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the Internet Writer Resource Guide (2/2)

( Part1 - Part2 )
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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Archive-name: writing/resources/part2
Version: 2.8
Last-modifed: 95/10

Internet Writer Resources v2.8 (10/95)

A Note to Editors

>From the current perspective, you are in one of two categories: a
backward Luddite or a visionary pioneer, depending on whether you have
never heard of internet email or are utilizing it and supporting
submissions through it. (That is a joke.) Sincerely however, in the near
future conducting writing transactions over the internet may become the
medium of choice for many markets. Of course, there are disadvantages
along with the grand incentives to support this capability. Many editors
however have found the ability to receive submissions and queries via
email to be immensely valuable in cultivating future issues' articles.
In some cases, you may be competing with them directly for knowledgeable
and interesting articles and writers. If a writer sees two outlets with
similar content but one with more ideal rights or remuneration
arrangements, which will s/he submit to?

The author of this list strongly encourages you to support and solicit
articles via email. It may allow you to interact and direct your writers
more effectively and less stressfully. It may allow you to improve the
quality of submissions by expanding the available pool and increasing
the target and focus of individual pieces. Ultimately it may make you
more responsive to readers than your competition. Potentially, both the
writer, editor, and reader benefit from the dynamic arrangement. All
this is written in speculative terms, however, because it is not
guaranteed. You may find that irrelevant or useless queries increase,
but even so a wider selection pool may render that unproblematic.

A Vision of the Future
(By L. Detweiler)

I wrote this FAQ for a variety of reasons. The Internet has completely
exploded into the collective human psyche and it is radically altering
the realm of writing, and writing for money. It is clear that Cyberspace
offers unprecedented opportunity for *everyone* to profit from writing
and editing, not just a anointed elite clique as is often the case in
many existing publishing structures. This threat to the status quo
upsets many. But to me the bottom line is that the quality of writing
available to the consumer (the reader) is ultimately going to improve,
and the cost of that quality is going to decrease, and selling writing
will be more accessable and profitable for everyone who truly has
something valuable to offer.

But the definition of `valuable' is going to be upheaved and
revolutionized over the next few years. I feel very strongly that a
certain kind of `parasitism' whereby a middleman takes advantage of a
writer, reselling the `product' without adding any value himself, is
going to become a much more difficult or even impossible niche in the
future cyberspatial society, because all writers will have available
their *own* unparalleled publishing capabilities.

I think we are entering an age where *everyone* will be able to run
their own publishing stations at home (sort of like FTP sites but far
less complicated!) -- they will become perhaps as common as answering
machines. And a structure to allow for transparent, seamless, painless
transaction charges will evolve very soon as well. And ultimately, this
was partly the motivation in writing this FAQ-- to encourage everyone to
market their writing independent of people who seek to take advantage of
them by denigrating, underpaying, monopolizing, and diminishing their
choice of outlets. I seek to advance this vision of the future where
everyone who can type can `publish'.

Some people think, or fear, that the role of the writing `middleman' is
threatened to the point of extinction. But I must emphasize that most
existing editors, critics, proofreaders, etc. *do* add value to writing
and deserve to be rewarded and sought by the better writers. In fact, I
think these future developments in Cyberspace will also help to
separate, more than ever before, the parasites from the truly talented
artists (writers) and `meta-artists' (critics, proofreaders, editors,
etc.) by rewarding the latter beyond their wildest dreams and making the
former an unprofitable and untenable existence. Cyberspace is going to
revolutionize publishing *more* than the printing press did, and in
amazingly similar ways.

One example of this emerging egalitarianism and populism in
cyberspatial writing is in the explosion of electronic `zines'. While
generally of marginal quality compared to more sophisticated outlets,
some 'zines have built up immensely prestigious reputations and quality
of editing and writing surpassing many paper-published journals. This
trend will continue until an entire spectrum (a sort of `food chain')
of magazines will exist in cyberspace from the lowliest free, irregularly
published, slapped-together paragraphs to the most professional, slick,
typeset, paying, even advertising- and subscription-based outlets all

The FAQ as the Future
(By L. Detweiler)

An interesting form of cyberspatial writing has existed for essentially
as long as Usenet and continues to gain momentum and prestige, and may
be the bridge to the vision of the future I have written about above.
The Frequently Asked Question List, or FAQ, a document designed to
answer questions that pop up on newsgroups to decrease the annoyance
factor in reading them, started out as not even something that was ever
archived at a public site-- FAQs were just regularly posted by their
authors. (A regular Usenet posting itself represents different kind of
publishing that is unique to cyberspace-- somewhat reminiscent of the
way an electron beam of a television set displays a picture by
continually retracing it.) But FAQs have evolved into extremely
sophisticated collections of information on virtually any subject,
becoming highly refined over many years and involving whole
hierarchies of teams and editors. A FAQ is even superior to many other
types of static collections of writing in this way-- they are far more
valuable (but also sometimes more difficult to keep track of) because
they are continually updated.

The most important new development in FAQ writing is that of the
`commercial factor'. Buried in that phrase are many multifaceted pots of
gold, but also many bugaboos. Very soon, the Internet will have a
standard for mercantile commerce, and some FAQs will be one of the first
pieces of the pie to be commercialized. I foresee some great, wrenching
upheavals in the FAQ structures as the forces of `volunteerism' and
`entrepreneurialism' meet face to face. I believe that a certain
percentage of all FAQs, which in many ways are a microcosm of the
Internet, will remain free and maintained by volunteers. But the rewards
to both writers and readers in a fee-based structure for access are
great. For even extremely inconsequential fees to individual readers,
writers could be compensated, rewarded, and encouraged in their writing
quite tangibly. And I believe a commensurate increase in the quality of
the FAQs written by them, for their `consumers', will be quite dramatic.
The FAQ will continue to be at the forefront of cyberspatial writing

I encourage you to read about the CRAM service below involved
`publishing' the collections of others into the FAQ infrastructure. This
removes some of the bothersome overhead to the writer in disseminating
their writing by having an `agent' take care of the details. CRAM has
propagated over a half-dozen different compilations into the FAQ
structure with extremely rewarding benefits to everyone involved. The
writers are quite delighted at the increased exposure and the readers
are quite delighted at running into the quality compilations they might
never have discovered otherwise.

I also urge anyone interested in cyberspatial writing to read the
news.answers FAQ posted to that group and write a FAQ on their favorite
subject of interest if it is not already covered. Even the simple
process of taking existing FAQs and reorganizing them into more useful
collections of information is an extremely valuable service to the net.
Writing a FAQ in many ways is one of the ultimate community services to
your fellow cyberspatial citizens. Just browsing the
archives is an extremely pleasureable activity.

The FAQ is a beautiful model of the future of writing in cyberspace. As
it exists, the current process on Usenet to submit an `official' FAQ is
far from Herculean and in fact highly accessable to virtually anyone
with a modicum of interest in writing. In fact, the effort is
astonishingly less than that required for that of say, a book, but, with
newsgroup distributions reaching tens of thousands of readers, amazingly
the exposure in many cases can be *greater* than that of a published
book. And this exposure will increase tremendously as cyberspace becomes
more ubiquitous, and I am convinced the `entrance requirements' will
also become even more trivial to pass such that, as I wrote above,
virtually anyone who can write can publish. Even the necessity of owning
a computer is bypassed!


WWW: Cyberspatial Presses
(By L.Detweiler)

The World Wide Web has grown at a breathtaking pace, in some ways more
so than the actual physical growth of the Internet. There appears to
be a great "cyberspatial Web rush" as diverse individuals and
organizations work to "broadcast their signal" via home pages,
electronic brochures and advertisements, etc. The age of the
cyberspatial printing press has arrived.

The old cliche goes that "freedom of speech only belongs to people who
own presses". Doesn't this strike you as a kind of oppressive
sentiment?  Why should freedom of speech have anything to do with
money or status? Indeed, the invention of the printing press by
Gutenberg broke down  entrenched barriers in exactly this realm. And
the logical conclusion of this "equality, egalitarianism, and
populism" in the ability to disseminate ideas is evident in the Web.

Suddenly the computer and networks, "cyberspace", is engendering the
same type of revolution that the printing press did, with a
fundamental difference: the press made available cheap *books* for
distribution, i.e. the burden of the *receiver* was diminished
greatly, but sophisticated skill and expertise was still required of
the *sender*. Today, anyone can set up a "printing press in
cyberspace" for a very minimal cost that is dropping rapidly.

Let me give an example of how to set up a cyberspatial broadcasting
station for about $20 a month such that you don't even need to own
a computer. The Internet provider Netcom provides unlimited internet
access for $20 a month, including an anonymous FTP directory, and
many providers provide a similar service. The anonymous FTP is
capable of supporting not only the mundane (sometimes tedious and
arcane) FTP access, but the seamless, transparent, smooth access of
hypertext browsers such as Lynx and Mosaic.

Netcom is going through growing pains, but provides the most universal
Internet coverage in the U.S. for the least amount of money, and
makes FTP setup a snap, and the system is entrenched with many local
users creating their own stops, so I am going to describe this
provider here.

The steps involved in setting up a cyberspatial broadcasting system
to cyberspace are simply:

1. Contact Netcom, 1 800 353 6600 or, or telnet to as "guest". Set up an account. With a credit card, you
   can get a login in *hours*.

2. Read their FAQ 119 with the command "faq 119". This tells you how
   the FTP setup works. Send mail to saying "I have
   read faq 119". In a few days they will send you back a message,
   indicating they have set up an account.

4. Run "lynx" to access the WWW. Type "help". In the menu you will find
   help on the subject of HTML, the Hypertext Markup Language. HTML
   is easy to learn. Or, leap to any site and while viewing a document
   hit "\" which allows you to see the embedded commands in a file,
   and you can emulate the style and see how different commands are

5. In the FTP directory, create a file called "home.html" that contains
   your own billboard in cyberspace. Add files in subdirectories. Link
   the files to each other. Link to other sites. Its as easy as editing
   text files. Make sure rights are ok (chmod command) so people can get
   at them! No Catholic Church suppression here!

6. Test using the command "lynx home.html". You can also make sure
   rights are correct by going through the ftp interface, lynx

7. Voila! You are now ready to unveil your masterpiece to the world.
   Advertise in a relevant newsgroup. Watch enthusiastic people send
   you mail.

8. Two people at Netcom provide neat services to help you advertise
   and monitor the accesses to your files. keeps
   a list of all public pages and short descriptions.
   provides a slick service of counting accesses to your files,
   and who accessed them.

This is all it takes to run your own pseudo-BBS or "broadcasting
station"! Imagine being able to bypass and thwart the entire World
Media Monopoly with these simple steps! I claimed earlier that you
don't even have to *own* a computer to accomplish all this, and it's
true. Many libraries and some copier shops have public access
terminals that would allow you to accomplish all these steps. If they
have floppy disk drives, you could upload your own data!

The SF novel about a bleak dystopian future by Ray Bradbury,
Farenheit 451, was written on a typewriter in a library in about a
week, according to his foreword. Will there be a similar case of a
brilliant, fledgling, struggling author dazzling the world with his
masterpieces in the same way, in cyberspace? I certainly have done my
part to encourage you to do so!

One of the fantastic aspects of WWW is that it demonstrates how
utterly important the role of *organizing* and *editing* information.
In a sense our society is undergoing a fundamental shift from a phase
of *generating* massive reams of information to now *organizing* it
in cyberspace. And there is hidden gold, all over the place, waiting
for the patient, methodical, inspired "cyberscholar" to plug it all
together and revolutionize the world. Even the mere act of compiling
your "favorite links" to the world is an immense service to your
fellow citizens of cyberspace.

Other Resources


    ``Original science fiction in the Cyberpunk / Shadowrun genre'
    posted for review. Accomplished and beginning writers as well as
    fans. Submissions of stories (any length) or poetry related to
    Cyberpunk themes will get constructive feedback from other writers
    in this style. Interactive stories with other authors a
    possibility.'' (Jay Brandt, FAQ maintainer)

    Journalists and journalism students.

    Freelance journalists

  alt.prose, alt.prose.d
    Predecessors to rec.arts.prose, lower distribution. Disscussion in
    alt.prose.d only.

    `zines' or small low-circulation low-cost newsletters of fringe

    Accomplished and beginning writers. Submissions, queries, markets,

    Accomplished and beginning screenwriters. Submissions, queries, markets,

    Also alt.answers, comp.answers, misc.answers, etc. The standard
    moderated newsgroups for `approved' or `official' Usenet FAQs.

    Posted fiction for review. Discussion of posted articles.

    Posting and discussion of original poetry.

    Written science fiction. Great authors. Writing style. (?)

    Magazines (?)

    Fantasy and science fiction discussion, movies and television (?)

    WWW (World Wide Web) information groups.

  Mailing Lists

  - AMFM

    Topics:Monthly newsletter about broadcast radio in the UK
    Subscription:send mail to LISTSERV@@ORBITAL.DEMON.CO.UK, `subscribe amfm 
      <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>'


    Topics:Reviews of upcoming books, cds, and videos (moderated).
    Subscription: send mail to LISTSERVER@COLUMBIA.ILC.COM, `subscribe booknews
      <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>'.


    Topics: Discussions and info about new books, cds, and videos.
    Subscription: send mail to LISTSERVER@COLUMBIA.ILC.COM, `subscribe book-talk
      <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>'.

  - Creative Writing Pedagogy for Teachers and Students

    Topics: ``a place to discuss how and why creative writing is being
      taught at colleges and universities, including the role it plays
      in the curriculum, the history of creative writing programs, the
      shape and flavor of creative writing courses, and the influence
      it has or should have on students' lives''
    Subscription: send mail to listserve@MIZZOU1.BITNET, `subscribe
      crewrt-l <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>'.

  - English Forum

    Topics: ``An archived discussion forum on electronic
      communication in instruction and research of English, writing, and
    Subscription: send mail to listserve@MIZZOU11.BITNET, `subscribe
      ENGLMU-L <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>'.


    Topics: ``Expert opinion or help from established scholars and
      professionals. Covering the history, current state and future
      prospects of the American Magazine, and issues related to magazine
      publishing. Primary focus is journalistic, but also addresses
      other magazine-publishing matters of economic (management,
      marketing, circulation, production, research), technological,
      historical and social importance.''
    Subscription: send JOIN MAGAZINE <YourFirstName> <YourLastName> in
      message body to <COMSERVE@VM.ITS.RPI.EDU> or (BITNET)
    Moderator: David Abrahamson <ABRAHAMSON@ACFCLUSTER.NYU.EDU>

  - Megabyte University

    Topics: ``an unarchived list primarily for professors, teachers,
      graduate students and administrators involved in teaching
      composition using computers.topics of discussion have included
      software descriptions and comparisons for use in teaching
      composition, determining real audience for composition students,
      and announcements of upcoming conferences, both actual and
      virtual. Many of the members of this list also participate in the
      MediaMOO weekly online conferences and other activities''
    Subscription: send mail to listserve@TTUVM1.BITNET, `subscribe
      MBU-L <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>'.
    Posting: <MBU-L@TTUVM1.BITNET>
    Moderator: Fred Kemp


    Topics: "A listing of newspapers, magazines, tv stations and other media
      outlets that accept e-mail and electronic submissions."
    Subscription: send 'subscribe MEDIALIST <YourFirstName>
      <YourLastName>' in message body to <MAJORDOMO@WORLD.STD.COM>
    List owner: Adam Gaffin <>

  - nfu-chat

    Topics: A mail-list of the National Writers Union,,
	  is open to any working writer, not only to NWU members.
    Subscription: send SUBSCRIBE nwu-chat <YourFirstName> <YourLastName>
	  in message body to <>

  - nfu-queer

    Topics: Another NWU mail-list, nwu-queer, is similarly open to working
	  writers. It focuses on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered
    Subscription: send SUBSCRIBE nwu-queer <YourFirstName> <YourLastName>
	  in message body to <>

  - online-news
    Topics: Public Internet mailing list on electronic publishing
    Subscription: send 'subscribe ONLINE-NEWS <YourFirstName> <YourLastName> in
      message body to <MAJORDOMO@MARKETPLACE.COM>
    List owner: Steve Outing <> or 

  - online-newspapers

    Topics: Private Internet mailing list on electronic newspapers, for newspaper
      professionals only. (Please write a short desription of your professional
    Subscription: send 'subscribe ONLINE-NEWSPAPERS <YourFirstName>
      <YourLastName>' in message body to <MAJORDOMO@MARKETPLACE.COM>
    List owner: Steve Outing <> or 

  - Poetry list

    Topics: ``This list is designed to be a forum where original
      poetry (either complete or in progress) may be posted by members
      interested in critique-style discussion, examination, and analysis
      of their work. ...It is assumed that all members will at some
      point post an original piece, and not merely assume an exclusively
      responsive role.''
    Subscription: send mail to, `subscribe
      poetry <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>'.

  - Purdue Rhetoric

    Topics: ``Rhetoric, Professional Writing, and Language Discussion
      Group - a scholarly forum for discussion of rhetoricand
      composition, professional writing, and language research.
    Subscription: send mail to listserve@URCCVM.BITNET, `subscribe
      PURTOPOI <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>'.

  - Romance Writers 

    Topics: Romance genre
    Subscription: send mail to, 'subscribe rw-l 
      <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>'
    Posting: <RW-L@NETCOM.COM>

  - Screen Writing Discussion List

    Topics: ``a discussion list of the joy and challenge of screen
      writing for film and TV ... Any topic of interest to writers or
      potential writers is appropriate (i.e. format, story ideas,
      dialogue, characters, agents, producers, directors, actors,
      studios, problems and/or solutions).''
    Subscription: send mail to listserve@tamvm1.bitnet, `subscribe
      scrnwrit <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>'.

  - Small Press Mailing List

    Topics: ``Concerns of authors and editors involved with the small
      press, both of books and of magazines. Printers and services,
      announcements, calls for submissions, bookstores, discussion of
      acceptance and rejections, book and signing events,readings, `war
      stories', advice for writers, editors, self-publishers.''
    Subscription: send your human-readable *request* to join or leave
      to <>. *Posts* to the list go to
    Moderator: <> (Cecilia M Tan)

  - SfnF-Writers

    Topics: A mailing list for people interested in writing Science Fiction
      and/or Fantasy.  It is intended for both serious authors and dabblers.
    Subscription: send mail to 'subscribe
      SFnF-Writers <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>
    List Owner: Peter Leppik, <>

  - SPJ-Online

   Topics: Society of Professional Journalists email list. A resource for
     journalists or those interested in journalism. It seeks to complement other
     popular journalism-related lists. It is an open, unmoderated list that can be
     used to discuss any journalism or SPJ topic.
   Subscription:</i></b> send 'subscribe SPJ-Online' in message body to
   Owner: Mike Barker <>

  - The Composition Digest

    Topics: ``a weekly newsgroup for the study of computers and writing,
      specifically writing instruction in computer based classrooms."
    Subscription: send mail to listserve@ULKYVX.BITNET, `subscribe
      COMPOS01 <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>'.

  - The Garret

    Topics: ``The Enclave Writers' Network and Support Group mailing
      list digest.''
    Subscription: send mail to,
      `join GARRET'.
    Posting: <>

  - The Writing Workshop

    Topics: Fiction, Nfiction, Novels-L and Poetry-W lists are for submissions
      and critiques, Writing list is for general discussions, new member
      introductions, and announcements of various sorts. Tone is professional.
      Most members actually pursue publication. There is a requirement to
      contribute monthly (critique and/or submission) to retain membership status.
    Subscription: send mail to LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU, `subscribe <listname> 
      <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>' where <listname> is `fiction', `writing',
      `novels-l', 'nfiction' or 'poetry-w'. The lists are *not* self-serve, one
      of the list maintainer (Rheal Nadeau) will reply by emailsending the
      conditions of membership. Membership of the list is contingent on abiding
      by the non-onerous conditions (no broadcasting of submissions, contribute
      at least once per month, etc). 
      NFICTION@PSUVM.PSU.EDU, POETRY-W@PSUVM.PSU.EDU  (NB Postings only accepted
      from list members).


    Topics: Writing Intensive Online Learning Environment, an archived
      list for writing instructors.
    Subscription: send mail to listserve@MIZZOU1.BITNET, `subscribe
      WIOLE-L <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>'.

  - Write (Writer's Internet Exchange)

    Topics: similar to a closed newsgroup in which the members post their
      original work and critiques of other members work. The members e-mail
      their submissions to for distribution to the full
      membership list.
      Failure to submit three on-topic posts each month will automatically
      cancel membership.  Participation is important!
    Subscription: send your human-readable *request* to join or leave
      to <>
    Owner/Moderator:  Janet Kent <>

  - Writer's Workshop

    Topics: The WRITERS list is an open, unmoderated electronic workshop for
      discussions of the art and craft of writing and sharing of works in
      progress.  As might be expected, writers tend to write quite a lot,
      so be prepared for plenty of mail.
    Subscription: The workshop is self-serve - send email to
      <> (or <>) with the
      message SUBSCRIBE WRITERS <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>.
    Owner:  Mike Barker <>

  - Writing Center

    Topics: ``A discussion list for directors of academic writing
      centers, including evaluating software for writing instruction,
      use of tutors, and other issues specific to writing centers.''
    Subscription: send mail to listserve@TTUVM1.BITNET, `subscribe
      W-CENTER <yourfirstname> <yourlastname>'.

  FTP sites

    A large collection of electronic `zines' and other miscellaneous
    electronic text files can be found on the University of Michigan

    Other writing-related FAQs can be found on
    /pub/usenet/news.answers/writing. The FAQ site is also an
    outstanding collection of highly refined writing by `amatures' on
    virtually any topic, highly accessable to both readers and writers.
    The FAQ maintainers mailing list is available by request to

  WorldWideWeb sites

	Trevor Lawrence edits/publishes _bricolage_, a WorldWideWeb "trade"
	e-mag for on-line writers on:

    Debbie Ridpath Ohi maintains a WorldWideWeb page called  _INKSPOT_, a
	resource for children's writers on:

    Victory Crayne maintains a WorldWideWeb page reproducing her articles
    "Career Plan for Fiction Writers" and "How to Critique Fiction"

    Nancy McGough maintains a WorldWideWeb page called "Finding and Writing
    FAQs" on:

    Joe Chew maintains a list of Technical Writing WorldWideWeb Pages on:

    Charles Deemer maintains Screenwriters, the WorldWideWeb pages for the
    screenwriters mailing list on:

   Telnet Sessions

    Brazilian Dreams

    Topics:  Live writing games for professionals, semi-professionals,
      and amateurs.  Running since February, 1994, the games include
      a Storytellers' Circle (telling a story in 'round robin' fashion), 
      a Short-short-short story night (telling very short stories),
      a myth night, and a Variety-filk night.
    Location:  Brazilian Dreams  (telnet 8888).  After
      typing 'connect guest guest' to connect, type 'events' for a 
      current listing.
    Contact: Brent Edwards (


    A more accurate list of electronic `zines' is posted intermittently
    to alt.mag, alt.zines, posted by John Labovitz <>.
    See (most recent) or

    ``Electronic Writers' Workshops and Online Education in Creative
    Writing'' (Bowers & Butcher, 1993) is available from
    /WRITERS.RESOURC. Compilation of resources for writers and for
    writing teachers on the national network services, part 1. Part 2,
    virtual classrooms and tools for collaborative writing projects.
    Part 3, `a new breed of literatary magazines that are written,
    published, and read exclusively by network users...finding a
    readership beyond the best hopes of many professional and academic
    literatary magazines' editors.' Part 4, copyrights, what constitutes
    publication in the electronic realm, antidotes to `remarkable
    examples of misinformation'.

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C y b e r s p a t i a l  R e a l i t y  A d v a n c e m e n t  M o v e m e n t

In an effort to bring valuable information to the masses, and as a
service to motivated information compilers, a member of CRAM can help
others unfamiliar with Usenet `publish' their documents for widespread
dissemination via the FAQ structure, and act as a `sponsor' knowledgable
in the submissions process. This document is being distributed under
this arrangement.

We have found these compilations tend to appear on various mailing lists
and are valuable enough to deserve wider distribution. If you know of an
existing compilation of Internet information that is not currently a
FAQ, please contact us and we may `sponsor' it. The benefits to the
author include:

- use of the existing FAQ infrastructure for distribution:
  - automated mail server service
  - FTP archival
  - automated posting

- a far wider audience that can improve the quality, accuracy,
  and coverage of the document enormously through email

- potential professional inquiries for the use of your
  document in other settings, such as newsletters, books,

- with us as your sponsor, we will also take care of the
  technicalities in the proper format of the posted version
  and updating procedures, leaving you free of the `overhead'
  to focus on the basic updates alone

The choice of who we `sponsor' is entirely arbitrary. You always
have the option of handling the submission process yourself.
See the FAQ submission guidelines FAQ in news.answers.

For information, send mail to <>.

Most Wanted List

This list can grow and prosper if you help keep it updated, use the
information herein wisely, and help recruit new sources. Please do
NOT send random editor email addresses unless those editors specifically
approve of advertising them. Currently most wanted:

- More popular newstand magazines, esp. paying ones. Asimov's, Analog,
- Old discussion on MAGAZINE email list about email submission
- More HTML magazines like GNN and Trincoll.
- FTP sites.
- any elaboration on places with `(?)'
- More Web pointers
- Update on newsgroups not listed
- Update on mailing lists not listed

When submitting updates to the list, PLEASE include all known
information in the categories recorded. That is: email address,
description of the general content of the outlet, remuneration policies,
and the rights involved. The editor of this list prefers outlets that
are `well established' and are not likely to disappear. Also, another
list by J. Labovitz better tracks electronic `zines'. See `Other
Resources' above.

Send comments to <>.


Special thanks to the following people for contributing especially
valuable information to this list:

L.Detweiler <>
Kyle Conway <>
Ed Stastny <>
Cecilia M Tan <>
David Abrahamson <ABRAHAMSON@ACFcluster.NYU.EDU>
Laura Packard <> --
John Bowers <>
Chuq Von Rospach <>

Special thanks to the forward-seeing editors who have the patience,
vision, and expertise to support email submissions.

Change History

  v2.8 (10/95)
	WRITE added. Obsolete Fortune MCI address removed. Intermix added. Victory
    Crane's W3 site details added. Blue Heron added. The Garret added. 

  v2.7 (06/95)
	AMFM, BOOKNEWS, BOOK-TALK, MEDIA-LIST, SFnF-Writers, online-news,
    online-newspapers, RW-L and SPJ-Online mailing lists added. World Wide Web
    section created. alt.journalism.freelance and misc.writing.screenplays
    newsgroup details added. Telnet session data added.

  v2.6 (04/95)
	The Writing Workshop title changed. Internet Bulletin for CPAs and
    Stoneground added.

  v2.5 (03/95)
	WRITER'S list LISTSERV address changed. misc.writing files added.
	bricolage pointers added.

  v2.4 (01/95)

    HTML format created. nwu-chat/queer added, PARADIGM, CLIPTEXT,
    Writer's Workshop Review added. FAQ-oriented WWW site added.

  v2.3 (10/94)

    WWW newsgroups. OtherRealms nuked at request of Chuqie.
    "Hum" Canadian Government Computer added.

  v2.2 (9/94)

    New address (sigh). WWW Press section added. Internet Informer,
    Millenium Magazine added.

  v2.1 (6/94)

    New address for updates. (Apologies to all who sent revisions
    that bounced over this period. Please resubmit.)

  v2.0 (1/94)

    `A Vision of the Future' inspired partly by Chuq Von Rospach
    hostility in email. `CRAM' and `FAQ of the Future' added. Alternate
    Hilarities (Tales Twice Told), OtherRealms, Intertext, Trincoll
    Journal, Writer's Nook News added. Mailing list entries modified to
    indicate list address vs. subscription addresses (apologies for
    inconvenience, but blame J.B. :).

  v1.3 (11/93)

    Grist addition. Fix of the Lansing vs. Ann Arbor (thanks many
    people!) Fringware Review. Fiction & Writing lists. Bowers papers
    on cyberspatial writing resources FTP pointers (highly recommended).
    Poetry list. Screen Writing list. Creative Writing Pedagogy list.
    Megabyte University. Composition Digest list. Purdue Rhetoric list.
    Writing Intensive Online Learning Environment list. Writing Center
    list. (New mailing lists added are from Bowers paper, thanks!)

  v1.2 (9/93)

    MCI Mail magazine addresses included. Posting frequency changed.
    Glitch that posted to `misc.writers' oblivion instead of

  v1.1 (8/93)

    Writer's Workshop list, Cyberspace Vanguard added.

  v1.0 (8/93)

    Wilde Oakes, Lighthouse added. Posted to *.answers groups &
    archived at

  v0.6 (8/93)

    Added `rights,' `comments,' `type' categories.  Reordered
    list categories. Added small-press list.  Paladin and Circlet added.

  v0.5 (7/93)

    Basics of email address, newsgroup list, editor & writer notices,
    submission protocol, etc. in place after initial query on


    This FAQ is available from the standard FAQ server via
    FTP in the file /pub/usenet/news.answers/writing/resources and also from in the file /pub/bricolage/IWRG

    Email requests for FAQs go to with commands
    on lines in the message body, e.g. `help' and `index'.

    This FAQ is posted every 21 days to the groups misc.writing,

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM