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my vw jetta dies out when I am driving in the rain or any...

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Question by meg
Submitted on 4/14/2004
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my vw jetta dies out when I am driving in the rain or any moisture is trapped near or around motor,distributor cap replaced??what else can it be??

Answer by Pen
Submitted on 6/1/2004
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Same thing happened with my Jetta a few  years ago.
I can't recall the exact part name, but it was an electrical issue.
My VW dealership fixed it, and I believe it was under $150 to fix.


Answer by me
Submitted on 7/2/2004
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I have a 1997 Jetta GLX and it was the spark plug *wires* that needed to be replaced, and also the electrode generator (?) the thing that's on the side of the engine and handles a lot of electricity had to have a coat of epoxy placed on it as insulation.


Answer by rican
Submitted on 10/10/2004
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I just fixed that problem with my jetta. while driving it just kept bogging down and losing power and would sometimes shut off. we found it to be the BROWN wire thats in the connector leading to the distributor cap, it would short out and cut the power to the plugs thus not giving spark to the gas flow. this wire runs from the distributor cap plug to the ECU so we made a ground to somewhere else and all'sgood now hope it helps.


Answer by civic1999si2001
Submitted on 11/12/2004
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i need to know about A 1986 vw jetta it was stalling wen got warm now it wont stat at all now.      i just replaced the coil,plugs,wires,and cap,rotor. can some one help me


Answer by j town
Submitted on 1/11/2006
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there is a wee Little box right above were the coolent hoses go into the firewall im not sure what it is called but mine had a hairline fracture in it and whenever it was damp it would not start... maybe that is of some help


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