Archive-name: ufos-and-aliens/part1
Last-modifed: 94/11/15 Distribution-agent: See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge (This document has been brought to you in part by CRAM. See the bottom for more information, including instructions on how to obtain updates.) === alt.alien.visitors Frequently Asked Questions This FAQ was last updated: 15th November 1994 This is part 1 of 7 It currently takes up 150k (around 85 printed pages) in all Line width is about 75 char. The FAQ and shortened version, the MINI-FAQ were originally written for the Usenet Newsgroup alt.alien.visitors. More recently the FAQ and some of the a.a.v. messages have been cross posted to other networks. The FAQ will try to reflect this more universal distribution, but for now it is essentially the FAQ produced for alt.alien.vistors. The full FAQ is a very large multi-part file which is posted infrequently, but is available by WWW and ftp (see below). The MINI-FAQ is designed to be a single file which can be posted more regularly but only contains basic information. The FAQ is the result of contributions from many people. The views expressed are varied and unless otherwise stated should not be taken to represent the opinions of any one contributor, the editor or the contributors as a whole. Neither, unless otherwise stated, should the views expressed be taken as in anyway representing any organisation or employer with whom the contributors are connected. As the FAQ is the work of many people, speaking many different flavours of english, some of the spelling and grammer might be novel to some readers, remember the main function of the FAQ is communication not a lesson in english. The current editor is Steve Gamble (see FAQ updates for how to contact him.) All comments by him are indicated by the square brackets[]. Charles McGrew has made the full FAQ together with other UFO related material available by ftp. Here are the details: ( many ufo-related documents (some of dubious reputability) in pub/ufo. See README's in the directory (and subdirectories). Files are a little disorganized right now, since the document- collection process is still going on, but if you're looking for that "special file", this is a good place to check out. More recent versions of the FAQ can be found here as a.a.v-faq. All files except the README's are in unix-compressed format, so please be sure to use 'binary' transfer mode. Anonymous ftp enabled. World Wide Web Access Rene' Mueller has kindly made both the full FAQ and the mini-FAQ available by WWW on Spirit. The WWW address is The file is split into 7 parts for posting to a.a.v. These are shown in the contents list below. PART 1 Introduction ============ Contents ======== PART 2 === 0. Introductory Material ---------------------------- 0.1: About alt.alien.visitors 0.2: Posting to alt.alien.visitors 0.3: Hints on posting 0.4: Example Posting 0.5: People who post to alt.alien.visitors === 1. Terminology and Definitions Used in UFOlogy -------------------------------------------------- 1.01: a.a.v. 1.02: Astronomical Units (A.U.) 1.03: What is a UFO? 1.04: What is an alien? 1.05: Classification of UFO Reports === 2:00 About UFOs and related phenomena ------------------------------------------ 2.01: When did it all start? 2.02: The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) 2.03: What do we really know about life elsewhere in the universe? 2.04: Marfa Lights 2.05: Men In Black (MIB) 2.06: Tectonic Strain Theory (TST) 2.07: UFOnauts 2.08: Unusual Ground Markings (UGM) 2:09: USAF 2:10: Zine Alien Races ----------------- 3.00: Arcturus 3.01: Aryans (Blondes) 3.02: Blues (Star Warriors) 3.03: Confederation of Humans 3.04: Greys 3.05: Orion Empire (Orion forces) 3.06: Pleiadians 3.07: Sirius 3.08: Reptoids 3.09: Vega Abductions and Current Theories ------------------------------ 4.00: About Abductions UFOlogists ---------- 5:00: Hopkins, Budd 5:01: Jacobs, Dr David 5:02: Klass, Philip J. 5.03: Spencer, John 5:04: Marciniak, Barbara J. 5:05: Randles, Jenny PART 3 UFO Projects & Theories & Controversies ---------------------------------------- 6.00: Aurora Project or "deep black" projects 6.02: NASA Footage September 10th 6.03: Planetoid (Wormwood) 6.04: Official Studies 6.05: Roswell Crash Incident UFO Movies, Documentaries and TV Programs ---------------------------------------- = 7.00: TV Programs 7.01: E. T. Monitor (the Keystone Inspirational Network) 7.02: Hard Copy (??) 7.03: Intruders 7.04: National Geographic (PBS) 7.05: sightings (FOX) 7.06: UFO Incident, The 7.07: Unsolved Mysteries (NBC) = 7.08: UFO VIDEOS 7.09: Close Up 7.10: Communion 7.11: UFO Coverup Live 7.12: UFO Documentary 7.13: UFO, The Films Prove It 7.14: UFO Review, The Researchers UFO Magazines and Publications (UFOzines) ----------------------------------------- 8.00: Circular, The 8.01: Cerealogist, The 8.02: Connecting Link Magazine 8.03: CONTINUUM 8.04: Crop Watcher, The 8.05: Earth, 8.06: Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic, The 8.07: Faithist Journal, The 8.08: Focus 8.09: Fortean Times, 8.10: Inner Light 8.11: International UFO Library Magazine 8.12: Magonia, 8.13: Orvotron Newsletter 8.14: Ovni Presence 8.15: Revelations of Awareness 8.16: Swamp Gas Journal 8.17: UFO Universe UFO Book Publishers ------------------- 9.00: Advent Publishing Company 9.02: Arnerica West Publishers 9.03: Arcturus Book Service 9.04: Condor Books, Inc. 9.05: Document Research Services 9.06: Earth Star Publications 9.07: Eden Press 9.08: JACO Book Publishers 9.09: The Library of the New Essenes of Inyo 9.10: Luna Ventures 9.11: The Pleiades Project 9.12: UFO Audio-Video Clearing House 9.13: UFO Books 9.14: UFO Photo Archives 9:15: Worldwide UFO Newsclipping Bureau and Public Information Center 955 West 9.16: Spacelink Books Miscellaneous Information ----------------------- 10.00: A UFO Book List 10.01: alt.alien.visitors archives (back issues) 10.02: Big Foot (Sasquatch) 10.03: Free UFO Class 10.04: Freedom of Information 10.05: Hidden Ancient Ruins 10.06: Inter Library Loans (ILL) 10.07: NASA Shuttle Footage 10.08: UFO Related anonymous FTP Sites PART 4 UFO Organizations * Assumed Acronym ------------------ 11.00: Aerial Phenomenon Research: The Indiana Group . . . . .*(APR) 11.02: Aetherius Society, The 11.03: Ancient Astronaut Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(AAS) 11.04: Ancient Truth Research Foundation . . . . . . . . . .*(ATRF) 11.05: Awareness Reserch Foundation, Inc , The . . . . . . .*(ARF) 11.06: Borderland Sciences Research Foundation . . . . . . . . (BSRF) 11.07: British UFO Research Association . . . . . . . . . . . . (BUFORA) 11.08: California UFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(CUFO) 11.09: Citizens Against UFO Secrecy . . . . . . . . . . . . . (CAUS) 11.10: Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal Contactee . . . . . . . . . . (CSICOP) 11.11: Computer UFO Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (CUFON) 11.12: Contactee 11.13: Cosmic Awareness Communications . . . . . . . . . . . .*(CAC) 11.14: CSETI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (CSETI) 11.15: Delval UFO, Inc. 11.16: Fair Witness Project, Inc., The . . . . . . . . . . . .*(FRP) 11.17: Federation, The 11.18: Flying Saucer Information Center . . . . . . . . . . . .*(FSIS) 11.19: Fortean Research Center, The 11.20: Fund for UFO Research, Inc.,The . . . . . . . . . . . .*(FUFOR) 11.21: Gulf Breeze Skywatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(GBS) 11.22: Inner-Peace Prosperity Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . (IPPN) PART 5 11.23: Intercontinental UF Galactic Spacecraft - Research and Analytic Network . . . . . . . . . . . . (ICUFON) 11.24: International Committeee for UFO Research . . . . . . . . (ICUR) 11.25: International Fortean Organization . . . . . . . . . . (INFO) 11.26: Intruders Foundation 11.27: Island Skywatch 11.28: J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies . . . . . . . . . (CUFOS) 11.29: Massachusetts Center for the study of Aerial Phenomena, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(MCSAP) 11.30: Multi-national Investigations Cooperative on Aerial Phenomena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (MICAP) 11.31: MutuaL UFO Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (MUFON) 11.32: Mutual UFO Network of North Carolina, Inc. . . . . . . (MUFON-NC) 11.33: National Investigations Committeee on UFOs . . . . . . . (NICUFO) 11.34: National Sighting Research Center, The . . . . . . . . (NSRC) 11.35: Nevada Aerial Research Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . (NARG) 11.36: North American Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *(NAC) 11.37: North American Institute of Crop Circle Research . . . (NAICCR) 11.38: Northamptonshire UFO Research Centre . . . . . . . . . (NUFORC) 11.39: Northern UFO Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (NUFON) 11.40: Omega Communications 11.41: ParaNet (Paranormal Network) Information Service . . . . (PARANET) PART 6 11.42: Pennsylvania Association for the Study of the Unexplained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (PASU) 11.43: Pnet 11.44: Portland UFO Group, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (PUFOG) 11.45: Roundtown UFO Society 11.46: Royal Priest Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(RPR) 11.47: Search for EXtraterrestrial Intelligence, The. . . . . . (SETI) 11.48: Sirian Rainbow Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(SRL) 11.49: SKYNET 11.50: Socie'Te' Belge d'Etude des Phenomenes Spatiaux . . . . (SOBEPS) 11.51: Society for Scientific Exploration . . . . . . . . . . (SSE) 11.52: Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained, The . (SITU) 11.53: System Ready 11.54: Transcendental Communications A Division of LAMAT Research 11.55: UFO Contact Center International . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOCCI) 11.56: UFO Fllter Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOFC) 11.57: UFO Information Retrieval Center . . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOIRC) 11.58: UFO Investigators League . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOIL) 11.59: UFO, Paranormal and Conspiracy BBS, THE . . . . . . . .*(UFOPCBBS) 11.60: UFO Reporting and Information Service. . . . . . . . . . (UFORIS) 11.61: UFO Study Group of Greater St. Louis 11.62: Ufology Research of Manitoba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOROM) 11.63: United Aerial Phenomena Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UAPA) 11.64: Universal Articulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science (UNARIUS Academy of Sciences) . (UNARIUS) 11.65: Victorian U.F.O. Research Society Inc. . . . . . . . . . (VUFORS) PART 7 Disclaimer ---------- FAQ Requests ------------ FAQ Suggestions --------------- === DISTRIBUTION: How to obtain this document This document has been brought to you in part by CRAM, involved in the redistribution of valuable information to a wider USENET audience (see below). The most recent version of this document can be obtained via the author's instructions above. The following directions apply to retrieve the possibly less-current USENET FAQ version. FTP --- This FAQ is available from the standard FAQ server via FTP in the file /pub/usenet/news.answers/ufos-and-aliens Email ----- Email requests for FAQs go to with commands on lines in the message body, e.g. `help' and `index'. Usenet ------ This FAQ is posted every 21 days to the groups alt.alien.visitors alt.ufo.reports alt.answers news.answers _ _, _ ___ _, __, _, _ _, ___ _ _, _, _ _ _, __, _, _ _ ___ __, | |\ | |_ / \ | ) |\/| / \ | | / \ |\ | | (_ | ) / \ | | |_ | ) | | \| | \ / |~\ | | |~| | | \ / | \| | , ) |~ \ / |/\| | |~\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ === CRAM: The Cyberspatial Reality Advancement Movement In an effort to bring valuable information to the masses, and as a service to motivated information compilers, a member of CRAM can help others unfamiliar with Usenet `publish' their documents for widespread dissemination via the FAQ structure, and act as a `sponsor' knowledgable in the submissions process. This document is being distributed under this arrangement. We have found these compilations tend to appear on various mailing lists and are valuable enough to deserve wider distribution. If you know of an existing compilation of Internet information that is not currently a FAQ, please contact us and we may `sponsor' it. The benefits to the author include: - use of the existing FAQ infrastructure for distribution: - automated mail server service - FTP archival - automated posting - a far wider audience that can improve the quality, accuracy, and coverage of the document enormously through email feedback - potential professional inquiries for the use of your document in other settings, such as newsletters, books, etc. - with us as your sponsor, we will also take care of the technicalities in the proper format of the posted version and updating procedures, leaving you free of the `overhead' to focus on the basic updates alone The choice of who we `sponsor' is entirely arbitrary. You always have the option of handling the submission process yourself. See the FAQ submission guidelines FAQ in news.answers. For information, send mail to <>. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | / / / / / / / / / / _______ ________ _____ _____ _____ /// \\\ ||| \\\ /// \\\ |||\\\///||| ||| ~~ ||| /// ||| ||| ||| \\// ||| ||| __ |||~~~\\\ |||~~~||| ||| ~~ ||| \\\ /// ||| \\\ ||| ||| ||| ||| ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ / / / / / / / / / | \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ C y b e r s p a t i a l R e a l i t y A d v a n c e m e n t M o v e m e n t * CIVILIZING CYBERSPACE: send `info cypherwonks' to * User Contributions: |
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