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In what countries is marijuana not legalized yet?

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Question by Cat
Submitted on 4/7/2004
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In what countries is marijuana not legalized yet?

Answer by Sam
Submitted on 5/3/2004
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Answer by Squish
Submitted on 5/4/2004
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Answer by dennisaggrey
Submitted on 5/10/2004
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Answer by Keith
Submitted on 5/30/2004
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Did anyone forget this one..... USA?


Answer by duh
Submitted on 6/1/2004
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everyone except Holland


Answer by no
Submitted on 7/9/2004
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There are NO places left where it is legal to smoke, thanks to AmeriKKKa'sinsane Drug War and International laws and condemnations. It is even illegal in Holland, but tolerated there.

That's the key, where is it tolerated (where you won't get busted)? The answer is many places! There are places in Australia, India, Nepal, Afghanistan, Morocco, etc. In the U.S. I understand California is very laid back about it, especially SF, and places north (the Emerald Triangle, where they grow most of America's best sinsemilla). I'm told Humbolt county is the "phrendliest" place to smokers. The cops there look the other way because without the green economy, the area would be in a bad depression. So there's lots of places where smoking is tolerated.
Things are changing at last in Europe! Several countries have decriminalized possession and use of cannabis including the UK, Portugal and Belgium. In fact in most of western Europe you're only likely to get your stash confiscated or a small fine (as long as you don't have a large quantity). Of course selling cannabis is still very illegal. Just another hypocrisy due to be changed.
By the way if you can make it to Amsterdam, it will be the "high" point of your life!

As far as friendly people goes, they seem to be everywhere except big cities. But I've always found that the poorest people are usually friendliest cause as Janis sang "When you ain't got nothing, you ain't got nothing to lose." I guess most hippies qualify.

Of the places I've traveled, I'd have to say that the New Zealanders and Balinese are the most friendly people I've met. They go way out of their way for strangers.



Answer by Merc
Submitted on 9/7/2004
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wow gg nub it is legal in amsterdam!


Answer by carebear
Submitted on 12/3/2004
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its illegal just about everywhere but in alaska your allowed to grow 10 so you dont get hypthermia or somethin like that but everywhere else its illgeal


Answer by Nick
Submitted on 1/25/2005
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the world just needs to let this prohibition nonsense go and just legalize the plant.
peace and love


Answer by Nick
Submitted on 1/25/2005
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the world just needs to let this prohibition nonsense go and just legalize the plant.
peace and love


Answer by Kandi
Submitted on 1/31/2005
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Has any one said Mexico and Jamacia?


Answer by Redneck
Submitted on 3/8/2005
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i think that Marijuana usages is the stupidest thang there is.


Answer by 3rdSTONE
Submitted on 6/6/2005
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That article from "old hippy" is from '99. The laws have seriously changed since then and several countries have either decriminalized the use of, or at least now tolerate the use of mj....


Answer by Lucy
Submitted on 7/13/2005
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I don't appreciate the "subtle" off spelling of America. The United States is one of the most diverse countries. Besides, I fail to see how that has anything to do with marijuana not being legal here. Anyway, America is not responsible for any other country's decisions regarding cannabis. And you said yourself that not all places here are so conservative. I myself can vouch for California. Heck! I grow pot in my own backyard!  


Answer by Jono
Submitted on 8/10/2005
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I thought it was legal in Amsterdam and Jamaica???


Answer by ME
Submitted on 9/20/2005
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Alaska you idiots!!


Answer by magicbrownies
Submitted on 10/3/2005
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it is def. still available in amsterdam over in europe.  The amsterdam city website has listings of all the smoke shops and ranges of weed you can buy there


Answer by assface
Submitted on 10/13/2005
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amsterdam mexico pretty soon uk also soon


Answer by Jayzn Templar
Submitted on 11/8/2005
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I'm in the air force and i can tell you that in south Korea marijuana use is punished by tens of years in a government jail. Korean jails are no joke. Also, having traveled to japan, i can inform that it is widely discriminated against there. Other than that, i have absolutely no idea where its okay to smoke, but I'mheaded to Germany next, so we'll see about that Amsterdam myth. I'm looking for a tolerant place to retire so if anybody has any hints, hit me at jayznknight@yahoo.com


Answer by Jonathan
Submitted on 11/27/2005
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Answer by Eric
Submitted on 12/6/2005
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Marijuana, Hash, and Mushrooms are in fact legal in The Netherlands.  Just about every other drug is tolerated there as well, but marijuana, hash, and mushrooms are definitely  100% legal.


Answer by rick james
Submitted on 12/14/2005
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every were


Answer by Cannabis
Submitted on 1/9/2006
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Amsterdam, canada, moracco, lebanon, ...?


Answer by billy bob
Submitted on 1/9/2006
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Answer by thripper
Submitted on 1/19/2006
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Answer by justin
Submitted on 2/20/2006
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Columbia under an ounce of any drug is legal but selling and dealing is still illegal


Answer by ellisdee
Submitted on 3/21/2006
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Dominican Republic, thanks for U.S ass kissing politicians


Answer by 420
Submitted on 3/22/2006
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whats everyone doing for 4/20/06?????


Answer by Joker
Submitted on 5/9/2006
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Mexico has recently allowed a personal 4 grams of marijuana legal. So you could smoke there.


Answer by Matt
Submitted on 5/22/2006
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Its legal in Ontario,Canada now...


Answer by bang bang your dead
Submitted on 6/21/2006
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Our gov. would not know a good thing if it bit them in the ass .   It has now been proved that marijuana does not cause lung cancer, even with heavy use . Now what are they affraid of .
Nothing except they are already making money of marijuana. The CIA sellsit to the drug dealers (undercover of course), they arrest the ones who are not getting it from them, and then lock them away.  They make more money this way.  They don't care about us , they only want more money.  Be smart -  just start sending them your whole paycheck each week . It will save time .... they end up with it anyway.  


Answer by Goed
Submitted on 8/15/2006
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Correction: Marijuana, Hemp & Hash plus magic Mushrooms & other mystic Herbs, Roots & soft drugs (does not include Ecstasy nor Opium) ARE LEGAL IN HOLLAND but tolerated:  a citizen can have up to 3 home grown plants (or maybe 5) for personal consumption, but the limit for licensed domestic commercial purposes is much higher.  I think the first Amsterdam coffeeshop was opened in the year 1975, currently known as The Bulldog (chain of coffeeshops).  Everywhere else in the world, it is prohibited.  However, they are widely available in my countries such as USA, Jamaica & Latin America, Morocco, Nigeria, East Africa, Egypt, Lebanon, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan (these 3 countries are famous for opium), Thailand and others.


Answer by idontabusedrugstheyabuseme:)
Submitted on 9/30/2006
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Um u forgot Mexico, which recently made it ok to have small amounts of any drug (heroin, crack, weed ,etc)  Its funny. You would think that people do this stuff anyways in Mexico. The reality is that  adults prefer cocaine and teens like to do X (as well as coke) in Mexico.  But the decriminalization of drugs does lower its consumption.  You can buy handfuls of wee over there. Most of the time 5-10 dollars of marijuana will get you handfuls of it. If you try to buy weed to smoke (not sell) no one will weight it. They just hand u a big bag or as much as they can.  Weed is so common over there.  If you try to give some one free weed over there, no one will take it because they can find their own.  The supply is high but the demand is low.  All the times I have been to Mexico, I have never seen anyone smoking weed.  Users are looked down upon so Id say its use is very low.  Legalizing weed in the US would mean that u would be able to get it from almost anyone and anywhere (at school, someone from McDonald's, at the theaters, etc. Sooner or later users would get sick of it because there would be an abundance of it and the prices would drop tremendously.  People always want what they cant have and if weed is something that they can have legally, then people wont want it as much anymore.


Answer by vicky
Submitted on 11/21/2006
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i smoke pot every day in America nd it is the most available thing to get.. just don't get caught


Answer by mo
Submitted on 12/12/2006
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its legal in amestrdam


Answer by tim
Submitted on 12/18/2006
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marijuana should be leagle in the hole world. every one smokes it


Answer by who_do_ya_think
Submitted on 1/24/2007
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eh..australia person that WRONG actually in the Canberra you can own up to a 3-4..4ft or 6ft tall plants so techinically it is legal there.


Answer by who_do_ya_think
Submitted on 1/24/2007
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eh..australia person thats WRONG actually in the Canberra you can own up to 3-4..4ft or 6ft tall plants so techinically it is legal there.


Answer by zipopy
Submitted on 2/4/2007
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in holland ya mugs


Answer by tony
Submitted on 2/20/2007
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Answer by greendragon
Submitted on 3/20/2007
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Many countries are very "tolerant" allowing the use of cannabis in one's home, some even allowing the user to grow their own for personnal use. The line of demarcation between personnal use and illegal trafficking is made when one is seen as selling for profit, trafficking large quantities, or growing more than one would reasonably need for personnal use.
This view and approach is held in particular by holland, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Jamaica, various other island nations, and some central american countries.
I feel many of these countries and others would in fact be more liberal on these issues if they did not have to concern themselves with trade and marketing with the U.S.A.. Perhaps some are even concerned that if they maintained more democratic views towards the use of cannabis that the U.S. may threaten sanctions, embargos, and various other threats and tactics to force the country to comply with the US governments ideals of a corporate run capitalistic society that cannot afford to have it's citizens sit back and think a little for themselves. I feel this government would not condone any group, religion, or practice that encourages people to slow down, live, feel, and think for themselves as opposed to run, run , run and work, work , work .
Let's not be slaves any longer. Let's not be controlled by politicians and businessmen running a government like it's a machine to make money with. We are living humans with heart and souls. We should now take our right to begin living as such on a global level. Let's slow down to breathe the air, feel our heart's beating with life, and get together to make peace happen.  


Answer by greendragon
Submitted on 3/20/2007
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I must clarify though. Many of these countries it is not officially legal to smoke or use cannabis simply because it is not indicated as being illegal. It is just not mentioned either way. Others it may be listed as being to some degree illegal but is many times just overlooked and tolerated as it is such a common aspect of living in the land and the with the people indigenous to the region. This from what I hear is the case with Jamaica.


Answer by jordan_babie
Submitted on 3/21/2007
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this is rediculus the only place where its legal is in holland.they should legalize it in the uk because ... they just should x


Answer by SAM
Submitted on 4/12/2007
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I have no idea, can anybody tell the right answer!!!!!?


Answer by Balthazar Getty
Submitted on 5/1/2007
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It is legalized in some parts of Mexico


Answer by mr ganja
Submitted on 5/20/2007
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it is tolerated in sweden to... a small fine... for swedes... others like when snoop dog were here.. the police said nothing


Answer by justin92
Submitted on 6/22/2007
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US is a place u will get BIG punishment if caught with Marijuana


Answer by MissAmerica82
Submitted on 7/13/2007
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The fact that a PLANT is called ILLEGAL by the American government... is a crime! I have gone through college with a 4.0 GPA while smoking pot every weekend!
Pot is NOT A DRUG, no matter WHAT the government says.

The fact that we Americans ALLOW them to regulate a PLANT shows how ridiculously complacent and spineless we've become. Marijuana is no more powerful than Excedrin or Tylenol. It is CERTAINLY less harmful than ALCOHOL.

I seriously want to do something to change this law & LEGALIZE my favorite plant, Marijuana.


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