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sci.virtual-worlds Introduction FAQ
Section - -3- What is rejected?

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Top Document: sci.virtual-worlds Introduction FAQ
Previous Document: -2- How do I post?
Next Document: -4- Is it okay to post commercial announcements?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
We will not post:

     * articles that are not coherently related to virtual reality 
     * flames (any posting that directly attacks person and/or idea without
     objective, analytical content) 
     * comments directed to the moderators 
     * multiple postings expressing essentially the same idea (the first
     posting will be accepted the others will be rejected) 
     * postings considered to be personal comments, not of group interest 
     * short commentaries consisting of personal opinion (1-3 lines...this 
       newsgroup is adverse to "one-liners", they add little to discussions 
       and just clog up our readers)

     If a submission is rejected, a message will be sent to the author
     indicating why it is not being posted.

Note: Another possible area for rejection is length. Because
sci.virtual-worlds is mirrored by the list "VIRTU-L", lengthly postings are
frowned upon. It is better to archive it at our site and then post an
announcement of availability.

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: sci.virtual-worlds Introduction FAQ
Previous Document: -2- How do I post?
Next Document: -4- Is it okay to post commercial announcements?

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:
"Sci.Virtual-Worlds" <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM