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I have 1996 v w golf and the ignition is bad is this a...


Question by joe
Submitted on 7/17/2003
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I have 1996 v w golf and the ignition is bad is this a recall and if so what do I do?

Answer by jock
Submitted on 9/15/2003
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yeah i have to and i have the same problem, and it was a recall and they do it for free if you call the main office, locally they will do it for nothing if you have the appropriate documents, i can get them for you, whats your address


Answer by stu
Submitted on 11/7/2003
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I need that same info if you don't mind, I have that same problem on my 1996 vw golf.  Thanks,  stugrater@yahoo.com


Answer by stugrater@yahoo.com
Submitted on 1/19/2004
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Thanks Answer Jock, I definetely need those documents.  My address is StuGrater@yahoo.com

Thanks again,



Answer by Rayna
Submitted on 3/9/2004
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I am also having problems with my ignition as well. Hmmm, it looks like a continual problem with the 1996. Please let me know what documents I need and where to take it. Email at rrokicki@excel.net


Answer by snipet
Submitted on 5/1/2004
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Oh my god,
My golf was workinh like gold 2 hours ago, but now when i try to start it wont go .. It just turns over then conks out.????
Is this the same problem???


Answer by Kyle_stewart_1234
Submitted on 6/30/2004
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I would also like those as well my car just bummed out on me today.
1996 vw golf gl


Answer by mick
Submitted on 3/28/2005
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97 golf elect windows comedown when car is opened with key?


Answer by zak
Submitted on 4/11/2005
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i having the same problem with my golf, it just doest want to start, after much effort it does start but, later on it if i try to start it its back to square one again. i know that the last time someone posted anything on the matter was a while ago but is there anyone that can send the details.


Answer by bugged out
Submitted on 10/7/2005
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I just replaced the switch on my 96 gti, maybe they'll give me a credit. Send me that info also please.



Answer by Nuvan
Submitted on 1/1/2006
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My golf also has an ignition problem, can you please send me those documents too.  nuvan@umd.edu


Answer by Doug
Submitted on 8/27/2006
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I have this ignition problem as well,how
can I fix it other than torching this piece of sh-t. Never will I own a VW again.


Answer by Jimmyaf
Submitted on 6/14/2007
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My girlfriend is having this same problem. Any help?


Answer by mrwood
Submitted on 7/9/2007
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Can i get the information for the recalling of the vw 1996 ignition problem? woodrowcooper@comcast.net


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