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sci.virtual-worlds Glove FAQ

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Archive-name: virtual-worlds/glove-faq
Posting-frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 1996/02/20

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Topics covered in this FAQ:
-1- VR Glove Sources
-2- Glove citations
-3- Online and WWW sources
-4- What about the PowerGlove?
-5- Glove Patents
-6- Credits
Subject: -1- VR Glove Sources:

Virtual Technologies
2175 Park Blvd.
Palo Alto, CA  94306
Tel: 415-321-4900/Fax: 415-321-4912
CyberGlove (tm)
Cost: $9800

CyberTouch(TM) glove which consists of the CyberGlove with a tactile
feedback option for all five fingers and the palm
Price:   $14800

GesturePlus(TM), a trainable gesture recognition system that can be 
used in conjunction with glove products.
Price: $3500.

(Virtual Technologies, Inc., now has a company-sponsored on-line 
users group.   This users group is intended to enhance communication 
and broaden the support options for users of Virtual Technologies' 
products, including the CyberGlove(TM) instrumented glove, 
GesturePlus(TM) gesture recognition system and Virtual Hand(R) 
hand-interaction software library. To enroll in the users group, please 
send email to withthe phrase "subscribe vtug" in the 
subject line. )

 EXOS Inc.
2A Gill ST.
Woburn, MA  01801
Tel: 617-933-0022/Fax: 617-933-0303
Web: <>
Dextrous HandMaster (DHM)
Cost:  approx. $15,000
PowerStick, available mid-1996

Abrahms Gentile Entertainment
Product: PC Powerglove
 Cost approx. $120.00

The PC PowerGlove will take all the advantage of the
 original Power Glove, ...but increase its resolution and features,
 reducing its weight and maintaining a low retail cost ($120.00). The
 PC PowerGlove is scheduled to be released 1st Quarter 1996, with
 Developer Kits available 4th Quarter 1995.

Fakespace, Inc.  
Telephone: 415-691-1488
Fax: 415-960-0541
Product: Pinch (TM) Hand Gesture Interface System
Pinch gloves make it possible to use a representation of hand 
interaction to productively work within a three-dimensional (3D) 
computer simulation.  Each glove contains five sensors (one in each 
fingertip).  Contact between any two or more digits completes a 
conductive path, and a complex  variety of actions based on these 
simple "pinch" gestures can be defined by the application developer.  
To track the motion of each "virtual" hand within an application, 
each glove also has a back-of-hand mount to accommo  date Polhemus 
or other sensors.

Pricing for a single complete system is $2,000, with additional 
individual gloves priced at $100 each. 

The "5th Glove":
The new 5th Glove features breakthrough pricing and performance. 
Advanced fiber optic sensors in each finger sample 256 positions per 
finger at a 200 hz sample rate. Built-in 2DOF pitch and roll tracking 
combined with gesture recognition allows movement along the x,y,z 
axis. A standard serial (RS-232) interface connects to PC's and 
workstations. A 6DOF tracker can be added for more advanced 

                US$495 for the 5th Glove [right-hand]
                US$595 for the 5th Glove [left-hand]

Paul Olckers:
Tel: +27 12 349 1400           Fax: +27 12 349 1404

In the US,  General Reality Company is the master distributor of the 
glove in the U.S., contact:
Denny Reinert
General Reality Company
124 Race St.
San Jose, CA  95126
Tel: 408-289-8340, Fax: 408-289-8258

Cyberception Inc.
14 Carmichael Ave.
Toronto, Ontario
M5M 2W6

Phone 416-486-8047
Fax   416-638-0007
Unused Mattel/Nintendo powergloves modified for the PC parallel 
port $55.00 US, unmodified $35.00
US available in quantities, with full warranty and support

Subject: 2- Glove citations
Date:  September 1, 1995

Bolas, M. (1995, forthcoming).  Alternative Display and Interaction 
Devices.  SPIE Conference.  Bellingham, WA: SPIE.

Bolas, M. (1995, July). Applications drive VR Interface Selection. 
Computer, p. 72.

Bordegoni, M. (1994). Parallel Use of Hand Gestures and Force-Input 
Device for Interacting with 3D and Virtual Reality Environments.  
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 6(4), pp. 391-

Jacob, R. J. K., Leggett, J. J., Myers, B. A. and Pausch, R. (1993).  
Interaction Styles And Input/Output Devices.    Behaviour and 
Information Technology.  12(2),  pp. 69-79.

Kessler, G. D, Hodges, L. F. and Walker, N. (1995).  Evaluation of the
CyberGlove as a Whole-Hand Input Device.  ACM Transactions on
Computer-Human Interaction.  2(4),  pp. 263-283.

Marcus, B. A. and Sturman, D. J. (1991). Exotic Input Devices. In 
Proceedings of National Computer Graphics Association, NCGA '91. 
(pp. 293-299). Fairfax, VA: NCGA.

Marcus, B. A., An, B. and Eberman, B. (1991). EXOS Research on 
Master Controllers for Robotic Devices. In Proceedings of 1991 SOARP 

Marcus, B. A., An, B. and Eberman, B. (1991). Making VR Feel Real. In 
Proceedings of SRI International Virtual Worlds Conference. 

Marcus, B. A., Lucas, W. and Churchill, P. J. (1989). Human Hand 
Sensing for Robotics and Teleoperations.Sensors, 6(11), p. 26, 28-31.

Sturman, D. J. (1992). Whole Hand Input. PH. D. Thesis. [Available via 
anonymous ftp at, 
/pub/sturman/WholeHandInput].  Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts 
Institute of Technology.

Sturman, D. J. and Zeltzer, D. (1994, January). A Survey of Glove-Based 
Input. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 14 (1), 30-39. 

Sturman, D. J., Zeltzer, D. and Pieper, S. (1989). Hands-On Interaction 
with Virtual Environments. In UIST. Proceedings of the ACM 
SIGGRAPH Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. 
(pp. 19-24). New York, NY: ACM. 

Sturman, D.J.  and  Zeltzer, D. (1993).  Utility of Whole-Hand Input.  In 
Proceedings of Telemanipulator Technology and Space Telerobotics,  
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.2057, (pp. 

Sturman, D.J.  and  Zeltzer, D. (1993). A Design Method For "Whole-
Hand" Human-Computer Interaction.   ACM Transactions on 
Information Systems, 11(3),  pp. 219-38.

Ware, C. and Balakrishnan, R. (1994). Target Acquisition In Fish Tank 
VR: The Effects Of Lag And Frame Rate. In Proceedings of Graphics 
Interface '94 (pp.  1-7.  18-20 ).  Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Canadian Inf. 
Process. Society.

Subject: -3-  Online and WWW Resources

CHI95 - Gesture at the User Interace Workshop:

Haptic (Sensory/Touch) Interfaces:

Haptics Bibliography by Margaret Minsky:

Hardware Resource List by Graeme J Sweeney

Machine Gesture and Sign Language Recognition

GRASP - Recognising Auslan signs using
Instrumented Gloves

Chris Hands' page on Gestural Interfaces

Machine Gesture and Sign Language Recognition

Alan Wexelblat has a Gesture Bibliography:

Gesture Workshop '96:

Gesture Mailing List :The GESTURE-L Forum covers study of gestures,
gesture systems, and alternate sign languages. Send a "subscribe
gesture-l " message to

Subject: -4- What about the PowerGlove? 4.1 Groups to contact: Power Glove Interfaces and Software Virtual Reality Alliance of Students & Professionals PO Box 4139 Hightland Park, NY 08904-4139 Email: WWW: Power Glove Serial Interface UIUC Student Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery 1304 West Springfield, Room 1225 Urbana, IL 61801 Email: WWW: in /ACM/PGSI 4.2 FAQs: PGSI FAQ Power Glove FAQ Is available as an HTML document, By J. Eric Townsend: The older FAQ is at: 4.2 FTP sites: Below is and excerpt from the old Glove-List FAQ: "1.3 ftp sites has offered the use of as a powerglove related ftp site. Check: /pub/vr for a variety of glove-list relted stuff. is no longer the powerglove ftp site." Chris Hand has done a couple good WWW pages on the PowerGlove: PowerGlove Sources by Chris Hand PowerGlove by Chris Hand 4.3 Articles: Gardner, Dana L. "The Power Glove", Design News. 4-Dec-89 pp63-68 Pausch, R. "Virtual Reality on Five Dollars a Day". Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computer Systems Conference, New Orleans April 1991. /papers
Subject: -5- Patents: Date: September 1, 1995 US Patent 3,022,878 'Communication device' Patented Feb. 27, 1962 Robert Seibel, Putnam Valley, Nathaniel Rochester IBM A further object of this invention is to provide a keyboard into which the hand is inserted, much as the hand is inserted into a glove. Such a keyboard is adaptable to being fitted into a glove. US Patent 4,414,537 'Digital data entry glove interface device' Patented Nov. 8, 1983 Gary J.Grimes, Bell Telephone Lab. Inc A man-machine interface is disclosed for translating discrete hand positions into electrical signals representing alpha-numeric characters US Patent 4,542,291 'Optical flex sensor' Patented Sep. 17, 1985 Thomas G. Zimmerman. VPL Research Inc. The instant invention relate generally to position detectors and more specifically it relates to anoptical flex sensor that produces an output signal in response to bending A further object is to provide an optical flex sensor that uses inexpensive common materials and is assembled either by hand or with simple tools. US Patent 4,988,981 'Computer data entry and manipulation apparatus and methods' Patented Jan. 29, 1991 Thomas G.Zimmerman, Jaron Z.Lanier VPL Research Inc. Apparatus is disclosed for generating control signals for the manipulation of virtual objects in a computer system according to the gesture and position of an operator's hand or other body part. The apparatus includes a glove worn on the hand which includes sensors for detecting the gestures of the hand, as well as hand position sensing means coupled to the glove and to the computer system for detecting the position of the hand with respect to the system. U .S. Patent : 5,047,952, Jim Kramer. Communication system for deaf, deaf-blind an non-vocal individuals using instrumented glovesVirtual Technologies, 1991.
Subject: -6- Credits Date: 13 Jul 95 00:00:01 PST Comments about, suggestions about or corrections to this posting are welcomed. If you would like to ask me to change this posting in someway, the method I appreciate most is for you to email me the proposed change. Make sure to indicate the section; preferably attaching the original text that you propose to change as well. The following people assisted in the creation of this article: There are a number of people who's information on the WWW provided information for this FAQ: Chris Hand, J. Eric Townshend and of course, the UIUC Student Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery This article was originally written by: Toni Emerson, <>.

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