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I have a smaller male and a bigger female I am trying to...

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Question by dixon
Submitted on 1/29/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Breeding, Whelping, and Rearing Puppies FAQ
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I have a smaller male and a bigger female I am trying to breed them but the male trys but does not lock with the female is it possible that she can conseve even if they don't lock since he is smaller.

Answer by Tanisha
Submitted on 2/15/2004
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Yes, it is possible for her to get pregnant without a tie though it is a good thing to see when breeding.


Answer by Meagan
Submitted on 6/21/2004
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often, it is necessary for the owners to assist in breeding.  if it is difficult for them to tie, you may want to order the female into a down-stay or breed to dogs rear to rear instead of the male mounting the female.  you can also use subtle elevation while the female is in cross-ties, as is common in grooming.


Answer by Rachel
Submitted on 7/4/2004
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Yes, she can conscieve without a tie, but you may want to watch them very closely to see if you may need to help. Since the male is smaller there is a good possibility that it may need some help.


Answer by TYRA
Submitted on 2/11/2005
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I am trying to breed my 6lb female with a 2 lb male and they cant seem to connect? What can I do to help?


Answer by Bianca
Submitted on 2/28/2005
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HI my name is Bianca and I'm13 soon be 14 this years 2005 but i want  to know about get pregnant and not get pregnant and want to know if you was on your period and without the common and  you still get pregnant and if you not on your period without  the common to  get  pregnant  and if you was on your period and with the common you can't have baby and also if you  not on your period and with the common you not get pregnant. thanks !


Answer by charmin
Submitted on 5/6/2005
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try a little k-y and place him on a block so he is above her and hold the female


Answer by pryde
Submitted on 6/28/2007
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i have a 8 lbs maltese and a female that is 6lbs is that too much of a difference to breed?


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