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I have a eight month old mastiffs and am already getting...

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Question by RICK
Submitted on 1/27/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Mastiffs Breed-FAQ
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I have a eight month old mastiffs and am already getting questions as to am I'm going to breed him. Well my question is when is the right age to look at breading and then with this breed being so large is a vet's assistance needed in the breeding process. As you can tell this is my first English Mastiffs.

Answer by Sharon Kay
Submitted on 9/19/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Dear Rick:
Please E-mail me. I have spoken with at least 20 plus breeders the past couple of months, and 12 in the past week. I lost my little girl at 3 to cancer. It's devistating. I have a lot of wonderful people to help you, and I can answer a lot of questions myself. Our e-mail is:skandtodd@aol.com


Answer by trixiepixiestix
Submitted on 11/8/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
1st wait till he is fully mature at 2 years old(it is usually a breach of contract with the breeder if you breed any dog before the age of 2)  
2nd get him checked out by mastiff handler and/or judge, to make sure he is within the breed standard and an excellent specimen of the breed(if you start showing this is easier to figure out if he is breed-able)
3rd get a handler or take handling classes to show him(most people will pay more for breeding with a stud that has points or a championship)
the earlier you start showing him the more points and championships you can rack up, a best in show wouldn't be bad to have on your dogs resume either
also you should have him checked by a vet for hip displasia and other genetic defects that go along with mastiff breeds
and finally yes you probably should get the help from a vet or another breeder if you plan on natural breeding,and its your first time


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