302. Organisms

See also 16. ANIMALS ; 32. BACTERIA ; 44. BIOLOGY ; 319. PLANTS ; 430. ZOOLOGY .

Biology, Physiology. the synthesis in living organisms of more complex substances from simpler ones. Cf. catabolism. —anabolic, adj.
a relationship or association between two or more organisms that is harmful to one of them. Cf. symbiosis .
the formation of chemical compounds by living organisms, either by synthesis or degradation. —biosynthetic, adj.
the science or study of biotypes, or organisms sharing the same hereditary characteristics. —biotypologic, biotypological, adj.
catabolism, katabolism
Biology, Physiology. the destructive processes of chemical ehange in living organisms, characterized by the breaking down of complex substances into simpler ones, with a release of energy. Cf. anabolism. —catabolic, adj.
1. the branch of biology that studies tissues of organisms.
2. the structure, especially the microscopic structure, of organic tissues. Also histiology. histologist, n. histologie, histological, adj.
catabolism. — katabolic, adj.
any one of a large variety of microscopic or ultramicroscopic organisms, as bacteria, viruses, etc.
the theory that all organisms are descended from one original organism. — monogenetic, adj.
any living thing or anything that resembles a living thing in complexity of structure or function.
phenology, phaenology
the study of the effects of climate on animal and plant life. —phenologist, phaenologist, n. —phenologic, phaenologic, phenological, phaenological, adj.
a relationship or association between two or more organisms that is harmful to none of them. — symbiotic, adj.
1. abiogenesis; spontaneous generation.
2. metagenesis, or alternation of generations.
3. production of an offspring entirely different from either of the parents. Also xenogeny. xenogenic , — xenogenetic, adj.
the state or quality of being bilaterally symmetrical, as certain organisms. — zygomorphic, zygomorphous, adj.

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