195. Happiness
See also 28. ATTITUDES ; 279. MOODS
- ataraxia
- a state of tranquility free from anxiety and emotional disturbance. — ataractic, ataraxic, adj.
- athedonia
- an inability to be happy. — athedonic, adj.
- cheromania
- an extreme love for gaiety.
- cherophobia
- an abnormal fear of gaiety.
- eudemonics, eudaemonics
- 1. an art or means of acquiring happiness; eudemonism.
- 2. the theory of happiness. — eudemonia, n. — eudemonic, eudemonical, adj.
- eudemonism, eudaemonism
- Ethics. a moral system based upon the performance of right actions to achieve happiness. — eudemonist, eudaemonist, n.
- euphoria, euphory
- 1. a state of happiness and well-being.
- 2. Psychiatry. an exaggerated state of happiness, with no foundation in truth or reality. — euphoric, adj.
- jocundity
- the quality or condition of being merry or cheerful. — jocund, adj.
- jovialist
- Obsolete, a person who leads a merry life.
- joviality
- 1. the quality or state of being merry or jovial.
- 2. festivity.
- jucundity
- Obsolete. the condition or act of being pleasant.
- macarism
- the practice of making others happy through praise and felicitation. — macarize, v.
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