345. Rain
See also 27. ATMOSPHERE ; 85. CLIMATE ; 87. CLOUDS ; 246. LIGHTNING ; 375. SNOW ; 394. THUNDER ; 414. WATER ; 417. WEATHER .
- hyetography
- the study of the geographical distribution of rainfall by annual totals. — hyetographic, hyetographical, adj.
- hyetology
- Rare. the branch of meteorology that studies rainfall. — hyetologist, n. — hyetological, adj.
- ombrology
- the branch of meteorology that studies rain. — ombrological, n.
- ombrophobia
- an abnormal fear of rain.
- pluviography
- the branch of meteorology that automatically measures rainfall and snowfall. — pluviographic, pluviographical, adj.
- pluviometry
- the branch of meteorology concerned with the measurement of rainfall. — pluviometric, pluviometrical, adj.
- pluvioscope
- an instrument for measuring rainfall; a rain gauge.
- pluviosity
- raininess. — pluvious, adj.
- udometry
- the measurement of rainfall with any of various types of rain gauges. — udometric, adj.
- udomograph
- a self-registering rain gauge.
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