004
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This is the easiest answer that anyone attempting to gain weight will get. I went to a weight gain clinic in Compton, California and gained 5lbs a week. I B.S. you not! The regime was to receive a consultation, get a shot of b12 from the doctor and to take 3 vitamins a day called thiamine 20 minutes before you eat and it makes you eat at least 3x'sthe normal amount. I was skeptical about this before I tried it wondering what the side effects were and how effective it would be. It worked better than I thought it would. The side effect is that it makes you sleepy. Not like a sleeping pill would, but like how you feel after eating a big thanksgiving dinner. Not a big deal. Apparently this thiamine was a former form of benedryl that scientists has to take off of the market because it made people sleepy


Answer by Natasha
Submitted on 7/15/2004
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Hi kaykay, I would like to know does that thiamine only make you EAT more.
I eat like a pig but I’m can’t gain a pound. My problem surely isn’t eating though.


Answer by Renae
Submitted on 7/15/2004
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Hi everyone. ok i'mnot here because i want to gain weight - i weigh enough. But i stumped here and i read a few of your things and i dont really see why you guys want to gain weight.  Unless anyone has an eating disorder and NEEDS to gain weight i dont really see why people would want to gain weight.  I had an eating disorder - and i liked being little but everyone made me stop and eat and now i'mbigger and i DONT like it i wish i was littler again. And unless you have to gain weight i wish 'little' people wouldn't want to gain weight i think i would be so much better to be a smaller size.


Answer by rose0672@aol.co
Submitted on 7/16/2004
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I think I speak for most of us when I say we want to gain weight to look and feel better about ourselves.  Looking and being too skinny can look unhealthy (and quite possibly like in my case) and be unhealthy (I'm sick ALL of the time).

I dont' think any of us want to be blimps.  We just don't want to look like bones with skin.  (Ewww, that sounded yucky to me...)



Answer by John
Submitted on 7/16/2004
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For everyone who has taken scandishake, how are you doing with that stuff?  How long have you taken it and how much did you gain?? Thanks


Answer by amy
Submitted on 7/16/2004
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I am a 22 year old female.  I am 5'4 and weigh 91 pounds!!!!!!!!  aghh!  My period is always messed up, I get sick a lot and I am always tired. I am sick of people thinking I am anorexic.
  I wonder if there is a "diet" plan out there that caters specifically to those who want to gain weight? I can't seem to find any other websites on the internet except for this one!


Answer by rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 7/16/2004
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Wish I could say Scandishake was awesome.  I have a box.  It tastes great.  I have drank it 2 times.  It probably works.  I haven't committed.  Got sick with my daughter with RSV (nasty serious cold) for the past 14 days.  Will get back into it and let you know next week if that isn't too far out for you.  You can call the 1-800 number on their website and they will send you a free sample by mail :)



Answer by skinnyme
Submitted on 7/18/2004
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Hey everyone...i dunno that i have very much useful info to input, but i do want to tell you about a weight gainer shake i've been drinking. I've only committed to it for a week now so I'm not positive that it works; also, I may be drinking too little. I think i did gain a couple pounds, but everytime i weigh myself i'm either a few pounds heavier or a few pounds lighter, so who knows.  Weight doesn't matter anyway, i want to see the results.  Anyway, it's called suplimed supli-meal.  It's actually pretty good for those of you who can't stand the nasty shakes.  I really can't get the nasty stuff down.  The only thing is you can feel a bit of a powdery texture, but i still manage to drink it. It's 665 calories per serving and you're suppose to have 4. I've been drinking 2 a day just cuz it's hard to find time to drink it inbetween meals and stuff. I don't want to get myself full off the drink and not be able to eat a regular meal. Anyway, if you do drink 4 a day that's like 2660 calories, so you should def be able to gain some weight.  My only concern for myself is just getting a fat tummy...that sucks. Also, I would recommend lifting weights. Lift heavier weights...just heavy enough to do maybe 7 reps.  You'll definitely see results. But yeah, just wanted to post on this message board i've been visiting every once in awhile. I can definitely relate to most of you.  


Answer by TIV
Submitted on 7/20/2004
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Has anyone tried Herbalife to gain weight? I've just read on one website, that they have a formula to help gain weight. It's called Formula 1, plus there are a few multivitamins to add to it. Thanks.


Answer by me..
Submitted on 7/20/2004
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Hey people! I'm 14.. about 5'1" and only about like 80-83 lbs. I hate it when people think I'm anorexic.. I'vebeen looking on the web and I'm finding some useful tips. but please can someone tell me what i can use or do?


Answer by Nikki
Submitted on 7/20/2004
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Hey Patrice!  How much of a free sample does Scandishake send you if you call the # on the website?  I havent seen anymore weight gain w/in the last week. Its like Im stuck at 105 and cant get past it!  Anyways, hope you and your daughter get better!


Answer by Slim
Submitted on 7/20/2004
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Hey! i know how all u guys feel u just get soo sick of all the comments''do u ever eat'' ''u R SOOOO Skinny'' ER! i know it makes u soo mad and noone has a clue how bad it makes u feel when they say it , it suxs! I have tried some shakes for GNC which were like $40 and it was gross! I eat all the time but it doesnt help i am 5'5 and 105lbs and it goes up and down a little but never anymore than 105lb. I just dont understand why its sooo hard to gain weight for us lil people. Right now im starting to lift weights a lil each day i guess we will see what happens! If anyone one has a good suggestion PLEAse email me!
                     Good Luck! SLim


Answer by Lena
Submitted on 7/21/2004
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I am 5'4 105 lbs with two kids 6 and 4 years old. I have had a weight issue my whole life but I am concerned about my children. They are always in the bottom 5% of kids there age for weight and height. Are kids as young as they are allowed to take supplements or drink those shakes? I just don't want them to look/be as unhealthy as I was growing up.


Answer by rose0672@aol.com
Submitted on 7/21/2004
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My son is a monster and is in the top 90%, but my daughter is a peanut (only 6 mos right now, but I see it coming for her).  She measures like your two do.  I asked her pediatrician about the future and he said just vitamins and make them milkshakes, etc.  Didn't specifically ask about the supplements.  I would before I did it.  Just to be sure.


Answer by NICOLE
Submitted on 8/2/2004
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Answer by Jessica
Submitted on 8/3/2004
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Hi, I have the same problem as all of you guys. People make fun of me all the time but sometimes thet don't say it to be hurtfull but it does hurt. I know how all of you guys feel. You guys are probably asking the same question I keep asking my self "WHY CANT I BE NORMAL LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS." I am 11 yrs old and i am only 63 pounds and a second grader weighs the same as me.Im not saying that I want to be fat but i want to gain weight. The only Thing to say is every one is different and to be your self but sometimes its hard to think that. Believe me. Good luck to all of you and remember we are all different and sometimes too skinny.


Submitted on 8/4/2004
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Low stress,no cardio,eat hearlty,get married,work out heavy but not to long....In one year1/2 I took 45pounds of muscles,with no crapy pouder stuff!! Pure love baby!


Answer by elski
Submitted on 8/5/2004
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i'm 13 years old and i'm in 7th grade....i cant seem to gain any weight every time i go to the doctor i weigh the same thing and its not even 95lbs.people in school make fun of me and call me names and its so hard to find clothes that are inexpensive but are cool and that actually fit me.I really need help on finding a way to gain weight so i can be like everyone else...nice,perfect shape,So if anyone has any safe good ways to gain those lbs. please please please let me no..


Answer by hamza
Submitted on 8/7/2004
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hi im 13 and im 5'5 but i only weigh kg i want to know how to gian weight hieght and a bit of bodybuiling in a way in wich it will not let me stop growing hieght any one plz????????


Answer by tabboo
Submitted on 8/7/2004
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try GlycerLEAN to put on weigh fast!


Answer by tabboo
Submitted on 8/8/2004
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Hi guys

Im really skinny to & its really starting to depress me im 5'2 and weigh 7stone!
I hate going out people think im anorexic but im not! iv just always been skinny.
Does anybody reccomend anything that in garenteed to work?


Answer by Kay
Submitted on 8/8/2004
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hey everyone! im DO glad i found this page FINALLY some people i can relate to! Well im almost 15 in a month and i weigh onli 100 pounds!! i HATE IT so much!! i was born a chubby baby but now its juss bad. all my life ive eaten LOTS but my fast metabolism and height (5'7) has made me look like a stick!! i cant where skirts cuz im SO self concious and all that. ive tried so much and i even gained 10 pounds this yr but does it show?? NO. ugh i hate it. altho no one makes "fun" of me i still feel so self concious. my mom always says it'll happen by itself but REALLY will it?? i hate how theres so much dieting stuff but barely anything about gaining weight. i find that to LOSE weight all you have to do is excercise and eat less and you know the usual but GAINING IT is so hard. help PLZ!!


Answer by Sammantha
Submitted on 8/8/2004
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HI My Name Is sammantha And Im 14 and 120 lbs ans i am 5'9 i really get made fun of alot people call me skinny,toothpick,treestick, everything with a stick basically well i wanna gain weight bad very bad im in 9th grade i wanna be 160lbs by the 11th grade please help me


Answer by Jess
Submitted on 8/8/2004
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I am even worse then most of you...im 17 5'7" and weigh 96 lbs. I am tired of guys telling me id be good looking if i would only put on an extra 15 lbs, because i want to and it just doesn't happen! PLEASE HELP ME!


Answer by Beautifull
Submitted on 8/9/2004
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eat alot of bread and peanutbutter and potatos


Answer by Cristina
Submitted on 8/14/2004
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I dont have an answer 4 being skinny.b/c I'm skinny 2..im 13 and 91 lbs. Im very tall...so i look even skinner...im just gonna run alot, eat alot o carbs & crap.Take B-12 . . . and drink that ScandiShake   thingii  ..  let just c how it all works out...remember thangs even out...good luck everi body wit ur weight !!


Answer by skinnyme
Submitted on 8/16/2004
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how disappointing that this message board seems to be dying off.  has anyone who has posted in the past about things they were trying have any luck?


Answer by hey
Submitted on 8/16/2004
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is this thing working? i'veposted several times in the last couple days but none of them hve gotten through... heh. well anyways i was wondering if scandishake helps with your figure. i mean i'mcompletely flat and 73 pounds, and i want to get a nice figure. does scandishake help with that? does any other plan help with it? thanks a whole bunch


Answer by noel
Submitted on 8/16/2004
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Answer by skinnymary
Submitted on 8/17/2004
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plz help me im 11 going on 12 i gain 62 pounds man plz help me tell me a protein shake too gain weight or sumthing tell me sumthing at hotpunk005@hotmail.com


Answer by the end
Submitted on 8/18/2004
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Does anyone know of any steroids to help gain weight by safely? I am sooo desperate to gain weight I tried everything but nothing has worked for me I feel so depressed, I'm 19 and 79 pounds (please this is not a joke!)> If I find nothing by the Jan 31/05 I’m going to commit suicide, At least I will be with GOD then I won’t have to put up with my miserable life


Answer by Nat
Submitted on 8/18/2004
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ya, i'm 16 years old, 5'3 and 82 pounds. if anyone has any other suggestions on gaining weight, help!


Answer by the end
Submitted on 8/18/2004
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Does anyone know of any steroids to help gain weight by safely? I am sooo desperate to gain weight I tried everything but nothing has worked for me I feel so depressed, I'm 19 and 79 pounds (please this is not a joke!)> If I find nothing by the Jan 31/05 I’m going to commit suicide, At least I will be with GOD then I won’t have to put up with my miserable life


Answer by 8
Submitted on 8/23/2004
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me.. I'm going through the same thing! For a while, I've been made fun of for being thin.  I am 14 years old, and I weight 88 lbs. Everyone thinks that I am anorexic or have some sort of eating disorder. Nobody seems to understand that I am a naturally thin person. I have tried working out to gain muscle because muscle weight is better to gain than fat weight. I am a cheerleader, so that is good exercise. But I am still not satisfied because even though I see a healthy person when I look in the mirror, other people don't see me that way.


Answer by Skrawny
Submitted on 8/24/2004
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Hi, I am Jenny also known as Skrawny, with a k. It has became my nick name for the past few years. I am 13 years old and weigh 101 pounds, my height is 5'4. I am the lightest person in my grade. I don't feel confident in my self when I walk down the street, when I go to school, etc.. Its hard to find any clothes that fits me, sometimes size 0 is big. I always wanted to be a short and chubby teenage girl. Is that so much to ask for? I eat 6 times a day and I don't gain anything. I don't look healthy, I look anorexic. I lost all of my friends because of the way I look. I only have me, my self, and I . If anyone have any suggestions please tell me .


Answer by J
Submitted on 8/24/2004
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Yeah I'm about 6'0 and about 120 pounds.  I hate being this skinny.  Only in America will you be made fun of more for being 20 pounds under-weight than 20 pounds over-weight.


Answer by :)
Submitted on 8/26/2004
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hey i m 15 and weigh 92 lbs. at 5'1... this site is reallly awesome...i dont feel alooone anymore! all my friend try to lose weight and they all think i m crazy for trying to gain! thanks for all the advice and suggestions.. i will try them and write back if i do gain wait! i did and lost 2 lbs but then gained back 3 lbs after the season was over. does anyone think that doing track may affect my growth spurt? or is it just my fast metabolism


Answer by Sam
Submitted on 8/27/2004
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If you want to gain weight you should always use lots of mayonaise in your food like 3 spoons, buy the ones that say real mayonaise.
Just don't worry about gaining the weight so
much and you will. I also suggest peanut butter.


Answer by Debbie
Submitted on 8/28/2004
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Hi everyone!

Just in case helps anyone: I had always the problem not only to be skinny buy also shapeless (no hips or butt, thin ankles and shapeless legs) after much research 8and saving) I took the leap (even if not 100% convinced) and started on Femimore and ShapeShift combined. Now after 6 months I HAVE A SHAPE!!! :))

I got hips, a pretty nice butt and a nice pair of legs to show off... I also got more "fill in" in other parts and in general I look about ...lets say....500% better! Well, sorry, modesty went away when I began to like what I saw in the mirror.

I get my supply from Global Special Services http://mailmaster.mailgenius.com/GSS or GSS@gaplt.org, a bunch of very friendly people. A friend of mine gets it from the New Shape Plan  http://www.ligur.net/NewShapePlan/newshapenow.htm or nsphabu@ligur.net.

I hope you get as happy as I am, it is really good stuff




Answer by candycane
Submitted on 8/28/2004
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i am 13 years old and i am skinny i eat all the time and never gain weight a school people call me stick i don't know why i cant gain weight


Answer by Qua-Qua
Submitted on 9/1/2004
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I'm 16 years old 5'5 and 102lbs,Everywhere I go with my friends they get lots of attention from guys because they have curves and has just enough weight on them not fat or anything or sloppy but has meat on their bones.I'm tired of people saying im so skinny and I need to eat more, I hate when people say that about me I just want to curse them out because i eat so much food but don't gain a pound. My mom says I have fast metabolism. Please can you help me my email address is Quada421@aol.com. I want to look like i got meat on me when i wear tight jeans. Plus i would really like to be glad to wear a skirt one day and not have look like a skeleton. If i gain weight i would feel much better about myslef and not have to put up with people saying i need to gain weight. please help me and other people with the same problem as me. We really need your help to feel much better about our selfs and our weight.

p.s: please let me know something It will really make a difference in my life.my email address again is Quada421@aol.com.


Answer by jillybean
Submitted on 9/2/2004
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i'm 17, 5'7, and weight in at 95 pounds. Nothing i do works. i hate being this skinny. i had to leave my school bcuz the teasing was getting to bad....now, thats sad.


Answer by felecia
Submitted on 9/2/2004
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Suplimed works, i have tried it. you will gain three pounds per week. i was very skinny and was often not confident because of my weight. look at www.suplimed.com
It was originally intended for cancer sufferers nd aids patients, so you know it will work. try it.


Answer by dancinbeauty
Submitted on 9/2/2004
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I'm  so glad there is other people out there like me! I'm so tiny! I'm 5'1 and only weigh 80 lbs and I'm 15! i would suggest Carnations Instant breakfast everyday after school with some other food! but make sure its everyday and try to exercise and lift weights too!


Answer by cristina
Submitted on 9/4/2004
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hi..im going to 8th grade .i am skinny like 5'6 and 90 lbs & 32A brasize.i hate being skinny.people make fun of me even adults, which i think is immature.i want to look good but i have small hips and breasts.and i know that they wont grow.well so i want to know how to gain weight because i cant.help.


Answer by sick_puppy
Submitted on 9/6/2004
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go kfc


Answer by mama
Submitted on 9/7/2004
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where is everyone?


Answer by Kay
Submitted on 9/10/2004
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this tells you how much you should weigh for your height..My mom didnt use to cook alot..but now she is, so I've gone from a 0 to a 2-3 in pants size! I would suggest eating more meat and drinking lots of milk..its working for me..Good luck everyone!


Answer by nikkie
Submitted on 9/11/2004
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don't give up go to your doctor or call him and ask about how to get a thyroid test.  It could anser your problem your thyroid control alot your sleeping and how fast you gain weitght . If that doesn't work drink ensurt the chocolet kind during the day you can get it at a grocery store near all the slim fast and things like that and right befor bed you should get gainer fuel 1000 it is safe i asked my doctor you should ask your doctor about something like that it is a powder and you mix it with mild and ice cream and it is a milk shake and it is 1000 calories then u add the milk and ice cream and wut ever elce you eat that is alot you should gain weight but u should drink it befor bed you can get it at like a health food store or at some kind of vitomen store.  I have the same problem as every one elce last year i was 13 and 70 pounds and know i just turned 15 and weigh 88 -89 and i am still gaining but the gainer fuel cost 39$s so save up or go to this web site and get it for 24$http://www.vitamin-provider.com/twinlab-gainer-s-fuel-1000---chocolate-tw2305.htm
so good luck and if you have any questions just write them on this web site i will be back i promise this will WORK


Answer by wan scott
Submitted on 9/12/2004
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well im 35 and have had this problem all my life, im 6'4" and weigh 165. ive tried steroids, weightlifting sleeping 12 hours a day eating like a horse. nothing helps much. heres a suggestion though; in laboratories when they want a rat to test obiesity drugs they inject monosodium glutimate, you know MSG? well its in everything already, but if you buy some ACCENT, its pure MSG, eat about a pound and see what happens! although you may become diabetic or your liver may shut down, it also causes blindness and braindamage but hey no plan is perfect!!!


Answer by cricket
Submitted on 9/14/2004
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anyone still use this forum before i  post?


Answer by Dallas
Submitted on 9/17/2004
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Hey guys, good to see others like me >< I was also teased in school about being skinny and if i had any ounce of muscle on me i would have knocked the crap out of them >< but anyways i just started to get seroius about gaining weight yesterday but find it hard to have 6 meals a day as advised (not so much hard to eat it, coz i can eat it and still be hungry) but being able to afford it and cook it and Know what i should be eating >< Basically im going for red meat and stuff, i weigh 133 pounds atm and will check after each week and tell yous my results


Answer by disposable
Submitted on 9/18/2004
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i have tried those herbalife products. They did actually help, i gained some 3 kilograms in a month and about 8 in the following 3 (that's after i stopped taking it). they're supposed to clear your bowels off all sediments and you should be getting more vitamins, proteins off the food you eat. but you should probably check out the weight gain formula they developed for bodybuilders. Don't know much about that.
however, i'vegot a very stressful job and my primary problem is almost no time for quiet peaceful meals. and i'mafraid there's no such formula in the world that could help you if you just don't eat properly :)
btw, if you decide to try herbalife, i'vegot  a hint for you. drink that shake AFTER you've eaten, not before. you won't have much appetite after you've drunk it (it's disgusting).
have fun, michal


Answer by Girls Girl
Submitted on 9/21/2004
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hey ya'll!! how ya'lldoing??? in here????? whats cracking int his motha fucak


Answer by emma
Submitted on 9/22/2004
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hey, im 14 and used to be happy with the way i looked but over the summer i have lost over 10 pounds! and didnt mean 2 at all! and now i cant seem to find a way to get the weight back. my family says its becuz im growing but thats bull. i eat as much as i usually do. i get ENOUGH excerise needed to spark the appietie. but nothing has changed. my doctors said not to do  anything but im soo skinny i hate it. now i cant even fit into my clothes from 6th grade! i need help. i need something that will help me gain my weight back AND FAST


Answer by Bobby
Submitted on 9/25/2004
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Hi guys and girls. I'm 19, and I'm about 6 ft. I weigh somewhere between 115-120 now... I'm just never hungry. Is there anything out there that will make you hungry? I don't really like asking people I know about it, I know I should... but it's fairly embarassing. When I eat, I eat a decent amount normally. But as I said, I'm rarely hungry... I do exercises and such, but... I guess the main thing I'm wanting to know is if there's a sure-fire way to make yourself hungry. And, I'm not talking about puking or anything like that. Heh... But, any comments would be appreciated. Thanks, ta ta.


Answer by want to be fat
Submitted on 9/26/2004
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help me im 17 and i want to help out my lil bro he wants to be fat i need to find fat pills that will make him fat quick like that kelly person on the site on weight room but i want it to be fast who can help me?


Answer by Katie
Submitted on 9/27/2004
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Hey! My name is Katie and I'm 18 yrs old I weigh about 95 lbs. I get called a lot of stuff and it hurts, my own bf is even embarassed to take me places cuz I get made fun of. He told me when he holds me it feels like Im not even there. Is there any good way to gain weight so I can at least be happy and not made fun of anymore.Thanks!


Answer by wonna b fat
Submitted on 10/3/2004
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im like 16 and only weigh 96lbs and im about 5'5 or 5'6 i eat loads and put on nothing but now im gonna go on da pill n jus try dat... fat ppl get all da attention about der weight wot bout us skinny people??


Answer by teeky
Submitted on 10/3/2004
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I'm 15 years old,and I'm little.I want a body.I want a butt some legs and chest.someone please help me how do I get it.Please someone help me.


Answer by tori<3
Submitted on 10/3/2004
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Its so good to find people who I can relate to.  Ive been searching the Internet for ages and this is by far the most helpful website. I am 14, 5'4 and weigh 95 pounds.  Its not as bad as a lot of the other people in this forum but I still cant take the way my body looks...so bony! Anyway I was wondering if anyone knew about ways to slow down your metabolism without having to buy expensive powders or shakes or pills, I'm 14 and simply cant afford it seeing as nobody would ever offer me a job because I don't even look 14.  And I am deeply annoyed by those people who are always like "Your so skinny" or "do you ever eat" Except for I tell them to shut up, I just wont take it.
Anyway will someone please reply to my message because I really want to know about an affordable way to slow down you metabolism.


Answer by tori<3
Submitted on 10/3/2004
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Ive heard that eating NATURAL peanut butter with apples helps you gain weight really really fast, Even if you have like a super fast metabolism  so I am definately going to try it. Oh yeah and BBQ chicken breasts help to.


Answer by *jens*
Submitted on 10/4/2004
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hi people,
i hate being skinny so much! i haven't got a bum or any boobs and i look like a rake. i want to gain at least 10 pounds. what can i get and where can i get it?please please help me... love jenny xxx


Answer by irshadi7
Submitted on 10/6/2004
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Hi, i cant gain weight. I have tried all kinds of stuff, but still cant gain. Iv been working out for about 3 years. I am somewhat cut, but id rather have that bulk. What can i do?


Answer by itty bitty girl
Submitted on 10/6/2004
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wow, this is insane i never thought people had the same problem as me. my friends look at me so wierd when i say im trying to gain wait..but what can i say...im unhappy w. the fact that i am 5'4 and only weigh 93 pounds. I never wear shorts, skirts, small dresses or anything of that sort because i feel like a survivor of the haulocost. And to top it off being skinny...in my case...means not much boobies! i cant get away w. wearing those cute little tops that show a little cleavage..cuz i have none!...but one thing that did help me gain a few pounds here n there was simply making sure i took an everyday dose of vitamins..it doesnt make u gain rapidly but it keeps u healthy and increases your appetite...i started taking vitamins about a year n a half ago in i gained 5 pounds...like i said, it isnt much but then again its from a healthy little vitamin that should be taken anyway :-) i am completly clueless as how to gain at least 15 pounds...quick. People say to make sure u excersize so that when u gain weight u also stay healthy but it doesnt seem to work for me..i was a cheerleader for about 5 years so i was in pretty good shape as far as excersize but i looked soooo danG skinny! i stopped cheerleading, and now spend all my time w. my friends which is nice and ever since i quit i gained weight. One thing that ISNT helping me tho, is the fact that i am lactose n tolerant...figures, the skinny girl cant eat her ice cream or drink her milk or eat her cheese...or yogurt or milkshakes..AHHH! leave me some sugestions please...im so glad i found you guys it makes me feel a little better just being able to talk about it...

im gunna go have a snack ;-) luv yas!


Answer by want_fat
Submitted on 10/9/2004
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hi ppl, im 14 bout 39kg n hating myself! if i dont put weight on soon im really gonna get depressed! i find it hard telling people how i feel but i need to put weight on.. the next person that comments on my weight is seriously gonna regret it!!! the thing i want most is boobs!.. ne1 got advice you can email or add me at: jennylovesya29@hotmail.com .. thanx xxx


Answer by hey hey
Submitted on 10/9/2004
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yea same with me ....I can not gain any weight.....to me im considered skinny..im tired of people saying you must not eat alot..becaue you are just soooo skinny..
im tall....im 12 and 5 ft. 6....i weigh 113 pounds plz I need info on how to gain weight


Answer by rosy
Submitted on 10/11/2004
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Hey guys Im a female am 14 years old am about 5'1 n I weight 88 pounds. Listen last week I used 2 weight 84 pounds n I have been eating oatmeal. I don't kno if u have heard of quaker n I have been getting pounds really fast try it.also count for 1 day da calories u eat every day n for da same week eat 500 more calories than u usually eat. for example if u count 2000 calories a day eat 2050 that week n if it works keep doing it until u get til were u want.
good luck


Answer by lildarkangl13@aol.com
Submitted on 10/13/2004
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ok....im 13....but the thing is i have the same problem....i know it might sound really gay but i hate it because every one calls me anorexic! but I'm so not! and even my dad thinks i am! but I'm not!!! at all!!! i need to gain some weight please help me!


Answer by lildarkangl13@aol.com
Submitted on 10/13/2004
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o and p.s.-im 5 '4....and i weigh 95 pounds


Answer by anorexic or so people say french horn playa
Submitted on 10/13/2004
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i am 15 ...16 in a month i am about 5' 4 and way 85 pounds ....i still have not started my period and the docter says its b/c i dont weigh enough...i have a very high metabolism and want to gain weight ...HELP!!!


Answer by Dee
Submitted on 10/15/2004
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I am 24 and weigh about 127 now. I have two kids 4 and 1. My first pregnancy I gained 30 pounds my second pregnancy I gained 45. With my last pregnancy I weighed 167, but 1 year later I weigh 127. I wear a size 3-5 now but after I had my baby I was a size 13 nice size. Big breast, thighs, arms beautiful. But now I am 127. I ordered some pills that suppose to increase your appetite called "ectoplan" I hope they work mabe I will weigh 150 then.  I let ya'll know If it works.


Answer by fallen_angel
Submitted on 10/18/2004
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i'm 14 but i only weigh about 82 lb.s and i need help to gain weight fast and healthy!! can you help me?


Answer by SkinnyMinny
Submitted on 10/20/2004
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I am 13 years old. I don't have anorexia or anything but i just don't like meat. It is so nasty to me. I like bacon and thats about it. I started taking pills from the medicine store and my doctor said don't take them because they can get in the wrong blood stream or something. I am 4'8" and I weigh 67 pounds. see! thats horrible. Please tell me how to gain weight without having to eat meat. i need help.


Answer by Liza
Submitted on 10/21/2004
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Hi, ive always known that we have something that IS more common than outsiders would care to recognise, but that is because people who have a slow metabolism got the raw deal. Yea we got it bad too, but imagine if our motabolism suddenly changed? and a small meal would make us gain wieht, i wouldnt be able to cope coz i do appreciate that i can eat whateva i want wenever i want. What im basically saying is that we would all be FAT, extrememly fat, if our bodies were slow working. So just think about that, im in your boat too, 5'2 and 86lbs and know exactly what everyone is going through, but try not to be so negative, who else gets to eat u tub of ben and jerrys without worrying?


Answer by Andy
Submitted on 10/22/2004
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Eat 4000 calories of protein rich foods like meats and pastas each day, and work out every other day


Answer by the daq
Submitted on 10/25/2004
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--------the solution----------
Your messiah has come. Basically we all need to realize that we're skinny. About four years ago i realized i was Anorexic, probalbly stemming from the fact that when i was a kid my dad weighed over 300..blah blah blah who cares.You need to look at yourself in the mirror ans say im skinny, im really freakin skinny. Anyways i weigh 180 now and im 6'1 not bad for my small frame, but when i was younger i was like 5'3 and 100 pounds. I'm a guy. It wasn't until four months ago that i gained my 30 pounds (same height 145-150).So i found out how many calories i burn a day, and for this bet i needed to gain 15 pounds in 35 days. there were 21 days left and i didnt gain a pound. Basically i burn 2500 calories a day, and in 21 days i had to get 52500 calories additional which works out to 5000 total calories a day-and i did it, the first day it was SLIGHTLY (yes slightly, and i get full easily) hard, but after that you're stomach stretches and its cake. my meals go like this 1.---shake 2 cups of milk in the blender (260c), 3 big spoonfuls of peanut butter in the blender(600c) and a piece of toast.  2--ham sandwhich (400c), two chocolate milks (320c),chips+ cookies w/e(280c)  3---homemade quesadilla-2 tortillas(300c)+cheese(400c) 2 glasses of milk (300c)   4--dinner (1000c)-somehow varies.   5--another shake--everyday for 21 days!! it waas EASY. just try it count calories on everything. your calorie needs will be much less. jsut find foods with high calories that are easy to eat- and space them out in 4-6 meals, never binge eat and avoid (sweets mostly). Also do weight training and push-ups etc.- exercises that dont burn up calories. divide your meals like this early morning (7), afternoon*(11-12), late afternoon(3-4), dinner(7-8),you'll be full so last shake (10:30). Anyways plz believe me and try this out ok. :)


Answer by Orgdaskny
Submitted on 10/26/2004
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I'm in my early to mid thirties and always struggled with my weight. I wasn't just skinny, I was "the skinniest person I've ever met," as someone kindly told me.  In addition, I don't eat a lot.  Sometimes I do, and other times, I just don't have the appetite.  At 5'2", I was only 76 lbs. Since then, I put on 15 lbs. then lost 5. So I'm basically 86 lbs. and planning to get myself back on track to be 107 lbs. I am writing because I am looking for sort of an e-mail support group/email pal. In consideration for the future, I am tango-ing with the idea of forming an organization or forum for people like us to meet and come up with solutions. If you just want to vent with me or have any ideas for this group, please e-mail me at orgdaskinny@aol.com. As many have said on this website, people who want to lose weight can relate to one another. On the other hand, we are isolated. Skinny people tend not to "chat" about being skinny even when they meet other skinny people. We are kind of the "secrets" of society. Maybe we can do something about it.


Answer by skinnywhiteguy
Submitted on 10/31/2004
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I'm 29 yo, 6'-0" tall, and was 144 lbs the last time I weighed myself.  I have since stopped weighing myself.  I've been working out for 6 years, with very minor gains, and recently began losing weight despite working out and eating tons.  A couple of things I've learned:
- If you're a teenager, relax! Many people stay thin until they are past their mid-twenties and then naturally gain weight.  The key to understanding if you are too thin, is if your face looks gaunt, and if your overall energy levels are low.  If your face is full and fresh looking, and you are full of energy, then don't sweat it.
- The average weight for men has increased:
     In the mid-sixties the average man weighed around 166lbs.
     Now the average man weighs 191 lbs!!!
     Being skinny seems much worse because most people are getting out of control FAT.
- Most of the weight gain advise I've been given makes me fall asleep.  Sumo wrestlers use this technique to gain weight -- eat enormous meals and then go to sleep in the middle of the day for 4-5 hours. Who has that kind of time?!  Weight gain drinks make me so sleepy that I can't function.
- I've started going to an Ayurvedic doctor (that's the ancient medicine from India, like Depak Chopra), and I've put on weight.  I take only a few supplements, and eat certain foods and avoid certain foods.  It is very customized, based on the idea that no two people are the same. I've been seeing him for a little over a month, and my face is filling out and I have some fat around my tummy.  I know this seems like a small gain, but to me it is amazing!
I recommend that whatever you try in order to gain weight, you do it under the guidance of a professional.


Answer by melody
Submitted on 11/2/2004
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same problem here. i drink ensure or fortify plus. i drink 2 to 3 a day. i especially drink one right before bed. although i can only gain about 10-15 pounds.  i don't work very hard at gaining more then that since that is all i want to gain anyway.