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[rec.scouting.*] Skits, Yells & Creative Campfires (FAQ 9)

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Skits, Yells & Creative Campfires (FAQ 9)
Previous Document: Skit - THE MAGIC DOCTOR'S CHAIR
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The scene is that three scout leaders are sitting around the campfire
swapping yarns, after having had a little too much of the amber nectar
to drink.

[Note: this skit is adapted from the "We were poor" sketch from
"Monty Python live at City Center" -- Danny]

1st leader:     These scouts today don't know they're born.  I can
remember the scout hut that we had.  There was a hole in the roof,
which let the water in when it were raining.

2nd leader:     A roof with a hole in it, that were luxury.  We had
an old tarpaulin sheet slung over the rafters.  Us older lads had to
hang onto it during the meetings, case it blew away in the wind.

3rd leader:     Rafters, now there's a luxury.  When I was a scout our
hut had no roof at all, and we kept out the rain with some old bits
of sack, held up with twigs.

1st leader:     We couldn't get twigs.   We had to hold the roof up
with our bare hands.  Those were the days.

2nd leader:     I remember when us lads used to go to camp.  We
loaded all our gear onto an old army truck and drove to the campsite
singing songs.

3rd leader:     We had no time for singing.  We used to pull all our
gear along on an old cart with wooden wheels.  And the wheels used
to get bogged down in the mud.

1st leader:     A cart with wheels, now that's what I call a luxury.
We just had an old cardboard box to put all our camping gear in, and
when it rained all our gear would get soaking wet, and fall into the
mud, but we were happy.

2nd leader:     Yes, those were the days.

3rd leader:     We had some nice tents though, big green six manners.

1st leader:     Six manners , luxury, our tents were so small, you
had to sleep sitting up.

2nd leader:     We didn't have any tents at all in my troop.  We used
to curl up in a hole that we'd dug in the ground, but we were happy.

3rd leader:     We couldn't afford a hole in the ground, we used to
sleep in a puddle.

1st leader:     Yes these youngsters today don't know they're born,
but if you told them all these things they would never believed you.

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Skits, Yells & Creative Campfires (FAQ 9)
Previous Document: Skit - THE MAGIC DOCTOR'S CHAIR

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM