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Subject: RSI-UK Mailing List FAQ
Section - 7. How can I prevent my RSI getting worse?

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Top Document: Subject: RSI-UK Mailing List FAQ
Previous Document: 6. What are trigger points?
Next Document: 8. What treatment can I get for RSI?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
     *  The earlier you seek treatment the more likely you are to make a full

     *  Change of aggravating work practices.

     *  Use voice recognition - see (

     *  Make sure you have an ergonomic assessment of your workstation.
#	This is required by the Display Screen Regulations (1992), under
#	the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974).  You can get a copy of
#	booklet L26: "Display Screen Equipment Work: guidance on the 1992
#	Regulations" from the HMSO for about 5, or if you're in a union
#	your shop steward should be able to lay hands on a copy.

     *  Chairs and desks should be adjusted so they are at the correct height
        for you, your feet must be flat on the ground - use a foot rest if

     *  Mice - make sure the mouse is straight in front of you, don't use
        it with your arm way off to one side. There are alternative pointing
	devices available.

     *  Keyboards - try changing to a different keyboard. There are quite
	a few 'ergonomic' keyboards available that may help.

     *  Monitors - should be directly in front of you, the top of the monitor
	should be just above eye level.

     *  Some people find arms on a chair help, others don't. If you do have
        them make sure they are at the right height and are padded. If you
	use a wrist rest in front of the keyboard, only rest your hands on it
	when you are not actually typing.

     *  Take regular breaks, including micro-breaks every few minutes. If
	you find it difficult to take your breaks put an alarm clock across
	the far side of your office, set it to go off in 20 minutes. When it
	goes off walk across the office and re-set it. You could use a break
	reminder program. Micro breaks are where you relax for a few seconds
	while sitting at your computer.

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Top Document: Subject: RSI-UK Mailing List FAQ
Previous Document: 6. What are trigger points?
Next Document: 8. What treatment can I get for RSI?

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:
Ellen Mizzell <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM