17. Anthropology

See also 255. MANKIND ; 341. RACE

cultural anthropology
a specialty that studies the creative achievements of societies, especially those passed on through later generations. Also called culturology .
the theory and work based on the theory that trees were involved in the origin of man. — dendranthropologic, dendranthropological, adj .
ethnocentrism. — ethnocentric, adj .
the belief in the superiority of one’s own group or culture. Also ethnocentricity . — ethnocentric, adj .
ethnodicy Rare .
the branch of ethnology that studies comparative legal systems.
the study of the origin of distinctive groups or tribes. — ethnogenist, n . — ethnogenic, adj .
the branch of anthropology that studies and describes the individual cultures of mankind. — ethnographer, n . — ethnographic, ethnographical, adj .
the study, often comparative, of the origins and development of the races of mankind. — ethnologist, n . — ethnologic, ethnological, adj .
the description of moral and ethical systems. — ethnographer, n . — ethnographic, ethnographical, adj .
hybridism, hybridity
the blending of diverse cultures or traditions.
a person who is a native or inhabitant of an isthmus. — isthmian, adj .
a lake-dweller.
people with smooth hair; a division of mankind characterized by people with such hair. Cf. Ulotrichi . — Leiotrichan, adj .
the state or custom of residing with the family or tribe of the wife, as in certain primitive societies. Cf. patrilocality . — matrilocal, adj .
the state or custom of residing with the family or tribe of the husband, as in certain primitive societies. Cf. matrilocality . — patrilocal, adj .
1. a subdivision of an ancient Greek tribe or phyle.
2. a clan or other unit of a primitive tribe.
physical anthropology
the branch of anthropology that studies, describes, and interprets the evolutionary changes in man’s bodily structure and the classification of modern races. Cf. cultural anthropology . Also called somatology
social anthropology
the branch of anthropology that studies human societies, emphasizing interpersonal and intergroup relations.
physical anthropology.
the belief that a part of a person or object can act in place of the whole and thus that anything done to the part will equally affect the whole.
people with woolly, tightly curled, or crisp hair; a division of mankind characterized by people with such hair. — Ulotrichous, adj.

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