Shiatsu for the face and hair

This ancient Oriental therapeutic massage stimulates the body's natural defenses and helps the body to cure itself, using applied pressure on special points on the body called tsubos . Among shiatsu's many benefits, this healing art may help to keep the skin and hair healthy and beautiful.


In addition to this therapy's healing and preventative virtues, shiatsu may be one of the best natural treatments for healthy skin. With this practice you can stimulate the pressure points of the face.

You should start by using light pressure and gradually increase it, but always using firm pressure. Always move your fingers to points, upward and outward, never downward and inward. We recommend consulting a specialist before starting treatment. The tsubos on the face are easy to find and work, although the complete scheme for taking care of the skin's health and beauty includes some points that aren't found on the face. Pressing on the edges of the cheek can help to clear freckles and skin spots, eliminate bags under the eyes and relax and illuminate tired faces.


This tsubo is found on the palm of your hand center. It helps to increase blood circulation and facial color.



To practice shiatsu it's best to use the fingertips of your index, middle and ring fingers, using the three fingertips to press at the same time. On the sides of the head use the palms of your hands. To work the no-ko point, the area below the cranium (see page 31), place the middle finger of your left hand on the finger nail of your right ring finger and press with both fingers. It's also possible to use several fingers at the same time, although the pressure will be less intense on specific points.


This point is located right below and on the outside of the cheekbone. Stimulate the ken-ryo on both sides at the same time to increase circulation, improve muscle tone and relax and provide nutrients to fatigued areas on the face. This movement also attacks wrinkles and helps the body to eliminate pimples and spots.



This tsubo is located in the hole right below the earlobes, between the bones. This pressure improves dry, dull skin. It also helps to relieve and energize tired and haggard faces.



The point is located right below the eye sockets, in the center, right where the cheekbone ends. This pressure helps to clear freckles and spots, eliminate eye circles and relax the face for glowing skin.



This point is located on the extreme outsides of the eyes. The pressure helps to soften the crows feet, common in this area.



This tsubo is located on both sides of the bridge of the nose, at the same level as your eyes. Applying pressure on this point helps to keep your eyes beautiful: they become clearer and brighter, at the same time erasing any signs of fatigue. Pressing on the sei-mei also has a calming and relaxing effect for those who feel under pressure.



This point, also called the third eye, is located between the eyes, right between the eyebrows, above the bridge of the nose. When you firmly press on this point, you promote the overall well-being and beauty of the face. It also stimulates circulation, brings color to the cheeks and fights wrinkles, fine lines and flaky skin.


Meridian Toku-myaku

This imaginary line runs along the center of the head, from the upper neck all the way to the center of the forehead. Along this meridian there are several tsubos that when stimulated improve weak, damaged, dull hair. This technique may help to improve luster and prevent hair loss. For this massage, press with your index, middle and ring fingers, using firm pressure following the line. Repeat this exercise 3 to 5 times.

Meridian Toku-myaku


∎ The hair is another visible indicator of our body's health; it can reflect well-being as well as tensions, discomforts and symptoms of illnesses. Shiatsu therapy attempts to relieve specific ailments and discomforts that can affect your hair's health and your overall well-being. On the head there are many pressure points, or tsubos, pressure on these may help to change the appearance of your hair. Some are more difficult to find than others. The more difficult points may only be found by a specialist. Other pressure points, that we've included here as a guide, are easy to find and can be stimulated by people with little experience. Press on the tsubos between 3 to 5 seconds and repeat this 3 times on each point; the entire series can be repeated 2 to 3 times per day.


  1. • Your hands shouldn't be cold. Some therapies begin with exercises to stimulate the chi, moving the hands 25 times at the beginning of a session.
  2. • The patient should be relaxed and comfortable, preferably lying down on a padded mat on the ground.
  3. • It's easier for the recipient to relax if they keep their eyes closed.
  4. • Each pressure point should be pressed upon for 3-5 seconds and repeated 3 times on each point.
  5. • The fingertips shouldn't move the skin but should move over the skin.
  6. • You should never pull or use abrupt movements.
  7. • These massages can also be practiced in the bathtub: apply an emollient on the face and massage for 5 minutes.


This tsubo is located less than an inch above the ten-chu, along the edge of the hair and ears. Press upward and toward the center of the head to improve circulation and the tone of the scalp.



Found two fingers away from the hyaku-e. Press in the same way, for the same benefits.



These are two points located on another meridian, both are found on the lower part of the head, above the neck, close to the line of muscles that run up from the spinal column. You should press firmly upward and toward the center of the head to improve circulation in the scalp and to relieve tension and fatigue.



This is the highest point on the toku-myaku meridian and is located on the center of the head, above the line that unites the two ears (when you press on this point it's somewhat soft).

To stimulate this point apply strong, firm pressure toward the center of the head to increase circulation in the scalp.



This tsubo is located along the same meridian, in the center part of the head, just under the protuberance found at the centre of the base of the skull. Press with your index and middle finger, one on top of the other to treat hair loss.



This point is located on the upper point of the wrist, right where the wrist joins the forearm. This point is related to the body's energy and strength, including the hair's.


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