193. Hair
See also 33. BALDNESS ; 37. BEARDS
- alopecia
- 1. a loss of hair, feathers, or wool.
- 2. baldness. — alopecic, adj.
- chaetophobia
- an abnormal fear of hair.
- crinosity
- the state of being hairy. — crinous, adj.
- electrology
- the use of electrolysis for removing moles, warts, or excess hair. — electrologist, n.
- hirsutism
- 1. a condition of shaggy hairiness.
- 2. Biology. the state of being covered “with long, stiff hairs. — hirsute, adj.
- hispidity
- the state or quality of being covered with small spines or bristles. — hispid, adj.
- hypertrichosis
- a condition of excessive hairiness either all over the body or covering a particular part.
- Leiotrichi
- people with smooth hair; a division of mankind characterized by people with such hair. Cf. Ulotrichi. — Leiotrichan, adj.
- madarosis
- the loss of hair, especially of the eyelashes, as a result of disease.
- madisterium
- a surgical instrument for pulling out hairs.
- melanosity
- darkness or blackness of eyes, hair, or complexion.
- pilosism, pilosity
- an excessive hairiness; furriness. — pilose, adj.
- psilosis
- falling out of the hair.
- schizotrichia
- a condition of splitting of the hair.
- tonsure
- 1. the act or process of cutting the hair, especially as a religious rite or custom.
- 2. the shaved part of the head, usually the crown, of a member of a religious order. — tonsorial, adj.
- trichiasis
- a condition in which the hair grows inward, especially the eyelashes.
- trichoanesthesia
- Medicine. a loss of hair sensibility.
- trichobezoar
- a hairball.
- trichoclasia
- a condition of extreme brittleness of the hair, often following an illness.
- trichology
- Medicine. the scientific study of hair and its diseases. — trichologist, n.
- trichoma
- a condition of the hair in which it is matted or crusted.
- trichomania
- an obsession with hair.
- trichomycosis
- any disease of the hair caused by a fungus.
- trichopathy
- Medicine. any disease of the hair. — trichopathic, adj.
- trichophagy
- the practice of eating hair.
- trichorrhexomania
- a mania for pinching off one’s hair.
- trichosis
- 1. Medicine. any disease or abnormal growth of the hair.
- 2. a heavy growth of hair.
- trichotillomania
- Medicine. an abnormal desire to pull out one’s own hair, especially by delirious patients. Also called trichologia.
- Ulotrichi
- people with woolly, tightly curled, or crisp hair; a division of mankind characterized by people with such hair. Cf. Leiotrichi. — ulotrichous, adj.
- villosity
- the condition or quality of being covered with long, soft hairs, as certain plants, or hairlike appendages, as certain of the membranes of the body. — villous, adj.
- xanthochroid
- a person with light-colored hair and fair complexion. — xanthochroid, xanthochroous, adj.
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