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Hardgainer Bodybuilding & Weightlifting FAQ

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Archive-name: body-building/hardgainer-faq
Posting-Frequency: Monthly
Last-Modified: 29th November 1999
Version: 1.254

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
		    Frank J. Kelly (
		  Craig R. Sadler (


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 Where can I find this FAQ?

(1) Hardgainers
  1.1  What is a "hardgainer"?
  1.2  Am I a hardgainer?
  1.3  What is overtraining / How do I know if I am overtraining?
  1.4  What kind of results/gains can a Hardgainer expect?
  1.5  What costs are involved?

(2) The Hardgainer Method of training
  2.1  What exercises should I do?
  2.2.1  What are the basic movements?
     .2  What exercises can be ignored and/or are dangerous?
  2.3.1  How often should I work out?
     .2  How many sets and reps are required?
  2.4  What equipment is required?
  2.5  What does an example Hardgainer workout look like?
  2.6  What must hardgainers focus on and what can they ignore?

(3) Intensity Cycling
  3.1  What is Intensity Cycling?
  3.2.1  Why do athletes cycle intensity?
     .2  Why MUST hardgainers cycle intensity?
  3.3  How do I put a cycle together?
  3.4  What happens to a cycle when I get sick?
  3.5  What are the keys to a cycle?
  3.6  Will I lose muscle mass and strength if I cycle my intensity?
  3.7  Exercise X is gaining like a demon, but exercise Y has stopped.
	Should I stop my cycle?
  3.8  Specialization

(4) Squatting and the Deadlift
  4.0  A word of warning.
  4.1  Why do I have to use the Squat and/or the Deadlift?
  4.2  How do I Squat?
	4.2.1 Squats and their impact on the Gluteals
	4.2.2 Squats and compression of the spine
	4.2.3 Squats and the lower back
	4.2.4 Squats and the knees
	4.2.5 Alternatives to the Squat?
  4.3  How do I do the Classic Deadlift?
    .1  How do I do the Stiff Legged Deadlift?
  4.4  Why are 15-20+ reps best for these exercises?

(5) Miscellaneous
  5.0  HIT vs. Hardgainer
  5.1  What grips are best for the exercises?
  5.2  How and when should I do aerobics?
  5.3  What differences apply for Women?
     .1  Especially for Young Lifters
  5.4  How can I get those 0.5 and 1lb plates?
  5.5  How do I subscribe to HARDGAINER magazine?
     .1  How do I get a copy of "Brawn"?
     .2  How do I get a copy of "The Insider's Tell-All Handbook on
	  Weight-Training Technique"?


Date		Description
----		-----------
12/13/96	Added in information on "The Insider's Tell-All Handbook
		 on Weight-Training Technique"
4/8/97		Grammatical Errors Fixed
4/24/97		Prices changed for Hardgainer, Brawn etc. to
		1997 prices.
6/30/97		More Typographical/Grammatical Errors Fixed - Thanks to
		Mark Odell!
7/17/97 	Yet More Typographical/Grammatical Errors Fixed by Mark
3/11/98		Added in information from PlateMate MICROLOADS  (Sec. 5.4)
		and also Pullum Sports info.
4/21/98		Added small plates information from Nancy Strasser (Sec. 5.5)
		Updated addresses and Phone numbers in Sec. 5.5
		Added "Where can I find this FAQ" section.
11/20/98	Added Piedmont Design Associates Web site (Sec. 5.4)
11/29/99	Removed pricing information.

The authors of this FAQ have no qualifications in Sports Medicine, only
years of working out, and trying different formulas. This is the general
formula they advocate (low sets, high intensity). It is NOT a magic formula
but it does work. The advice given here is based on, and to a degree
excerpted from, that given in the book "Brawn" and the bi-monthly magazine
HARDGAINER, both created by Stuart McRobert. The technique tips are only
that: TIPS. They are not to be interpreted as guides to how to perform those
exercises, just as reminders of what aspects to focus on. Many books are
available which cover exercise technique much better.
"The Insider's Tell-All Handbook on Weight-Training Technique" by Stuart
McRobert (see Section 5.5.3) is one such book.  Naturally when doing
anything described here, _caveat_emptor_ (let the buyer beware; 
i.e. be careful).

This FAQ is mailed every month to the following Newsgroups:


It can also be FTP'd from

On the Web the ONLY site that the authors guarantee to be up to date is: 

If none of these work only then e-mail :

(1) Hardgainers

  1.1  What is a "hardgainer"?
	A Hardgainer is a genetically-typical person (if there is
	such a thing). To be more specific he/she is born with
	no special genetic 'gifts' which enable them to pack on muscle
	mass quickly. Such people cannot gain lots of strength using VOLUME
	training, but a hardgainer can make impressive gains using less
	frequent workouts with considerably less volume.

	Estimates of the percentage of the population who are "hardgainers"
	range from 60% (Steve Holman, in his book "The Home Gym Handbook"
	from Ironman Publications) to 95% (Some writers in HARDGAINER
	magazine). The authors of this FAQ believe this percentage to be
	at least 85%. On this percentage, maybe we should call ourselves
	NORMALgainers? :-)

	We grant that some people (the lucky few?) can make great gains
 	training 4-6 days per week using split routines and lots of hours
	in the gym as the pros do. However these people are in the minority,
	and hardgainers who use these routines will only overtrain,
	_perhaps_ making decent gains at first, but quickly reaching a
	frustrating plateau.

  1.2  Am I a hardgainer?
	This is a tough question. Some decisions on "hardgainer-ness" depend
	on physical measurements such as wrist/ankle-size etc.
 	But if you find it impossible to add some poundage regularly to each
	of your exercises every week or two using a "conventional/popular"
	training program (one that has you training with the weights more
 	than three days a week), then it is highly likely that you are
	As a hard gainer, your tolerance to exercise is much less than that of
 	an easy gainer, so what the latter can gain on will just wear you down
	and out. For sure you will be much better off doing fewer exercises and
	sets and training less often.

	So the question of being a hardgainer is very much a side issue. The
	core question is whether the "Hardgainer Method" would work better
	than current "popular" methods. The answer is an emphatic YES, in
	a large majority of cases; especially if you follow the guidelines
	laid out below as much as you can.

  1.3  What is overtraining / How do I know if I am overtraining?
	Overtraining occurs when you train your body beyond its ability to
	recover (its so-called recovery-ability). If your body cannot recover
	from the last workout then it will be unable to adapt and unable to

	Symptoms of overtraining include:
	(i)   A higher-than-normal resting pulse
	(ii)  Illnesses become more frequent and last longer than usual
	(iii) Muscle spasms while resting e.g. eyelid twitch etc.
	(iv)  Shaky hands
	(v)   Loss of Sleep
	(vi)  Loss of appetite
	(vii) Unexpected and unexplained fatigue
	(viii) Unintended weight loss
	(ix) very slow or non-existent gains in exercise poundages in the
	     gym; i.e. static poundages or poundages that are only a few pounds
	     more than you were using months ago. In extreme cases, overtraining
	     can lead to a loss of strength and the use of reduced poundages.

	Solution: If you are overtraining on your current routine, then
	cut back on workout-days per week, and exercises and number of
	sets used. Best of all give "The Hardgainer Method" a shot for 6-8
	weeks just to see what you are missing. In most cases the person
	who tries this for the first time will experience a rapid gain in
	strength and muscle mass, along with an increase in energy. The
	method is outlined below in Section 2.

  1.4  What kind of results/gains can a Hardgainer expect?
 	A common experience when an overtrained person switches to a hardgainer-
	style workout, is for rapid gains initially (4-8 weeks). This would
	mean being able to add 5-10 lbs on the 'big basic' exercises (Squat,
	Deadlift, Rows, Bench Press etc.) each week, along with 2-5lb
	increases on the smaller exercises such as the Arm Curl etc.

		After this period the gains slow down to 1-2lbs poundage
 	increase each week for a further 4-8 weeks, after which the gains
	stop. It is here where we apply 'intensity cycling' (see Section 3).
	Basically this involves working on lighter weights (80-95% of
	your best poundages) for 3-4 weeks without going to failure so as
	to allow your body to recover. It also prepares your body for further
	gains of 2-5lbs each week in the next cycle.

		Writers for the magazine HARDGAINER (such as Stuart
	McRobert) believe that an _advanced_ hardgainer can reach (and surpass)
	300lbs in the bench, 400lbs in the Squat, and 500lbs in the classic
	style deadlift a.k.a the bent-legged deadlift, at LEAST for single
	reps. This is called the 300-400-500 level. Many of the writers for
	HARDGAINER (commonly abbreviated to just HG) are much stronger than
	this level, for example in 1992 Stuart McRobert deadlifted 400lbs
	for 20 reps!

		However, these goals are NOT unconditional: they are based upon
 	an advanced hardgainer, who did not start too late in life and who
	has no serious structural or injury limitation, who trains diligently
	and very seriously for several years.

 		In other words, being a hardgainer does not mean being
 	unable to get extraordinarily strong; it just means having to work out
	in a different way to get to this level.

	Since Frank started doing Hardgainer-style workouts over two years ago
	here's the progress he made:

			March 92	February 95
	Deadlift	100x10		307x15/335x8
	SL Deadlift	50x10		243x9
	Shoulder Press  77x8		143x6/90x20/160x1
	Pulldowns	110x8		198x8/220x3
	Leg Press	260x10		400x35
	Squat		100x10		209x15  (I only began to do this lift
						 again in the last year)

	BTW, by March 92 he had already done two years of more-conventional
	workouts, so he was no beginner and he had used up all of his

  1.5  What costs are involved?
	With the hardgainer method, there are
		NO supplements you have to buy/take
		NO special pieces of equipment to buy
		NO gimmicks
	You don't even have to subscribe to HARDGAINER magazine for
	any extra 'secrets'. The program is simple!
	In fact you don't have to spend ONE $. ALL you need is a barbell,
	weights to put on it, and some effort (in the gym).

	BUT (there's always a but) you won't get to the 300-400-500 level
	in weeks or months. It will take years of hard work on the big
	basic exercises with lots of cycles and small poundage increments
	to your exercises to get there.

	It's not easy (it takes effort in the gym, and patience);
	it's not advertised with a lot of snazzy over-the-top claims like
	Cybergenics[tm] is; and there are no drug-supported bodies promoting it
	like there are for some other products in the field (though they don't
	mention their drug use), but the hardgainer method is cheap and
	very simple. It works for lots of people to get them VERY strong
	and well-built without having to despair and resort to "chemical help".

(2) The Hardgainer Method of training

  2.1  What exercises should I do?
	  The emphasis on "balance", "proportion", and "symmetry"
	for the beginning bodybuilder or hardgainer almost always results
	in less than satisfactory gains being made. The goal ought to
	be safely building some muscle mass; then when one is able to
	move some impressive weight, one can work on the sculpting
	and detailing that comes from doing isolation exercises. To
	build some size and strength one should work hard over a
	period of years on *basic compound exercises*.

	  Though the basic compound exercises are certainly the
	emphasis of this program, there can be additions of small-muscle
	exercises like barbell curls and calf raises. Injury-preventing
	exercises for the rotator cuff as well as grip work can also be
	valuable, even necessary as one surpasses 200 Lbs in the Bench
	Press and 300 Lbs in the deadlift for more than 10-15 reps.

  2.2.1  What are the basic movements?
    The basic movements are:
	Bench Presses
	Overhead Presses
	Rows and Pull-Ups
	Bar Dips

	(Each exercise must be performed with good biomechanics and not on
 	 an injured or otherwise structurally-limited body.)

 	Obviously, there are many variations on the above exercises;
	they can and should be used for variety from cycle to cycle.
	For example, one cycle could be centered on the back squat
	while utilizing incline bench presses. The next cycle could be
	based on the classic deadlift and use the regular bench press.
	Weighted dips can substitute for close-grip bench presses, and
	supinated pull-ups could substitute for biceps curls and pull-

	There is no rule to have to use barbells or machines: Use what
	works; i.e. it adds muscle and helps you get stronger.

	Other exercises to take beyond one's limits by progressive
	poundage are: Weighted Abdominal work with an emphasis on
	spinal flexion instead of hip flexion, Bent-over Rows, One Arm
	Dumbbell Rows, Leg Presses and Standing Calf Raises, and Medium
	or Parallel Grip Pull-Downs.

	If you have a movement that you like, and get results from, do
 	it, but do it within the hardgainer philosophy of fewer sets, fewer
 	exercises, and fewer workouts with intense effort and progressive

  2.2.2  What movements can be ignored and why?
	The following movements can be ignored for the following reasons:

	EXERCISE: The Good Morning Exercise
 	Given the Deadlift, Stiff Legged Deadlift and hyperextension exercises,
	which all hit the lower back very effectively when done safely,
	this exercise can be left from your schedule because it is
	hard to do and can be very strenuous on the lower back, in
	a dangerous manner. With the DL and SLD, when failure
	is reached it is easy to place the bar on the ground and stop the
	set whereas in the 'good morning' a lot of harmful stress can
	be placed on the neck and lumbar region.

	EXERCISE: Rear deltoid
	REASON: As Dr. Ken E. Leistner says: you can concentrate on
	your rear delt when you are 220lbs of rock-hard muscle.
	Before that you should concentrate on increasing your overall
	deltoid size using presses, benches, and back exercises such
	as the row which involve the rear deltoid in order to
	bring the arm back.

	EXERCISE: Pulldowns with palms facing away (as opposed to
	the classic chinning grip with palms toward you).
	REASON: In this grip, the biceps are placed in a weak
	position where full flexion cannot be achieved; this will
	translate to being able to use less weight and thus
	not being able to hit the back as heavy and hard.
	The traditional grip provides a more efficient and
	effective method.

	EXERCISE: Upright Rows
	REASON: With very heavy weights this exercise can easily
 	hurt your shoulders and/or elbows. The shrug is a much
	more effective and safer way to hit the traps.

	Other exercises which can be avoided since they
	are not the large compound movements suggested by
	the Hardgainer method of training include chest flyes,
	leg extensions, leg curls, lateral shoulder raises etc.

  2.3.1  How often should I work out?
 	Training each lift in the all-out effort that comes at the end
	of a cycle would very quickly result in overtraining for most
	normalgainers if it were attempted three times a week. Training
	each movement once a week while dividing all the exercises into
	three separate workouts can be productive, but better still would
	be to divide all movements into two separate workouts with several
 	days for recovery in-between. For the confirmed hardgainer, or at
	the end of a heavy Deadlift or Squat cycle, working an exercise
	twice in three weeks may be required for full recovery.

 	Muscles grow in-between workouts after being stimulated by a
	specific exercise. What good does it do to perform an exercise
	when not fully recovered from a previous session? Showing up in the
	gym because one has become "habituated" to bodybuilding has to be
	completely thrown out.

	A good rule of thumb for the hardgainer is never to train while still
	feeling systemically tired. Have one day completely free of
	systemic fatigue before training again. While it is still possible to
	have some local soreness from, say, Monday's Squat workout, you may
	be systemically fine and raring to go for Friday's deadlift session.

	"When in doubt do less, not more."

     .2  How many sets and reps are required?
	The answer to this question can vary from person to person and
	certainly changes within the span of a cycle. First, if you know
	that you benefit from high reps, low reps, or medium reps, use what
	works, but cut your total workload per session to no more than 10
	total work (heavy) sets if you use low to medium reps. Do 8 or
	fewer work sets if you use high reps. All of this also depends on
	how heavy (intense) the work is. The more intense the workout, the
	fewer sets that can be done productively.

	*When in doubt do less, not more*

	There are certain exercises that seem to work best when performed
	with high reps; the Squat and the Deadlift fall in this category with
	hardgainers getting excellent results with 15 to 20 reps. Training
 	these two "giant" movements with high reps allows one safely to
	correct problems with form early in a cycle that might occur, without
	risking life and limb under a super-heavy bar.  However, others
 	prefer low-rep work, not only because it can be easier to do, but
	because it can be darn effective in its own right.

	There is no rule on the exact number of sets and reps to use. But
	try for low volume (10-30 work sets A WEEK) over a few (4-8

  2.4  What equipment is required?
	With just a barbell, a bench, a safety stand for squatting and
	an overhead bar for pull-ups, a hardgainer can get great results.
	Other equipment, like a good leg press machine or even Nautilus
	equipment, can be used for compound movements as long as
	progressive poundage and abbreviated routines are adhered to. At
	least one noted hardgainer trains the squat with no stand at all;
	he cleans and presses the bar to start, then presses it again after
	completing 15-20 slow reps!

   2.5  What does an example Hardgainer workout look like?
	The 'classic' hardgainer workout is a full-body workout done
	at most twice a week, and in some cases once every 4-5 days.
	The routine might look something like this:

	10-20 minute whole body warmup used beforehand to get the body
	thoroughly warmed-up (use stationary bike or calisthenics etc.).

		Squat           2x20       (or Deadlift(DL) )
		Stiff Leg DL    1x10       (don't do this if doing DL)
		Bench Press     2x6        (or Dumbbell press / dips)
		Dumbbell Rows   2x8        (or barbell rows/chins etc.)
		Shoulder Press  1x6        (or Dumbbell Press etc.)
		Calf Raises     1x15
		Arm Curl        1x6

	Only the WORK sets are shown. 1-3 warmup sets are used. Abs are
	worked for 1-2 sets to absolute failure before & after the workout.
	Doing a whole-body routine infrequently, yields the most recovery time.

	Another abbreviated routine might look like the following:
	Mon                       |Wed                  |Fri
	deadlift 5 x 6            |lat pull-downs 5 x 6 |leg press 1x8,2x12
	incline bench press 5 x 6 |barbell curls 3 x 6  |weighted dips 3x6
	weighted ab work 3 x 12   |calf work 3 x 15     |shoulder press 5x6
				  |side bends 3 x 12    |calf 3x20
	Here warmup sets are shown as the first 2 sets of a 5 set exercise
	and the first set in a 3 set exercise. As the weights increase
	through the cycle, two things can be done to optimize the workload
	to prevent overtraining. The first is to drop 1-3 sets from each
 	exercise, and the second is to eliminate the Wed workout and split its
	exercises between the other days. Finally one might eliminate all
	but the main exercise (deadlift in this case) and one or two others
	in order to squeeze an extra 5-10 pound increase for the focus lift
	out of the cycle.

	A very abbreviated routine might look like this:
	(only work sets shown, 1-2 warmups done prior to these)
		Day 1:  Squat               1x15 (affects whole body, thighs)
			Weighted Pressups   1x6  (Triceps, Pecs, front-delts)
			Arm Curl            1x6  (isolation for biceps)

		Day 2:  Deadlift             1x15 (whole body, back)
			Pulldowns to Front   1x15 (upper back)
			Shoulder Press       1x6  (delts, triceps)

	One or two more warmup sets might be added to each exercise above
	especially near the end of a cycle as the weights are getting very
	heavy. Though this may seem extreme, a cycle like this could easily
	result in a 25-30 lb increase in the poundage of the two focus lifts
	over the one's previous max by the end of a 12 week cycle. This type
	of schedule is also appropriate for the ultra-hardgainer who must
	limit total sets to the minimum.

	There are many exercise routines in "Brawn", some with as many as 7
 	exercises per workout. Some routines in "Brawn" are based on doing ONE
 	exercise in a workout! A maximum of 15 total sets early- to mid-cycle,
	and around 8 total sets at the end of a cycle constitute the
	abbreviated routine. The fewer sets you do, the more weight you'll be
	able to lift, and the better you'll respond. If you get into an
	overtrained state, you are not responding (growing) optimally and you
	may very well regress!

  2.6 What must hardgainers focus on and what can they ignore?
	The emphasis is progressive poundage in basic exercises, cycling
	of intensity, good exercise form, and complete recovery from the
	previous workout before lifting again.

	Progressive poundage means adding an appropriate weight to the bar
	each week. An appropriate weight may be less than the smallest plate
	that your gym makes available. Craig's whole body can adapt to 5lbs per
	week for most of the cycle, while his biceps can handle 2.5lbs per
	week only early in the cycle; later the appropriate weight increment
	for curls is 1 lb or _less_ per week. The less you add, the longer
	you'll keep adding, whilst maintaining good form.

 	Rep-speed arguments are a waste of time. As long as the weight
	is not bounced around, and is in full control, with
	very little abuse of momentum, then use whatever rep
	speed feels comfortable and then do reps until your
	eyes pop out. Basically the authors believe that explosive
	training is not advisable, however super-slow training may
	hold some benefits for some people (but not the majority).

	Make sure to breathe as often as you need to: breathe in
	on the easy part, out on the part that requires most effort.
	You may take several breaths between reps if required.

(3) Intensity Cycling

  3.1  What is Intensity Cycling?
	Intensity cycling basically means 'going easy' on the weights for a
	few weeks (3-5 weeks) so as to allow your body some time to get ready
	for more growth in the future (for a period of 6-12+ weeks).

	Normally what happens when a person starts weight training
	is that there is an initial period of growth (can be rapid in some
	cases) which gradually slows down to a point where you can't add
	1-2lbs on your exercises each week. At this stage, your body (and
	your mind) could use a short break from the brutal hard work. This
	recovery period normally last 3 weeks or more. Of course, you
	still use weights, but you use less weight and don't go to failure.
	Gradually you build back up to your maximums from the last cycle.
	And then you'll find (if you give yourself enough recovery weeks)
	that you can now add a good bit of weight to the bar each week
	(5lbs or more on the big basics, 2lbs or more on the smaller ones)
	to reach new personal bests.

	Of course this cycle too will eventually stop, when the
	gains stop. Then it's time to begin another cycle by doing your
	3+ weeks recovery. Using this method you can make consistent
	gains bit by bit, week by week, which will total up to big gains
	in a relatively short period.

	Bear in mind that 'intensity cycling' is different from
 	'periodization' where you start a routine with relatively-high reps
	(e.g. 12 reps) and after a period of weeks drop the reps by a third,
 	then another third over another few weeks: the idea being to 'shock'
	the muscle by varying the reps and weight used. 'Intensity cycling'
	stays with the same rep scheme throughout the cycle, and also for
	repeated cycles.

	The trouble with training flat-out all the time, is that it always
	ends up in overtraining.

  3.2.1  Why do athletes cycle intensity?
	Today, most professional athletes cycle their intensity. Over the
	past few years, techniques have been found to better the athlete's
	performance, however they take a much higher toll on the body. The
	athlete must also reach PEAK fitness and strength at the right time.
	For both of these reasons, athletes will cycle the intensity of
	their exercise routine.

     .2  Why MUST hardgainers cycle intensity?
			Hardgainers don't have the genetic gifts that
	easy gainers do. Even if they did they should include cycling for
	spurring extra gains when plateaus/stagnation set in. Remember, once
	you have overtrained, you can't bully your way out of it. The only
	solution is to drop your intensity temporarily. Cycling is a planned
	and organized effort to arrange irregular progress into a regular
	progression of 'ups' and 'downs', with each new 'up' or 'down'
	being a little higher than the previous one. After a cycle (of
	12-20 weeks) one should look at having gained 15-20 pounds on the
	bench press, 20-30 pounds on the squat and Deadlift. Maintaining
	this progress for 12-18 months will give you tremendous gains.

  3.3  How do I put a cycle together?
			The easiest way to describe a cycle is to
	go through an example. Say your recent best barbell curl was 100x6
	and your best squat 280x20. Now you REALLY want to get to 110x6 on
	the curl and 300x20 in the Squat. You are feeling burned-out lately
	as the hard part of your cycle has been going on for some time now,
	and the gains have stopped. If you are foolish you might try adding
	a 'shock' 5lbs to the bar each week to get your goals. But being
	burned out, and close to overtraining, all that will happen is that
	the 105lb curl will feel _way_ heavier than 100 and you won't get 5 reps
	-- never mind 6.

			Don't expect to get to 110lbs in a month --
	a few months is what you need. The following cycle considers only the
	first work set of the barbell curl and squat, each done ONE day a week.
	(There are other exercises in the cycle, but they are left out for
 	clarity.) The one to two warmup sets are also omitted from the
	description. One to two work sets are all you need, starting with
	three in the early stage of the cycle and dropping to two and then
	to one as the cycle reaches its hardest. You must NEVER train more
	frequently than you can cope with as far as your energy level and
	recovery-ability are concerned. IF IN DOUBT TRAIN WITH LESS VOLUME

	So here we go, how does the cycle begin:

	First thing is to get well-rested; this means 7-10 days off, no
	weight training and no aerobics. This will give your body a good
	deal of the time it takes to recover after burning out/overtraining.
	Then drop your poundages to 75-85% of maximum and build up from there

			      ARM CURL          SQUAT
	Week 1:                  OFF             OFF
	Week 2:                  85x6           235x20
	Week 3:                  90x6           245x20
	Week 4:                  95x6           255x20
	Week 5:                 100x6           265x20
	Week 6:                 102x6           270x20
	Week 7:                 104x6           275x20
	Week 8:                 106x6           280x20
	Week 9:                 107x6           285x20
	Week 10:                108x6           292x20
	Week 11:                109x6           294x20
	Week 12:                110x6           296x20
	Week 13:              110.5x6           298x20
	Week 14:              111.0x6         300.0x20
	Week 15:              111.5x6         301.5x20
	Week 16:              112.0x6         303.0x20
	Week 17:              112.5x6         304.5x20
	Week 19:              112.5x6         306.0x20

			In the first workout, we cut back to 85% poundages
	for the same reps. Each week we add a little weight to the bar to
	get back to our previous poundages, and then we add some more weight
	each week which become personal bests. Note that the Squat takes
	a lot longer to get back to 100% than the arm curl. This is because
	the Squat is a very brutal exercise to do and in the recovery phase
	adding 20lbs each week (which may only constitute 5-10%) has too
	much of an impact on recovery. If the poundages in the Squat are less,
	then a shorter build-up period of 4-6 weeks may be allowed, but the
	bigger your poundages are, the more recovery time your body needs.

	- A Mini-Cycle
 			Cycles need not be very long. A short-but-successful
	mini-cycle will last for 6-8 workouts. A sticking point is the
	stimulus for a new cycle. Take an EXTRA 4-6 days rest between your
	workouts before starting this new mini-cycle. Cut back all poundages
	to 85%. The first two workouts (85% and 90%) will be comfortable, as
	you stay with your usual reps but with less poundage. The next workout
	at 95% will be more demanding. Then comes 97 1/2%, and then the 100%
	workout that you ended your previous cycle on. This cycle will be
	testing but, so long as you've eaten and rested adequately between
	workouts, it will be successful. Next comes a new personal best, by
	adding 2-5lbs to all your exercises. Now you might want to add an
	extra rest day between workouts to allow more recovery time. This
	continues until you are stuck at the same poundage for the same reps
	for two weeks in a row, then it's time to start another cycle.

  3.4  What happens to a cycle when I get sick?
			Most people get sick at some stage during the year
	and whether it be a cold or flu, or worse, DO NOT work out while
	you are sick. For your own sake (your illness will get worse if your
	body can't pool its resources to fight it if it's trying to recover
	from heavy squatting) and for others' (passing illnesses on in the
	gym is a major NO-NO for obvious reasons).

			But say you are only sick for 1-2 days, then what
	do you do? It's a good idea to start with 5-7 days of complete rest
	to ensure the illness is really gone. Then take 2 weeks to get back
	to your before-illness poundages (one week at 90% and one at 95%).

			If you are sick for longer, or you feel very drained
	or tired after your illness, then take 7-10 days off, and start your
	cycle over again. If you made any gains, then you have new 'easy'
	percentages to calculate. If you were still in the 'recovery' phase,
	then stay with the same percentages when you start over.

  3.5  What are the keys to a cycle?
				Be aware of the big misuses of cycling.
	First and foremost, don't reduce the number of easy workouts so
	you can get back into the hard sessions. This happens a lot
	because people are too greedy, but it only brings the cycle to
	a sudden halt with no gains to show for it. A 40:60 split between
	comfortable and hard workouts is a sound place to start. Adding
	too much poundage or going for too many reps (even with reduced
	poundage) will bring this cycle to a halt too. At the start of a
	cycle you should plan your 'new-ground' increases somewhat.

	e.g., I'll add 5lbs a week to my squat for 4 weeks, keeping my style
	good. Then what usually happens is the gains slow down, so I'll
	drop to 2lb a week increases for 4-5 more weeks, and then 1lb increases
	for 2 more weeks; it's then I usually have to end the cycle. That
	will give me almost 30 lbs on my squat in 10 weeks (using a 14-16 week)

				Obviously, you will have to chop and change
	this somewhat as you can never foresee every eventuality. Try to
	stay with the program as much as possible. But when you feel you
	can't add 5lbs next workout, then DON'T. Always make sure you reach
	your target reps! Don't be greedy by trying to add 5lbs when you can
	really handle 2lbs. You'll only end up with poor style (as the extra
	5lbs will feel like a ton), giving you pseudo-strength and worst of
	all you could possibly get an injury. Stay with increases you can
	handle. 2lbs a week may not seem like much but with 26 such increases
 	in the year (with 26 recovery weeks), you will add 52lbs to an

				Cycling of intensity isn't infallible,
	as it depends on many variables. No cycling system works if you
 	do too much work, do it too frequently, and rep-out to your max
	too early in the cycle. You need to experiment. You will make
	mistakes, but you must learn from them and not repeat them.
	Remember: do whatever gives you the most muscle gains in the least

		** Experiment a bit to find what's best. **

				The two biggest variables involved are
	rest and nutrition. In the recovery phase, you can get by with
	two workouts every seven days. But when you reach the growing phase
	your body will need some more time to grow and adapt. In the first
 	two to three weeks you can stay at two whole-body workouts per week,
	but then as you lose some momentum, you should add an extra day of
	recovery time, working out twice every 8-9 days. Or you could divide up
	the whole-body program whereby each exercise is trained only
	once a week with half the exercises in one session and the other half
	on the other training day. Also try to make sure that
	you get enough sleep. In the growing phase simply getting an extra
	hour's sleep every night can have a great impact on how long
	this growth phase lasts.

				Nutrition is also very important. You won't
	become really big and really strong when you have cola and fries at
	every meal! You must eat nutritious foods. By now most people know
	what these are: Bread, potatoes, lean-meat (fish, chicken) non-fat
	yoghurt etc. etc. Try to keep out as much junk-food as possible.

	For drinks, MILK is the best. It has lots of vitamins in it, and is
	probably the best 'supplement' available. It's cheap and should be
	drunk in fair quantities. Hardgainers should think about drinking
	a litre of milk every day. Full milk would be ideal, but as always
	keep an eye on your waistline, and balance muscle gains against
	some small 'acceptable' fat gains. Low-fat (1% or 2%) or non-fat may
	be more acceptable to those highly-conscious of what they consume.
	Note also, that milk is only good if it agrees with the consumer.
	There are products on sale which can help if you have trouble
	digesting milk (which is most easily handled if drank by itself
	when the stomach is empty).

  3.6  Will I lose muscle mass and strength if I cycle my intensity?
				The answer is NO. Many people
	will want to nay-say this, but one author has used cycling for over
	two years and can honestly say he has never lost any strength during
	the recovery phase of any cycle as is shown by good, consistent gains
	in the corresponding growing phase: in one cycle adding 85lbs to
	the stiff-legged deadlift (to go from 108lbsx10 to 193lbs x10)
	over a period of 12 weeks. The build-up phase of cycling is short
	enough, but gives enough stimulation to keep your muscle from
 	'forgetting' what the 100% feels like.

  3.7  Exercise X is gaining like a demon, but exercise Y has stopped.
	Should I stop my cycle?
				No. If one exercise is gaining a lot, and
	another is not, then stay with the cycle. Try to add 1lb to the
	'sticking' exercise, or even 0.5lbs each week (possibly do the
	'sticking' exercise once every two weeks to allow any other faster-
	gaining exercise to keep on gaining). Pump every cycle for as much
	gain as you can. In the end you may only be able to add 0.5-1.0 lbs
	a week but keep it up and when these gains stop too THEN start over.

  3.8 Specialization Routines
	Many of us have a weak bodypart or set of muscles we would like
	to improve upon. However, until one is 80% of the way to
	becoming advanced (the 300-400-500 level), you should
	concentrate on the Squat, Deadlift, and Bench/Dip poundages.

	If, after that stage, you still want to specialize, the
	key is to decrease work on other exercises -- still going
 	to failure but using fewer sets and reps. Make the weak
	area the first muscle you hit in a workout and try
	2-3 exercises instead of just 1 but keep the volume low.
	Concentrate on increasing weight/reps, but don't
	neglect the squat/deadlift.

(4) Squatting and the Deadlift

  4.0  A word of warning.
	If you have had a serious back injury, get the clearance of a
	sports-oriented chiropractor first before working these lifts.
	Even if you have had any minor back injuries, get a chiropractor's

	NOTE: For many hardgainers, working the squat and the classic
	deadlift may be too hard on the lower back. Try doing the Squat and
	the Stiff-legged deadlift OR the classic Deadlift and use the
 	(horizontal) leg press. Beginners should not try the Stiff legged
 	Deadlift until they have done at least 6 months of weight-lifting
	including the classic DL as the SLD can be dangerous for the
	newcomer if not done right.
	The vertical leg-press is not recommended due to shearing forces
	involved and the problems it sometimes causes in the lower back.

  4.1  Why do I have to use the Squat and/or the Deadlift?
			Well you don't HAVE to use the Squat or Deadlift.
	That is unless you want to get as big as possible as quickly as
	possible. These exercises are the toughest to do, because you
	can really move a lot of weight in them for a lot of reps. This
	is because they use the strongest muscle complexes in the body:
	thighs, gluteals, back structure where 70% of your muscle mass
 	resides. Naturally by inspiring gains here, a 'spill-over' will
	occur in the other exercises such as the bench press, arm curl

			Without these exercises, gains will be possible
	but not near half as quickly as they will be with them. Some
	people will shy away from them because of the intensity of
	effort required (they will also be some of the weaker members
	in the gym compared with those who use the Squat and DL for
	a couple of intense work sets during the week). Next time you
	are in the gym see who does the Squat and the Deadlift(DL) and
	see who doesn't, then compare muscle mass! :-)

  4.2  How do I Squat?
	The key to Squatting is Form. If your form is great then this movement
	will have only benefits. If your form is poor then you will have
	serious injuries.

	The key to getting good form in the squat relies on three things:
	(i) Stretching. This will get you limber enough to get the correct form
	during the movement. The stretching that needs to be done is for
		-Calves   (so no heel support is needed)
		-Hamstrings & Lower Back   (to help keep back straight)
		-Groin   (to help keep a wide stance during squat)

	NOTE: Support under the heels is often required by many people for
	squatting, but this is actually very dangerous on your knees IMHO.
	Flat-footed squatting is also more productive since you aren't as
	shaky on your feet. This still means wearing shoes with a regular

	(ii) Technique:
	Taking the bar in a power rack, place the bar low on the traps.
	Step out from the power rack.

	Using no heel support, with a wideish stance, and head up; 
	lower yourself slowly until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
	In this bottom position, pause momentarily as you DRIVE your feet
	into the ground to get back up. In the bottom position your back
	should be straight but will be slightly bent forward.
	The less the bend forward, the less danger on the back.

	During this ascent - Keep your head up and this will help keep your
	back straight and near upright. Also make a major effort to keep
	your knees from bending in.

	Do this with high reps for best effect (15-20 reps).

	Take 1-2 breaths between the early reps.

	Later as the Squat gets hard try for 3 HUGE breaths (sucked through
	teeth) between reps. Later you will need 10 or more breaths to get
	to 20 reps, but this is the kind of effort that builds serious muscle.

	(iii) Slow Buildup.
	Most people find it difficult to get correct squatting form with their
	current weight as it involves too many factors to get form right
	(head up, knees wide, watch your back etc. etc.). For these reasons and
	for people who are new to squatting I would advise learning the Squat
	from scratch while doing the Leg Press or whatever to keep the Quads

	Start off with _just_ the bar. Practice the Squat twice a week, for
	4-5 sets since the weight is so light. Make a very serious effort
	to get your form right and stretch as outlined above every day to
	get your muscles limber enough.
	Add 5lbs at every workout and keep your form 110% perfect.
	As the weeks pass, you will need fewer sets (2-3 per workout).
	Then the effort to get to 20 reps will become evident, but FORM
	must be the focus still.

	Then drop to squatting once a week when you begin to squat to failure.
	Use a few sets, since the squat can be very brutal if done right for
	high reps and high weight.
	Add at most 2-5lbs a week when squatting to failure (whatever you can
	handle and still keep form perfect).

  4.2.1 Squats and their impact on the Gluteals
	Although the Squat has been criticised for its ability to give some
	people oversized gluteals, this is the case in people who do ONLY the
	squat. By doing the big basics and working the whole body, the gluteals
	will look only a natural part of a muscular body.

 4.2.2 Squats and compression of the spine
	When using very heavy weights (above double bodyweight) certain
	people have reported effects resulting from compression of the
	spine. This can be alleviated to some degree by having strong
	shoulders, traps and and overall back muscles, and by
	performing hanging from a bar by your hands to help alleviate
	any stress. However before reaching double-bodyweight squats this
	should not pose any problem.

  4.2.3 Squats and the lower back
	The lower back is often the first place to be hurt by the Squat when
	it is not done right. Done with perfect form, your lower back will
	not get hurt. However, people with back trouble (OF ANY KIND) should
	see a sports-knowledgeable doctor before trying the Squat as it is
	very tough on the body.

  4.2.4 Squats and the knees
	Some people say the Squat wrecks their knees but in my experience these
	people did one of the following:
		-Using support under the heels.
		-They descended too fast and rebounded at the bottom.
	In the first the knee is put in an awkward position it should never be
	in, and in the second, the force of rebounding is way too much for your
	knees to handle. Done slowly and correctly, you can squat until you
	are 70,80,90 whatever.

	There is some evidence to suggest that even with all these safety
	precautions, squats can cause excessive soreness in this area for
	a few people. Therefore the Deadlift (classic or stiff-legged)
	should become the focus lift.

  4.2.5 Alternatives to the Squat?
	If you can squat you MUST squat! It is THE exercise to build muscle,
	not just in the lower body but which promotes growth elsewhere too.
	The Classic Deadlift is the nearest rival. Do BOTH and you will
	already have the foundation for one heck of a program.

	I would advise doing the bar-on-the-traps squat but there are
	some good machines out there.
	However they only come close to the free-weight version and cannot
	surpass its muscle-building capabilities.

	For home trainees you should invest in a power rack, or buy the
	Squat harness that wraps around the waist and keeps the bar between
	the legs called the hip belt. This is advertised in IronMan magazine
	and elsewhere.
	Although not as good as the bar-on-the-traps version it's better
	that not squatting at all, but only if it can be done without a
	board under the heels to minimize the stress on the knees.

  4.3  How do I do the Classic Deadlift (DL / BLDL)?
	Some basic tips:
	(a) Start Position
	- Set yourself up with bent legs, feet close together, bar close
	  to the shins, and head up.
	- In the start position, the back will be bent forward, but will
	- Your arms hang in a straight and vertical line, no bending at
	  the elbow.
	- Your arms will lie outside your legs.

	(b) Lift
	-"Squeeze" the bar off the floor. No Snatching. Simultaneously
	 push with the legs and pull with the back. Keep the pressure on
	 your feet well spread, and off the toes.
	-At the top, straighten up, and shrug the weight back slightly.
	 But do not thrust your hips out.
	-When lowering the weight, don't drop it rapidly, and don't bounce
	 it off the floor. Briefly set the weights down between reps.

	Working the DL, and SLD once a week is enough in the hardest
	parts of your cycle. If you are getting acclimated to these
	exercises, and the weights are light, twice a week may be okay.
	But don't train any of these lifts if your back is sore.

     .1  How do I do the Stiff Legged Deadlift(SLD)?
	Some Basic tips:
	- If the back is not 100% avoid the full range SLD and just stick with
	  doing it to the floor with 45-pound plates on the bar to prevent
	  excessive extension.
	- Don't do the full-range movement until you can touch your knuckles
	  to your toes whilst keeping your knees locked and together.
	  Slowly and progressively increase your flexibility.
	- Use 45- or 35- pound plates whilst standing on the floor until
	  you are flexible enough.
	- When you get sufficiently flexible, the bar should only go so
	  deep that it will touch your shoelaces. You might want to do
	  the exercise from a slightly raised platform to get the required

	The Lift:
	-Initially lift the weight in a BENT-LEGGED DEADLIFT style.
	-Stretch down to the lower position slowly!
		(ankle/shoelace depth at MAX)
	-From the bottom position, smoothly and steadily lift the bar.
	 Don't jerk, twist, bounce or accelerate rapidly. Smoothly up,
	 a short pause at the top, and lower smoothly.
	-Don't try to keep your lower back flat or rigid. Keeping your head
	 up as you pull will avoid excessive rounding of the back.
	-Keep your knees slightly unlocked until your style is good.

	Don't work both exercises SLD & DL hard in the one cycle, focus on
	one at a time.

	*** The Stiff Legged Deadlift is very dangerous if done wrong. If in
	    doubt get a fully-qualified trainer to show you how or start off
	    light with just the bar, and progress slowly, 5lbs per week.

  4.4  Why are 15-20+ reps best for these exercises?
	Lots of weight + Lots of reps = Lots of muscle

	This is only possible with the Deadlift and the Squat.
	There is some evidence that the use of high reps in these
	promotes the release of testosterone, possibly due to the
	huge effort involved mentally and physically to take a
	large weight to 20 reps (squat/dl) in good form.

  4.5  What powerlifting gear will help me in these lifts?
		Unless you are entering competitions, you should
	avoid knee wraps, and the use of a weight-lifting belt which
	protects the back. If your back is prone to injury, avoid these lifts
	as they are very strenuous. But if you squat and you NEED a belt,
	then you should try to improve your squatting technique and
	the belt will become unnecessary. The belt will only impede the
	deep 'abdominal' breathing required to get through a tough squatting
	session. Wearing a belt in the DL may be more acceptable, especially
	for reps less than 6, but if you can use the DL in good style without
	it, drop the belt.


		Wrist straps are OK for the DL and SLD, but as
	with the belt, if you can work without it, do so. If you are competing
	do the DL without gloves to get used to the rigours of the lift,
	but otherwise gloves are okay.

(5) Miscellaneous

  5.0  HIT vs. Hardgainer
	Hardgainer and HIT methods are very similar. HIT concentrates
	somewhat more on INTENSITY, e.g. using drop sets etc.; whereas
	Hardgainer concentrates more on CYCLING intensity and keeping
	the volume even lower than traditional HIT methods.

	The eclectic reader is advised to try both methods and choose
	which one works the best. Sometimes a change between the
	two can be effective also.

  5.1  What grips/stances are recommended for the exercises?
	(*S*) = Spotters highly recommended if you can get them.
		Or else use a power rack.

	Bench Press : The recommended grip is slightly wider
	(*S*)         than shoulder-width (by 1-3 inches on
		      each side). Much wider than this can
		      be dangerous for the rotator cuff.

	Squat : The stance is 40-60 degrees of leg separation.
	(*S*)   That is the angle between your thighs!
		(remember to keep the head up and back straight)

	Deadlift (Classic style/Bent-Legged):
		Feet are close together (heels about 8-12 inches
		apart, toes a bit wider).
		Arms fall straight down to bar (very wide, or
		very narrow grips not recommended).
		As with the squat, keep the head up ALWAYS,
		and keep your back straight. Drive with the legs.

	Deadlift (Stiff-Legged):
		Feet are very close together, and point forward,
		from 6 inches apart to no separation.
		Grip is shoulder width. Ankle depth
		is the maximum depth recommended.

	Pulldowns/Chins: Various grips are recommended.
			 But very-wide grips are not, because of
			 possible problems these grips can cause with
			 the rotator cuff. Anything from
			 3-4 inches wider than shoulder-width to
			 almost-hands-together is fine.

	Shoulder Press: grip the bar just outside shoulder
			width. In the bottom position the forearms
			should be nearly vertical as it places less
			stress on the shoulder joint.

	Arm Curl : Grip the bar with arms parallel i.e. exactly
		   shoulder width apart, maybe altering grip +/- 1inch
		   for variety.

	Close-Grip Bench: Use a shoulder-width grip (or a little less).
	(*S*)             Be very watchful as balance is tough on this one.

  5.2  How and when should I do aerobics?
	This will depend on each person, and what their goals are.
	Some aerobic exercise will be beneficial, but too much WILL
	interfere with muscle gains and recovery. Current opinion in
	HARDGAINER recommends 30 minutes of medium-intensity aerobics
	done twice a week, on top of two weights workouts. Naturally
	as we want maximum muscle gains, aerobics should be kept to a
	minimum in the hardest parts of a cycle to encourage maximum
	growth, so NOT doing aerobics is acceptable late in a cycle.

	However, as one gets older, aerobics becomes more important.
	After 35 years of age aerobic work should be included, increasing
	in emphasis as one gets older, but NOT ignoring the weight-lifting
	aspect and its myriad benefits too.

  5.3  What differences apply for Women?
	All goals, exercises, sets and reps apply for women too.
	However, the increments may be smaller and so the goals
	need not be attained for a woman to become as 'advanced'.
	A 200lb bench press, 250-300lb squat and 300-350lb Deadlift
	for singles would undeniably be very strong for a woman.

  5.3.1 Especially for Young Lifters
	The key question here is when should teenagers begin to lift?

	The authors have no medical qualifications, but from reading
	we have uncovered the following general advice:

	Before 12 years of age, general cardiovascular work is the
	most kids should be asked to do e.g. running, playing, jumping etc.
	Lifting weights should be avoided, but use of bodyweight resistance
	in pushups (with feet/knees on ground), assisted chin-ups, and
	no-weight squats can be useful in building some strength.

	For 12-16 year olds, some weightlifting with dumbbells and light
	barbells can increase strength and muscle mass. Emphasis should NOT
	be on the weight being lifted, but on form, with high reps.
	Working out to failure may NOT be a good idea. A 30:70 ratio
	of weights and cardio work is advisable.

	For 16-18 year olds, more weight can be added and built upon.
	A 50-50 mix of weights and cardio is about right.

  5.4   Where can I get those little 0.5 and 1lb plates?
	In the US:
	You can order 125-gram, 250-gram, and 500-gram discs from
	MAV-RIK at (213) 257-9139, 

	and 250-gram and 500-gram discs from 
	Piedmont Design Associates 
	104 Bangor Street,
	Mauldin, SC 29662, USA


	MAV-RIK's address is:
	Bob Hise c/o MAV-RIK Barbell
	3602 Eagle Rock Blvd.
	Los Angeles, CA 90065

	 they now have an 800 number : 1-800-328-8762

	You can also try:
	MICROLOADS by PlateMate for magnetic weight plates 
	of 1.25lbs - call 1-800-877-3322 or +207-633-5912
	from outside the US.
	Write to:
	   Benoit Built, 4 Factory Cove Rd., Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538, USA

	Dynamic Fitness Equipment, Inc. (734-425-2862) 
	They distribute Eleiko 
	weights in the U.S. - Olympic plates only
	250 and 500 gm plates (Courtesy of

	Home Gym Warehouse
	1-800-447-0008 ext 1
	Advertises 1 1/4 lb standard and olympic plates for 60 cents 
	a lb (Courtesy of

	I have recent reports that Pullum Sports may have moved to

	Pullum Sports, 58/59 High Street, Tring, Herts HP23 5AG, England 

	OLD address:45 New Bedford Rd., Luton LU1 1SE, England

	Tel:01442 827975
	Fax:01442 891268

  5.5  How do I subscribe to HARDGAINER magazine ?
	FOR A TRIAL COPY OF HARDGAINER write to the same address
	below and get THE best training magazine: Few advertisements,
	great articles and the best advice for the genetically-typical

	From the magazine itself:

	"Hardgainer is the most instruction-dense and hype-free training
	 magazine on the market today, providing more practical and
	 results-producing advice for drug-free bodybuilders and strength
	 trainees than is available in any other magazine. It's crammed with
	 practical advice and nuggets of wisdom to lead you to training

	 Here is some of what to expect from Hardgainer. You will get the
	 undiluted truth - no exaggerated and unrealistic claims filled with
	 puffery. What we say may not always sit easy with you. But you can
	 count on one thing, it will be frank and down-to-earth. As the title
	 implies, we speak to the hard-gaining, typical individual. People like
	 you. But average potential does not have to mean average achievements.
	 In fact, an impressive physique and a terrific level of strength are
	 well within your reach. The key, though, is in the right approach.
	 That's what Hardgainer is all about."


	 To Subscribe:

	Mail to: HARDGAINER, P.O. Box 390, CY-2151, Nicosia, Cyprus.
	or PHONE:
	Tel -Dialing code for Cyprus + 357 233 3069
	Fax -Dialing code for Cyprus + 357 233 2018

	 Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your first issue.

	Please check with the publisher for the correct price.

	For faster service for new subscribers in _North America_ only,
	order from
		CS Publishing Ltd., P.O. Box 1002, Connell, WA 99326

		Telephone (509) 234-0362
		FAX (509) 234-0601


     .1  How do I get a copy of "Brawn"?
	"Brawn" is 230 Pages long, with 14 chapters, and is thread-stitched.
	Allow 3-5 weeks for delivery.

	Please check with the publisher for the correct price.

	Order from CS Publishing Ltd., P.O. Box 390, CY-2151, Nicosia, Cyprus.

	Telephone + 357 233 3069
	FAX 	 +  357-233-2018

	US residents could also try:
	Angel's Camp Mercantile of Angel's Camp, California.
		   (800) 496 8734  or
	California (209) 736 4502

	A softcover edition of "Brawn" can also be got from the US
	address above.

	For more information, point your Web browser to:


	.2 How do I get a copy of "The Insider's Tell-All Handbook on
						Weight-Training Technique"?
	(excerpted from Hardgainer Magazine)

	 For your training to be successful, and not cause injuries, you must
	  use excellent exercise technique. But very few trainees know what good
	  form is, let alone what sound practice is. In step by step detail, the
	  216 pages and 244 photos in Stuart McRobert's new book will teach you
	  exactly how to use excellent exercise technique.

	 You will learn precisely how to perform the following 48 exercises
	  with excellent technique:

	Squat 				Deadlift
	Trap bar(tm) Deadlift 		Partial Deadlift
	Stiff-legged Deadlift 		Sumo Deadlift
	Leg Press 			Bench Press
	Dumbbell Bench Press 		Parallel Bar Dip
	Pulldown			Grip Machine Training
	Machine Pullover		Prone Row
	Press 				Calf Raise Variations
	Overhead Lockout		Side Bend
	Incline Bench Press		Bench Shrug
	Incline Shrug			Modified Straddle Handle Lift
	Calf Machine 			Shrug
	Breathing Pullover		Hypertension Dumbbell Press
	Standing Shrug			Reverse Hyper
	Overhead Pulley Crunch		Cable Row
	Crunch Sit-up			Reverse Crunch
	Decline Bench Press		Close Grip Bench Press
	Pushdown 			Pull-Up/Chin
	Wrist Roller Training		Barbell Curl
	Dumbbell Curls			Supinating Curl
	Dumbbell Roll			Finger Extensions
	Lever Bar Work			Radar Chest Pull
	Pinch-Grip Lifting 		HardGainer Neck Work
	L-Fly				Thick-Bar Hold

	"No matter whether you are an advanced, intermediate, or novice
	 trainee, this brand-new book will greatly increase your understanding
	 of weight-training technique, the most critical aspect of safe and
	 productive training. Apply what you learn and you will take a giant
	 stride towards achieving your full genetic potential for strength and
	 muscular development, guaranteed. If this isn't the most helpful and 
	 practical guide on weight-training technique that you have ever read,
	 return it for a full refund.

	 This book offers the key to your training success. For no-nonsense
	 coaching on exercise technique, refer to it again and again. Where you
	 are a hard-core bodybuilder or fitness trainee, male or female,
	 beginner or very advanced, young or not so young, hard gainer or easy
	 gainer, or prefer to train in a home gym or commercial gym, this book
	 is for you. Apply what you learn and success will follow. "

	Please check with the publisher for the correct price.

	This book is only available from the Cyprus address above.

	Allow 3-5 weeks for delivery.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM