149. Facial Features

See also 14. ANATOMY ; 37. BEARDS ; 51. BODY, HUMAN ; 148. EYES .

the condition of having an upper jaw that protrudes beyond the plane of the face. — gnathic , adj .
Obsolete , the act of gaping or letting the mouth hang open wide.
a feature or detail in relation to outline or contour, as a feature of a face. — lineamental , adj .
the condition of having medium-sized jaws that project only slightly from the plane of the face. — mesognathic, mesognathous , adj .
Rare . a form of divination involving examination of facial features. — metopomantic , adj .
the art or science of physiognomy; the attempt to discern a person’s character from the study of the facial features. — metoposcopist , n. , — metoposcopic , metoposcopical , adj .
the condition of having retracted jaws. — opisthognathic , opisthognathous , adj .
the condition of having straight jaws. — orthognathic , orthog-nathous , adj .
the study of the signs that reveal human passions. — pathognomonic , adj .
physiognomy, physiognomics
1 . the art of determining character or personal qualities from the features or form of the body, especially the face.
2 . divination by examining the features of a face. — physiognomist , n . — physiognomic, physiognomical , adj .
the condition of having jaws that project beyond the upper part of the face. — prognathic, prognathous , adj .
neuralgia affecting the face.
1 . Obsolete , a description of the face. See also 207. HISTORY .

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