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We bought a Labrador puppy 3 months ago. He was 10 weeks...

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Question by Doreen
Submitted on 9/20/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Labrador Retrievers Breed-FAQ
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We bought a Labrador puppy 3 months ago.  He was 10 weeks old when we got him.  We took him to puppy training & he finished at the top of his class although at times he had to be separated from the other dogs because he was so distracted.  We got him so we could keep our other dog, an American Eskimo, company.  He now is in the distructive stage.  He had completely demolished out water pond.  He chewed the filter, ripped the chord apart & had thrown all over our yard.  Everyday now there is something that is destroyed.  Now he is chewing & tearing the patio furniture.  We are thinking of getting rid of him.  Unfortunately I have grown so attached to him I would like that to be my last resort.  What can I do?  He is a 5 1/2 month old yellow lab.

Answer by briqdog
Submitted on 9/23/2003
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I take it you are not crate training.  You can look up a lot of information on the web about crate-training that is very helpful.  It is good for the pup and good for your belongings. A young pup shouldn't be left unsupervised, and crating also gives him a special safe-place of his own.  Good luck.


Answer by ddandkat@msn.com
Submitted on 9/25/2003
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hi i just got a 12 old lab male ,and i have a rottie male and a Aussie female.your lab is doing what labs do.you really need a crate for u and for the lab.i have trained my lad and hes doing great.you need plenty of chew toys and labs love there family and bond strongly so it is so important to keep with the training but keep it short.i do mine while he is playing and that works for me.they need to be with there people as much as with dogs.mine are inside dogs also.so many people get labs and don`t do there home work on the breed.hope things work out for u and try to get a book on the breed so that u understand the pup.dd


Answer by Jamie
Submitted on 11/13/2003
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He is obviously not getting enough attention! Also I pity anyone who would get rid of a wonderful dog just because THEY don't have the time to spend with them or train them! You need to:
1. Spend more time with him playing and showing him what he SHOULD be chewing.
2. Watch him and reprimand loudly when he is getting into something he shouldn't.
3. buy him some toys! dogs that have toys that they know are theirs to chew and destroy don't need to chew up other items!


Answer by Jessica
Submitted on 12/2/2003
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I have also recently gotten a lab puppy at 8 weeks old.  When I first brought him home he was wonderful.  He seemed to be responding well to the whole house breaking idea, but then he just seemed to retaliate by biting and chewing and just seemed to have forgotten everything we had trained him.  I noticed over that period of time I had been home a lot more around the holiday and was hardly crate training him anymore.  So we started to again crate train, and things have gotten a lot better.  Lab puppy's can be quite destructive!!  :)  


Answer by Heather
Submitted on 12/12/2003
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Labs definitely benefit from crate training and kennel training.  Never leave a young dog unattended where they can destroy things- this only teaches them that it is okay to do so.  I crate my 10 month old at night and during feeding time and also leave him in an outdoor kennel when I go to work (chain link 5x10, covered with a dog house).  It also helps to give them an active job, even if it is a 10 minute game of fetch 3 times a day.  Play sessions with other dogs are also a wonderful thing to socialize and burn off excess energy.  Labs are less destructive if they are being trained and actively associating with their people.  Another suggestion is a large toy box.  Ours has TONS of toys including- fleece balls, rope toys, kongs, roarhide bones, knuckle bones, chew hooves, etc.  He gets out 15 different toys a night, always chews on his own stuff and rotates when he gets bored.  To date, the only destruction I've had was one wooden scrabble tile- my fault!  We also hide things in the house- pig ears, natural bones, stuffed kongs and let him hunt them out with his nose.  Keeps him happy and busy.  If there is anything else I can suggest, let me know! misslarsen@teacher.com


Answer by Bob
Submitted on 1/11/2004
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6mo.old golden lad puppy urniates when we have people over. he does this only when he sees them then he is ok. will this stop or is there some way to break him of this


Answer by Kent
Submitted on 2/6/2004
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I have had a Labrador in the past and I now have a 10 week old lab pup.  Neither of them had the problem that you mentioned but It is  called "submissive urination."  The most important thing to know about treating this condition is to NOT give ANY attention to a pup when he does this or reward this or any type of submissive behavior (i.e. petting/comforting) or you will make matters worse by reinforcing this incorrect behavior. Only give him attention when he is standing or sitting, not when he is lying on his side (that would further encourage the submissive behavior).  Take him for walks in populated areas.  Eventually he will learn that he is not the focus of attention and will overcome hi being so submissive.  He should sit for people to be able to greet him.Take along a favorite toy or treat to help him stay focused on sitting and to ignore the people.  Do not let him see you clean up any "accidents."  Ignoring him as much as possible after you toss him a distraction will help also.  Finally, leave a toy or treat outside the front door so that any visitors that come over can immediately, upon seeing your lab, gently toss it to him, aiming just ahead of him and off to one side so that he changes direction slightly to go to it.  Obviously, you will have to discuss this with friends or family before they arrive.  DO NOT assume that your Labrador puppy will outgrow this without your intervention.  But, if you work at it to change his submissive behavior you will be doing him and you an enormous favor.  One last thing:  He is a "yellow" Labrador.  There are only three colors for the Labrador retriever: black, yellow, and chocolate.  Good luck!


Answer by clyde
Submitted on 4/9/2004
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hi, you defenitely have the same problem i had about 3 weeks ago. i got red of it by going to my local pet shop and both him a piece of plastic that would sapport his teeth not to biath


Answer by elaine
Submitted on 4/10/2004
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evry time you cath him bite something grab his penies and mack him start crawling on the floor with pain so he would know he did rong.


Submitted on 6/2/2004
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Answer by Stephany V
Submitted on 6/21/2004
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First, don't give him away!
Second, buy him toys that he might like to chew on. It should stop.


Answer by runnermuck
Submitted on 6/27/2004
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i have a 17 yo yellow lab, boy, and a 11 month old female yellow lab. they are both wonderful dogs, we have times when the odd plant is dug up or gnawed but this is due to lack of attention (my job starts early-no walk but one later in the day stops it) and by LOTS of training to be the way you want them to be. the reason our 17yo dog is so good is all the training when he was young, it takes about two years hard work but then you reap the years benefit later!


Answer by TaylorBug
Submitted on 7/2/2004
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AHHHHHHHH....I have a 11 week old black lab mix and she is such a cutie but my god... she is just not getting the potty outside thing.  I take her to work and she sleeps all day does her potty ouside and then when she comes home to our other dog and 2 cats she just pees and poops everywhere.  HELP!!!!


Answer by Newdog
Submitted on 8/31/2004
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I think she needs to be in the crate.  They dont eliminate where they eat/sleep so she'll really hold out on eliminating in the crate until she's at her limits.(that is if you keep a clean crate, an unclean one will make her used to a dirty den and undo what she learned in the litter from mama).  Take her outside to eliminate after feedings and about every few hours until she gets it.  This can be a while, especially if you are starting this late.


Answer by fran
Submitted on 9/7/2004
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we have a 9 week old black lab pup and are trying hard to crate train. the problem is at night, she cries excessively even after reprimanded, taping the crate, clapping our hands. after about 30-45 min of crying, barking and scratching we cave. help help help. during the day she spends some time in the crate happy and content but nights are killing us. kids have school and we have work. we have even slept on the living room couches to keep her company,but after two good nights of that she has started crying.


Answer by ddandkat
Submitted on 10/5/2004
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sounds like my pup but he`s 7weeks old and full of him self.he nipping really hard so working with that.still working with potty training.i woulden trade him for the world.he`s a english lab the first one that i have had mine have all been american labs.get a crate first thing.then just keep going to classes and labs do go through crazy times.good luck.dana


Answer by chantal
Submitted on 10/8/2004
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I disagree with Jamie's answer! I just got a lab puppy, I spend all day with him. He's all of my attention, he has tons of chew toys and yet he still wants to chew my couch, and urinate on my floor. I don't agree with crate training. I don't believe that an animal should be in a cage. So if anyone has suggestions on how I can train my puppy without using a cage it would be appreciated!


Answer by MountainFire
Submitted on 10/13/2004
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I have a black lab mix female, 7 months old. She has basic training and is generally well mannered. As soon as she gets out of our fenced yard and sees "freedom" all her training just flies out the window. She won't come when called and won't stay out of other people's yards and has to be chased down and brought back home. Even though we live on a back road and the speed limit is 35 mph, people fly down the road like it's a highway and I'm afraid she'll get hit. She gets lots of exercise regularly so why the sudden energy burst and "deaf ear"??? I know lots of people who have labs and they do not have this problem. What did I do wrong???


Answer by Eliana
Submitted on 11/12/2004
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Leave him totally alone I have a lab just like that!!!


Answer by Holly
Submitted on 12/22/2004
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well 1st of all don't use Elaine's response which is cruel. Give him chew toys. Wen u catch him doing something wrong. Tap him on his nose and in a stern voice point to what he did wrong and say NO. Then put him a small room or a crate and keep him in their for 10 minutes. Hopefully he will realize if he chews something he shouldn't that is the result also don't make any contact with the puppy until he is finished being in the crate. GOOD LUCK.


Answer by sammy
Submitted on 1/5/2005
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yes, definitely grab his penis and drag him to the floor


Answer by Lena
Submitted on 1/8/2005
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The best advice I have for potty training is taking the dog outside EVERY time she wakes up from a nap, gets a drink of water, and eats. When outside, say a command like "GO POTTY" and stay out there until she does. When she gets it right, praise her and treat her like she just won the Pulitzer prize!!  If you catch her do it indoors, Yell NO as loud as you can and scare her.  DO NOT LET HER WATCH YOU CLEAN IT UP! This is satisfying for the dog and reinforces the bad behavior - kind of a "look what I did that made mommy/daddy change their routine!"

If you do not catch her in the act in the house, do not punish.  Just repeat the standing ovations outside when she does listen and "GO POTTY".

I can take my lab out any time of the day, say GO POTTY and he will squeeze out just about anything he can to get praise!  

Good luck!  


Answer by Sam
Submitted on 1/30/2005
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u should crate train him/her.i did to my pup and he is wounderful.Good luck!


Answer by lovedogs
Submitted on 3/23/2005
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I feel sorry for your dog if you have to give him away as its always upsetting leaving your home and the same goes for dogs. On the other hand if you dont have the time or inclination to prevent him from doing something so small as chewing furniture, maybe he would be better off with a new family!


Answer by labby
Submitted on 4/1/2005
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help!!!!!!!!!! my lab wont pee or crap outside!!!


Answer by Doglover
Submitted on 4/19/2005
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Elaine gave the absolute worst answer I have ever heard!  How would you like someone to grab your vagina when you say a bad word or do something wrong?  You don't train a dog by being mean to it, you only teach it to be afraid of you, which causes more problems. Grabbing a dog's penis will not make it behave!


Answer by ringswraith
Submitted on 5/2/2005
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I have an almost 7 month old black lab. I was misinformed about taking him outside (was told not to do it before he completed his shots) so now he is very, very suspicious of strangers. He barks (a lot) at them, but not true aggressive barks- a trainer who visited told me he's fear-aggressive- so I am wondering how do I break him of that way of thinking? Obviously I have to socialize him, but I don't want to have him barking at anyone whom he sees...


Answer by Matta
Submitted on 5/3/2005
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OK, obviously a lot o people don't know what their talking about at all! About that time around its called teething. Cause he/she wants to get rid of its baby teeth. So buy it some toys and bones. And wet a towel and put it in the freezer over night. Give it to him the next day to chew on. It'll help his teeth and he'll love it.


Answer by britt
Submitted on 5/4/2005
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I have an 8 month old Yellow Lab, and he is really adorable......but he just loves to chew EVERYTHING!!!!! He chews his toys.....and anything else that he can get his teeth into!!!!   I need some advice to get him to stop chewing, quick!  


Answer by anoymous
Submitted on 5/11/2005
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i think that you have just not been looking after it and telling it to stop at a very early time.  so you puppy thinks that he can chew all the stuff because he has not grasped that he should not do that.
so if he does it a gain tell him to stop and just keep telling him every time and if he keeps still doing it put him in a room by himself.


Answer by Emma
Submitted on 5/19/2005
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My Labrador is called Beth. She Is 1.She is beautiful she Is very friendly with people and friendly with other Dogs although some Dogs she barks at and others she likes. We have to do training with her but she Is very good when we call her,Sit ,Down,and the rest of the training.

She really loves water,Rain everything buy hear Is a tip, never award bad behavior and never smack your dog

I'm only 13 yrs old and this Is my first Dog


Answer by kvetter
Submitted on 5/19/2005
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I have a one year old lab and he is wonderful.  I think yours can be wonderful too, please don't give up on him!! try:
1.  Showing him what to chew on.
2.  Provide him with training.
3.  ALWAYS leave him chewies, treats and or toys that will occupy him while you are away!  I do this and I think it curbs the temptation to chew and destroy.
4.  Give the pup LOTS of encouragement and treats when he does something right.
5. Depending on how old he is, don't leave him home alone more than 4-5 hours if you can.
6.  Make sure he gets plenty of exercise and that helps too.
To potty train:
take outside once an hour and bring the dog right back in if he doesn't go.  Then praise him big if he does go.  Then he will start to catch on


Answer by kvetter
Submitted on 5/19/2005
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Answer by DogOwner
Submitted on 5/27/2005
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HELP! I have a 12 week of chocolate lab puppy and I'm trying to teach him how to play fetch. He seems to have doggy instincts because when I throw the tennis ball he runs after it, pick it up and then runs back to me. How do I teach him to give it back to me???


Answer by betty
Submitted on 5/30/2005
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I am getting a lab puppy in 8 days


Answer by kzgirrl
Submitted on 6/5/2005
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i have a lab u should just take her outside when u get home.If she goes outside give her                    a treat.


Answer by Sara
Submitted on 8/3/2005
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I just got a labrador retriever/border collie puppy and she is currently 8 weeks old.  Is it too young to be training her to come, sit, stay, etc?  I have been trying to work with her on "come" and am not sure what/how to react when she does not come when asked.  I have read several different answers and am not sure which to believe.  One method says "keep saying it.. do not let her win"  another says "say it once.. if you continuously say it over and over again it is almost like a nagging and eventually the dog will ignore the command or else the dog will need the command several times to listen"  I do not know which advice is best.  How do I react when this happens?  PLEASE HELP ME!


Answer by Susan
Submitted on 8/6/2005
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You guys are all nuts!  Crate training is the answer if you listen to all the experts.  You think it is cruel to leave the dog in the crate while you go to work.  However, time means nothing to the dog while you are away and he/she is asleep in the crate.  Come home and spend 30 minutes of "quality" time with your puppy and the rest is history!!  You will have a dog who has respect for what to chew and what not to chew.  Marrow bones are the answer to a prayer!!  Good luck with yourself--not with your puppy!!!!!


Answer by Chris
Submitted on 8/16/2005
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I'm trying to crate train my new puppy.  He is 8 weeks old.  Is that too soon to crate train?  Also, he cries a lot when we put him in there at night for bed and after we take him potty at night.  We have to go to his crate and talk to him until he calms down enough to fall asleep.  Will he stop crying soon?  How can I be a better owner?


Answer by helpful
Submitted on 9/9/2005
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we're thinking about getting a puppy is anyone selling a labradour or retriever? or something long those lines? plz help me and be near oxfordshire, cheerz :D not voer 250pounds, thanx.


Answer by Katastic
Submitted on 9/9/2005
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Positive reinforcement does wonders with labs. They just want to please you by nature. When you can't be with your pup, put him in his kennel... no matter what. He may whine at first, but he'll come to love it as his home. And you'll be happier with him because he won't be chewing your things behind your back. And when he chews his toys, praise the snot out of him.


Answer by Tabbey
Submitted on 9/28/2005
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we have a 6 mo old chocolate lab and got her when she was around 10 weeks.  we have been attempting to crate and housebreak her this whole time and are still having problems.  Everyone tells me she should circle , whine, sniff (some kind of warning) before she has to go.  And yet I haven't the faintest idea yet what warning she is giving out unless it is ESP lol, as she doesn't do any of those things.  We take her out first thing in the morning last thing at night, after meal times, and every 90-120 minutes.and still have anywhere between 2-5 "accidents" a day.     Our vet says labs house break late, it just  is so frustrating and I am beginning to feel like a failure.  I am home most of the day with her and we play, walk, so she gets plenty of attention, she has tons of toys.  Any ideas, I would appreciate it.  


Answer by Zoe
Submitted on 10/22/2005
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Don't Get Rid of him Buy him Toy's and that will take his mind of your furniture.
I have a Black Lab puppie and He's to Busy with his toy's trust me it work's  


Answer by raspberry
Submitted on 10/31/2005
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me and my sister decided that we would get my dad a chocolate lab puppy fpr christmas, do any of you have any ideas or tips that might help us. we have chosen the pup and will be getting him when he is 11 weeks old on the 23rd of december.


Answer by conor
Submitted on 11/4/2005
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im getting a lab soon and wanna no if theres any good sites anyone can reccomend for training


Answer by me4mydog
Submitted on 11/5/2005
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we have just bought a stunning little black lab and got him yesterday he is 8 weeks very strong (i noticed when he bit my finger when we were playing!) and very healthy the thing is i dont know when he should get his jabs any ideas? x-x-x me4mydog x-x-x


Answer by labwonder
Submitted on 11/9/2005
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how old can a labrador reatriver live?


Answer by concerned
Submitted on 11/10/2005
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this is for the answer given by Elaine...Are you crazy?!! Please tell me that you don't own a dog.


Answer by JoHanna
Submitted on 11/23/2005
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My family and I have a 5 1/2 month old Black Lab and we got him when he was 8 weeks. When we first brought him home, he was great, but as the weeks started going he started going further and further out of our yard and we have just started staying out there with him but he will not listen to Come, or his name. We are not sure if we should use the Electrical Shock collar for him since he is a puppy or put him a chain!??!? HELP!!!!


Answer by bonnieandclyde
Submitted on 11/28/2005
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I had the same problem with my black lab mix. He always obeyed and went outside to do his business until he would get to my boyfriend's house where there is another dog. He would be so distracted playing with the other dog he wouldn't think to go outside. I've found the best way to stop this is to take him out every hour on the hour by himself on a leash. When he goes to the bathroom outside he can come in and play with the other dog. If he doesn't go then he is brought inside and caged for 15 minutes then goes outside to try again. When he finally goes outside he is rewarded by playing with the other dog. For the 1st couple months u will have to do this. Then the puppy will realize that playtime is only allowed when he doesn't potty inside


Answer by Jesy
Submitted on 12/21/2005
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I am having pretty much the same problem as the girl above what do we do???


Answer by pat
Submitted on 1/16/2006
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dont grab a dog by the "penies". you sick pervert.


Answer by Koda Bear
Submitted on 1/27/2006
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We just got a 8 week old chocolate lab, he's been home for 1 week. He's only had 2 potty accidents when I didn't respond to him sniffing at the door. We crate at night for 6 hours inside our bedroom, so he sees me sleeping too, at 3a.m he tries to cry to wake up, but 5 a.m is the time I am training him for, so I sshhh him quietly until he goes back to sleep. I potty walk him at 11 p.m. put a treat in his crate and he goes in,then the alarm goes off 5 a.m. for potty and poop walk. I took two weeks off work to stay home all day with him and train,constantly on him for chewing and potty walks about every 3-4 hours. When he tries to chew anything not aloud, I say no!firmly and put a chew toy in his mouth, pet him and say good dog, it works so far. I am a first time dog owner so I welcome any other training tips anyone has for my active puppy lab. We are also shopping for trainig class to begin when he is 12 weeks any tips?


Answer by Koda Bear
Submitted on 1/28/2006
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We just got a 8 week old chocolate lab, he's been home for 1 week. He's only had 2 potty accidents when I didn't respond to him sniffing at the door. We crate at night for 6 hours inside our bedroom, so he sees me sleeping too, at 3a.m he tries to cry to wake up, but 5 a.m is the time I am training him for, so I sshhh him quietly until he goes back to sleep. I potty walk him at 11 p.m. put a treat in his crate and he goes in,then the alarm goes off 5 a.m. for potty and poop walk. I took two weeks off work to stay home all day with him and train,constantly on him for chewing and potty walks about every 3-4 hours. When he tries to chew anything not aloud, I say no!firmly and put a chew toy in his mouth, pet him and say good dog, it works so far. I am a first time dog owner so I welcome any other training tips anyone has for my active puppy lab. We are also shopping for trainig class to begin when he is 12 weeks any tips?


Answer by dizzzydazey77
Submitted on 1/28/2006
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This is to elaine

"evry time you cath him bite something grab his penies and mack him start crawling on the floor with pain so he would know he did rong."

What are you thinking. He is a baby depends on you would you grab a baby and make them have pain when they did something wrong.  there are so many other ways to correct your animals without smacking, kicking, or abusing you animal.  i would report you and make sure you had no other animals if i seen that it is crule.


Answer by dizzzydazey77
Submitted on 1/28/2006
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This is to elaine

"evry time you cath him bite something grab his penies and mack him start crawling on the floor with pain so he would know he did rong."

What are you thinking. He is a baby depends on you would you grab a baby and make them have pain when they did something wrong.  there are so many other ways to correct your animals without smacking, kicking, or abusing you animal.  i would report you and make sure you had no other animals if i seen that it is crule.


Answer by emz
Submitted on 1/31/2006
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lab puppies are naturally destructive. with males it tends to wear off quicker than females. has all of his adult teeth come in yet? my pup chews a lot cos he is teething. don't get did of him cos of 1 wee thing, try crate training it helps, i do it with copper. i've helped train many dogs especially labs who chew. go to a good bookstore there are loads of helpfull books!


Answer by Linzi
Submitted on 2/1/2006
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I just rescued a lab who I'm told is 1 to 2 years old.  We spent the first 5 days home with him on our vacation to get him acclimated to our home.  I didn't want to crate him all day while I am at work, so I put him in the unfinished basement for the day with his toys.  Today I came home and he had completely demolished the recliner I had down there.  There was stuffing everywhere.  What can I do to make him stop doing this?  Is it inhumane to crate him for the entire day?  I cannot come home on lunch, as I work 40 minutes away from home.  Please help!!


Answer by the end
Submitted on 2/2/2006
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you all got it wrong dogs r not meant 2b kenneled or left chained up or only interacted with as little as 3 games of fetch
look dog was the only animal in the begining that said u no what ill put up with u because i love and jumped back across the parting dived b tween us and animal. if u cant really give the dog a family  than give him up he will love u anyway u r all he needs 4 family 214hrs a day than thers no need 4 lack of play learning and no need 4 kennals and chains and sprays and leashes and zappers sanners gpses4location up ur yeg yag


Answer by Mike
Submitted on 2/2/2006
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Thats what puppies do they are teething at this time and love to chew things.  I have a white lab with some yellow, and he destroyed alot of things the table leg, a window ledge, ect...  but hes just being a dog, train him, getting rid of your dog wont solve the problem, they grow out of this at about 9months when their teeth come out.  i couldn’t imagine getting ride of my dog, he is a family member and a little baby.  Would you get rid of a child if they broke the tv?


Answer by sdw
Submitted on 3/3/2006
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Pups need care like babies !  They will be at least 2 yrs. old before they slow down on the relentless chewing.  Deal with it.  They are worth every minute of it.  No-one ever said it would be a one-way street.  They will always love you, not talk back, and you don't have to pay for college !


Answer by Daisy
Submitted on 4/5/2006
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I just got a 6 week old black lab and I'm trying to train her on the pee pee pad, can anyone help me out with that?????


Answer by Don
Submitted on 4/8/2006
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I've got a 8 week lab.
And she likes chewing on everything too, so you should have a box of chew toys ready for him/her so say if he/she was biting on your shoe pull it away and give he/her a chew toy.(you could also have a box of things he/she is not aloud to chew on put it somwhere so your lab won't find it and just leave the things your lab can't chew or is aloud to out!)


Answer by LIL-T
Submitted on 4/21/2006
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no dont give him away!buy him a bunch of toys
and then just keep/start crate training him.it should stop in a couple of days.


Answer by Charlie
Submitted on 4/25/2006
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I have am going to buy a 10 week old labrador when its become 12 weeks old we will begin to leave it by its self. We have bought a crate and we have aa westie what can i do


Submitted on 5/7/2006
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Answer by Nicole
Submitted on 5/18/2006
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To everyone's problems about there lab being distructive, the best sollution is exercising the dog for 1 to 2 hours a day. I have a chocolate lab and he is great i walk him in the morning for 45 minutes before I leave for school/work, he stays in his kennell all day till I get home and then I take him to the park for 1 and a half hours...we walk/run for about 45 minutes and then we play fetch or other games for the remainder of the time.  Labs are the greatest dogs in the world if they are properly exercised...they like to be active and working.  Getting my chocolate lab "Athena" has been a huge life changing expirience for me because It has helped my become more active and i am now in the greatest shape ive ever been... Doing these things with/for your dog makes them alot happier as well as you and builds a strong bond between the 2 of you. I can almost garuntee the destructive behavior will be gone.


Answer by someone in need
Submitted on 5/22/2006
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I got a new lab puppy for free, we are is forth home and we really want to keep him, we keep trying to give him a chance but he is so bad, he has gotten worse with the cat and bites all the time..we try spraying him, hitting him with a news paper and doing what everyone tells us..i love him to death, but please how can we make him behave?..thanks


Answer by Snigdha
Submitted on 5/31/2006
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Please help!!
my 4 month old yellow Labrador puppy bites a lot  especially me since she is scared of my mom whenever she is scolded she comes and bites me I have tried distracting her with toys but it doesn't work. Please suggest something.


Answer by Shar
Submitted on 6/4/2006
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I just bought a black lab puppy.  I was told at that time that he was 8 weeks old, then I find out later that night after I had bought him and gave him a bath(fleas were terrible on him) and I became very attached to him in just a short time.  I found out that he is really only 4 weeks old.  How old should a black lab puppy be before they are taken from there mother.  Then in my case I had thought that he was 8 weeks old. Should I be given him any milk to see if this will help with the seperation so early on from his mother.  Should the milk be cold or luke worm.  Please tell me what to do.  I am going to get him into see a vet as soon as posslible.  Thank You


Answer by bob
Submitted on 6/5/2006
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dogs are funny looking


Answer by kk
Submitted on 6/7/2006
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you got to send  him to a expressive dog school those are the best, they will show him how to act good


Answer by Smiles
Submitted on 6/7/2006
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hello, i have a chow lab mix. She is 12 weeks old. i crate train her but she seem to pee by the front door, i do though let her out every 30 minutes to go to the bathroom. also when i let her out of the crate in the morning, shes full of play but after I get home in the afternoon and let her out to go pee, she seems to be interested in just laying around. i do try to play but she just walk away. have any suggestions??


Answer by nad
Submitted on 6/16/2006
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my 6 week old lab is jumping up biting and is constantly doing the toilet all over the house i need help


Answer by dont~give~away~try~another~day!
Submitted on 6/24/2006
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don't get rid of him!!!a lab is a lab and acts that way!!!!


Answer by Jill
Submitted on 6/24/2006
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Read, "Marley and Me," it will help explain the labrador retriever!


Answer by 09 pratt
Submitted on 7/6/2006
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yes i have a cholcate lab that is almost 9 weeks old. ye have had him for almost a week, he is house broke. try to keep you lab in the basment or down in a create.


Answer by Subz16
Submitted on 7/7/2006
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Crate training is the key.  My yellow lab is 51/2 months old now and has NEVER been a problem because the breeder and then us crate-trained her right from the start.  When she isn't in the crate, she is constantly supervised. She'll chew up her toys but then that's why they are inexpensive toys and that's because she's teething and we've allowed her to chew on them.

Also about the other problem mentioned here, I agree, it sounds like a case of submissive peeing and I still have that going with my "potty-trained" dog - she gets way too excited when she's been seperated and then re-united with us (even if it has been just 2 hrs!!)


Answer by NickyNick01
Submitted on 7/9/2006
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I have a 2month old blacklab that is destructive,has submissive urination,cries at night,and is aggresive.I used crate training, used a great training book,and spent as much time as I could.He bites and humps everything he sees.I am considering giving him away.What should I do?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????


Answer by pimp
Submitted on 7/29/2006
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I would keep him and just do more training


Answer by Lavanya
Submitted on 7/31/2006
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When labs r chewing ya tearing anything in the house , it means they are hungry,ya they want to play ya chew something,first of labs are like that they r homely and playful.At that point of time give them somethings to chew, give them a ball ya chewing sticks, some bones like mutton knee bone they will be going on chewing them.If still this does not work out go to a oat store get some bitter juice and sprinkle on the things which they are chewing and also to its mouth,when it feels bitter it does not like to chew anything.Chewing things like that and also clothes ,sandals it is a bad habit and they should not get used to it.When they are trying to chew wrong things please divert their mind giving them some chewing sticks,toys etc so that your dog should think that he is chewing wrong ones and what u give are the right ones to chew and play. All the above things does not work then send Ur dog to the best trainers.All the Best.


Answer by Raidrfan
Submitted on 8/2/2006
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My Lab is 10 months and has literally ruined all of our dining room furniture by chewing all the legs. He has eaten two rocking chairs and has eaten many of my 2 year old sons Spiderman action figures in which he quickly deposited those in our backyard whole. We are starting to crate him at night and when we are not at home becuase of this behavior we just feel bad when we are gone for hours at a time.


Answer by merra
Submitted on 8/5/2006
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don't worry just give him a little attention thats all he needs. I'm getting Black lab in about two days Ill probably go through the same thing but I'm ready for it, iv been research.


Answer by Leia
Submitted on 8/7/2006
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Please help! I have a 9 week old lab puppy and he is not responding to me at all. My other dog, a shepherd mix, is five and a half and trained quickly and easily when she was a puppy. I cannot find a way to make him get "in sync" with me- he gives me no indicators when he has to go out and continues to bite and chew in spite of his numerous toys.  I am crate training him and he seems to like his crate- but he has no problem urinating or defecating in it and never lets me know when he has to go so that I can take him out. I have been doing positive reinforcement when he uses the bathroom outside, but in spite of the fact that he is responding to it he still has no problem going inside. I am at my wit's end with him and am unsure how to proceed. IO would appreciate any pointers or advice...Thank you!


Answer by Andi
Submitted on 8/7/2006
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we just bought an 8 week 3/4 lab, 1/2 golden retriever! and my 2 yr. old pup is jelous! he usually loves other dogs but is constantly growling at r pup! what should we do!


Answer by Smarter than Elaine
Submitted on 8/9/2006
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DO NOT rpt. DO NOT grab the dog's penis and cause him pain. Besides the obvious risk of having your hand bitten in two, this is cruel and will lead to a fearful and resentful (rightfully so) pet. In my reading and experience, ingnoring him when he does what you don't want him to do and distracting him with toys when he's chewing things he's not supposed to are the two most powerful tools you can use. They take more time, but at least you won't be cruel and heartless with a pup who rightfully hates you. That is the worst advice I have ever heard, Elaine, you can't be serious.


Answer by gaily
Submitted on 8/17/2006
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My oldest lab ate the house, we were at the end of our tehter.We were advised to crate train her, she was 15 months old and we have never looked back.  She loves the crate, its like her safe haven. She has never done anything since and is like a different dog! It worked so well weve now bought a 10 week old choccy lab who shares her crate at night. Its a extra large crate 48" and is plenty big enough for them both.  
Good luck we all know how you feel


Answer by CAPHEN
Submitted on 8/27/2006
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Answer by Dave Peck
Submitted on 9/3/2006
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One of the main reasons your lab is chewing is becuase he is bored do you leave the dog for long periods each day/
Try bringing the dog to a pond or lake and have him retreive a pheasent feather banded to a soap bottle these dogs were bread to hunt not just sitting at home


Answer by jimboid
Submitted on 9/12/2006
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I have a 4 month old chocolte lab puppy. she is constantly biting and i am finding it very difficult to enjoy her company due to this. does anyone have an idea when she will grow out of this biting phase???


Answer by Morgan's Daddy
Submitted on 9/19/2006
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I have a 15 month old yellow lab, and she too had a little trouble when it came to housebreaking. To rid ourselves of the problem we did the following:

A- If we noticed that she was squatting, getting ready to eliminate, simply say "EP! EP!" loud enough to get a reaction from the pup, they should stop. Carry them outside immediately.

B- Pups need to have a routine. When taking your pup out to eliminate, walk in the same path you always do. Start in one area of your yard and move to the other. Notice where the pup eliminates and continue to take him/her there.

C. Positive Reinforcement - Every time the dog goes outside, and goes to the bathroom, give him a small puppy dogbone. You only need to do this for 3 or 4 days and your pup will have it down.

D. Also, try walking the pup on the leash, when they are eliminating, say something like, "Do It" or "Get Busy", the dog will associate the command with the act, and pretty soon you'll be able to control where and when your dog eliminates.

Hope they help! Have fun with your pup!



Answer by keoteach
Submitted on 9/20/2006
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Stick with your lab! I just got my 3rd lab; he is 11weeks old and very active. Needless to say, he was not planned but he needed a home and I LOVE Labs!!! In the household, we have a 3year old black female lab and a 1 year old chocolate female lab. I have never had male labs before and I hear they can be a little harder to train! :-) Both of my female labs went through all the same behaviors - chewing, wild behavior, etc. I started crate training right away (I recommend crate training - 100%) and I found a reputable dog trainer and started puppy training right away. My baby (yellow) starts his training next week, although we have started at home! :-) If you have not taken a formal class, I highly recommend finding one. Both of my other labs are still in training classes - We started with basic obedience and worked up to CGC (Canine Good Citizen) Classes. Both dogs have their CGC certificate. Now...Both labs are in agility, so we participate in agility training classes to compete. I have found with labs, they are so active and they need lots of exercise and training. BUT...The trade off is...If you are willing to put in the time, they are a wonderful dog breed. GOOD LUCK!  


Answer by smiguel
Submitted on 9/24/2006
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I have a 8 week lab that I had for 1 week. She is coming along great I
think, but I just think Im doing somethings wrong or can improve on.

-She is getting used to the potty training. She only pee'sin her
crate when I leave her in there for long periods of time, because of
work (not her fault, I think)

- She sits on command, unless there are other distractions (80% of the time)

- She sits before crossing the street unless I tell her to cross it

- She is learning to sit and stay before strangers pet her or say hi

- She mostly plays with her toys (95% of the time)

Things that Im not sure I am doing right

- She cries alot when I take her for walks. I try to take her to
different places and different routes so she can see as much as
possible. She usually walks on either side of me, almost never ahead
of me, unless in the grass area behind my apartment where I let her be
free a bit and let her explore. The grass area is were I bring out her
rope or ball to let her play, but she chews it for a bit and then
leaves it and tries jumping and snapping my hand. I say no and take
her toy and wait until she settles down from jumping and then throw
her rope or ball for her to grab, but the whole cycle continues.

- As for crate training she does well. However she never goes in by
herself when I tell her its bed time. I have to pick her up and put
her in. She might cry for a bit but then she goes to sleep.

- She is starting to bark for me to open the crate door when I am not
around. I have never opened it when she is crying or barking, Im
actually not in her sight when she does. I wait until I hear silence
for at least 15 seconds before opening the door and then walking away.
My concern is that I live in an apt and don't want my neighbors to
complain. For the first week I slept on the floor beside the crate
(her inside and door closed) and every day moved closer and closer to
the couch, and yesterday was the first day I slept in my bed ...
however she barked majority of the night.

Well I hope you can give me some suggestions if Im doing this right,
because she is the start of my family and want her well trained.


Answer by anita
Submitted on 9/28/2006
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elaine...i hope you were kidding about the penis pulling - that's animal abuse. If you do this to your dog - either stop or give him away.


Answer by bella
Submitted on 10/5/2006
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will i got a 5 1/2 month old he still pee on side ...just after i have brought him out side ...what can i do


Answer by bella
Submitted on 10/5/2006
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will i got a 5 1/2 month old he still pee on side ...just after i have brought him out side ...what can i do


Answer by cindy
Submitted on 10/25/2006
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Just a quick note to elaine:  

I  wonder how you would like someone to grab a sensitive feminine body part of yours and make you crawl along the floor until you cease your stupidity.


Answer by MylabsHunter&Gunner
Submitted on 10/26/2006
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I have an 9 month and 9 week yellow and chocolate lab. The only time they dig is when they are left alone. I pretty much treat them like toddlers untill i feel they can handle the yard on thier own. I knew that this would be the case as i seen my buddies yards after these habits are created from the labs they have. I am not letting them develope these habits but it is a lot of work and time.

BTW hunter got his 1st duck sat morning at 9 months. 2 hrs a day everyday and he is a the best dog i have ever had. They need a job and  to be worked out. Also crate training these dogs is key for the 1st 1-3 years.


Answer by sarah
Submitted on 10/29/2006
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hytrytyhthy5yhtthyhy hyyhythytyuhhtdhgtfhbgtht66666666666666666666666666666666gbvgggggggggggggggggggggngnf gbnnngngf


Answer by Colleen
Submitted on 11/7/2006
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Soup bones (circle shaped with the marrow in the middle) right from the grocery store have always worked for my dogs and they never chewed up anything - so throw that dog a bone!!


Answer by Ryan
Submitted on 11/10/2006
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Hi, I have a lovely yellow lab who is 6 months now and it made me smile reading some of these posts! Been there done that etc. It is as has been said about attention and time, they soon come good if they follow a set regime and know when you are unhappy. My lab, house training aside used to love ripping the wallpaper up. She did this at a friends once in their front room it was so embarrassing! Each time she did it brought a firm smack and they soon learn. Just remain patient and all will be well with these top dogs.


Answer by bharat
Submitted on 11/17/2006
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to make  it shut and  kill the  dog  is  a  easy  one


Answer by dee
Submitted on 11/19/2006
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I have a LAB.  KONG toys work great.  


Answer by MIKE
Submitted on 11/21/2006
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Iv got a lab, was the first ever dog I had, hes now nearly 4 now.  When he was young he would chew everything…. My $200 running shoes, the fence, the window fixtures in the house.  Everything!  But that’s coz their teeth are coming in , they hurt and this helps.. you cant stop it, but you can minimise the damage, by giving him lots of toys…. To you it might be a fountain or an expensive pair of shoes, but to little puppy its just another thing to chew!!!  You have to understand they are so young and a dog! They are little creatures living in a humans world, and don’t understand things, they are only 8 weeks only, an 8 month old baby would have more of a clue.  So hes really a baby and a dog!  When you do disciple him, like hes gone to the toilet inside, DON’T yell at him, or smack him.  Instead, punish the floor, hit the floor, tell of the floor, “naughty floor, bad floor” puppy will soon get the message, the do pick up things well, but attacking them directly for doing what is naturally only would really damage their confidence imo.  Also, he used to bit us a bit with his teeth, I used to hit him a little slaps, but that only made it worse and he got angry & frustrated, hes trying to tell u something and bond, Labradors have the best nature and if something is wrong they are trying to tell u something they don’t have a bad done  in their body… and to consider getting rid of him!?!? No way, they grow out of it,….. would you get rid of your baby if he made a mess?  Hes a family member, you have bought hi ,a nd hes accepted you into the pact, it’s the least you can do!


Answer by JULIE
Submitted on 12/18/2006
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Answer by ghassan
Submitted on 12/27/2006
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hi i want to know im getting a lab in a week and is he gonna be a nice dog and very playfull i want one so bad..


Answer by Cassie
Submitted on 12/27/2006
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I know what you are going through i have a yellow lab also and yeah he was detroying everything i had.I thought about giving him away but he was so good with my children.He'll grow out of that stage...i would love to have another lab puppy because their so smart...If i were you i would give him the chance to grow out of that stage i'm almost sure all puppies go through that stage...but anyways good luck!


Answer by Mallori
Submitted on 1/14/2007
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I only crate now for travel and if I absolutely have to.  Labs really can be put into a baby proved room...(and chew proof it too if you can) and a tall baby gate.  I am always buying squeaky toys and raw hide for my Australian Shepard/boxer mix male.  He is 10 weeks old and has a 4ft square pen I made for in the house.  Winter is now upon us here in Missouri so he doesn't go outside right now.  But if your lab has a room to call his own possibly with a large box wood or otherwise for him to sleep in or destroy which ever he chooses then its better than putting him in a large fenced in yard with valuables in it for him to wreck.


Answer by doggieboy
Submitted on 1/16/2007
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you do need to crate train because I just got a Beagle and crate training has really calmed her down.


Answer by maty445
Submitted on 1/16/2007
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I got a puppie two days ago it is a black lab and it is 8 weeks old it is a female it bites and and pees everywere and we are not aloud to crate train it what do i do


Answer by jazzy
Submitted on 1/19/2007
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my puopvery happy and play full 3stars


Answer by LOI
Submitted on 1/22/2007
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Answer by Rinoa
Submitted on 1/25/2007
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Puppies are a handful but in the end they are there for you!My puppy is very cute and lovable and he is a handful but he's a still a good dog! Good luck with your puppies! :)


Answer by Jesse White
Submitted on 1/27/2007
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Answer by Alex
Submitted on 2/5/2007
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OK, first....Labs are starch intollerant. They have to chew things. ALWAYS! If you are having a problem with them eating things like wood and such, there is a simple solution.  Feed them a bowl of pasta.  This will fix it.  If not, get a "conk shell"  and put peanut butter inside.  This will have them working for hours.  Remember, Labs are extreemly hiper-active and have lots of energy.  Train them to fetch!  Play with them as much as you can just to wear them out.  They will love it and they will spend the time they would have been chewing doing nothing more than sleeping.  


Answer by Alex
Submitted on 2/5/2007
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OK, first....Labs are starch intollerant. They have to chew things. ALWAYS! If you are having a problem with them eating things like wood and such, there is a simple solution.  Feed them a bowl of pasta.  This will fix it.  If not, get a "conk shell"  and put peanut butter inside.  This will have them working for hours.  Remember, Labs are extreemly hiper-active and have lots of energy.  Train them to fetch!  Play with them as much as you can just to wear them out.  They will love it and they will spend the time they would have been chewing doing nothing more than sleeping.  


Answer by Tammy21473
Submitted on 2/14/2007
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I have a 4 month old Golden lab. And she is great durning that day when in or out of the crate . But at night She is getting the runs ( liquid stools)  and doing it in the crate. Now i thought it might be stress. But i tried leaving the tv on and lights on. I tried covering the crate with a blanket. Nothing is working. It just doesn't make sense to me. She is fine durning the day with Hard stool. But at night she is stooling in her crate every 3 hours. HELP


Answer by Shelly
Submitted on 2/27/2007
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I just got an 8 week old chocolate lab puppy.  I have now begun to crate train.  It has only been a week, but the puppy is pretty good about house training.  Take it out every hour on the hour and a half hour after it eats.  The only problem I am still having is in the middle of the night.  I don't know when exactly it is happening but hte puppy is pooping in the crate.  


Answer by Daniel
Submitted on 3/15/2007
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I just got a 1 1/2 month yellow lab, and she´s great. the problem is at night, I just leave her by herself at the laundryroom, with her bed, toys, water, and she cant stand even 3 minutes alone and bark as if she`s dying. I know Im not suppossed to go every time she cries, but she`s waiking EVERYBODY at my house. What should I do?? My family is beginning to get desperate!!! S.O.S.!


Answer by dylan
Submitted on 3/17/2007
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Hi i kno that this is something different but i am 10 years old and i have a black lab i got a week ago.And all it does is hides under our barn it comes out i feed it but it allways goes under when i talk to it,does it miss it's mom?..Could some one help me please..Cause i really want to get to kno her..It is kind of coming around but i can't pet it or get reall close to it.:-(


Answer by jarv69
Submitted on 3/26/2007
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......... i have a 1 year old boxer. He is like ugly but a black lab puppy is reeley cut!


Answer by Christina
Submitted on 3/30/2007
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I have a 2 lab pups. The female one is 4 months and the male one is 2 months. They make potty on the newspapers that r spread out for them but when they go for a walk the dont pee or poop!! How do i train them to go and poop when they go for a walk?? Please help!!


Answer by buttercup
Submitted on 4/2/2007
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i  love  buttercup  it  is  my favorit to  eat


Answer by cheyenne
Submitted on 4/10/2007
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I just got a 8 week old yellow lab and I used a big combination of things to get him trained. First of all, the key is to take him out every hour on the hour when you are home so that he can get the idea when its okay to releave himself. Next, reward with praise, treats, and play time. Also, use a crate for when you are not home. Labs dont like to soil their dens so he will hold it as long as possible. My puppy demands alot of attention, but I still can go about my life if I just pay him quaility attention when I can. Take the puppy on a long walk at least twice a day, feed him 3 times a day and learn the art of timing and watching.


Answer by (K.A.A.L)
Submitted on 4/10/2007
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I love animals especially labradors but see im in school from 7:00 - 15:45 and there is no one to  take care of it during that time...well my mom could but doesnt like dogs so...whatshould i do??????...need answers...


Answer by Randy
Submitted on 4/11/2007
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I've raised Labs and I've raised kids.  There is very little difference.  Lab puppies simply need the attention and training that you would give a child.  Labs want to do the right thing for their owners, you just have to let them know what the right thing is.  Like children, they may have to be told several times before they remember.  They respond to a stern voice, which will work 99% of the time.  Not unlike children, there are rare occassions when you can't seem to get their attention, or the issue is so important, (running into the street, etc) that just the slightest physical discipline is all that's needed to get your point across.  

For those very rare times, I have used a fly-swatter.  Just the slightest tap on the rump, combined with the stern voice will get the pups attention.  With my 10 year old lab, he probably got swatted about three times when he was a puppy and never in the past nine years.  However, to this day when I say "I'll get the fly-swatter" or reach for where it's hanging, he immediately behaves.  And believe me, a 100 lb male lab, could hardly feel the fly-swatter if I did use it.

It's really all about love and respect - give your lab love and respect and you'll get it  back ten-fold.  All puppies, like all children take patience - find the patience, give the love and affection, a little firm guidence when needed and your kids will be doctors and lawyers and your labs will be the best companions you've ever known.  Loose your patience, be stingy with your love and affection, and never provide firm guidence, and your kids will be deliquents, in jail, never move away from home and your lab will eat your shoes, eat your table legs, pee on your oriental carpet, and get every female dog in the neighborhood pregnant


Answer by eitha1
Submitted on 4/12/2007
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WE recently got a Labrador X Shephard puppy at 6wks old.. shes now 9wks and keeping us on ours toes - if shes not busy knawing them off!! We hadnt heard of the whole 'crating' thing but definately going to try it out.. but whats the most effective way to housebreaking because shes just not getting it!!


Answer by JoAnn
Submitted on 4/27/2007
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I'm writing in response to Elaine, who said to "grab the dog by the penis and make him crawl on the floor in pain" (At least I'm assuming that's what was meant because the grammar was so atrocious) WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?? That is a cruel, unnecessary, and utterly ridiculous way to attempt to teach a dog something! It's animal cruelty and you should be thrown in jail, and never allowed near any animal, period.


Answer by mhmm
Submitted on 5/1/2007
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i am surprised no one has mentioned the electric fence yet...it works really well and you can put it just about anywhere. the invisible fence company also makes a portable one to use indoors.


Answer by ronnie
Submitted on 5/3/2007
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well crate train the dog, GEt a small are big enough for the dog,big enough for the dog to turn around. I put do a folded up towel in the back of the area then paper in front, and tows and then food in front of that. all items in a tight boxed area. .. results my doggie will poop/pee in the area is as a last result!. They will give you signals hey I got to go! You must take them out side where they will gladly do their business, Praise them like it the greatest thing in the world!.. Puppies look to empty their bladders as soon as they wake up so after a nap take them straight outside to do their business. You must learn the signs. You have to get with their schedule you know food water on one end and poop pee on the other if it goes in it comes out! ronaldleegrimes.com


Answer by rick
Submitted on 5/4/2007
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yo elaine dont you dare hurt you dog it's barbaric


Answer by erg
Submitted on 5/11/2007
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i love a puppy


Answer by Erin
Submitted on 5/20/2007
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We just got a lab puppy and she is so cute and fluffy but she keeps going on the floor and i don't no what to do we tried to spank it (not to hard), saying no and bad, and not yet the spray bottle but i will tend to that.So if anybody See'sthis please, please say something back because i need HELP!!!


Answer by Snowy'sMom23
Submitted on 5/23/2007
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Labrador is a retreiver.Its an wonderful breed.And I do not agree with your point of seperating from your lab pup.I know its frustrating when he destroy anything and almost everything.Now here's my story.I have a one year old Mongrel.My hubby and I do spend most of the times at work.Couldn't play with him at his childhood for a long time.He used to ruin anything in our house.Sofa cushions,pipe,dresses and so many things.Still We LOVE him.Because He is My Love.He is now so obedient and lovable I can't express.Also few weeks ago I got him a lab pup now 1 month old for company.My lab pup is naughty but he listens.So the morale is:You should scold the pup softly,And the lab pup should obey u.And appreciate and pat yr boy.Together you can make a happy family.ALL the BEST!......


Answer by vanessa
Submitted on 5/28/2007
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Answer by Gracie's Mom
Submitted on 6/5/2007
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I believe Bob's reference to a golden lab, was a golden retriever/lab mix, not a reference to color.

Socialization, as much as you can, take the dog everywhere with you. That is what stopped my dog from urinating when people would pay attention to him or come to the door.


Answer by Catenadine
Submitted on 6/22/2007
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Never stop crate training until the lab is two years old.  It takes that long until they stop chewing because of new teeth and puppy actions.  I LOVE LABS.  :-)


Answer by Banntho25
Submitted on 7/11/2007
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hello I have just purchase a 7 week old Choc. lab.  I wanted to ask if I am doing the right thing.  We don't have a crate but we have a finished out down stairs room that i keep him in when we are sleeping or working.  So far the potty training is going okay but he still has several accidents.  Is there any suggestions out there for me?


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