194. Hands
See also 14. ANATOMY ; 51. BODY, HUMAN ; 161. FINGERS and TOES .
- ambidextrianism
- 1. the ability to use both hands equally well.
- 2. an unusual cleverness.
- 3. deceitfulness. Also ambidexterity. — ambidextrous, adj.
- chiragra
- a pain in the hand.
- chirapsia
- a friction caused by rubbing skin with the hand; massage.
- chirocosmetics
- a beautifying of the hands. — chirocosmetic, adj.
- chirognomy, cheirognomy
- the theories and activity of palmistry. — chirognomist, cheirognomist, n.
- chirology, cheirology
- Rare. the study of the hands.
- chiromancy, cheiromancy
- palmistry.
- chiroplasty
- plastic surgery of the hand.
- chirothesia
- the imposition of hands, usually on the head, in certain rituals, as confirmation and ordination.
- chirotony
- 1. Ecclesiastic. the extending of the hands in blessing during certain rituals.
- 2. an election by show of hands.
- mancinism
- the state of left-handedness.
- palmistry
- the art of telling a person’s character, past, or future by the lines, marks, and mounts on his palms. Also called chiromancy. — palmist, n.
- pendactylism
- the condition of having five digits on each hand and foot. — pendactylate, pendactylic, pendactylous, adj.
- perissodactylism
- the condition of having more than the usual number of digits on a hand or foot which are also excessively large and uneven. — perisso-dactylate, perissodactylic, perissodactylous, adj.
- polydactylism
- the condition of having more than a normal number of fingers or toes. — polydactylous, adj.
- prestidigitation
- the performance of tricks and illusions by the quick and skillful use of the hands; conjuring; sleight of hand. Also called prestigiation . — prestidigitator, n. — prestidigitatorial, prestidigitatory, adj.
- quadrumane
- an animal, as a monkey, having four hands. — quadrumanous, adj.
- sexdigitism
- the condition of having six fingers on each hand.
- sexdigitist
- a person who has six fingers or six toes.
- sinistrality
- the condition of being left-handed. — sinistral, adj.
- syndactylism
- the union of two or more digits, common in many birds such as kingfishers and hornbills. — syndactylic, adj. — syndactyly, n.
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