255. Mankind
See also 17. ANTHROPOLOGY ; 341. RACE ; 424. WOMEN .
- agriology
- the study of the customs of uncivilized people, usually on the com-parative level. —agriologist , n. —agriological , adj.
- animalism
- the theory that human beings lack a spiritual nature; animality. —animalist , n. —animalistic , adj.
- anthropoglot
- an animal with a tongue like that of man, as the parrot.
- anthropography
- the branch of anthropology that describes the varieties of mankind and their geographical distribution. —anthropographer , n. —an- thropographic , adj.
- anthropoid
- a creature resembling man, as an ape. —anthropoid, —anthropoidal , adj.
- anthropology
- the study of the origins, development, racial and social character, and beliefs of mankind. —anthropologist , n. —anthropological , adj.
- anthroponomy
- Rare. the branch of anthropology that studies the interrelation of the laws regulating human behavior and environment. Also anthroponomics . —anthroponomist , n. —anthroponomical , adj.
- anthropophilic
- of insects, attracted to human beings.
- anthropophobia
- an abnormal fear of people.
- anthroposophy
- a movement developed from theosophy by Rudolf Steiner, Austrian social philosopher, to develop the faculty of cognition and the awareness of spiritual reality, —anthroposophist , n. —anthroposophical , adj.
- biotechnology
- ergonomics. —biotechnologist , n. —biotechnologie, biotechnological , adj.
- demography
- the science of vital and social statistics, as of the deaths, births, marriages, etc., of populations. —demographer , n. —demographic , adj.
- demology
- the study of human activities and social conditions. —demological , adj.
- demophobia
- a hatred of people.
- ergonomics
- the study of the various factors affecting man in his working environment. Also called biotechnology. —ergonomic , adj.
- ethnography
- a branch of anthropology that studies and describes individual human cultures. —ethnographer , n. —ethnographic, ethnographical , adj.
- ethology
- the science proposed by John Stuart MUI for the study of the character formation in humans. —ethologic, ethological , adj.
- folklore
- the study of the traditions of a particular people in custom, song, story, belief, etc. —folklorist , n.
- hominid
- any of the two-legged primates, extinct or living, including man. —hominid , adj.
- homunculus
- 1. a small man or midget.
- 2. the microcosmic human form formerly believed to be present in spermatozoon.
- humanism
- 1. any system or mode of thought or action in which human interests, values, and dignity are taken to be of primary importance, as in moral judgments.
- 2. a devotion to or study of the humanities.
- 3. a theory of the life of man as a responsible being behaving independently of a revelation or deity. Also called naturalistic, scientific, or philosophical humanism. —humanist , n. —humanistic , adj.
- humanoid
- 1. a creature resembling man, as one of man’s early ancestors.
- 2. Science Fiction. any manlike creature from another planet. —humanoid , adj.
- microcosmography
- the figurative description of man as a miniature universe.
- misanthropism, misanthropy
- a hatred or distrust of all people. —misathrope , n. —misanthropic , adj.
- monogenism
- the theory that the entire human race is descended from a single ancestral pair. Also monogenesis, monogeny. —monogenist , n. —monogenistic , adj.
- paleethnology, paleoethnology
- the study of the races of early man. —paleethnologic, paleethnological, paleoethnological , adj. —paleethnologist, paleoethnologist , n.
- paleoethnography
- the ethnography of the prehistorie races of man.
- philanthropism
- 1. an affection for mankind, especially as manifested in the devotion of work or wealth to persons or socially useful purposes.
- 2. activity revealing this affection. Also called philanthropy. —philanthropist , n. —philanthropic, philanthropical , adj.
- sociology
- 1. the science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society.
- 2. the science of fundamental laws of social behavior, relations, institutions, etc. —sociologist , n. —sociological , adj.
- sociometry
- the measurement of attitudes of social acceptance or rejection among members of a social grouping. —sociometrist , n. —sociometric , adj.
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