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U.C. Davis USENET FAQ Part 5 of 6

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Archive-name: ucdavis/faq/part5
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: Jun. 23, 1996
Version: 21Jun96 [ASCII/Multipart]
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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
                   The U.C. Davis USENET FAQ Part 5 of 6
            Frequently Asked Questions at and about U.C. Davis
                         (c) Copyright 1995 & 1996


                           David F. Prenatt, Jr.
                          King Hall, 1995 Alumnus
                         U.C. Davis School of Law
                         University of California
                           Davis, CA 95616-5210

                      < >

The U.C. Davis USENET FAQ may be comprised of more than one part.  If it
is, please see the TABLE OF CONTENTS in Part One for a complete list of the
questions that I have attempted to answer and for other important legal
information.  Caveat emptor:  I assume no obligation to anyone through the
publication of the U.C. Davis USENET FAQ.  Furthermore, all versions of the
U.C. Davis USENET FAQ are my personal property and are protected by
applicable copyright laws.  All rights are reserved except as follows:  I
hereby give my permission to anyone who has access to this version of the
U.C. Davis USENET FAQ to reproduce the information contained herein for
non-profit purposes, provided that proper credit is given to me as the
author of this FAQ and that I am notified of any use other than personal
use.  I may revoke permission to reproduce any version of this FAQ at any

- - - - -
                     The U.C. Davis USENET FAQ Part 5 of 6
               Frequently Asked Questions at and about U.C. Davis
               (c) Copyright 1995 & 1996 by David F. Prenatt, Jr.



10.1.1)  Should I attend graduate school after I graduate from U.C. Davis?

     That's a very personal decision, but generally speaking it's not a
     good idea to attend graduate school right after you graduate.  Some
     people enjoy college so much that they can't bear the thought of
     leaving.  However, don't attend graduate school straight out of
     college simply because you can't find a job.  You'll just put yourself
     further into debt without any real idea of what you want to do once
     you complete your education.

10.1.2)  When should I attend graduate school?

     That's a very personal decision, but generally speaking the people who
     get the most out of graduate school are the people who have at least
     three years of work experience or other experience in their chosen
     career.  Work experience or other experience outside of college will
     help you find out what to expect from the real world once you complete
     graduate school.  You may do so well in your chosen career that you do
     not wish to return to school.  On the other hand, you may also find
     out that you don't really want a career in the field that you have
     chosen.  If this is the case, you are well-positioned to change
     careers by going to graduate school with absolutely no harm done.


10.2.1)  How do I decide on a career objective after I graduate from

     You need to do some planning in terms of short term and long term
     career objectives and then focus exclusively on your short term career
     objectives.  By definition, your short term career objectives will
     enable you to achieve your long term career objective.  Thus, it is
     critical that you focus exclusively on your short term career
          Make a list of the things that you are looking for in an ideal
     job, and make that job your ultimate long term career objective.
     Next, make a list of the job skills that are necessary for you to
     perform well at the job that you have chosen as your long term career
     objective.  Now, compose a resume of the skills that you have.  If
     there is something missing from your resume in terms of the skills
     that you need to land your ideal job, make your short term career
     objective a job where you can acquire the skills that you need, and
     keep your ultimate objective to yourself while you do whatever is
     necessary to land a job where you can acquire the skills that you
          Whatever you do, don't brag about your long term career
     objectives.  This is a sure fire way of making certain that you will
     not achieve them.  If you receive recognition for having goals rather
     than achieving them, you will have no incentive for achieving them.
     Besides, those who are jealous of your long term goals will try to
     discourage you from trying to achieve your goals.  Ambitious people
     challenge the self-esteem of people who are not ambitious.
          Once you land a job that will help you fulfill your short term
     career objective, stay with that job for at least a year.  No matter
     how you feel about the job after you take it, you will need a good
     reference to land your next job.  At the end of each year, start the
     process all over again.  Make a list of the things that you are
     looking for in an ideal job, and repeat the process of setting a short
     term career objective by determining the qualifications that you need
     to obtain your ultimate career objective.  This may involve a
     promotion where you are working or looking for a whole new job working
     somewhere else.  At this point, don't be surprised if the nature of
     your ideal job has changed.  After achieving a short term career
     objective, you will have more complete information about whatever
     opportunites are available to you.

10.2.2)  Shouldn't I choose a career based upon how much money I can make?

     Absolutely not.  This will inevitably lead to career burn out.  No
     matter what job you have, you need to earn enough money to support
     yourself.  However, if you take a job strictly based upon income
     potential, you will not do a good job.  The best way to maximize your
     income potential is to do a good job at a job that you enjoy doing.

10.2.3)  Are there any career planning resources on campus?

     Yes.  Contact the Internship and Career Center (ICC) at (916)752-2855
     for more information.  Readers with a web browser may also visit the
     ICC Home Page on the World Wide Web (< >).

10.3)  MARRIAGE.

     Reasonable minds can and do differ as to what does and does not belong
     in a FAQ.  However, a FAQ maintainer makes the final decision as to
     his or her FAQ's content.  As I have received numerous inquires from
     U.C. Davis students who want advice on the topic of marriage
     (specifically prenuptial agreements), I have included this section.
     In essence, this section is nothing more than a rational appeal to
     those who are contemplating marriage at the end of their undergraduate
     college education to use good sense in making a very personal decision
     that will have a profound impact upon their entire future.

10.3.1)  Should I get married after I graduate from college?

     That's a very personal decision, but many people whom I know do get
     married towards the conclusion of their undergraduate education or
     shortly thereafter.  Many other people also make plans to get married
     at this time.  Too often this is done for all of the wrong reasons.
          I can honestly say that most people whom I meet do not understand
     that the institution of marriage is primarily a legal contract that
     creates many legal obligations that have little or nothing to do with
     love, romance, companionship, or security (the most common reasons
     that people give me for why they want to get married).  If you are not
     married, your default next of kin are your parents (or siblings,
     etc.).  However, the person that you marry replaces your parents (or
     siblings) as your legal "next of kin."  In other words, if you are in
     the hospital, your spouse becomes the person who decides whether or
     not to pull the plug on you.
          When you marry someone, not only does that person become your
     legal guardian (i.e., next of kin), you become that person's legal
     guardian.  This means that you become responsible for all of your
     spouse's legal and financial obligations and he or she becomes
     responsible for all of yours.  This is true whether or not either one
     of you knows what legal or financial obligations your spouse assumes
     or has assumed in the past.  If your spouse is a compulsive gambler or
     drug addict, he or she can drive you into bankruptcy (usually without
     giving you any clues that this is happening); if your spouse cheats on
     his or her taxes, you must make good with Uncle Sam.  If you decide
     that you want to end your marriage, you can do so, but it will cost
     you dearly in attorneys fees.

10.3.2)  Why do people get married?

     There are many reasons, but the most legitimate reason that I have
     heard is that both partners in a committed relationship want to
     formalize their long-term commitment to have an exclusive relationship
     with each other.  If this is true for you and your future spouse, then
     you should think long and hard about the inadvertent consequences of
     making such a commitment.  Circumstances will change, and so will you
     and your future spouse.  Make plans accordingly.

10.3.3)  Do you have any advice for someone who wants to get married?

     While I won't give you any legal advice, my personal advice is that
     you sit down with your future spouse and write down what obligations
     you intend to assume for each other (legal and otherwise) once you are
     married.  Start with the default obligations that are part of every
     marriage contract and continue from there.  If one of the terms of
     your marriage contract presents a problem, then you should resolve
     that problem as best you can before tying the knot.  While you can't
     work out all of your problems before you get married, you can work out
     some of them, and you might save yourself a fortune in future
     attorneys fees.

10.3.4)  What can I expect after I get married?

     Everything will change, and there's no way to predict how things will
     change.  Even if you and your spouse are the same people before and
     after your marriage, the world will treat you differently after you
     get married.  As a result, you will both begin to see yourselves and
     the rest of the world differently and make whatever adjustments are
     necessary.  One of the most fundamental changes in the way that the
     world treats you when you are married is that you are no longer
     recognized as an individual.  You are treated as one member of a
     couple.  Most of your friends will also be married couples because the
     lifestyles of your single friends will be incompatible with yours, so
     your single friends will probably drift away.


     I have attempted to answer some basic questions about computers and
     life on the Internet in this section.  However, the best place to get
     answers for your computer questions as a member of the U.C. Davis
     virtual community (i.e., a student, faculty member , or staff member)
     is from the Information Technology-Campus Access Point (IT-CAP
     < at (916)752-2973 or from the USENET
     newsgroup ucd.comp.questions (<news:ucd.comp.questions >); readers
     with a web browser may visit the Network Administrator Resources FAQ
     Page on the World Wide Web (<
     >).  If you want to speak to an IT-CAP consultant, you should be
     prepared to furnish them with your login id and identification number.


11.1.1)  Why should I use a computer?

     It is easier and faster to accomplish certain tasks by using a
     computer.  Do I really need to use a computer?

     No.  You don't need to use a computer, but many tasks are impossible
     to accomplish without a computer.  In fact, many classes at U.C. Davis
     integrate a USENET newsgroup into the course.  Isn't it difficult to learn how to use a computer?

     No.  Learning to use a computer is very easy, but this is a very well
     kept secret because many people who are familiar with computers are
     very intimidating to people who do not know how to use computers.  How can I get the computer training that I need?

     Admit your ignorance, both to yourself and to the people who offer you
     help.  Teaching people how to use computers is extremely difficult,
     but it doesn't have to be that way.  Many people erroneously assume
     that they understand how computers work, and this makes teaching these
     people extremely difficult.  Of course, people who are technically
     proficient may not be able to communicate with you or they may not be
     interested in helping you.  Avoid these people.  What practical uses would I have for a computer?

     Most college students find that using a computer for word processing
     is much easier than typing a paper.  While this is not the only
     application for computers, it is quickly becoming one of the most
     common and most popular (second only to computer games).  Once you
     become familiar with word processing, however, you may want to check
     out some of the other applications for personal computers.  Stop by
     any store that sells software and do some window shopping.

11.1.2)  Do I need my own computer?

     No.  Computers are as ubiquitous as telephones.  The only reason you
     would want to own a computer is for convenience, much like owning a
     cellular phone.  What kind of a computer should I buy?

     You should buy a computer with the features that you want at a price
     you can afford.  If you are reading this FAQ for a recommendation,
     then you probably want a Macintosh(r) or an IBM/IBM Clone (PC).  What is the difference between a Macintosh(r) and an IBM/IBM
             Clone (PC)?

     Macintosh(r) computers are much higher quality technology than IBM
     technology.  However, IBM is the standard for computer technology and
     is much more affordable than Macintosh(r).  Thus, if you are on a
     limited budget, you probably want an IBM/IBM clone, especially because
     whatever you do buy will be obsolete when you buy it.  What is an IBM clone?

     IBM buys its technology on the open market and sets the standard for
     other computer companies (at least it used to do so).  Many companies
     build IBM clones that meet or exceed IBM's standards (i.e., 100% IBM
     Compatible).  In fact, most IBM clones are no longer properly referred
     to as IBM clones, but rather as PCs ("Personal Computer System").  What kind of features should I have on a computer?

     There is no easy answer to this question, but as a general rule avoid
     all the bells and whistles and buy only proven technology.  New
     technology is inherently unreliable because many bugs are found only
     after a product has been released.  Members of the U.C. Davis
     community have access to a variety of computers, so find out for
     yourself what features are the most useful and reliable.  What kind of accessories should I get on my computer?

     It depends upon what type of applications you are using.  If you are
     reading this FAQ, you probably only need a printer and/or modem, if
     that; you can probably get by without either one.

11.2)  What computer facilities are available for students at U.C. Davis?

     U.C. Davis provides computer facilities for all registered students,
     including word processing and Internet access.  Check with IT-CAP
     (< >) at (916)752-2548 for more information.
     Readers with a web browser may visit the Lab Management Home Page on
     the World Wide Web (< >).

11.2.1)  How do I obtain access to the computer facilities at U.C. Davis?

     If you are a student, staff, or faculty, open a Unix account (i.e, an
     ez-account or one of the various other accounts that may be available
     to you).  You can do this in less than 10 minutes at virtually any of
     the computer rooms anywhere on campus.  However, you will usually have
     to wait at least 24 hours before your account is activated.

11.2.2)  Will I lose access to the computer services at U.C. Davis after I
         graduate?  [Rev]

     Yes.  Your account will be tagged for expiration the day after you
     graduate, and you will have to prove that you are still affiliated
     with the University to retain your computer privileges.  In other
     words, you are not entitled to computer privileges after you graduate
     unless you remain affiliated with the University, and your privileges
     may be unceremoniously interrupted at any time after that.

11.2.3)  What should I do to make sure that I still have access to computer
         services at U.C. Davis after I graduate?

     For a small monthly fee, the Davis Community Network (DCN) will give
     you 50 hours of access to the dial-in computer services that U.C.
     Davis provides to it students, including the ucd.* newsgroups.  [Note:, America On Line, and some other private ISPs/BBSs provide
     access to the ucd.* newsgroups.]  Anyone can telnet to the DCN server
     to join the DCN (<telnet:wheel.dcn.davis >).  For further information,
     see the davis.dcn USENET newsgroup (<news:davis.dcn >) or visit the
     DCN Home Page on the World Wide Web (< >).
          The National Public Telecomputing Network (NPTN) also sponsors
     "Freenets" that provide free Internet access.  For more information,
     e-mail NPTN (< >) or ftp NPTN's Freenet Guide
     (< >).
     The most satisfactory and reasonably priced for profit ISP is UUNET.
     For more information on UUNET, send your snail-mail address to UUNET
     (< > uunet!info).  Whatever Internet service
     provider that you choose, you will probably have to provide your own
     computer and your own modem.

11.3)  What is the Internet?

     The Internet is the product of a worldwide computer network developed
     by the military in the late 1960s (ARPANET), nurtured by academicians
     over the last 20 years or so, and currently used primarily as a medium
     for the communication and free exchange of information and ideas for
     anyone who knows how to obtain Internet access.  There are more
     breathtaking Internet applications, but they are not for "newbies" and
     they are well beyond the scope of this FAQ.

11.3.1)  How can I obtain access to the Internet?

     You can use your ez-account (or other U.C. Davis Unix account) to
     "telnet" to one of the computers at U.C. Davis from one of the
     computer rooms on the U.C. Davis campus, from your home computer via
     modem, or from any other computer system on the Internet that has
     telnet capabilities.  How do I obtain access to the Internet from one of the computer
           rooms on the U.C. Davis campus?

     Every computer room is different.  Check with the site attendant.  How do I obtain access to the Internet from my home computer?

     You will need a modem and some sort of communications software.  Once
     you have your communications software up and running, you can dial
     (916)752-7900 to access the various computer services that are
     available to U.C. Davis students, faculty, and staff through IT-CAP.
     With an IBM/IBM Clone PC system, you are well advised to use the
     Windows operating system.  This will enable you to install a
     constellation of public domain and educational software programs
     available to U.C. Davis students free of charge from IT-CAP (Trumpet
     Winsock, WinQVT, Win32s 1.2, Wgopher, Netscape, Mpeg, and Lview).
          Contact a consultant at IT-CAP (< >) at
     (916)752-2548 or in person at Shield's Library for information on how
     to obtain copies of the programs that I listed above or other programs
     that will work on whatever computer you may have.  Once installed, the
     programs that I listed above will give you access to the Internet
     through a U.C. Davis SLIP connection by dialing (916)752-7925 (PPP
     access is also available).  [Note:  Some of these programs may run
     *very* slowly on a SLIP connection depending upon the type of computer
     that you have.]

11.3.2)  How do I communicate with other people on the Internet?

     Communication between individuals on the Internet usually takes place
     through the institutions of e-mail and the USENET newsgroups.  These
     are the most straightforward and easy to use Internet applications.
     Live time conversations also take place with the Internet Relay Chat
     (IRC); the World Wide Web provides access to multimedia communication.
     I hesitate to mention the highly intrusive Internet communication
     software "talk/ytalk," but for those of you who want more information
     on how to interrupt people with a talk request, contact David T.
     Witkowski (< >; readers with a web
     browser may visit David T. Witkowski's Ytalk Primer on the World Wide
     Web (< >).  Are there any rules for e-mail and the USENET newsgroups.

     Yes.  U.C. Davis imposes regulations for e-mail and the USENET with
     its Acceptable Use Policy.  There are also informal rules of conduct
     that are enforced by the Internet community (fondly referred to as
     "netiquette").  For information on the Acceptable Use Policy, contact
     Donald Dudley (< >), King Hall Class of
     1993, at SJA (916)752-1128.  As for netiquette, use your own good
     judgment.  What is the difference between e-mail and the USENET newsgroups?

     The primary difference between e-mail and the USENET is privacy.
     However, neither e-mail or the USENET are completely confidential.
     While an e-mail message is not completely private, it is directed to a
     particular individual or group of individuals; a USENET article is
     available to anyone who has access to the newsgroup where the article
     is posted.  If you want to conduct confidential communications over
     the Internet, check out an encryption program such as PGP ("Pretty
     Good Privacy").
           PGP has a public domain version that is available free of charge
     to anyone who is using it for non-commercial purposes.  It has
     thwarted virtually every attempt that people have made to crack it.
     What makes PGP unique is that the key that encrypts your mail (i.e.,
     your "public key") is distinct and separate from the key that
     unscrambles it (i.e., your "private key").  Unless you tell someone
     your private PGP key or someone guesses it (which could take thousands
     of years of computer time) or discovers it by eavesdropping, no one
     can read your PGP encrypted mail.  How do I use e-mail?

     The most straightforward and easy way to use e-mail is by using a
     program called "pine" (pine is an acronym for "pine is nearly elm"--
     elm was an e-mail program that preceded pine).  To use pine, type in
     "pine" (without the quotes) at the Unix prompt.  The pine application
     is menu-driven, so just follow the instructions that you see on the

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End Document:

                     The U.C. Davis USENET FAQ Part 5 of 6
               Frequently Asked Questions at and about U.C. Davis
                           (c) Copyright 1995 & 1996


                             David F. Prenatt, Jr.
                            King Hall, 1995 Alumnus
                            U.C. Davis School of Law
                            University of California
                              Davis, CA 95616-5210

                        < >

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