Lung Cancer - Description

Lung Cancer Description 2614
Photo by: Elnur

Lung cancer is the leading cause of death from cancer among both men and women in the United States. Experts estimate that 28 percent of all cancer deaths—about 160,000—are caused by lung cancer. It is further estimated that at least 172,000 new cases of lung cancer are diagnosed each year.

Lung cancer is rare among children and young adults. It is usually found in people older than fifty. The average age at diagnosis is sixty. There are two kinds of lung cancer, primary and secondary. Primary lung cancer starts in the lungs. Secondary lung cancer starts somewhere else in the body; cancer cells then spread to the lungs and start a new infection. When cancer cells travel from one area of the body to another it is called metastasis (pronounced muh-TASS-tuh-siss). When this happens, a cancer is said to have metastasized (pronounced muh-TASS-tuh-sized).

User Contributions:

Wow my grandpa died of lung cancer I just want doctors too find a cure so I don't care how many people have it they can be alive no matter what happens
Oh wow that's a bummer my mom smokes and I really didn't want her to die but she has really been smoking for a long time thats when she died in 2005 with lung cancer

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