Look everyone, I hate to say this, but all this about eating more... well it's true, BUT it's all about what you eat and how often you eat. If you snack all day on junk and fast food, but have a fast metabolism, don't expect to gain much weight, if any. Guys if you're looking to gain lean mass, YOU HAVE TO EAT HEALTHY FOODS. Try a diet of 40% protein, 30% carbs, and 30% fat (unsaturated). Yes, hear it it again. Eat more often, like 5 or 6 smaller than normal meals a day. Workout 2-3 times a week, not exercising a body part or muscle group more than once per week at a minimum. REST is what really helps muscles recover, which in turn adds mass. For everyone who hasn't done this for atleast 3-4 weeks without missing a meal or workout, you need to atleast try it. CONSISTENCY is the biggest key to gaining weight. You can't expect to gain weight if you try it for just a few days or even a week or two. You have to give your body enough time. In America today, when people want something they want it right then. Well, it doesn't really work like that with gaining weight. Your body naturally has a weight that it is, shall I say "programmed to stay around, or a weight that I likes to stay around. Sometimes it takes a couple of weeks to break your body of that. Same thing with after you've gained the weight you desire, if you just end your diet and workout abruptly your body will naturally over time tend to go back to programmed weight that it likes. Depending on your body-type, it takes about 3 weeks or so to break (or establish a new "programmed" weight) your body of that programmed weight. That's why for everyone who's worked so hard to gain that 5 or 10 pounds, they lose it so quickly and usually go back to the weight they were before they gained the weight, if not smaller. Like everyone, I've always been skinny. I'm 5' 11'' and 120lbs. I started eating 5-6 times a day, doing the 40/30/30 diet I talked about earlier, working out no more than 3x a week, getting plenty of sleep at night and, most importantly, being PATIENT, and even more important, being CONSISTENT. I gained 9 lbs my first month. 9 lbs doesn't seem that much, but for the body it's a lot of weight to put on that quick. For everyone out there looking to put on 10 lbs in a week, the only way you're going to do that is illegally, or by putting on iron shackles before you get on the scale. Give your body time, be consistent. If you're looking to put on lean mass you might want to check out www.skinnyguy.net. It has a lot of really good information especially for really skinny people out there who want to gain lean mass. I tried their program and it worked for me and I was extremely skinny for my height and age. Will it work for everyone? I don't know know. Everyone is different. It worked for me. It might work for some other people also. Do what works for you. Questions? email me: billyhutto@sbcglobal.net