127. Drama

See also 249. LITERATURE ; 310. PERFORMING .

Classical Drama, recognition or discovery, as of a disguised character, one thought to be lost, or a critical fact.
(in ancient Greek choral odes) 1. the response made to a preceding strophe, while the chorus is moving from left to right.
2 . the movement of the chorus. Cf. strophe . See also 409. VERSE . — antistrophic, antistrophal , adj.
the climax of a play or other dramatic representation; that part preceding the catastrophe, where the action is at its height.
(in the Aristotelian concept of art, especially with reference to tragic drama) the purging of the emotions, traditionally said to be those of pity and fear. See also 334. PSYCHOLOGY .
a drama expressed in dance or with dance as an integral part of its content and form.
the theories, attitudes, and techniques of a group of Soviet writers of the 1920s who attempted to reconcile ideological beliefs with technical achievement, especially in stage design, where effects produced were geometrical and nonrepresentational. — constructivist , n., adj.
the final resolution of the plot, following the climax.
deus ex machina
the device of resolving dramatic action by the introduction of an unexpected, improbable, or forced character or incident.
Greek Drama, the role that is second in importance to that of the protagonist, or main character.
a dramatic monologue.
the art of writing or producing plays. — dramaturge, dramaturgist , n.
a play or drama for two characters or actors.
a dialogue for two people, especially as a complete dramatic performance or as part of one.
1 . the final section of a literary work, often added by way of explanation, comment, etc.
2 . a closing speech in a play, often delivered after the completion of the main action. — epilogistic , adj.
the main action of a drama, leading up to the catastrophe. Cf. protasis .
1 . Greek Drama, the catastrophe or conclusion of a play.
2 . Roman Drama, a comical or satirical piece added at the end of a play.
histrionics, histrionism
the occupation of actors; playacting.
1 . a sensational drama with events and emotions extravagantly expressed.
2 . an opera or a stage play with songs and music, often of a romantic nature. — melodramatic , adj.
a drama written for one actor or character. — monodramatic , adj.
peripeteia, peripetia, peripety
Literature. a sudden change in the course of events, especially in dramatic works.
a photoplay or dramatic narrative illustrated with or related through photographs.
the principal character in the drama.
Classical Drama, the first part of a play, when the characters are introduced. Cf. epitasis . See also 186. GRAMMAR ; 422. WISDOM . — protatic, adj.
a speech in which a character reveals his thoughts to the audience but not to other characters in the play. — soliloquist, n.
the art or skill of producing or staging plays.
dialogue in single alternating lines, as found in ancient Greek drama. — stichomythic , adj.
that part of the ancient Greek choral odes sung by the chorus while moving from right to left. Cf. antistrophe . — strophic , adj.
Greek Drama, a series of four dramas, three of them tragedies and one a satyr-play; hence, any series of four related works, literary, dramatic, operatic, etc.
the art of the theater or of acting. — theatrical , n., adj.
a mania for the theater.

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