Archive-name: ucdavis/faq/part3
Posting-Frequency: monthly Last-modified: Jun. 23, 1996 Version: 21Jun96 [ASCII/Multipart] URL: < faq.html > Ebb: < > See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge The U.C. Davis USENET FAQ Part 3 of 6 Frequently Asked Questions at and about U.C. Davis (c) Copyright 1995 & 1996 by David F. Prenatt, Jr. King Hall, 1995 Alumnus U.C. Davis School of Law University of California Davis, CA 95616-5210 < > The U.C. Davis USENET FAQ may be comprised of more than one part. If it is, please see the TABLE OF CONTENTS in Part One for a complete list of the questions that I have attempted to answer and for other important legal information. Caveat emptor: I assume no obligation to anyone through the publication of the U.C. Davis USENET FAQ. Furthermore, all versions of the U.C. Davis USENET FAQ are my personal property and are protected by applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved except as follows: I hereby give my permission to anyone who has access to this version of the U.C. Davis USENET FAQ to reproduce the information contained herein for non-profit purposes, provided that proper credit is given to me as the author of this FAQ and that I am notified of any use other than personal use. I may revoke permission to reproduce any version of this FAQ at any time. - - - - - The U.C. Davis USENET FAQ Part 3 of 6 Frequently Asked Questions at and about U.C. Davis (c) Copyright 1995 & 1996 by David F. Prenatt, Jr. 3.5) SPORTS PROGRAMS AT U.C. DAVIS. 3.5.1) Intercollegiate Athletics. [Rev] U.C. Davis has 11 men's varsity teams and 9 women's varsity teams that compete in the National Collegiate Athletic Association's Division II. Intercollegiate sports programs at U.C. Davis suffer from a dearth of funding for athletic scholarships. Notwithstanding this dearth of funding, the quality of U.C. Davis sports teams is outstanding. Unfortunately, U.C. Davis sports teams cannot compete in Division I sports without offering athletic scholarships. But for the lack of Division I sports competitions, U.C. Davis would be a household name. Accordingly, the U.C. Davis move to Division I athletics was planned to take place recently. However, Phase 3 budget cuts prevented this. Thus, U.C. Davis remains in the shadow of its sister U.C. campuses at Berkeley and Los Angeles as far as intercollegiate athletic competitions. Admission to home games is free to undergraduates. For more information, call the Aggie Sports Hotline at (916)752-1700. Readers with a web browser may visit the U.C. Davis Athletics Home Page on the World Wide Web (<!Info.html >) or visit one of the home pages listed below: Baseball Team < > Men's Basketball Team < > Women's Basketball Team < > Crew < > Cross Country < > Football Team < > Golf < > Women's Gymnastics < > Outdoor Track & Field < > Men's Soccer Team < > Women's Soccer Team < > Softball < > Men's Swimming < > Women's Swimming and Diving < > Men's Tennis < > Women's Tennis < > Volleyball Team < > Men's Water Polo < > Wrestling < > 3.5.2) Intramural Sports and Sports Clubs. For information about Intramural Sports and Sports Clubs at U.C. Davis, visit Room 140 in the Recreation Hall or call (916)752-3500. 4) ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS AT U.C. DAVIS. 4.1) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT CLASS REGISTRATION AT U.C. DAVIS. Registration takes place through RSVP automated phone-in registration, (916)752-RSVP. Contact the Registrar's Office at (916)752-2973 if you need further information. Readers with a web browser may view the schedule of classes at the Registration Home Page on the World Wide Web (< >) [This navigational link was not working the last time that I checked.] 4.2) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT FINANCIAL AID AT U.C. DAVIS. Contact the Financial Aid Office at (916)752-2390. Readers with a web browswer may also visit the Financial Aid Home Page on the World Wide Web (< >). 4.3) STUDENT JUDICIAL AFFAIRS. I cannot express strongly enough how important it is to comply with the various regulations that U.C. Davis imposes upon students, faculty, and staff. Officials at U.C. Davis will usually bend over backwards to address your concerns. If they don't, virtually any form of effective protest that you can imagine can be accomplished without violating any U.C. Davis regulations. If you have any questions about U.C. Davis regulations, you can contact Donald Dudley (< >), King Hall Class of 1993, at Student Judicial Affairs (SJA), (916)752-1128. SJA's bark is usually worse than its bite. In many instances, SJA simply puts you on notice about a potential problem. Ignore SJA at your own risk: You may invoke any of a number of very serious sanctions. 4.4) STUDENT SERVICES AT U.C. DAVIS. 4.4.1) Campus Information. Campus information is available at Information Centers in the Alumni and Visitors Center, the Memorial Union (916)752-2222 and the booth at the entrance to U.C. Davis on Old Davis Rd or you can call Information Services at (916)752-8111 (TDD 916-752-2228). Readers with a web browser may also visit the Campus Information Home Page on the World Wide Web (< >) 4.4.2) Library Services. There are four major libraries on the U.C. Davis campus: The Health Sciences Library, the Physical Sciences Library, Shields Library, and the Law School Library [note: the law library catalog is available by public telnet session (< >; account/password = guest)]; there are also a number of departmental library collections. Most of these collections are listed on MELVL which is available by public telnet session (< > account/password = guest). Books can be obtained from the four major libraries at U.C. Davis, department collections, and other libraries in the U.C. system and elsewhere through interlibrary loan. Contact Shields Library at (916)752-6561 for more information. Readers with a web browser may visit the General Library Home Page on the World Wide Web (< >). 4.4.3) Books and Supplies. There are two bookstores on the main section of the U.C. Davis Campus. One is located in the Memorial Union and the other is located in the Silo Complex. The Memorial Union also has a number of other shops. There are also a number of off-campus book stores close to campus. 4.4.4) Campus Escort Service. U.C. Davis students can get a free escort from the Cal Aggie Hosts by calling (916) 752-1727. 4.4.5) The Disability Resource Center. The Disability Resource Center (DRC) offers a number of services for students with disabilities, including those students with temporary disabilities (e.g., sports injuries such as sprained ankle or a broken leg). Students with disabilities should contact the DRC as early as possible at (916)752-3184 (TDD 916-752-6TDD) for more information on the assistance, academic and otherwise, that the DRC provides. 4.4.6) Cowell Health Center. Contact Cowell Health Center at (916)752-2300 with your questions about student health services. Please note that all graduate and professional students are required to purchase the Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan at the time registration fees are paid unless they provide proof of comparable insurance coverage. For more information, contact the Insurance Office of the Student Health Center at (916) 752-2612. Every entering student must also complete a medical history form and provide proof of immunity to rubella and rubeola. 4.4.7) Counseling Services. Psychological and psychiatric services are available through North Hall, (916)752-0856, or by referral from the Cowell Student Health Center. 4.4.8) Veterans Services. Contact the Veterans Affairs Office at (916)752-2020 for information on veterans services at U.C. Davis. 4.4.9) Computer Services. See Section 11 for information on computer services at U.C. Davis. 4.4.10) Transportation and Parking Services. Contact Transportation and Parking Serives (TAPS) at (916)752-TAPS for information on parking permits, bicycle licenses, and related services; contact Unitrans at (916)752-BUSS for information on bus services. Unitrans is free to U.C. Davis undergraduate students who pay for this service with their registration fees; discount bus passes and tokens are available for graduate and professional students. See also Section 6.5.2 for information on shuttle services for U.C. Davis commuters. 4.4.11) Financial Aid. See Section 4.2 for information on financial aid services. 4.4.12) Legal Services. The ASUCD Legal Service provides free legal services to U.C. Davis undergraduates. For more information, contact the ASUCD Legal Service at (916)752-1990. 4.4.13) Academic Advising Services. There is no shortage of academic advising services at U.C. Davis. Each college maintains its own set of advising services, and these advising services are complemented by various other advising services that purport to address specialized needs and/or simplify the red tape that one encounters when seeking academic advising services. However, it is virtually impossible to know whom to trust when seeking academic advice, and the more people whom you consult when making a decision, the less likely you are to be happy with the end result. There really are no shortcuts. Before seeking any academic advice, you should familiarize yourself with any and all official academic regulations that might affect you. And when you finally do seek academic advice, you should be as clear and firm as possible about your objectives and what kind of advice that you want. If you are uncertain about who to contact for the advice that you need, contact The First Resort at (916)752-2807 or visit the office in person at Temporary Building 98 between the hours of 10am and 4pm; the Academic Peer Advising office in 227 Voorhies Hall can be reached at (916)752-3000 for more specific information and referrals. 5) LIFE AT U.C. DAVIS. 5.1) ON-CAMPUS HOUSING AT U.C. DAVIS. Contact the Student Housing Office (< >) at (916)752-2033 for information on housing options at U.C. Davis. The USENET newsgroup ucd.housing (<news:ucd.housing >) also addresses issues about housing at U.C. Davis. See also the Davis USENET FAQ for information on housing options in the City of Davis (see Section 1.5 for information on how to obtain the Davis USENET FAQ). 5.2) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT WHERE TO EAT AT U.C. DAVIS. There are a number of places to eat on campus. However, most people eat at the Silo or the Coffee House. 5.2.1) What kind of food can I get at the Silo? There are several fast food restaurants at the Silo, and the Silo Pub serves a good sit-down lunch. 5.2.2) What kind of food can I get at the Coffee House? The Coffee House has a large variety of foods prepared the way you like them. 5.2.3) Where else can I get something to eat on campus? You can purchase meals at the dorms, eat at the Sub City in Wyatt Pavillion (on the main part of the U.C. Davis campus near Putah Creek), go to one of the espresso carts found at various locations on campus, or use one of the many vending machines scattered around the campus. The town of Davis also has a number of restaurants on the edge of the campus as well. See the Davis USENET FAQ for more information (see Section 1.5 for information on how to obtain the Davis USENET FAQ). 5.3) RECREATION AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES AT U.C. DAVIS. 5.3.1) What sort of social activities are there on the U.C. Davis campus? Movies, plays, concerts, sporting events, etc. take place regularly on the U.C. Davis campus, as well as many recreational activities and special events that take place from time to time. Movies are shown in Chem 190 at a low admission price and the Departments of Music and Drama sponsor a number of public concerts and theater productions. See Section 3.5 for more information about sporting events. RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES ON CAMPUS. Readers with a web browser may wish to visit the following URLs for more information on recreational activities on campus at U.C. Davis: Craft Center < > Equestrian Center < > Outdoor adventures < > MU Art Gallery < > Recreation Pool < > Summer Youth Program < > Campus Recreation. Contact Campus Recreation at (916)752-1730 to request a catalog or visit the Campus Recreation's Home Page on the World Wide Web: < > Campus Cinema. Call (916)752-FILM for information on the dates and times of films being shown by the UC Davis Campus Cinema. All films are shown in Chem 190. The Memorial Union (MU) Games Area. The MU Games Area contains Davis' only bowling alley and one of the few pool halls where those under the age of 21 can go. For more information, readers with a web browser may visit the MU Home Page on the World Wide Web: < > Presentations by the Departments of Music, Drama, and Dance. [New] For information on the events sponsored by the Departments of Music, Drama, and Dance, visit the MUSDRA Home Page on the World Wide Web (< >). SPECIAL EVENTS ON THE U.C. DAVIS CAMPUS. [Rev] UC Davis Presents. Contact UC Davis Presents at (916)757-3199 on information on the cultural events that it sponsors. Readers with a web browser may visit the UC Davis Presents Home Page on the World Wide Web: < > Picnic Day. Picnic Day is an annual day long festival that takes place at U.C. Davis on a Saturday during April. Every department of the university participates and sponsors special events. For example, King Hall (the U.C. Davis law school) sponsors the Neumiller competition on Picnic Day, featuring oral arguments between the top two Moot Court teams from the year long Appellate Advocacy program. The Whole Earth Festival. The Whole Earth Festival, described by one commentator as the "U.C. Davis Freak Show," is a week long event that takes place in April and is sponsored by the Experimental College. It can best be described as a celebration of alternate lifestyles that centers around environmental awareness (for better or for worse). 5.3.2) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES. Should I rush the Greek System? [Rev] That's a personal decision, but it's not a very hard one for most people to make. The Greek system is primarily a social institution. Those people who want to join a fraternity or sorority in the greek system usually want to make new friends. Personally, I think that pledging such a fraternity is a waste of valuable time that could be put to better use; Greek sororities are generally kinder and gentler than Greek fraternities and do serve useful social purposes for women who are away from home for the first time. In a recent discussion on (< >), many people drew a distinction between the "social fraternities" and "other fraternities" (i.e., "community service fraternities") within the Greek System, particularly the co-ed fraternities. However, in my personal opinion, this is not a meaningful distinction. While the attempts to create kinder, gentler fraternities within the Greek System are laudable (and sometimes even successful), if you wish to join an organization that serves the community, there are already many such organizations outside of the Greek System that do just that. All groups generally suffer from some type of dysfunctional behavior, but the Greek System is a dinosaur that poisons the hearts and minds of most of the young people whom it touches. Nonetheless, there are many people who do not know any better or simply enjoy being part of an organization -- any organization -- that gives them a sense of belonging, no matter what the cost. All who enter the Greek System, abandon hope of thinking for yourself. Please note that many organizations that are not part of the Greek System use Greek letters to identify themselves (e.g., honor societies). Indeed, I am a member of a legal fraternity, Phi Delta Phi, with a chapter at King Hall. However, be very skeptical about the purpose of any organization that identifies itself with Greek letters and purports to be independent of the Greek System. What is the purpose of hazing pledges? The hazing of pledges is all about power. Those pledges who submit themselves to hazing will usually do so voluntarily because they have a strong desire to become a member of a fraternity and acquire the power to haze others. Such people do not respect fraternities and fraternity members who do no hazing at all. Thus, those people who haze pledges are more powerful and influential than those who do not. Unfortunately, most people who haze pledges are former victims of hazing themselves. By becoming a perpetrator, one can escape the role of victim while being rewarded with intoxicating popularity. And such popularity can hide a multitude of character flaws. Isn't hazing illegal? [Rev] Many things are illegal, but that doesn't mean that they don't take place. You should expect to get hazed if you join a fraternity, *any* fraternity, so be ready to tolerate a certain amount of hazing and to draw the line and say no to someone who tells you to do something that is illegal or morally repugnant to you. Hazing is the price of belonging to a fraternity. On December 5, 1995, the Leeza show focussed on some instances of fraternity hazing that had tragic consequences ("Frat Boys: Hazed and Abused"). Unfortunately, the message was not one of personal responsibility. Most people on the show advocated stricter anti- hazing laws and greater enforcement of the anti-hazing laws that are already in force. Only one young man on that show pointed out the awful truth that no one warned him of what to expect from the Greek System during his college orientation. While I am not an official spokesperson, I am here to warn you about the Greek System. Some of my best friends are proud members of Greek fraternities, and when they witness hazing they speak up. However, they are not always around when hazing happens, so much of the hazing that does occur gets swept under the rug. - - - - - End Document: The U.C. Davis USENET FAQ Part 3 of 6 Frequently Asked Questions at and about U.C. Davis (c) Copyright 1995 & 1996 by David F. Prenatt, Jr. King Hall, 1995 Alumnus U.C. Davis School of Law University of California Davis, CA 95616-5210 < > Link to Next Document: < > - - - - - User Contributions: |
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