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I have a 7 month old pekignese female. I was told by others...

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Question by lopedl
Submitted on 2/12/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Breeding, Whelping, and Rearing Puppies FAQ
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I have a 7 month old pekignese female.  I was told by others that as soon as she goes into heat I can breed her.  Is that safe to do?  Can it be damaging to her in any way.

Answer by Tanisha
Submitted on 2/15/2004
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7 months is WAAAAAAAAY too young to breed! Her body is not mature enough. Wait until at least her second heat or ideally until she's 2 years old. When dogs go into heat they may allow breeding from the first few days or may wait as long as 3 weeks into it. The average is 9-14 days into the heat. The best way to tell when is to put her in with a male every other day until she allows him to breed. Don't force her. When she is ready, she will breed.


Answer by KokoS
Submitted on 1/30/2005
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Why not?


Answer by Big Daddy
Submitted on 9/28/2005
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you should never breed any dog or cat on their first heat.they may not be mature enough to care for the pups.you should wait until their second heat.pekingese live long lives.you have plenty of time to breed her.also,small breed dogs should not be bread more than two times with at least two heats in between litters.


Answer by petkingomky@yahoo.com
Submitted on 11/5/2005
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I agree you could kill a dog at this age having pups all my dogs are at least 2  if not 3 before there first litter only puppy mills breed like that and whom ever is telling you this is either ill educated or just doesn't care about the dam just wants some more pups.


Answer by EllenG
Submitted on 11/22/2005
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Unless you purchased this dog from a responsible breeder with the permission to breed her, you should not breed this dog. My guess is this dog did not come from the breeder otherwise you would not be asking this question from the strangers. There are too many dogs that are bred for money in this country. Join a chat room with the breeders and try to learn more about the breeding before you actually do it. Are you prepared to deal with everything that responsible breeders deal with when breeding their dogs?


Answer by lina
Submitted on 2/22/2006
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No you should wait!!!!!!!!!


Answer by Angeleyes191311
Submitted on 8/15/2006
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like Tanisha said you should wait at least two years before mating your animal.


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