Archive-name: us-govt-net-pointers/part3
Version: 0.6 Last-modifed: 94/04/01 Distribution-agent: See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge (This document has been brought to you in part by CRAM. See the bottom for more information, including instructions on how to obtain updates.) === INTERNET RESOURCES: U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT INFORMATION Release 0.6, April 1994 Compiled/copyright by Maggie Parhamovich (, Government Documents, Dickinson Library, University of Nevada Las Vegas. This document is available via anonymous ftp at the University of Nevada (ftp directory /liaison) and at the Internet Clearinghouse at the University of Michigan (gopher or ftp TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Internet Sites 2.01 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 2.02 AGRICULTURE 2.021 Americans Communicating Electronically (ACE) 2.022 Extension Service, USDA 2.023 GRIN: National Genetic Resources Program 2.024 National Agricultural Library 2.025 National Agricultural Library Plant Genome 2.026 PENPages 2.03 ARCHEOLOGY 2.031 National Archeological Database (NADB) Online 2.04 CENSUS 2.041 Census Bureau Gopher 2.042 Merit 2.043 Population Studies Center Gopher 2.045 TIGER Files 2.046 University of Missouri 2.05 COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF 2.051 Commerce Business Daily 2.052 Economic Bulletin Board (EBB) 2.053 EBB - University of Michigan 2.0531 University of California - Santa Cruz 2.0532 University of Maryland 2.054 Economic Conversion Information Exchange (ECIX) Gopher 2.055 Office of Budget Analysis 2.06 CONGRESS 2.061 Congressional Research Service (CRS) Abstracts 2.062 United States House of Representatives E-Mail System 2.063 United States House of Representatives Gopher 2.064 United States Senate Bibliographies 2.065 United States Senate Gopher 2.07 COPYRIGHT 2.071 LOCIS - Library of Congress 2.08 CRIME 2.081 Bureau of Justice Statistics 2.09 EDUCATION 2.091 Department of Education/OERI Institutional Communications Network (INET) 2.092 ERIC 2.0921 Auburn University 2.0922 Syracuse University 2.0923 AskERIC (Syracuse University) 2.0924 University of North Carolina 2.0925 University of Saskatchewan 2.093 JASON Online 2.094 National Education BBS 2.10 ENERGY 2.101 Comprehensive Oil and Gas Information Source (COGIS) 2.102 MMES/ORNL Gopher 2.11 ENVIRONMENT AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) 2.111 Dendrome Gopher 2.112 EcoNet 2.113 EPA 2.114 EPA 2.115 EPA Environmental Software 2.116 National Environmental Data Referral Service (NOAA) 2.117 NOAA Environmental Information Services Gopher 2.118 Oak Ridge National Lab 2.119 Office of Environmental Safety and Health (DOE) 2.12 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 2.121 FCC Gopher 2.13 FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT 2.14 FEDERAL REGISTER 2.141 Counterpoint Publishing/Internet Company 2.142 LEGI-SLATE Gopher 2.15 FEDERAL RESERVE 2.151 Internet Town Hall 2.152 New England Electronic Economic Data Center 2.16 FEDIX (Federal Information Exchange Inc.) and MOLIS (Minority Online Information Service) 2.17 FEDWORLD (NTIS) 2.18 FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION 2.181 FDA Bulletin Board 2.19 GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE (GAO) 2.191 GAO Daybook on CapAccess 2.192 GAO REPORTS 2.20 GEOGRAPHY (see also USGS) 2.201 Earth Science Data Directory 2.202 Geographic Name Server 2.203 Global Land Information System (GLIS) 2.21 HEALTH (see also science) 2.211 CancerNet 2.212 CancerNet via National University of Singapore 2.213 Health Educational Technology Web Server 2.214 National Center for Biotechnology Information 2.215 NIH Server 2.216 National Library of Medicine 2.217 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) 2.22 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2.221 Maxwell Laboratories 2.23 LABOR 2.231 Bureau of Labor Statistics 2.24 LEGISLATION 2.241 LAWLIB 2.242 LEGI-SLATE Gopher 2.243 LOCIS - Library of Congress 2.244 Washington College of Law's 2.245 WASHLAW 2.25 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS (see also Library Catalogs and Legislation) 2.251 Library of Congress FTP Site 2.252 MARVEL 2.26 MILITARY 2.261 Defense Data Network (DDN) 2.262 Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) 2.263 Navy News Service (NAVNEWS) 2.264 Navy Public Affairs Library 2.265 US Military Academy, West Point 2.266 USMA Ranger 2.27 NATIONAL AERONAUTIC AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION (NASA) 2.271 Ames Research Center 2.272 Center for Advanced Space Studies (CASS) 2.273 COSLINE 2.274 ENVIRONET 2.275 Goddard Space Flight Center 2.276 Images 2.277 Langley Research Center 2.278 Los Alamos National Laboratory 2.279 Lunar and Planetary Institute see NASA, Center for Advanced Space Studies 2.280 NASA Extragalactic Database (NED) 2.281 NASA Gopher 2.282 NASA Headline News 2.283 NASA Mid-Continent Regional Technology Transfer Center 2.284 NASA Science Internet Network Information Center 2.285 NASA Spacelink 2.286 Network Applications and Information Center 2.287 NICOLAS (Network Information Center On-Line Aid System) 2.288 NODIS National Space Science Data Center 2.289 NONA (National Science Internet Online Network Aid) 2.290 Planetary Data System (PDS) 2.291 Planetary Data System Geosciences Node 2.292 Miscellaneous NASA Anonymous FTP Sites 2.293 Miscellaneous NASA sites 2.30 NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORD ADMINISTRATION (NARA) 2.301 Library of Congress Gopher 2.302 NIH Server 2.31 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY (NIST) 2.32 NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERE ADMINISTRATION 2.321 Earth System Data Dictionary (NOAA) 2.322 National Environmental Data Referral Service (NEDRES) 2.323 NOAA Environmental Information Services Gopher 2.324 NOAA - Space Environment Services Center 2.33 NATIONAL INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE/NREN 2.331 Commerce Department Information Infrastructure Task Force 2.332 Digital Information Infrastructure Guide (DIIG) 2.333 National Coordination Office for High Performance Computing and Communications (NCO/HPCC) Gopher 2.334 National Information Infrastructure Agenda 2.335 National Science Foundation 2.336 National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) 2.34 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION 2.341 NSF FTP Site 2.342 NSF WAIS 2.343 National Science Foundation 2.35 NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER 2.351 Business Gold 2.36 NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION (NATO) 2.361 NATODATA 2.37 NUCLEAR ENERGY 2.371 ES&H Nuclear Safety Gopher 2.372 Nuclear Data Center 2.38 OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET 2.381 National Science Foundation 2.39 PRESIDENT (See also Reference Texts) 2.391 Economic Plan (President Clinton) 2.392 President Clinton's e-mail 2.393 Vice-President Gore's e-mail 2.394 White House Press Releases 2.395 White House Press Releases via Email 2.396 White House Press Releases Archive 2.40 REFERENCE TEXTS 2.401 CARL (Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries Catalog) 2.402 Center for Electronic Records (NARA) 2.403 Cornell Law School 2.404 CPSR Internet Library 2.405 Internet Wiretap 2.406 Law Library 2.407 OSS-IS 2.408 PANDA (Pan-Campus Data Access Network) 2.409 RiceInfo 2.410 Rutgers CWIS 2.411 Syracuse University 2.412 UC-Santa Cruz 2.413 University of Maryland 2.414 University of Michigan 2.415 University of North Carolina 2.416 University of Pennsylvania 2.417 World Wide Web 2.42 SCIENCE 2.421 AVES 2.422 Genetic Sequence Data Bank (NLM) 2.423 National Referral Master File, Library of Congress 2.424 NEWTON 2.425 Oceanic Information Center 2.426 Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) 2.427 Science and Technology Information System (STIS) 2.428 Spacemet 2.43 SECURITY AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION 2.431 EDGAR 2.432 EDGAR on WashLaw 2.44 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION 2.441 Social Security Administration (OSS-IS) 2.45 SUPREME COURT 2.451 Case Western Reserve University 2.452 Cleveland Free Net 2.453 Cornell Law School 2.454 Merit 2.455 Youngstown Free Net 2.46 TECHNICAL REPORTS 2.461 Vortex Technology Gopher 2.47 TRAVEL ADVISORIES 2.471 St. Olaf 2.48 UNITED NATIONS 2.481 United Nations Development Program Gopher 2.49 UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2.491 USAID Gopher 2.50 UNITED STATES BUREAU OF MINES 2.501 U.S. Bureau of Mines Gopher 2.51 UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 2.511 USFWS - Division of Refugees 2.512 USFWS - Division of Law Enforcement and Forensic Lab 2.52 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (USGS) (see also geography) 2.521 Seymour 2.522 USGS Gopher 2.523 USGS National Mapping Division (NMD) 2.524 USGS Weekly Seismicity Report 2.53 WEATHER INFORMATION 2.531 Weather Service III. LIBRARY CATALOGS 3.01 Air Force Institute of Technology 3.02 Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries (CARL) 3.021 Arizona State University 3.03 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 3.031 Library of Congress (Data Research Associates) 3.032 Library of Congress 3.04 North Carolina State University 3.05 UNCBBS 3.06 United States Military Academy 3.07 University of California and the California State Library (MELVYL) 3.08 University of California at Berkeley 3.09 University of Nevada IV. DISCUSSION LISTS 4.01 ADA-LAW 4.02 BAYOUDOC 4.03 CALDOC-L 4.04 COGOPUB-L 4.05 DOXNJ 4.06 FEDLIB-L 4.07 GOVDOC-L 4.08 Legi-Slate 4.09 MAPHIST-L 4.10 MAPS-L 4.11 NATOSCI 4.12 REGO-L 4.13 TXDXN-L 4.14 WINDY-L I. INTRODUCTION This guide was compiled primarily for librarians who provide reference assistance for U.S. Government Documents and contains Internet sites which may assist in providing reference service for library patrons who need government information. A word about gophers; if I know the telnet address and password for a gopher I have included login instructions. However, I recommend you "point your gopher client" to a gopher instead of using telnet. This not only facilitates login but is also easier to use. In addition, Mosaic and WAIS software is becoming more available and user friendly. I have included Mosaic (http) directions when I know the address and will continue to adapt this guide to emerging technologies. Your computing services can provide you with information on your institution's technical capabilities. There are a number of gophers which provide pointers to U.S. Government Gophers. This is an good method to find federal information on the Internet. An excellent collection of U.S. Government Gophers can be found at Calvin Boyer of the University of California at Irvine maintains this list which is the best collection of U.S. Government gophers I have seen. I would recommend you add this site to your gopher bookmarks. Thank you to Raymond Jansen from Tri-C West Library in Cleveland, Ohio who put together the indexing format for this edition. I hope the new format makes it easier to locate specific sites. Each edition gets longer as electronic information continues to increase and I appreciate all of the support and input from other Internet surfers. Original funding and research was conducted with the support of ALA/USIA Fellows Program. As a Fellow to Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia and the University of New Brunswick, Canada I conducted a number of workshops on U.S. government information. I appreciate the support of the ALA/USIA Fellows Program which provided the opportunity and time necessary to investigate electronic government information. Reproduction/distribution without my permission is allowable for nonprofit educational purposes so long as this document is left fully intact and includes the copyright notice. Please send any comments, corrections or suggestions to II. INTERNET SITES Internet sites are listed by agency or topic. Use telnet, gopher, mosaic, or ftp commands to access the following sites. Login passwords for telnet sites are provided when known. For gopher sites, you may use either telnet or gopher to access the site. To obtain government documents and information on ftp sites, use the ftp command and login as anonymous and use your e-mail address as your password. IP addresses are listed when known. 2.01 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Contains an extensive collection of files related to ADA and legislation on disabilities. Address: ftp 2.02 AGRICULTURE 2.021 Americans Communicating Electronically (ACE) Includes information from the USDA Extension Service, National Agriculture Library and Americans Communicating Electronically (ACE) which is a collection of federal information for the purpose of increasing access to government information. Address: gopher Or: gopher 2.022 Extension Service, USDA In addition to USDA information, this gopher contains a variety of government information including the "National Performance Review" and Clinton Health Plan. Address: gopher OR gopher Login: password unknown - use local gopher client 2.023 GRIN: National Genetic Resources Program Address: gopher Or: gopher 2.024 National Agricultural Library Address: gopher Or: ftp 2.025 National Agricultural Library Plant Genome Address: gopher 2.026 PENPages U.S. agricultural database administered by Pennsylvania State University which contains information on agriculture and weather. Address: telnet Login Username: U.S. state abbreviation or "world" if outside 2.03 ARCHEOLOGY 2.031 National Archeological Database (NADB) Online NADB has information on archeology reports and laws. Also included is the Database on Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. Address: telnet Login: nadb 2.04 CENSUS 2.041 Census Bureau Gopher Currently under development but promises to be a key site for Census statistics. Address: gopher Or: ftp Or: http 2.042 Merit Contains 1990 Census data. Address: telnet ( Select: um-ulibrary Login: gopher 2.043 Population Studies Center Gopher (University of Pennsylvania) In addition to Census data, this gopher includes some health statistics. Address: gopher 2.045 TIGER Files Contains some TIGER files and census data. Address: ftp /pub/map/tiger 2.046 University of Missouri An excellent source for 1990 Census statistics. Address: gopher Directory ref cent/united states & missouri/census information 2.05 COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF 2.051 Commerce Business Daily Provides free access to the Commerce Business Daily. Address: gopher 2.052 Economic Bulletin Board (EBB) Primarily a fee based service but some files such as the U.S. Budget are available free to guests. Contact the Department of Commerce for subscription information. Address: telnet ebb.stat-usa Or: gopher 2.053 EBB - University of Michigan The Economic Bulletin Board contains current economic indicators and statistics including employment figures and CPI. Address: telnet Login: gopher Directory: /social science resources/economics Or: gopher Several gophers have pointers to the EBB at the University of Michigan including the following: 2.0531 University of California - Santa Cruz Address: telnet Login: gopher 2.0532 University of Maryland Address: telnet ( Login: gopher 2.054 Economic Conversion Information Exchange (ECIX) Gopher Address: gopher Or: ftp 2.055 Office of Budget Analysis - Department of Commerce Address: gopher Or: ftp 2.06 CONGRESS 2.061 Congressional Research Service (CRS) Abstracts The full text of CRS reports are available from members of Congress or through commercial vendors. Address: telnet Login: guest Password: visitor Command: go federal 2.062 United States House of Representatives Constituent Electronic Mail System This is a pilot program to test the feasibility of establishing an e-mail system. For information, send a request for information to: 2.063 United States House of Representatives Gopher Address: gopher 2.064 United States Senate Bibliographies Contains bibliographic records from the 98th Congress to the present. Address: telnet Login: library /resources on the ncsu campus/gopher at the ncsu libraries/library without walls/study carrels/government and law Or: gopher Or: gopher /library without walls /discipline specific study carrels/government and law /mcgeachy's bibliography of senate hearings Or: ftp /pub/doc/senate 2.065 United States Senate Gopher Address: gopher Or: ftp 2.07 COPYRIGHT 2.071 LOCIS - Library of Congress Contains copyright information and records from 1978 to the present. Address: telnet ( 2.08 CRIME 2.081 Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS statistics are maintained on the gopher at the State University of New York at Albany. Address: gopher /United Nations Criminal Justice Information Network/BJS 2.09 EDUCATION 2.091 Department of Education/OERI Institutional Communications Network (INET) Contains information from the Department of Education including press releases and guides for educators. Address: gopher Or: ftp Or: http 2.092 ERIC 2.0921 Auburn University (1966-) Address: telnet ( Command: select Application Note: requires a TN3270 2.0922 Syracuse University (1984-) Address: telnet ( OR telnet ( Command: suinfo 2.0923 AskERIC (Syracuse University) Includes the Education 2000 reports. Address: telnet login: gopher Or: gopher Or: ftp Or: http 2.0924 University of North Carolina Address: telnet ( Login: launch Name/Password: select and remember your password for future sessions Command: Select Topical Documents Search (WAIS) 2.0925 University of Saskatchewan (1983-) Address: ( Login: sonia 2.093 JASON Online Supported by the Department of Education in order to increase telecommunication among schools. Address: telnet ( Login: jason Password: guest 2.094 National Education BBS Address: telnet ( Login: new 2.10 ENERGY 2.101 Comprehensive Oil and Gas Information Source (COGIS) Contains up to ten years of oil and gas data collected by the Energy Information Administration. For information on subscribing, call EIA's National Energy Information Center 202-586-8800. 2.102 MMES/ORNL Gopher Martin Marietta Energy Systems manages the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The combined gopher contains a variety of information such as project reports, technical reports and directories. Address: gopher 2.11 ENVIRONMENT 2.111 Dendrome Gopher A collection of specialized forest tree genome databases which is being developed by the Institute of Forest Genetics. Address: gopher 2.112 EcoNet - U.S. Congressional Environmental Voting Records Address: gopher Or: http /lcv/scorecard.html Or: e-mail 2.113 EPA Includes EPA publications such as the full text of Access and the EPA National Online Library System. Address: telnet ( Login: public 2.114 EPA Address: gopher 2.115 EPA Environmental Software EPA Region 5 in cooperation with Purdue University has created a database of environmental software programs for PC's. This software is in the public domain. Address: gopher Directory: /education Or: gopher 2.116 National Environmental Data Referral Service (NOAA) Address: gopher 2.117 NOAA Environmental Information Services Gopher Address: gopher 2.118 Oak Ridge National Lab (ORL) Environmental Sciences Division (ESD) Address: gopher 2.119 Office of Environmental Safety and Health (DOE) Address: gopher 2.12 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 2.121 FCC Gopher Includes daily digests, news releases and public notices. Address: gopher Or: ftp 2.13 FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT Address: gopher Also available on listserve: sub fedjobs firstname lastname Also available as ftp: ftp directory fedjobs 2.14 FEDERAL REGISTER 2.141 Counterpoint Publishing/Internet Company Provides free access to the Federal Register. Address: telnet Login: fedreg Password: register Or: gopher 2.142 LEGI-SLATE Gopher This is a prototype under development and includes sample bills, resolutions and the Federal Register. Address: gopher 7000 Or: telnet Or: telnet 2.15 FEDERAL RESERVE 2.151 Internet Town Hall Provides selected interest rates, money stock measures and flow of fund tables. Address: gopher 2.152 New England Electronic Economic Data Center (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston) Address: ftp 2.16 FEDIX (Federal Information Exchange Inc.) and MOLIS (Minority Online Information Service) Address: telnet ( Login: fedix OR molis ID: new 2.17 FEDWORLD (NTIS) Provides connections to many government bulletin boards and online systems as well as full text for some government publications including the "National Information Infrastructure: Agenda Action" and the "Electronic Delivery of Federal Services". Address: telnet ( Login: new Or: ftp ( 2.18 FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION 2.181 FDA Bulletin Board Contains news releases, aids information and consumer information. Address: telnet ( Login: bbs This site is closed to public access - try FedWorld. 2.19 GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE (GAO) 2.191 GAO Daybook on CapAccess The GAO Daybook lists the reports and testimony issued daily. Address: telnet Login: guest Password: visitor type "go gao" 2.192 GAO REPORTS Address: ftp ( Directory: GAO-REPORTS 2.20 GEOGRAPHY see also USGS 2.201 Earth Science Data Directory Address: gopher 2.202 Geographic Name Server Provides information by city or area code on population, latitude and longitude, and elevation. Address: telnet 3000 ( 3000) Login: name of city and state (phoenix, az) 2.203 Global Land Information System (GLIS) Contains land use maps. Address: telnet ( Login: guest 2.21 HEALTH see also science 2.211 CancerNet Contains cancer information from the National Cancer Institute's Physician Data Query (PDQ) in English or Spanish. Send e-mail message to: with "help" in the body of the message for a content list. Or: gopher 2.212 CancerNet via National University of Singapore A secondary site for cancer information as a result of collaboration between NUS and NCI. Address: gopher Or: http Or: send e-mail message to: with "cancernethelp" in the message. 2.213 Health Educational Technology Web Server The server contains information from the Educational Technology Branch at the National Library of Medicine. Address: http 2.214 National Center for Biotechnology Information Compiled by the National Institutes of Health, the directory contains databases and software which has been deposited at the NCBI. Address: gopher ( Directory: /repository Or: http (continued...) === DISTRIBUTION: How to obtain this document FTP --- This FAQ is available from the standard FAQ server via FTP in the file /pub/usenet/news.answers/us-govt-net-pointers Email ----- Email requests for FAQs go to with commands on lines in the message body, e.g. `help' and `index'. Usenet ------ This FAQ is posted every 21 days to the groups alt.politics.economics, alt.politics.usa.misc, soc.politics, soc.answers alt.answers, news.answers \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | / / / / / / / / / / _______ ________ _____ _____ _____ /// \\\ ||| \\\ /// \\\ |||\\\///||| ||| ~~ ||| /// ||| ||| ||| \\// ||| ||| __ |||~~~\\\ |||~~~||| ||| ~~ ||| \\\ /// ||| \\\ ||| ||| ||| ||| ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ / / / / / / / / / | \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ C y b e r s p a t i a l R e a l i t y A d v a n c e m e n t M o v e m e n t In an effort to bring valuable information to the masses, and as a service to motivated information compilers, a member of CRAM can help others unfamiliar with Usenet `publish' their documents for widespread dissemination via the FAQ structure, and act as a `sponsor' knowledgable in the submissions process. This document is being distributed under this arrangement. We have found these compilations tend to appear on various mailing lists and are valuable enough to deserve wider distribution. If you know of an existing compilation of Internet information that is not currently a FAQ, please contact us and we may `sponsor' it. The benefits to the author include: - use of the existing FAQ infrastructure for distribution: - automated mail server service - FTP archival - automated posting - a far wider audience that can improve the quality, accuracy, and coverage of the document enormously through email feedback - potential professional inquiries for the use of your document in other settings, such as newsletters, books, etc. - with us as your sponsor, we will also take care of the technicalities in the proper format of the posted version and updating procedures, leaving you free of the `overhead' to focus on the basic updates alone The choice of who we `sponsor' is entirely arbitrary. You always have the option of handling the submission process yourself. See the FAQ submission guidelines FAQ in news.answers. For information, send mail to <>. _ _, _ ___ _ __ _, _ _ ___ _ _ _, _ _ _, __ _ _ _ ___ __ | |\ | |_ / \ |_) |\/| / \ | | / \ |\ | | (_ |_) / \ | | |_ | ) | | \| | \ / | \ | | |~| | | \ / | \| | , ) | \ / |/\| | |~\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ User Contributions: |
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