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[rec.scouting.*] Skits, Yells & Creative Campfires (FAQ 9)
Section - Skit - the Medicrin

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                        The Medicrin

              as recorded by Wayne McCullough
                 (original Author unknown)

There  once  was a  medieval  village named  Trinsic.   This
village   was  being  terrorized  by  a  vile  monster,  the
Medicrin.   Each night,  the Medicrin would  stalk down from
the hills, and devour one of the villagers.

The  terrified villagers  called a  meeting, and  decided to
pool  their  money together  to  hire the  great  hero Erik.

Erik  came and listened to  the complaints of the villagers.
He  consulted his  Great Hero's  Book of  Vile Monsters, and
learned that Medicrins love to eat Loons.

So  Erik hunted high and low to  find a loon.  He found one,
captured it, tied it up, and brought it back to the village.
He then had the villagers dig a deep pit.

Erik  threw the  loon into  the pit,  hoping to  capture the
Medicrin, and slay it.

     That night, the Medicrin came . . .

          It smelled the loon . . .

               But  it also smelled DANGER,  and it ran off,
devouring one of the villagers on the way out.

After  calming  the  villagers,  the  next  day,  Erik again
consulted  his  Great  Hero's  Book  of  Vile  Monsters, and
learned that Medicrins also love sugar.

So  Erik gathered  up all of  the sugar in  the village, and
threw  it into the pit.  The loon, not having eaten in days,
devoured all of the sugar in a single gulp.  Erik was struck
with  panic, and ran to and fro trying to figure out what to
do  next, but  night had fallen,  and the  Medicrin would be
there  soon, so Erik crossed his  fingers, and hoped for the

     That night, the Medicrin came . . .

          It smelled the loon . . .

               It smelled danger . . .

                    But  it also smelled  the sugar, and the
Medicrin  dived into  the pit, and  devoured the  loon.  The
villagers swarmed over the Medicrin, and slew it.

          The moral of the story:

     "A loon full of sugar helps the Medicrin go down."

The  story calls for a narrator, a Hero, a Medicrin, a Loon,
and  assorted villagers.   The narrator should  have a loud,
clear  voice.  There should be at least three villagers, but
the more, the merrier (up to ten).

The  narrator  should  read the  story,  and  the characters
should act out the parts.  I personally feel no props should
be used, and only the narrator should speak.

The  narrator should read the  story slowly and dramatically.
Purely  from the spoken point of view, the only humor in the
entire  story  is  the  final  punch-line.    However, minor
slapstick should be employed by the actors.

This  is  amusing mostly  because of  the punch-line.   This
story should not be evoked in excess.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM