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Political Science, Law and Government, International 26. Political Science, Law and Government, State and Local 27. Sociology 28. Weather and Climate === 1. Internet Sources of Government Information 2nd Edition February 26, 1994 By Blake Gumprecht Documents Librarian, Temple University Internet users can now access hundreds of sources of current government information from around the world -- Census data, Supreme Court decisions, world health statistics, company financial reports, weather forecasts, United Nations information, daily White House press briefings and much more. The Internet has become a rich resource for government information, in part because works produced by many government agencies are not eligible for copyright protection. So, while government agencies have been criticized for not making more information available online, enterprising individuals and organizations have themselves made a wealth of sources available via the network. A growing number of government agencies too are beginning to establish systems that can be accessed remotely. You can now e-mail the President, and enactment by Congress last year of the Government Printing Office Electronic Information Access Improvement Act assures the U.S. government's role in distributing information electronically will increase. A variety of other proposals suggest that in the future, more and more information produced by state, local and international governmental organizations will also be available online, sometimes exclusively. In many cases, there are significant advantages to the sources accessible online over what can be found in the library or via other means. Internet resources are often more up-to-date than their paper counterparts. Frequently they can be searched by keyword. Sometimes they provide information simply not available in more traditional formats. A word of warning is necessary, though. Internet resources are constantly changing. What is available one minute may not be available the next. System addresses, source directories and file names are often changed without notice. Sometimes a remote system may be temporarily unavailable. This is the second edition of a guide to Internet sources of government information originally created for the students, faculty and staff of Temple University. The second edition includes more than 325 sources, two-thirds of which were not listed in the first edition. The sources listed are intended to provide the simplest and clearest route known to the information described. The preferred source is often a Gopher source because of the ease of using the Gopher software. Often, however, there are several sources for the same information. Some may allow more sophisticated file manipulation. Frequently files can be downloaded to your personal computer using a feature known as file transfer protocol (FTP). When the source listed is a Gopher source, the instructions assume users can escape the local Gopher menu structure to connect directly to a remote Gopher. This can normally be done by issuing the Gopher command in combination with a remote system address from your system's ready prompt. Contact your local systems administrator if this doesn't work. Many files accessible via Gopher are also available using a Telnet command, but don't assume a Gopher source can be accessed via Telnet. Telnet sources usually require an account or password and are sometimes not intended for outside use. The second edition of this guide includes a few changes from the first. Because the new edition features many more sources than the first, sources in this edition are arranged by subject rather than alphabetically. Each source is listed in only one subject category. Sources that include information about a wide variety of subjects are usually included in one of three general categories that begin the list. Additional access points have also been added for many sources. Often in the first edition only a single access point was provided, typically a Gopher source. I now realize some Internet users do not have direct Gopher access, so I have supplied Telnet addresses when known. Instructions for retrieving files via FTP are generally not provided unless the information is otherwise unavailable. System addresses, source directories and file names for all sources have been verified at least twice. I have added in parenthesis the date I last accessed the source using the information provided. The "path" listed is the "address" of the remote computer system where the information described can be found, along with the steps a user must take to locate the particular directory or file that contains the information. Slashes in the path separate commands, steps, or levels in a menu or file hierarchy. The first part of any path is a command statement that must be executed to access the remote source of the information. Type the first part of the path, up to any slashes, and press the Enter key. If there are no slashes, type the entire phrase. I would like to thank Terese Austin, Maggie Parhamovich, Joe Ryan and Kim Tsang, whose guides helped me improve the quality of my own. I am indebted as well to the ever-helpful participants of the GOVDOC-L electronic discussion group, without whom this guide would not be possible. I'd also like to thank Calvin Boyer, whose U.S. Government Gophers gateway proved useful, and contributors to Gleason Sackman's Net-Happenings list, an important source of information about new network resources. Thanks to Larry Detweiler, Louis Rosenfeld, Mike Showalter and others too numerous to name who have helped make my guide more widely available. And thanks to all who have had kind words. Current and future editions of this guide can be retrieved via Gopher, anonymous FTP and e-mail. The guide can be obtained via Gopher or FTP from the University of Michigan's Clearinghouse of Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides... Path: gopher / inetdirs / guides on the social sciences / government... Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:e-mail address / cd inetdirsstacks / get government:gumprecht To have a copy sent to you by e-mail, send a message to The body of the message should read: send usenet/news.answers/us-govt-net-pointers/part1 Paper copies of this guide are no longer available. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law, but I'm generally open to requests. If you have questions, comments or suggestions about this guide, please contact me using the information below. Blake Gumprecht, Documents Librarian Paley Library (017-00) Temple University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 (215) 204-3187 gumpbw@templevm * * * === 2. Reference Resources ___________ Americans Communicating Electronically Gopher: Provides one stop access to a variety of U.S. government information -- the National Health Security Act, National Information Infrastructure documents, North American Free Trade Agreement information and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Amtrak Train Schedules: Provides schedules for trains on Amtrak's East Coast corridor. Includes schedules for trains that begin or end in Boston only. Path: gopher / providence local & regional information / transportation info (2/94). Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance: Provides information about more than 1,000 U.S. government assistance programs administered by some 50 federal agencies. Searchable by keyword. Path: gopher / federal government information / federal information resources / information by agency / general information resources (2/94). Path: telnet / login:marvel / federal government information / federal information resources / information by agency / general information resources (2/94). Path: telnet / other information and article databases / federal domestic assistance catalog (2/94). Federal Jobs: Lists thousands of federal government job openings, taken from a variety of Office of Personnel Management computer bulletin boards. Path: gopher / job openings in the federal government (2/94). FedWorld: National Technical Information Service system provides access to more than 100 U.S. government computer bulletin boards, many of them previously accessible only by modem. Also includes full text of select U.S. government publications, statistical files, federal job lists, satellite images and more. The system is often difficult to access because the number of available telephone lines is limited. Path: telnet (2/94). The full text of select documents is available from FedWorld's FTP archive. Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:e-mail address (2/94). Library of Congress Information System: Provides access to the Library of Congress online catalog, U.S. government copyright files, databases containing current information about federal legislation and foreign law, a catalog of sources available in braille or audio format, a national directory of organizations and more. Path: telnet (2/94). Library of Congress Marvel: One stop source for a multitude of government material taken from a variety of sources -- Census data, Congressional information, White House documents, crime statistics, State Department reports and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Path: telnet / login:marvel (2/94). National Institutes of Health FTP Archive: Archive of reports from a wide variety of U.S. government agencies. Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:guest (2/94). National Referral Center Master File: Directory of more than 12,000 organizations qualified and willing to answer questions and provide information about many topics in science, technology and the social sciences. Path: telnet / organizations (2/94). Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) Train Schedules: Provides access to SEPTA regional rail schedules, service notices and fare information. Path: gopher / penninfo / penninfo / student activities and services / transportation and parking / septa (2/94). SunSITE Archives: University of North Carolina system is the best first source for the full text of important new government reports. Also provides access to White House documents, NATO information, North Carolina Supreme Court decisions, full text of the North American Free Trade Agreement and much more. Path: gopher / worlds of sunsite (2/94). Path: telnet / login:gopher / worlds of sunsite (2/94). U.S. Government Gophers: Provides one stop access to nearly 100 U.S. government Gopher systems. Path: gopher / individuals' information sources / cjboyer / gopher.welcome / peg / gophers / united states government gophers (2/94). U.S. Government Publications Index: Provides keyword access to citations for U.S. government publications issued through the Government Printing Office since 1976. Path: telnet / carl systems library catalogs / carl systems libraries - western u.s. / carl / library catalogs / government publications (2/94). Zip Codes: Database of U.S. zip codes, searchable by keyword. Path: gopher / desktop reference / geographic and travel information (2/94). Path: telnet / login:gopher / desktop reference / geographic & travel information (2/94). === 3. General Resources Humanities and Social Sciences ________________________ Census Definitions: Provides Bureau of Census definitions for terms used in Census reports. Path: gopher / reference and information center / united states & missouri census information / definitions of selected census data items (2/94). Census Information: Provides one-stop access to a broad range of Bureau of the Census-compiled data. Path: gopher / information by subject area / census (2/94). Census of Population and Housing: 1990 Census data available in text and Lotus 1-2-3 formats for U.S. cities, counties, metropolitan areas, states and the nation, with comparisons from 1980. For an archive of historical Pennsylvania Census data, see the listing for the Economic Development Information Network in the Economics and Business section of this guide. Path: gopher / reference and information center (2/94). Census of Population and Housing (Pennsylvania): Detailed 1990 Census data for Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, suburban counties and U.S. metropolitan areas. Path: gopher / penninfo / penninfo / libraries / electronic reference desk / u.s. census & statistical data (2/94). Census of Population and Housing (Philadelphia Metropolitan Area): Detailed 1990 Census data for the city of Philadelphia, Philadelphia CMSA, and the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Some files include data to the Census tract level. Path: gopher / temple university libraries / social science data library (2/94). Public Opinion Item Index: Though not government information, public opinion polls provide valuable data about how the population views the government, its officials and policy issues. This University of North Carolina system allows users to search an archive of data from polls conducted by USA Today, Louis Harris, The Atlanta Constitution and others. Path: telnet / userid:irss1 / password:irss / irss / public opinion item index (2/94). Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Research Institute Daily Report: Full text of a daily digest of the latest developments in Russia, Transcaucasia and Central Asia, and Central and Eastern Europe. Path: gopher / news services (2/94). Path: telnet / login:gopher / news services (2/94). Statistics Canada Daily Reports: Full text of daily statistical reports, lists of publications and more from Statistics Canada, the Canadian government's primary compiler of statistics. Path: telnet / terminal type:decvt100 / statistics canada daily reports (2/94). Statistics Canada Gopher: System still being developed provides access to the full text of Statistics Canada daily reports, schedules of upcoming statistical releases, information about the agency and its publications and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Voice of America Gopher: Full text of Voice of America news reports, program schedules, shortwave radio frequency and satellite downlink information, and more. Path: gopher (2/94). === 4. General Resources Physical and Applied Sciences _______________________ Congressional Office of Technology Assessment Reports: Full text of reports produced by the Office of Technology Assessment, which conducts detailed studies for Congress on a wide range of subjects, from climate change to health care reform. Path: telnet / login:guest / password:visitor / go ota (2/94). Energy Sciences Network (ESnet): Department of Energy system provides the full text of select DOE documents, many of them related to computers and information policy, gateways to a variety of energy-related sources, downloadable public domain software and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Industry and Science Canada Documents: Provides lists of publications sponsored by Industry and Science Canada, a Canadian government agency. Arranged by sector. Path: gopher / industry canada documents / isc.publications.english (2/94). Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Gopher: Provides access to the full text of select Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory publications, a catalog of laboratory research projects, a list of job openings, downloadable weather map images and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Mid-Continent Technology Transfer Center Gopher: NASA system provides access to the full text of reports about emerging technologies, lists of available technologies, schedules of upcoming conferences and more. Path: gopher (2/94). National Institute of Standards and Technology Gopher: Provides general information about the NIST and the full text of select NIST publications. Path: gopher (2/94). Path: telnet / login:gopher (2/94). Oak Ridge National Laboratory Gopher: Provides access to laboratory phone books, press releases, general information about the laboratory, as well as a link to the laboratory's Environmental Sciences Division. Path: gopher (2/94). Oak Ridge National Laboratory/Martin Marietta Energy Systems Gopher: Provides access to select laboratory databases, a catalog of technologies available from the laboratory, laboratory directories and calendars, information about laboratory research projects, full text of select reports and papers, and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Science and Technology Information Center: National Science Foundation system provides access to grant information, NSF directories and phone books, press releases, full text of select NSF publications and more. Path: gopher (1/94). Path: telnet / login:public (2/94). U.S. Department of Energy Gopher: Provides a gateway to a variety of Department of Energy Gopher servers. Path: gopher (2/94). === 5. Aerospace _____ Center for Aerospace Information: NASA system provides access to the full text of Selected Current Aerospace Notices (SCAN) and a database that lists the holdings of 15 NASA-affiliated libraries. Path: gopher (2/94). EnviroNET -- The Space Science Information Service: Provides access to a database containing information about natural and induced space environments, the full text of a handbook of spacecraft environmental anomalies and more. Path: telnet / login:envnet / password:henniker (2/94). Goddard Space Flight Center Gopher: System still being developed provides access to Goddard news summaries, library catalogs, network information and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Path: telnet / login:gopher (2/94). Johnson Space Center Gopher: Provides access to an archive of NASA press release photos, an archive of downloadable software and links to other NASA Internet sites. Path: gopher (2/94). Langley Research Center Technical Reports: Provides abstracts and the full text of NASA Technical Reports issued since 1989. Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:e-mail address / cd pub/techreports/larc (2/94). Lewis Research Center Gopher: NASA system still being developed so far provides access to center phone books and gateways to other network resources. Path: gopher (2/94). Magellan Images: Jet Propulsion Laboratory archive of images collected by the Magellan spacecraft, associated indexes and documentation. Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:e-mail address / cd graphics/magellan (2/94). NASA Gopher: Provides access to space shuttle schedules, Mars Observer mission reports, NASA news releases, agency phone books, searchable databases and more. Path: gopher / nasa resources (2/94). Path: telnet / login:naic / nasa resources (2/94). NASA Network Information Center Gopher: Provides one-stop access to information centers at more than a dozen NASA centers. Path: gopher / nasa center nic information (2/94). Path: telnet / login:naic / nasa center nic information (2/94). NASA News: Provides a daily summary of noteworthy developments at NASA. Path: finger (2/94). NASA Scientific and Technical Information Program: Provides the full text of Select Current Aerospace Notices (SCAN), aerospace bibliographies, miscellaneous technical papers, access to NASA phone books and more. Path: gopher (2/94). National Space Science Data Center: NASA database provides access to a catalog of space science data held by research centers worldwide, as well as other information about astrophysics, space physics, planetary sciences, earth sciences and the life sciences. Path: telnet / username:nodis (2/94). Small Shuttle Payloads Project Gopher: NASA system provides an introduction to the Small Shuttle Payloads Project, full text of project documents, downloadable software and shuttle images, and more. Path: gopher / nasa shuttle payload info (2/94). Spacelink: NASA system provides access to agency news releases, shuttle status reports, mission summaries, NASA congressional testimony and speeches, and many other files with current and historical information about NASA aeronautics and space research. Even allows users to ask NASA scientists questions. Path: telnet / username:newuser / password:newuser (2/94). === 6. Agriculture _______ Agricultural Genome Gopher: National Agricultural Library system provides genome information about agriculturally important plants and animals. Searchable by keyword. Path: gopher (2/94). Agricultural Information: U.S. Department of Agriculture system provides access to agricultural statistics, agency directories, information about government assistance programs, full text of research reports and more. Path: gopher / usda and other federal agency information / usda (2/94). Agricultural Library Forum (ALF): National Agricultural Library bulletin board system provides access to bibliographies, agricultural directories, publications lists, an agricultural calendar and more. Path: telnet / gateway system / connect to gov't sys / 2 (2/94). Agricultural Research Service Reports: Full text of summaries of the initial results of Agricultural Research Service-funded research. Path: gopher / usda and other federal agency information / usda (2/94). Cooperative Extension System Gopher: U.S. Department of Agriculture system provides access to extension service directories, fact sheets, calendars, nutritional data, information about national initiatives related to agriculture, natural disaster information and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Dendrome Database: Collection of forest tree genome databases developed by the Institute of Forest Genetics and funded by the Agricultural Research Service. Path: gopher (2/94). Economic Research Service Gopher: USDA system provides announcements of ERS Economic Research Reports and summaries of Situation and Outlook Reports. Path: gopher / usda and other federal agency information / usda (2/94). National Genetic Resources Program: Agricultural Research Service system provides germplasm information about plants, animals, microbes and insects. Path: gopher (2/94). PENpages: Pennsylvania State University system provides the full text of thousands of documents about agriculture, food and nutrition, family issues and more. Path: telnet / username:penpages (2/94). Path: gopher / information servers at penn state / penn state penpages / username:penpages (2/94). U.S. Department of Agriculture Economics and Statistics Gopher: USDA-Cornell University system provides access to statistics on a wide variety of agricultural topics -- consumer food spending, milk and dairy sales, ozone levels, meat consumption, fertilizer use and more. Most data can be downloaded in Lotus 1-2-3 format. Path: gopher (2/94). Path: telnet / login:usda (2/94). === 7. Astronomy _____ Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature: U.S. Geological Survey system provides keyword access to a database of planetary place names that have been approved by the International Astronomical Union. Path: telnet / username:lpi / information and research / reference files (2/94). Index to Planetary Maps: U.S. Geological Survey index of planetary maps. Path: telnet / username:lpi / information and research services / special indexes (2/94). Lunar and Planetary Institute Gopher: Provides access to the online library catalog of NASA's Lunar and Planetary Institute, a bibliography of scientific literature about space exploration, images collected by NASA spacecraft, information about planetary science meetings, full text of the Lunar and Planetary Information Bulletin and more. Path: telnet / username:lpi (2/94). Mars Exploration Bulletin Board: Provides current information about NASA's plans for the exploration of Mars. Path: telnet / username:lpi / mars exploration bulletin board (2/94). NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED): Provides access to a master list of extragalactic objects, including relevant bibliographic references, and abstracts of journal articles about extragalactic subjects. Path: telnet / login:ned (2/94). Planetary Data System (PDS): Jet Propulsion Laboratory database provides descriptions of more than 90 planetary data sets available from a variety of NASA sources. The system also allows users to order data online. Path: telnet / login:pds_guest (2/94). Space Environment Services Center Clearinghouse: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration system provides solar and geophysical activity reports and forecasts, solar region summaries, coronal hole reports and more. Path: telnet / username:sel (2/94). Space Telescope Electronic Information System (STEIS): Space Telescope Science Institute system provides a variety of information about the Hubble Space Telescope, a series of space science electronic picture books, links to other Internet resources for astronomy and more. Files can be searched by keyword. Path: gopher (2/94). === 8. Biology ___ American Type Culture Collection: Provides descriptions of available culture strains, cell lines or recombinant materials. Cultures can be ordered online. Path: gopher / atcc catalogs (2/94). AVES: An archive of downloadable images of birds and related information files. Path: gopher (2/94). Endangered Species Act: Full text of the act, as taken from the U.S. Code. Path: gopher / economic conversion information exchange / adjustment programs and laws (2/94). Genetic Sequence Data Bank: National Library of Medicine database allows researchers to search a collection of nucleotide sequences, as well as relevant bibliographic and biological annotation. Path: gopher / molecular biology databases (2/94). National Center for Biotechnology Information: Archive of biotechnology databases and associated software. Path: gopher / repository (2/94). Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:e-mail address / cd repository (2/94). Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications Gopher: NASA system provides access to a variety of information about the life sciences, microgravity sciences, gravitational biology, biotechnology and space biomedical research. Path: gopher (2/94). Protein Data Bank: Brookhaven National Laboratory system provides access to a searchable database of macromolecular structures. Path: gopher (2/94). Ribosomal Database Project: Provides access to a database of ribosomal RNA sequences, software useful in manipulating the data and more. Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:e-mail address / cd pub/RDP (2/94). Smithsonian Institution Natural History Gopher: Provides access to a variety of natural history resources, including the full text of key biological reference works, indexes to the holdings of major natural history collections, bibliographies of journal literature, newsletters and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Transgenic Animal/Targeted Mutation Database (Tbase): Oak Ridge National Laboratory system provides access to a catalog of information about lines of animals that have been produced worldwide by transgenic or targeted mutation methods. Path: gopher / technical resources (2/94). === 9. Chemistry _____ Chemical Substance Fact Sheets: Full text of Environmental Protection Agency fact sheets about hundreds of chemicals; can be browsed or searched by keyword. Path: gopher / education / environmental fact sheets / epa chemical substance fact sheets (2/94). Material Safety Data Sheets: Though not technically government information, material safety data sheets are produced by chemical manufacturers to comply with government regulations. They provide safety data on hundreds of chemicals. Path: gopher / osu information and services / osu academic departments and colleges / environmental health and safety (2/94). === 10. Communications and Information Technology _______________________________ Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Gopher: Provides access to the audio of select news and feature radio programs in digital form, lists of CBC radio products, information about transcripts available from the CBC and more. Path: gopher / cbc radio trial (2/94). Communications Canada Gopher: Full text of Canadian government news releases and fact sheets about communications policy and developments in communications technology. Path: gopher / industry canada documents (2/94). Federal Communications Commission Online Archive: FCC system still being developed is expected to provide access to the full text of the FCC Daily Digest, press releases, public notices, speeches and other information. Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:e-mail address / cd pub (2/94). Federal Information News Syndicate InfoAge Library: Full text of key legislation, speeches and other documents relating to federal information policy. Path: gopher / educational resources / computers and society / public information (2/94). Path: telnet / educational resources / computers and society (2/94). High Performance Computing and Communications -- Toward a National Information Infrastructure: Full text of the federal government's report on creating a National Information Infrastructure. Path: gopher / hpcc-toward a national information infrastructure (2/94). Information Infrastructure Task Force Gopher: Provides access to task force directories, press releases, calendars, committee reports as well as the full text of speeches, documents and select legislation relevant to the National Information Infrastructure. Path: gopher (2/94). International Telecommunications Union Information Exchange Services: Provides access to a variety of ITU databases, the full text of select ITU publications, and general information about the organization, an agency of the United Nations. Path: gopher (2/94). Making Government Work -- Electronic Delivery of Federal Services: Full text of a Congressional Office of Technology Assessment report about the use of computer and telecommunications technology in the delivery of government services. Path: gopher / americans communicating electronically / office of technology assessment (2/94). National Coordination Office for High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) Gopher: Provides access to the full text of HPCC-NCO reports, fact sheets, related Congressional legislation and testimony, grant and research information, policy papers and more. Path: gopher (2/94). National Information Infrastructure Agenda: Full text of a Clinton administration report describing the role of government in promoting the development of the telecommunications and information infrastructure by the private sector. Path: gopher / americans communicating electronically / national policy issues (2/94). State Telecommunications Legislation: Full text of a January 1994 summary of telecommunications legislation introduced in state legislatures. Path: gopher / membership and professional associations / ccn - the center for civic networking / selected state telecom. legislation (2/94). === 11. Computer Science __________ Advanced Computing Laboratory (ACL) Gopher: Los Alamos National Laboratory system provides information about computer visualization, access to an archive of downloadable images, laboratory directories and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Argonne National Laboratory Mathematics and Computer Science Division Gopher: Archive of software, computer tools, research papers and more. Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:e-mail address (2/94). Computer Law: Australian FTP archive includes a variety of files containing information on computers and the law, including the text of many U.S. state laws. Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:e-mail address / cd pub/law (2/94). COSLINE: Provides access to NASA's COSMIC database, which provides descriptions of computer programs developed by the agency. Path: telnet (2/94). Forum on Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST): National Institute of Standards and Technology forum provides a variety of information about computer and network security. Path: gopher (2/94). Macintosh Science and Technology Archive: Collection of Macintosh computer software and information, maintained by the Naval Research Laboratory. Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:e-mail address / cd MacSciTech (2/94). Merit Network Information Center: Michigan consortium provides information about the Internet, NSFNet and MichNet, including General Accounting Office reports, Office of Management and Budget reports, National Research and Education Network (NREN) activity, conference proceedings, newsletters, statistical reports, policy statements, user's guides and more. Path: gopher (2/94). National Center for Supercomputer Applications FTP Archive: Archive of public domain software for visualization and data analysis. Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:e-mail address (2/94). National Center for Supercomputer Applications Gopher: Provides information about center education programs, high performance computing calendars and directories, and gateways to other sources of computing information. Path: gopher (2/94). National Science Foundation MetaCenter Gopher: Provides information about MetaCenter resources and services, full text of select MetaCenter publications, abstracts of MetaCenter research projects, grant application forms, a high performance computing calendar and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Naval Research Laboratory Central Computer Facility Gopher: Provides access to laboratory user's guides, newsletters, online documentation, laboratory directives, an archive of postings to laboratory electronic discussion groups and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Oak Ridge National Laboratory Center for Computational Science Gopher: Provides access to center directories and newsletters, information about center research projects, descriptions of center computer resources and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Systems and Software Technology: National Institute of Standards and Technology system provides a variety of information about systems and software technology. Path: gopher (2/94). === 12. Criminal Justice __________ Bureau of Justice Statistics Documents: Full text of select U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics publications. Path: gopher / united nations justice network (2/94). Criminal Justice Country Profiles: Full text of a series of U.N. reports on crime and criminal justice in 123 countries. Most include statistics. Path: gopher / united nations justice network / u.n. criminal justice country profiles (2/94). === 13. Economics and Business ______________ Basic Guide to Exporting: Full text of a U.S. International Trade Administration introduction to exporting. Path: gopher / the library / government information (2/94). Budget of the United States Government: Full text of the proposed federal budget for the 1995 fiscal year; can be searched by keyword. Path: gopher / worlds of sunsite / us and world politics / proposed budget (2/94). Path: telnet / login:gopher / worlds of sunsite / us and world politics / proposed budget (2/94). Commerce Business Daily: Full text of the 10 most recent issues of the Commerce Business Daily, a U.S. government publication that announces invitations to bid on projects proposed by federal agencies. Searchable by keyword. Path: gopher / special-commerce business daily (2/94). Consumer Price Index: Buffalo & Erie County Public Library system provides Consumer Price Index figures for the years 1987 to 1992. Path: telnet / login:freeport / go govt (2/94). Consumer Price Index/Canada: Provides monthly and historical summaries of the Computer Price Index for Canada. Path: gopher / operations analysis (2/94). Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade Practices: Full text of detailed U.S. Department of State reports describing the economic policy and trade practices of individual countries around the world. Path: gopher / the library / government information (2/94). EconData: University of Maryland archive of economic time series statistics prepared by U.S. government agencies. Data must be downloaded and reformatted. System provides downloading instructions and tools. Path: gopher / educational resources / economic data (2/94). Path: telnet / educational resources / economic data (2/94). Economic Bulletin Board: Department of Commerce system provides access to thousands of data files, more than 700 of them updated daily. Includes information about current economic conditions, economic indicators, employment, foreign trade, monetary matters and more in 20 general subject areas. Path: telnet ebb.stat- / userid:guest (2/94). Path: gopher / social sciences resources / economics (2/94). Path: telnet / login:gopher / social sciences resources / economics (2/94). Economic Development Information Network (EDIN): Pennsylvania State Data Center system provides access to current and historical U.S. Census data for Pennsylvania and the nation. Also includes information about procurement opportunities, full text of PSDC bulletins and press releases, a variety of business- oriented directories and more. Path: telnet / press Enter when userid is requested / ebb / edin (2/94). Path: gopher / information servers at penn state / edin / press Enter when userid is requested / ebb / edin (2/94). Economic Reports of the President: Full text of the 1992 and 1993 Economic Report of the President, a detailed report of the administration's domestic and international economic policies prepared by the Council of Economic Advisors. Path: gopher / the library / government information (2/94). EDGAR: New York University system still being developed provides access to financial reports issued by U.S. public companies and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission since the beginning of 1994. Includes information for companies that file reports electronically only. Path: gopher / business resources (2/94). Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:e-mail address / cd edgar (2/94). EDGAR Index: Washburn University system provides Telnet access to indexes of financial reports issued by U.S. public companies and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission since the beginning of 1994. Reports can then be retrieved via FTP or requested by e-mail from the FTP archive listed above. Includes information for companies that file reports electronically only. Path: telnet / login:washlaw / federal government information (2/94). Fair Credit Reporting Act: Full text of the act, as taken from the U.S. Code. Path: gopher / government docs (2/94). Federal Reserve Bank of Boston FTP Archive: Archive of banking, employment, earnings, construction, housing and other economic data for New England cities and states. Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:pass (2/94). General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT): Full text of the final version of GATT, incorporating agreements made at the Uruguay round of negotiations. An executive summary written by the U.S. trade representative is also available. Path: gopher / americans communicating electronically / national policy issues (2/94). Gross State Product Tables: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis tables estimating the value of goods and services for 61 industries in 50 states. Path: gopher / social sciences resources / economics (2/94). Path: telnet / login:gopher / social sciences resources / economics (2/94). Industry Profiles: Full text to a series of Small Business Administration reports that describe the trends and opportunities for small businesses in select industries. Path: gopher / the library / government information / small business administration industry profiles (2/94). International Business Practices: Full text of a Department of Commerce reference work that provides overviews of import regulations, free trade zones, foreign investment policy, intellectual property rights, tax laws and more in 117 countries. Path: gopher / the library / government information (2/94). Labor News: Department of Labor bulletin board provides access to labor statistics, daily news releases, OSHA information, abstracts of articles in the Monthly Labor Review and more. Path: telnet / gateway system / connect to gov't sys / 26 (2/94). LabStat: Bureau of Labor Statistics system provides access to current and historical employment and unemployment data, occupational injury and illness rates, consumer and producer price index figures, as well as other labor and economic data. Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:e-mail address / cd pub (2/94). Louisiana State Contracts: Provides access to information about active and pending Louisiana state contracts and a directory of contract vendors. Searchable by keyword. Path: gopher / louisiana state contracts (2/94). National Export Strategy: Full text of a report to Congress by the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee outlining 60 actions designed to strengthen U.S export promotion efforts. Path: ftp / user:anonymous / password:e-mail address / cd pub/export (2/94). North American Free Trade Agreement: Full text of NAFTA and related documents. Path: gopher / americans communicating electronically / national policy issues (2/94). Path: gopher / the library / government information (2/94). Occupational Outlook Handbook: Full text of a U.S. Department of Labor annual that provides detailed information about more than 300 occupations, including the nature of the work, working conditions, training and education requirements, job outlook, average salaries and more. Path: gopher / the library / government information (2/94). Overseas Business Reports: Full text of U.S. International Trade Administration reports describing the economic and commercial climate in individual countries around the world. Path: gopher / the library / government information (2/94). Penn-World Tables: Provide comparisons of 27 economic indicators for 150 countries for the years 1950 to 1990. Path: gopher (2/94). President Clinton's Economic Plan: Full text of A Vision of Change for America, a summary of the President's economic plan. Path: gopher / government docs / clinton's economic plan (2/94). Regional Economic Information System (REIS): Department of Commerce system provides statistics on employment by industry, income and earnings by industry, and transfer payments for states and counties. Path: gopher / economic conversion information / regional statistics (2/94). State Small Business Profiles: Full text to a series of Small Business Administration reports that provide statistical overviews of the economy in each of the 50 states, focusing on the small business sector. Path: gopher / the library / government information / small business administration state profiles (2/94). Texas Department of Commerce Gopher: Provides access to demographic data about Texas counties, economic profiles of Texas communities, information about Texas Department of Commerce programs, lists of department publications and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Texas Marketplace: Texas Department of Commerce system provides access to Texas business directories, demographic data, economic development information, industry profiles, lists of procurement opportunities and more. Nonsubscribers are limited in the amount of information they can view or download. Path: telnet / login:guest / password:guest (2/94). Uniform Commercial Code: Full text of the Uniform Commercial Code. Can be browsed or searched by keyword. Path: telnet 8260 / login:www (2/94). U.S. Industrial Outlook: Department of Commerce annual reviews recent trends and provides five-year projections for the top 350 industries. Path: gopher / social sciences resources / economics / industrial outlook (2/94). Path: telnet / login:gopher / social sciences resources / economics / industrial outlook (2/94). World Bank Public Information Service: Full text of World Bank policy papers, environmental reports, project information documents, country economic reports, publications catalogs and more. Path: gopher (2/94). === 14. Education _____ AskERIC: Archive of education information compiled by AskERIC, an Internet question-answering service for teachers and educators at Syracuse University. Path: gopher (2/94). California State Department of Education Gopher: Provides access to department directories, advisories, calendars, curriculum information, legislative updates, budgetary data, news releases, full text of select department publications and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing (CRESST) Gopher: UCLA system provides access to the full text of CRESST newsletters, citations for CRESST technical reports, a database of alternative tests and more. Files can be searched by keyword. CRESST is a U.S. Department of Education-funded program. Path: gopher / cresst (2/94). Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC): Provides keyword access to bibliographic information and abstracts for articles and publications about education and related disciplines. Path: gopher / local resources / eric database searches (2/94). Path: telnet / login:sonia / education databases (2/94). ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation: Catholic University of America system provides access to an ERIC- Educational Testing Service archive of test descriptions, an index to reviews of specific tests, the full text of ERIC digests about measurement and assessment and more. Path: gopher / special resources (2/94). Federal Information Exchange: Provides information about federal education and research programs, scholarships, fellowships, grants, minority education and research programs, procurement opportunities and more. Path: telnet (2/94). Higher Education Opportunities for Minorities and Women (HERO): Provides information about scholarships, grants, fellowships, research opportunities and more for minorities and women. Path: telnet (2/94). Institutional Communications Network (INET): U.S. Department of Education system provides access to department directories, grant information, statistics, educational software, information about department programs, full text of department publications and more. Path: gopher (2/94). International Education Bulletin Board: California State University system provides a variety of information about international education, including grant information, directories of overseas higher education advising centers, a list of U.S. embassies and consulates, the full text of bibliographies about international education and more. Path: telnet / login:intl (2/94). Minority College & University Capability Information (MOLIS): Provides information about historically black colleges and universities and hispanic-serving institutions, as well as data about scholarships, fellowships, grants and other programs for minorities. Path: telnet (2/94). NASA K-12 Gopher: Provides access to a variety of resources in the sciences for secondary school teachers and students, including NASA's "Live From...Other Worlds." Path: gopher (2/94). National Center for Education Statistics Gopher: U.S. Department of Education system provides a wealth of statistics about education. Much of the data can be downloaded. Path: gopher / educational research, improvement and statistics (2/94). Newton: Bulletin board system for teachers and educators maintained by Argonne National Laboratory. Path: telnet / login:bbs (2/94). Oak Ridge National Laboratory Educational Gopher: Provides access to information about ORNL educational programs, data about grant and funding opportunities and more. Path: gopher (2/94). Virginia's Public Education Network: Virginia Department of Education system provides access to department policy papers, directories, calendars, electronic discussion groups, the full text of memos sent by the department to school superintendents, a newsletter about education and more. Path: telnet / login:guest / password:guest (2/94). (continued...) === DISTRIBUTION: How to obtain this document FTP --- This FAQ is available from the standard FAQ server via FTP in the directory /pub/usenet/news.answers/us-govt-net-pointers/... Email ----- Email requests for FAQs go to with commands on lines in the message body, e.g. `help' and `index'. Usenet ------ This FAQ is posted every 21 days to the groups alt.politics.economics, alt.politics.usa.misc, soc.politics, soc.answers alt.answers, news.answers \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | / / / / / / / / / / _______ ________ _____ _____ _____ /// \\\ ||| \\\ /// \\\ |||\\\///||| ||| ~~ ||| /// ||| ||| ||| \\// ||| ||| __ |||~~~\\\ |||~~~||| ||| ~~ ||| \\\ /// ||| \\\ ||| ||| ||| ||| ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ / / / / / / / / / | \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ C y b e r s p a t i a l R e a l i t y A d v a n c e m e n t M o v e m e n t In an effort to bring valuable information to the masses, and as a service to motivated information compilers, a member of CRAM can help others unfamiliar with Usenet `publish' their documents for widespread dissemination via the FAQ structure, and act as a `sponsor' knowledgable in the submissions process. This document is being distributed under this arrangement. We have found these compilations tend to appear on various mailing lists and are valuable enough to deserve wider distribution. If you know of an existing compilation of Internet information that is not currently a FAQ, please contact us and we may `sponsor' it. The benefits to the author include: - use of the existing FAQ infrastructure for distribution: - automated mail server service - FTP archival - automated posting - a far wider audience that can improve the quality, accuracy, and coverage of the document enormously through email feedback - potential professional inquiries for the use of your document in other settings, such as newsletters, books, etc. - with us as your sponsor, we will also take care of the technicalities in the proper format of the posted version and updating procedures, leaving you free of the `overhead' to focus on the basic updates alone The choice of who we `sponsor' is entirely arbitrary. You always have the option of handling the submission process yourself. See the FAQ submission guidelines FAQ in news.answers. For information, send mail to <>. _ _, _ ___ _ __ _, _ _ ___ _ _ _, _ _ _, __ _ _ _ ___ __ | |\ | |_ / \ |_) |\/| / \ | | / \ |\ | | (_ |_) / \ | | |_ | ) | | \| | \ / | \ | | |~| | | \ / | \| | , ) | \ / |/\| | |~\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ User Contributions: |
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