17. Anthropology
See also 255. MANKIND ; 341. RACE
- cultural anthropology
- a specialty that studies the creative achievements of societies, especially those passed on through later generations. Also called culturology .
- dendranthropology
- the theory and work based on the theory that trees were involved in the origin of man. — dendranthropologic, dendranthropological, adj .
- ethnocentricity
- ethnocentrism. — ethnocentric, adj .
- ethnocentrism
- the belief in the superiority of one’s own group or culture. Also ethnocentricity . — ethnocentric, adj .
- ethnodicy Rare .
- the branch of ethnology that studies comparative legal systems.
- ethnogeny
- the study of the origin of distinctive groups or tribes. — ethnogenist, n . — ethnogenic, adj .
- ethnography
- the branch of anthropology that studies and describes the individual cultures of mankind. — ethnographer, n . — ethnographic, ethnographical, adj .
- ethnology
- the study, often comparative, of the origins and development of the races of mankind. — ethnologist, n . — ethnologic, ethnological, adj .
- ethography
- the description of moral and ethical systems. — ethnographer, n . — ethnographic, ethnographical, adj .
- hybridism, hybridity
- the blending of diverse cultures or traditions.
- isthmian
- a person who is a native or inhabitant of an isthmus. — isthmian, adj .
- lacustrian
- a lake-dweller.
- Leiotrichi
- people with smooth hair; a division of mankind characterized by people with such hair. Cf. Ulotrichi . — Leiotrichan, adj .
- matrilocality
- the state or custom of residing with the family or tribe of the wife, as in certain primitive societies. Cf. patrilocality . — matrilocal, adj .
- patrilocality
- the state or custom of residing with the family or tribe of the husband, as in certain primitive societies. Cf. matrilocality . — patrilocal, adj .
- phratry
- 1. a subdivision of an ancient Greek tribe or phyle.
- 2. a clan or other unit of a primitive tribe.
- physical anthropology
- the branch of anthropology that studies, describes, and interprets the evolutionary changes in man’s bodily structure and the classification of modern races. Cf. cultural anthropology . Also called somatology
- social anthropology
- the branch of anthropology that studies human societies, emphasizing interpersonal and intergroup relations.
- somatology
- physical anthropology.
- synecdochism
- the belief that a part of a person or object can act in place of the whole and thus that anything done to the part will equally affect the whole.
- Ulotrichi
- people with woolly, tightly curled, or crisp hair; a division of mankind characterized by people with such hair. — Ulotrichous, adj.
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