Archive-name: uk/health/rsi
Posting-frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 04 May 2000
Maintainer: Ellen Mizzell <>
This is the FAQ for the RSI-UK mailing list. The FAQ is posted to, uk.answers, and news.answers once a month and is
posted to the mailing list semi-monthly. The initial version of
the FAQ was written mostly by Douglas Hall in May 1999. The latest
version is always available from
As most people who will be reading this FAQ will have got RSI through
keyboard use, the information and advice is angled towards this set of
sufferers. However most of the information/advice will apply to people
with RSI from other causes.
Advice given on the internet is no substitute for expert medical advice.
Always consult your GP.
Subject: Table of Contents
1. Changes since last posting, marked #
2. What is RSI?
3. What are the symptoms of RSI?
4. What causes RSI?
5. What are Adverse Neural Dynamics?
6. What are trigger points?
7. How can I prevent my RSI getting worse?
8. What treatment can I get for RSI?
9. Is it psychological?
10. What support is available in the UK?
11. What is RSI-UK?
12. Where can I find information about RSI on the Web?
13. Are there any good books on RSI?
14. Further Information
Subject: 1. Changes since last posting
Details of DSE Regs added to Subject 7, 4 May 2000
Subject: 2. What is RSI?
RSI is an umbrella term for a collection of conditions affecting the neck,
shoulders, arms, wrists and hands. It can also affect the legs and feet.
If you use your hands and arms a lot, e.g. keyboard use, you get it the in
upper limbs; if you use your legs and feet, e.g. sewing machinist, you get
it in the lower limbs.
RSI is also called by various other names, including:
* Occupation Overuse Injury (OOI)
* Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD)
* Work Related Upper Limb Disorder (WRULD)
There are two forms of RSI:
1. 'Distinct' RSI
This includes: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), Tennis Elbow
(Epicondylitis), Tenosynovitis, Tendinitis, Bursitis, Thoracic outlet
syndrome, Cubital tunnel syndrome etc. Health care professionals who
deal with RSI tend not to call these conditions RSI but by their
separate names.
2. 'Diffuse' RSI
This is where you get multiple areas of diffuse pain in the
muscles and other soft tissues. It is due to nerve compression (AND),
trigger points etc. When health care professionals who deal with
RSI talk about RSI this is what they are referring to.
You can have both of these types of RSI at the same time and multiple
occurrences at the same time.
Subject: 3. What are the symptoms of RSI?
* Tenderness and pain in the neck, shoulders, upper back, upper arm,
elbows, forearms, wrists or fingers.
* Swelling in the hands or forearms.
* Tingling, numbness or loss of sensation.
* Muscle spasms or weakness (including loss of strength of grip).
* Difficulty using hands for numerous domestic, work and personal
tasks (including turning pages of books or magazines, carrying or
lifting things, turning doorknobs or taps or keys, holding a
coffee mug, etc.).
RSI is a progressive condition, it starts with mild pain or tiredness of the
hands, arms etc. during the working day, getting better overnight. Progressing
to the pain and tiredness persisting overnight, but getting better after a few
days break, to finally persistent pain which does not go away even after
complete rest.
The earlier treatment is commenced, the better your chance of complete
recovery. In the later stages, complete recovery is not always possible
although symptoms can be reduced with treatment.
Subject: 4. What Causes RSI?
There are several factors that predispose people to developing RSI:
* Posture: how you sit at your computer or go about your daily work.
Static posture, sitting with your upper body held in one position
all day, is particularly bad.
* A badly designed work station or work environment.
* Other medical conditions: dislocated shoulders, fractures, etc.
* Double use: working on a keyboard all day then going home and
practising on a musical instrument, or knitting etc.
(Your arms don't get a rest.)
* Stress: do you have a bad boss? do you hate your work? are you
under a lot of pressure? are you likely to lose your job?
All these can increase your likelihood of developing RSI as well
as suffering more colds etc.
* Workload: just the sheer volume of work. Do you have to work
through lunch or stay late to finish your work? Do you take
breaks from your work?
* Type of personality: are you a conscientious worker? Do you work
through your lunch break, stay late to finish your work?
You are more likely to get RSI.
* Nerve damage: research published in February 1998 showed that all
intensive keyboards workers suffered from nerve damage. However,
only some of them suffered from RSI. Current research is trying
to find out why.
Subject: 5. What are Adverse Neural Dynamics?
Adverse Neural Dynamics (AND), sometimes called Adverse Neural Tension (ANT)
or Adverse Mechanical Tension, probably occurs to some extent in all cases
of RSI.
This is where the nerve (in the arm, shoulder etc.) becomes tethered.
This means the nerve cannot slide in its protective sheath and so causes
pain, tingling, misfiring of the muscles and spasm. The nerve can become
tethered due to a pressure point on the nerve or damage to the sheath it
runs in.
The original cause of the tether could be due to muscles being tight and
scrunched up. This is often the case with RSI and happens because of the
static posture you sit in at a keyboard. As the muscles are tight it
restricts the blood supply to the them and results in them getting fatigued.
Eventually the muscles stay in this fatigued state as the never get to relax
and have the blood supply restored. Surrounding muscles become tight to
support the fatigued muscles and the problem spreads.
Tight muscles also press on the nerves as they pass through/around the
muscle group, causing a tether. It also results in restriction of the blood
supply to the nerves which prevents them from functioning properly and can
eventually cause the nerves to send pain signals to the brain.
Subject: 6. What are trigger points?
There is a condition called myofascial pain which is caused by trigger points.
Trigger points are small areas in a muscle which when pressed cause pain in
other parts of the body. When they are active the referred pain is there all
the time and gets worse when the trigger point is pressed. Trigger points can
cause shortening of the muscle they are found in. They are often overlooked
in the diagnosis of many pain conditions and are mis-diagnosed as other pain
Subject: 7. How can I prevent my RSI getting worse?
* The earlier you seek treatment the more likely you are to make a full
* Change of aggravating work practices.
* Use voice recognition - see (
* Make sure you have an ergonomic assessment of your workstation.
# This is required by the Display Screen Regulations (1992), under
# the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974). You can get a copy of
# booklet L26: "Display Screen Equipment Work: guidance on the 1992
# Regulations" from the HMSO for about 5, or if you're in a union
# your shop steward should be able to lay hands on a copy.
* Chairs and desks should be adjusted so they are at the correct height
for you, your feet must be flat on the ground - use a foot rest if
* Mice - make sure the mouse is straight in front of you, don't use
it with your arm way off to one side. There are alternative pointing
devices available.
* Keyboards - try changing to a different keyboard. There are quite
a few 'ergonomic' keyboards available that may help.
* Monitors - should be directly in front of you, the top of the monitor
should be just above eye level.
* Some people find arms on a chair help, others don't. If you do have
them make sure they are at the right height and are padded. If you
use a wrist rest in front of the keyboard, only rest your hands on it
when you are not actually typing.
* Take regular breaks, including micro-breaks every few minutes. If
you find it difficult to take your breaks put an alarm clock across
the far side of your office, set it to go off in 20 minutes. When it
goes off walk across the office and re-set it. You could use a break
reminder program. Micro breaks are where you relax for a few seconds
while sitting at your computer.
Subject: 8. What treatment can I get for RSI?
When you go to see a doctor or other healthcare professional write down the
symptoms you have, consider the following questions:
Where exactly do you have the pain? - in your arms?, hands?
What sort of pain? - aching?, tingling?, burning?
How long have you had pain? - weeks?, months?
Are you in pain all the time? or just when you do something?
When is the pain worse? - morning?, evening?
Do your hands feel cold? or sweaty?
Diagnosis of RSI is diagnosis by elimination. Everything else is tested
for and if your doctor cannot find anything wrong then you probably have RSI.
Your doctor will have to rule out things like rheumatoid arthritis and
heart problems so don't be surprised if they get you to have a lot of blood
There is no 'Cook Book' approach to treating RSI as each person has different
problems caused in a unique way. However the person treating you should look
for problems with your neck and shoulders as well as with your arms and hands.
When you are referred to a specialist or see a therapist always ask:
"How much experience do they have in treating RSI?"; "How good are they
at treating RSI?"; "How does this treatment work?"
Always check for the relevant qualification when seeing any therapist outside
the NHS. Also ask to see a current insurance certificate, this is a good check
to see if they are qualified.
* Your GP is your first port of call. They will refer you to the
relevant specialist, either a consultant or physiotherapist. They
will also know of the local private health care professionals and
can guide you in selecting one of these. If you are claiming on
Private Medical Insurance then your GP will have to refer you to
the healthcare professional.
The consultants you are likely to see are:
Orthopaedic surgeon (surgical specialist in bones and muscles)
Rheumatologist (specialist in diseases of joints and muscles)
Neurologist (specialist in nerves);
The consultant may get you to have some x-rays and possibly a Nerve
conduction study (NCS) or EMG test.
Try to get a referral to a neurologist or rheumatologist who has a
special interest in RSI as many do not have the experience in
treating RSI satisfactorily.
* Nerve conduction studies (NCS) and EMG tests
In the NCS an electrode is connected to a point in the hand, and a
small electrical current is passed through the arm. The speed of the
nerve responses can then be determined. Any time delay picked up
along the nerve may suggest there is a problem.
A similar test is done on the muscles which is called an
Electromygraphy (EMG) test. In this test an electrode is pushed
into the muscle, and then the muscle is tensed up. The level of
electrical activity that is recorded can give an indication of any
muscle weakness or wastage.
Both tests only take a few minutes to complete and for most people
they are not too painful. However, most RSI sufferers record a
normal response.
* Diagnostic Imaging
You may have an X-ray taken to check for skeletal problems, for
example of the wrist or the back and neck and to check for an extra
rib in the case of thoracic outlet syndrome.
An MRI scan might be taken to assess your shoulders or back/neck,
however any MRI scan is expensive so it is unlikely.
* Pain Clinics - normally run by rheumatologists. Look for one which
does pain management not just pain relief. The INPUT pain clinic
at St. Thomas's hospital in London is one. Normally they only accept
you after you have suffered from pain for more than six months.
* Physiotherapy - normally the first treatment you will get.
On the NHS, most physiotherapists only do 6 sessions maximum before
you need to see your GP or consultant again.
The physio you see should have experience of treating RSI, they should
know about AND, trigger points and manipulation of the back. If you
are selecting a physio for private treatment (or indeed on the NHS),
then you need to ask if they have the relevant experience.
The physio should test for: AND, trigger points, back and neck
problems. They should also look for any postural problems. The
treatment you receive will depend on what is wrong with you, it can
be: AND stretches (the physio will 'twist' your arms around and
teach you some stretches to do yourself); ischaemic compression on
any trigger points (with more stretches to do yourself); ultrasound
to reduce any swelling, TENS to reduce any pain and joint
manipulation to re-align the vertebrae. They may also carry out some
acupuncture on you.
Intensive physiotherapy including lifting weights is likely to make
your RSI worse.
* Occupational Therapy
You may be referred to occupational therapy by a doctor or by social
services. Occupational Therapists will provide education on the
condition, joint protection, ways of conserving energy and promoting
desirable habits in personal and domestic tasks, leisure, and work
including looking at bad ergonomics. They will develop a home
program to include: wearing splints, exercise and rest breaks plus
all the above points. They will also help find you aids to help you
in your home.
* Chiropractic and Osteopathy
Chiropractors and osteopaths manipulate joints and muscles which help
with a wide variety of conditions, especially neck and back pain.
There is usually a great deal of overlap between chiropractic,
osteopathy and physiotherapy treatments. Chiropractors tend to take
more x-rays, whereas osteopaths use massage in addition to
Osteopathy and chiropractic will have similar effects - they will work
in some people, not in others. They are more likely to be effective
where symptoms are less chronic.
* Alexander Technique - is good for problems with the
back/neck/shoulders and to improve your posture.
* Relaxation/Meditation - to help reduce the stress in your life.
* Exercises
Swimming - A good exercise for the whole body without putting too
much stress on any one part. However don't do breaststroke as you
have to support your head in a strange position which puts a lot of
strain on the neck.
Walking - go for a brisk walk as it increases the blood flow,
endorphins etc. This reduces the pain and gives you something to do.
Keep your hands in pockets to take the weight off your shoulders if
you need to, otherwise swinging your arms as you walk can help.
* Operations - a last resort. CTS release is the most common, but must
only be carried out after a nerve conduction test to prove you have
* Drugs - Pain killers, NSAIDS
Buy the generic drugs rather than the named brands, they are much
cheaper and have exactly the same ingredients.
The common over-the-counter ones are: paracetamol (take care not to
exceed the stated dose) which does not have any anti-inflammatory
effect; aspirin and ibuprofen which can cause stomach problems.
Don't take pain killers to mask the pain so you can continue working.
You will just make your RSI worse and more difficult to treat. Do take
pain killers when you go to bed so you get a good nights sleep and are
relaxed, not fighting the pain, when you are asleep.
Tri-cyclic anti-depressants can be used as pain killers as well as
for depression.
Anti-inflammatory gels can be rubbed into the area of inflammation
or pain and get round the risk of stomach problems.
* Steroid injections - avoid if at all possible, they don't have a long
term effect unless you stop the activity that causes the problem. Can
have some bad side effects, and you can only have a limited number
of injections into the same site.
* Ultrasound - useful to reduce swelling and can help reduce trigger
* TENS - temporarily blocks the pain signals in your nerves by
stimulating the nerves with electrical pulses.
* Trigger points - treated by ischaemic compression, acupuncture
or stretch and spray. You should be taught some stretches to prevent
them re-occurring.
* Heat - improves blood flow to the heated area. Use infra-red lamps
or heat packs to warm the required area.
* Ice - reduces inflammation and stimulates blood flow in the iced
area. Apply ice packs or a bag of frozen peas to the required area.
* Acupuncture - works wonders for some people, has no effect for others.
* Splints - only wear on the advice of a physio. Don't wear them all the
time as it can lead to atrophy of the muscles. The body also needs to
keep moving to work properly. Wear them when you are resting or at
* Massage - If it does not make your condition worse (it may hurt a bit
when it is being done - even when you are completely normal) then
massage is very good. It improves the blood flow, releases toxins and
makes you relax. Have your back/shoulders/neck/arms/hands massaged as
often as possible. If you have a partner buy them a good book on
massage as your birthday or Christmas present or go to an evening
class together to learn. The sufferer must not do any massaging
themselves as it will aggravate the condition.
Qualifications for massage vary from the basic swedish massage and
aromatherapy through to remedial massage which requires a higher
degree of training.
* Rest - Reduce or even remove the aggravating factor from your life,
however don't rest completely. The normal movement of your arms keeps
the muscles/tendons/nerves 'lubricated'. When you rest your arms,
any part of them that has a problem will no longer be getting the
gentle work-out it requires to keep it functioning normally. In mild
cases of RSI rest is all that is needed to make the pain go away.
However complete rest can make your condition worse.
* Adverse Neural Dynamics stretches
AND is treated is by a series of stretches for your arms which
stretch the nerves and removes/relieves the tethered points. Doing the
stretches relieves the pain because it untethers the nerve and allows
it to slide freely again.
Your physio will tell you how to do these. He/She should also teach
you exercises to mobilise your back/neck as a lot of RSI sufferers
have problems here without realising it and these can cause symptoms
in the hands and arms.
What I found good for treating my AND and associated RSI problems was:
* Learn the AND stretches and do them as often as you can.
* Find a good masseuse/aromatherapist to get any knots out of
your back/shoulders and try trigger point therapy for any
residual pains.
* Take up the Alexander Technique to improve your posture.
Subject: 9. Is it psychological?
Q9.1. My doctor says it is all in my head. What do I do?
If it is your GP then:
If you are in a group practice try seeing one of the other
doctors in the practice. Doctors' sympathy/interest varies
greatly within a practice. If you have no luck, then transfer
to another practice in your area. You are entitled to do this.
Before you join, interview the doctors at the new practice to
find out their attitude to RSI.
If it is the consultant:
You are entitled to a second opinion, so ask for one, but not
from one of your consultant's best mates!
Q9.2. I *feel* that my doctor thinks it's all in my head -- or else
that I'm just inventing it -- even though he doesn't actually say so.
I get the same feeling from my boss and from my work colleagues and
even from some of my friends/family. Am I going crazy?
No. If you get the feeling that people are sceptical, they probably
are. You may find that your boss keeps ringing you at home to ask when
you're coming back to work, your fellow workers don't bother to send
you a get-well card, your friends seem to watch your every movement
with a critical and judgmental eye. Even your partner may get a little
tight-lipped when you say you can't cope with the washing-up. And you
may worry -- with good reason -- that your doctor won't explore all
avenues for treatment if s/he isn't convinced you're really ill.
Your gut reaction to this atmosphere of disbelief may understandably
be one of rage, but think twice before you explode -- it might just be
seen as proof that you've lost the plot. Concentrate instead on
showing that you're determined to get better and get back to work.
Keep pressing the doctor about treatment possibilities, ask informed
questions, and try to describe the pain as accurately as you can,
erring on the side of understatement rather than overstatement.
Get the PACT team in to talk to your employers about how you can
be helped to return to work -- the PACT team will assume you are
telling the truth, and that may help convince your employer. In
the meantime, try not to take the scepticism personally, and remember
that if the positions were reversed, you too might be feeling some doubt.
Everyone who suffers from an "invisible" ailment has to cope with
this to some extent.
Q9.3. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I don't feel like seeing anyone
or doing anything. Even when the pain goes away, I don't feel
any better. Am I going crazy?
No. You're probably suffering from depression. RSI can bring a lot
of problems with it: physical pain; short-term and long-term financial
anxieties; anger about being treated unfairly by employers and healthcare
professionals and colleagues; loss of independence; isolation; loneliness;
and fear. It's too much to deal with all at once; some of us react by
becoming depressed.
If you have any of the symptoms of clinical depression, it's
essential to talk about it with your GP. It will be much harder
for you to recover from RSI as long as you're depressed. Anti-depressants
can help, though you may have to experiment (under medical supervision)
to find the right one. Support groups (whether for RSI or for
depression) can also help. If you have a religious faith, now is
the time to lean on it.
It may be suggested to you, by your GP or by others, that the RSI
is caused by the depression. While this is not impossible, it's
important to remember that for most people it's the other way
around: the depression comes about as a response to the many
practical, financial, and social difficulties that can follow in
the wake of a diagnosis of RSI. If your doctor wants to treat
the depression but not the RSI, you may have to find another
doctor; both problems have to be treated together.
Even if you're not clinically depressed, remember that it's
perfectly normal to feel scared or lonely or angry when you're
trying to recover from RSI. You're not the only one who feels
this way; as you learn to cope with the physical problems, the
emotional turmoil will calm down.
Subject: 10. What support is available in the UK?
Q10.1. What benefits are available in the UK?
As a disabled person you may be entitled to several benefits:
* Industrial Accident
* Industrial Disease
* Incapacity
* Disability Living allowance
None of these are currently means tested, but do require a lot
of form filling. Some of the benefits only apply if you have certain
recognised conditions. As the rules for claiming them change all the
time contact your local benefit agency office for more details.
* Access to Work (DEA)
Access to Work is a scheme designed to help disabled people stay in work
or to get a job. It can help pay for the cost of additional equipment,
for example voice recognition software. Your employer pays for the
equipment you need then applies for a refund for most of the cost.
To join the scheme get in contact with the Disability Employment Advisor
at your local job centre, near where you work.
Q10.2. What other support is available in the UK?
The Repetitive Strain Injury Association (RSIA)
The RSI Association provides information, support and advice to people with
Repetitive Strain Injuries. The Association also promotes better understanding
of the condition through research, publicity and campaigning.
Please do join the RSIA!
It currently has about 2000 members and publishes a quarterly newsletter. It
provides a telephone helpline Monday to Friday 11.30 am to 4.00 pm.
The RSIA can supply two information packs:
* A general information pack on RSI, containing details on: What is RSI,
how to avoid it, what to do if you get it, book lists etc. for
3.95 ukp including post and packing.
* A Display Screen Equipment information pack which contains information
about display screen equipment legislation, RSI and health and safety
law and includes a worksation self-assessment questionaire. It costs
4.50 ukp including post and packing.
To contact the Association:
RSI Association
380-384 Harrow Rd.
W9 2HU
Tel. 0171 266 2000 (General enquires)
Tel. 0800 018 5012 (Freephone helpline)
There are approximately 30 local support groups spread around the country.
Contact the RSIA for your nearest one. The RSIA also has a list of people
throughout the country who are willing to talk to other sufferers.
Subject: 11. What is RSI-UK
RSI-UK is a mailing list for the discussion of RSI from a UK perspective.
The list is primarily intended for use by people living in the UK who
either have RSI problems themselves, or are caring for someone with RSI,
or are concerned that they may be developing RSI.
Q11.1. What topics are discussed on RSI-UK?
Treatment; pain relief; social security benefits; legal aspects; coping
techniques; adaptive equipment (such as ergonomic keyboards, pointing
devices, voice recognition packages, break-reminder software, and
workstation furniture); pacing techniques; and other RSI-related subjects.
The list is non-commercial, and advertising is not allowed.
Q11.2. Who subscribes to RSI-UK?
Mostly, people who suffer from RSI. Others with an interest in the subject,
such as healthcare professionals, ergonomists, safety officers, lawyers,
etc., are also welcome to subscribe; however, the primary focus of the
list is the exchange of practical information and sharing of support
between people who suffer from RSI.
Most RSI-UK subscribers have RSI as a result of keyboard use, but the
list is for everyone who suffers from RSI, from whatever cause.
Q11.3. How do I join RSI-UK?
To join, send email to, with the command
join yourname@yourdomain
You should soon receive a confirmation request. If you reply confirming that you do wish to join the list, your address will then be added to the list of members; you will begin to receive the messages that other subscribers post to the list, and will be able to post to the list yourself.
You can also join by sending an empty email message to
Or you can join from the web page (
A few tips about posting:
* Don't post attachments of any kind. Attachments can be hassly
to deal with, and no one with RSI needs any more hassle than
they've already got.
* Don't post in HTML, for the same reason.
* When you first post to the list, give as much information as
you can about your condition. Tell us how you got it, how long
you've had it, what you've tried already. Tell us exactly where
it hurts, whether it hurts all the time, whether it hurts at night,
whether it goes away when you stop work, how long it takes for it
to start again when you resume.
* Bear in mind that everything posted to RSI-UK will be archived
(, and this archive is open
to anyone to read. If you're in the middle of delicate
negotiations with your employer, it's probably wiser not to
discuss it on RSI-UK until it's all settled.
* Don't forget to mention any techniques, equipment, treatments
or exercises you've found that have been helpful to you.
Someone else might benefit from your experience.
The RSI-UK mailing list is kindly hosted by Loud-n-Clear Ltd.
Subject: 12. Where can I find information about RSI on the Web?
* The RSI-UK Website (
RSI from a UK perspective. UK resources, recovery techniques,
articles on various aspects, how to set up a workstation,
related links, etc. You can subscribe to the mailing list
from the webpage.
* The Typing-Injury FAQ (
Information on just about every imaginable aspect of RSI.
Pointers to other sites around the world, product reviews,
suppliers, software to download, and much other valuable
information. The TIFAQ is based in the US and is maintained
by Scott Wright.
various voice-recognition packages. Some RSI sufferers find
to the mailing list is a good way to learn about what is
available. You can subscribe from the web page.
* Victoria Pain Clinic (
A website about chronic pain and ways of coping with it.
Both RSI-UK and the TIFAQ include links to many other RSI-related
websites. Bear in mind, though, that much of the information will
be duplicated from site to site, and clicking can be painful. A
targeted search (e.g., for information about trigger points) is
likely to be more productive than random surfing.
There is no site which has the definitive answer to RSI.
Subject: 13. Are there any good books on RSI?
Get the following books through your local lending library or from one of
the internet bookshops (the latter often sell the books at a discount).
* Still probably the best general guide on RSI:
Repetitive Strain Injury
Emil Pascarelli and Deborah Quilter
Wiley (US), ISBN 0471595330, GBP 10.25
* A short but thorough book on RSI from a UK perspective:
Coping Successfully with RSI
Maggie Black and Penny Gray
Sheldon Press, ISBN 0-85969-811-4, GBP 6.95
* Advice on treatment and prevention based on personal experience
Repetitive Strain Injury: a handbook on prevention and recovery
David Ruegg
Largo, ISBN 0-9534718-0-2, GBP 7.99
* A simplified book on trigger points:
Pain Erasure: The Bonnie Prudden Way.
B. Prudden
Ballantine Books (US), ISBN 0345331028, GBP approx 7.30
* A good and cheap book on anatomy:
The Anatomy Colouring Book
W. Kapit and L. M. Elson
2nd Edition (the 1st edition has some errors in it)
Harper Collins, ISBN 0064550168, GBP 10.00
* A good book on pain by two of the leading researchers:
The Challenge of Pain
R. Melzack and P. Wall
Penguin, ISBN 0140256709, GBP 10.00
Subject: 14. Further Information
For more information on any of the subjects covered by this FAQ look
in the RSI-UK Website (, post a question to
the RSI-UK mailing list or check out the RSI-UK mailing list archive
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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: Ellen Mizzell <>
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM
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